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Most of the following words are taken from the text on Epidemiology. Complete
the blanks with appropriate words.


de s c r iption de s c r ibe de s c r iptive

pr e dic tio n pr e dic t pr e dic tive
(1)_______________ pr e ve nt pr e ve ntive
inf e c tio n inf e c t (2) ______________
c ontr ibutio n (3) ______________ c o ntr ibuting
po llutant po llute po lluting
po llute d
(4) ______________ po pulate P o pulo us
po pulate d
(5) ______________ no ne e nvir o nm e ntal
analys is (6)_______________ analytic
analytic al
c olle c tion (7)_______________ c o lle c tive
c har ac te r is tic s (8)_______________ ?
(9)_______________ no ne pr e vale nt
lo c atio n (10)______________ (11)*_____________
c om m unity no ne c o m m unal

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