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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Transpulmonary thermodilution (PiCCO) measurements in

children without cardiopulmonary dysfunction: large
interindividual variation and conflicting reference values
Guro Grindheim, Jo Eidet & Gunnar Bentsen
Division of Emergencies and Critical Care, Oslo University Hospital – Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway

What is already known

• The PiCCO system has been used to measure cardiac output in children. However, there is inadequate data in
children for additional variables such as Global End-Diastolic Volume Indexe (GEDVI) and Extravascular
Lung Volume Indexe (EVLWI).
What this article adds

• Values obtained by the PiCCO system in children have a wide range, and should therefore be interpreted with
caution. Current reference values published for GEDVI and EVLWI are not applicable in children.

Keywords Summary
thermodilution; hemodynamics; children;
reference values; cardiac output; intensive Background: The PiCCO system, based on transpulmonary thermodilution,
care is one of the few tools available for continuous hemodynamic monitoring in
children. However, published data for some of the derived variables reveal
Correspondence indexed values that seem questionable.
Dr G. Bentsen, Division of Emergencies and
Aims: The aim of this study was to collect data from hemodynamically nor-
Critical Care, Oslo University Hospital –
mal children and compare these to existing reference values. Furthermore, we
Rikshospitalet, PO Box 4950 Nydalen,
NO – 0424 Oslo, Norway sought to explore if indexing some of the variables differently could improve
Email: the clinical application of the obtained values.
Methods: This is a prospective observational study in a tertiary university
Section Editor: Chandra Ramamoorthy hospital including 31 children without cardiopulmonary disease scheduled for
major neurosurgery. Measurements were performed after induction of general
Accepted 11 January 2016
Results: Median age was 8 months. PiCCO-derived median Cardiac Index
(CI) was 3.8 lmin 1m 2 (range 2.6–6.6), reference range 3.0–5.0, median
Global End-Diastolic Volume Index (GEDVI) was 366 mlm 2 (range 269–
685), reference range 680–800, whereas median Extravascular Lung Water
Index (EVLWI) was 12 mlkg 1 (range 7–31), reference range 3–7. All mea-
sured variables had a high interindividual variation, especially in children
weighing less than 15 kg.
Conclusions: Values obtained by the PiCCO system in children have a wide
range, and should therefore be interpreted with caution. Current reference
values published for GEDVI and EVLWI are not applicable in children; the
former is too high and the latter too low, and should not guide clinical prac-
tice. Indexing by other physiological indices may reduce this problem. Using
current variables, we find GEDVI 280–590 mlm 2 and ELWI 7–27 mlkg 1
to be typical ranges for children.

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Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424
G. Grindheim et al. Normal values for PiCCO-variables in children

the case for the variables GEDVI and EVLWI. The

measured GEDVI in critically ill children was most
Monitoring of cardiac output (CO) and systemic vascu- often below, and EVLWI above reference values. These
lar resistance (SVR) is helpful in evaluation and treat- observations corresponded well with published data (6–
ment of critically ill children. However, there is no gold 10). The discrepancy between the reference values and
standard for this purpose. The use of Swan Ganz cathe- the measured values for GEDVI and EVLWI in children
ters and Fick-based calculations are very limited in clini- is noteworthy and warrants reference values for preload
cal practice. The PiCCO system (Pulsion Medical and lung function variables in children to be established
systems SE, Feldkirchen, Germany) is one of few avail- and made known to clinicians.
able options for CO monitoring in children (1). This sys- Some studies have reported a correlation between
tem combines transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) CI and GEDVI (7,11), and one study also indicated a
and continuous waveform analysis (CWA). The lower good prediction of fluid responsiveness from GEDVI
weight limit of application is considered to be 3.5 kg (12). Spontaneous breathing efforts impair the use of
(2–4). the dynamic volume responsiveness variables, stroke
By tradition, hemodynamic monitoring includes mea- volume variation (SVV), and pulse pressure variation
surement of variables such as CO and SVR. With the (PPV), to guide fluid therapy. Therefore, GEDVI has
PiCCO system, new variables were introduced, such as been used for this purpose in children. Such practice
the cardiac preload variable Global End-Diastolic Vol- however, based on variable reference values, may leave
ume (GEDV) and the pulmonary edema variable the critically ill children at risk of volume overloading.
Extravascular Lung Water (EVLW). It is widely accepted that volume overloading is associ-
A good overview of the technical aspects of TPTD ated with increased morbidity and mortality in the
and how measurements are generated is given by Sakka context of severe sepsis and severe respiratory failure
et al. (5). In short, CO measurement is based on the use (13).
of the Stewart–Hamilton formula in the same way as in We designed a prospective observational study aiming
pulmonary artery catheter-based measurements. The to collect data that enabled the establishment of valid
difference is that the detection of thermodilution is not reference values for hemodynamic variables derived by
done in the pulmonary artery, but in an artery distal to the PiCCO system in children without cardiopulmonary
the aorta, most often in the femoral artery. For the volu- dysfunction. All previously published data are based on
metric measurements, assumptions are made. One starts measurements in severely ill children or animals, except
off by calculating the total volume in which the ther- the study by Lemson et al. (6), which was performed in
modilution occurs, the Intrathoracic Thermal Volume a catheterization laboratory. We aimed at achieving
(ITTV). This is calculated by multiplying CO with the standardized conditions during data collection. Lastly,
mean transit time (MTt) of the indicator. Multiplying we aimed at exploring whether indexing the hemody-
CO with the exponential downslope time of the ther- namic variables by other physiological indices, such as
modilution curve (DSt) gives the volume of the largest age, height, weight, and BSA, could explain the discrep-
single volume in which thermodilution has occurred, the ancy between the existing reference values and measured
Pulmonary Thermal Volume (PTV). Subtracting PTV values in children.
from ITTV gives GEDV, which should approximate the
blood volume of the heart. In order to calculate EVLW,
Materials and methods
one first has to calculate the Intrathoracic Blood Vol-
ume (ITBV). This is estimated by GEDV 9 1.25. How- The study protocol was approved by the Regional Com-
ever, this estimation is challenging in children due to the mittee for Medical and Health Research Ethics and
value of this constant varying from 1.5 in the newborn complied with the Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
to 1.2 in the adult (6). Finally, EVLW is generated by The trial was registered at with Identi-
subtracting ITBV from ITTV. The calculations are listed fier NCT01283529. Parents signed written informed con-
in Appendix 1. sent before their child was included in the study. The
During the last 10–15 years, this monitoring modality study was performed in a tertiary university hospital
has gradually been introduced in the pediatric intensive with a dedicated pediatric anesthesia service.
care unit (PICU) at our hospital. The values obtained
for variables such as Cardiac Index (CI) and Systemic
Study population
Vascular Resistance Index (SVRI), were consistent with
both the clinical presentation and the reference values The study population consisted of children scheduled for
published by the manufacturer. However, this was not major neurosurgery involving craniotomy. Monitoring

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Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424
Normal values for PiCCO-variables in children G. Grindheim et al.

with both arterial line and central venous catheter

Sample size
(CVC) is standard practice for such procedures. All
patients with a history of pulmonary or cardiac disease The aim of this study was to collect reference values for
were excluded. No patients had any clinical signs of children; consequently, we would ideally want a sample
increased intracranial pressure at the time of surgery. size of more than 120. However, due to a limited num-
The children were in a supine position, sedated, and ber of patients possible to include within a reasonable
mechanically ventilated during the hemodynamic mea- time span, we had to accept a sample size of about ¼ of
surements, similar to the context in which the PiCCO the ideal.
system is likely to be applied in critically ill children in
the PICU.
Statistical analysis
All data were tested for normality according to
Treatment protocol
Shapiro–Wilk. Results from descriptive statistics are
Optional premedication was provided with oral presented as mean with standard deviation or median,
midazolam 0.4 mgkg 1, maximum 10 mg. After estab- interquartile range, and range as appropriate. Main out-
lishing monitoring with ECG, blood pressure, and come variables are tested for linear relationship to possi-
pulse-oximetry, general anesthesia was initiated with ble indexing variables by applying the least square
thiopentone 5 mgkg 1, fentanyl 2 lgkg 1, and regression line. Calculations were done using SPSS ver-
cisatracurium 0.15 mgkg 1 directly or presided by sion 21 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).
inhalation of sevoflurane. Orotracheal intubation was
completed and positive pressure ventilation was initi-
ated with a tidal volume (TV) of 8 mlkg 1 and posi-
tive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 4 cmH2O. Thirty-one children, 11 girls and 20 boys, were included
Ventilation frequency was adjusted to a target endtidal between February 2011 and December 2013. None were
CO2 of 5.3 kPa. Anesthesia was maintained with excluded after inclusion. Twenty-seven were under
isoflurane targeted at 1 MAC. Central venous access 2 years of age; median age was 8 months (range 3–
was established via the right internal jugular vein or 134 months). Twenty-six patients had craniosynostosis,
subclavian vein with 6 cm (MultiCath 3lumen, 4.5Fr. three cerebral tumor, one arterio-venous malformation
1233.061, Laboratories Pharmaceutiques VYGON, (AVM), and one encephalocele. None had any known
Ecouen, France), 8 cm, or 13 cm CVCs (2-lumen, 4 pulmonary or cardiac disease. Patient characteristics are
Fr. TI-15402 VING/CS-144402, ARROW, Teleflex presented in Table 1. There were no severe complica-
Incorporated, Wayne, PA, USA). The PiCCO injectate tions. One patient developed discoloration of the leg due
temperature sensor housing (PV4046 Pulsion Medical to the femoral arterial cannula. The leg quickly regained
systems SE, Feldkirchen, Germany) was attached to normal circulation after removal of the cannula.
the central venous catheter. Arterial access was estab- The hemodynamic variables derived by the PiCCO
lished via the femoral artery with either 3 or 4Fr. system are presented in Table 2, which also includes the
PiCCO catheter (PV2013L07-A/PV2014L08-A; Pulsion reference values of the PiCCO variables published by
Medical systems SE). Data were transferred by Infinity
PiCCO Smartpod (MS16734; Dr€ ager Medical AG &
Co., L€ ubeck, Germany) to Dr€ ager Infinity Delta XL Table 1 Patient characteristics
Monitor (Dr€ager Medical AG & Co.).
The study measurements were performed as soon as Median IQR Range

the cannulations were completed and the patients were BW (kg) 9.1 4.2 4.0–38
stable. In accordance with the manufacturer’s recom- Height (cm) 73 16 57–143
mendations, the transpulmonary thermodilution mea- BSA (m2) 0.40 0.14 0.24–1.23
surements were done with iced saline, 3, 5, or 10 ml
Mean SD Range
depending on patient weight. A minimum of three injec-
tions were made, not accepting a difference in EtCO2 (kPa) 5.2 0.47 4.0–5.9
CO > 15% between the three measurements that were HR (min 1) 123 23 69–160
MAP (mmHg) 55 8.5 34–74
used for averaging. After the measurements were done,
the study ended. As our primary aim was to explore BW, body weight; BSA, body surface area; EtCO2, endtidal CO2; HR,
GEDVI and EVLWI, no values obtained by pulse con- heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SD, standard deviation; IQR,
tour analysis were included. interquartile range.

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Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424
G. Grindheim et al. Normal values for PiCCO-variables in children

Table 2 Indexed PiCCO variables

Median IQR Range 5th–95th percentile Reference values

CI (lmin m )
1 2
3.8 1.35 2.6–6.6 2.9–6.3 3.0–5.0
GEDVI (mlm 2) 366 148 269–685 283–592 680–800
EVLWI (mlkg 1) 12 9 7–31 7–27 3.0–7.0

CI, Cardiac Index; GEDVI, Global End-Diastolic Volume Index; EVLWI, ExtraVascular Lung Water Index; IQR, interquartile range.

Table 3 Linear relation (r2) reference values are too high, and EVLWI values are
too low. This is line with findings from previous studies
Age (months) BW (kg) Height (cm) BSA (m2)
(7,14,15). CI measurements however, overlapped well
CO (lmin 1) 0.477 0.628 0.610 0.631 with current reference range (Table 2).
GEDV (ml) 0.807 0.862 0.862 0.879 Secondly, our results indicate that there is a wide
EVLW (ml) 0.278 0.309 0.343 0.331
range within all hemodynamic variables in children
r2 for the linear relation between different PiCCO variables and possi- without cardiopulmonary dysfunction which may limit
ble indexing variables, best values in bold. the clinical value of the PiCCO system in children weigh-
CO, cardiac output; GEDV, global end-diastolic volume; EVLW, ing less than 15–20 kg.
extravascular lung water; BW, body weight; BSA, body surface area. The PiCCO system is promoted as a continuous mon-
itoring device to aid the bedside clinical evaluation and
the manufacturer. In six patients, one extra injection management of critically ill patients. This concept is
had to be performed due to variation between measure- based on a continuous evaluation of the measured val-
ments before averaging. In our study population, 26 of ues in comparison to an established reference range of
31 CI measurements were within the published reference normality. Hence, clinical therapy, such as fluid therapy
values. In contrast, most GEDVI and EVLWI values or vasoactive medication, is adjusted in order to bring
were outside of published ranges. GEDVI values were the patient closer to that reference range. If restoration
substantially lower than the published reference values. of GEDVI to the existing reference values is used to
Only 1 of 31 values was within the published reference guide volume therapy in the pediatric population, there
range, and this value was an outlier in our material and is a substantial risk of fluid overloading, which is associ-
numerically just above the published lower limit. All the ated with increased mortality and morbidity in critically
EVLWI values were above the published reference val- ill patients (13). Furthermore, elevated EVLWI in the
ues. There was a wide range within all measured vari- context of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
ables, including CI. The wide range was most evident in is reported to be associated with increased mortality
children weighing less than 15 kg and with a body sur- (16). Using the existing reference values for EVLWI as a
face area (BSA) less than 0.7 m2. goal for fluid balance may cause a risk of dehydration in
Table 3 shows r2 for the linear relation between the children.
measured PiCCO variables and possible indexing vari- The discrepancies between the available reference val-
ables. The best correlation for both CO and GEDV was ues and the measured data for GEDVI are not surpris-
found to be with BSA, which is the variable currently ing. Data from MRI, echocardiographic, and
used for indexing. For EVLW, the best correlation, catheterization studies on left ventricular volumes in
although poor, is found with height, whereas this vari- children show that when indexed to BSA, the value is
able is indexed to BW. lower in a small child compared to a bigger child or an
adult (17–19).
Lemson et al. (20) have discussed the reasons by
which the current normal values for GEDVI and
To our knowledge, this is the first study to publish EVLWI are misleading in children, and propose equa-
PiCCO data from children without cardiopulmonary tions for correction. Such equations could presumably
disease, perhaps with the exception of recent data from be incorporated into the software of the device. How-
children obtained at the end of an ICU stay (14), and ever, such a practice would provide fairly abstract data
our results add important information about reference and susceptibility to compounding of errors.
values for children. The results confirm that the refer- Another approach would be to try to find other ways
ence values for GEDVI and EVLWI published by the of indexing. GEDV is indexed to BSA, yielding GEDVI
manufacturer do not apply in children. The GEDVI with the unit mlm 2. Lemson et al. (20) point to the

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Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424
Normal values for PiCCO-variables in children G. Grindheim et al.

fact that as a child grows, the end-diastolic blood vol- Having found presumably accurate reference ranges
ume (EDV) of the heart increases with a factor of five at does not automatically make a variable useful in clinical
the same time as the BSA increases with a factor of setting. Even though our measurements were done under
three. The example given is that EDV increases from stable conditions in children without cardiopulmonary
25 ml with a BSA of 0.5 m2 to 125 ml at 1.5 m2 (21,22). deficiency, the interindividual variance was substantial
This means that indexing GEDV by BSA introduces a for all variables, particularly in children less than 15–
significant error for small children. BW on the other 20 kg. The observed variation was, however, especially
hand, increases with approximately a factor of five, a pronounced for EVLWI, displaying values ranging from
good match to the change in EDV. The MRI, echocar- 7 to 31 mlkg 1 (Table 2). In contrast, the intraindivid-
diographic, and cathetrization studies on left ventricular ual agreement was excellent. We are left only to specu-
volumes in children mentioned above confirm these late that the significant interindividual variation is
dependencies (17–19). We therefore suggest that GEDV related to aspects of the PiCCO system and not to the
could be better indexed to body weight, unit being children themselves. Proulx et al. conclude in a study
mlkg 1. In our material, we find almost the same r2 for from 2011 that further studies are needed to clarify the
the linear relation between GEDV and BW as for reliability and clinical value of EVLWI measurement
GEDV and BSA (Table 3). For EVLW, we suggest the with the PiCCO system (23). We find that our results,
opposite approach, from BW to BSA, from mlkg 1 to together with the results from Nusmeier et al. (14), fur-
mlm 2. We base our suggestion on evaluation of ideal- ther indicate that EVLWI is of little clinical value in chil-
ized adult values together with our pediatric data. This dren, at least when it comes to the use of absolute values.
conversion is also supported by the findings by Lemson There are limitations to our study. Our inclusion rate
et al. (20) from 2011. The same group suggests, how- turned out much slower than expected. As a result, we
ever, in a recent study to index EVLW by height (14), decided to end inclusion after 3 years, at the end of
and our data also show a marginal better r2 between 2013, ending up with only 31 patients. Nevertheless, we
EVLW and height, than between EVLW and age, BW, believe that the number of patients is sufficient to
and BSA (Table 3). However, an approach to index dif- demonstrate normal values and range of the measured
ferently needs ideally to be explored in studies including hemodynamic variables in children. Another limitation
both adults and children. is the skewed distribution across age and weight. This is
Finding and agreeing on better ways to index GEDV due to the timing of surgery for craniosynostosis, the
and EVLW may prove difficult, so for the time being majority of surgeries preferably being performed during
we find that there is an urgent need to provide age the first years of life. Retrospectively, adult patients
adjusted indexed hemodynamic values that clinicians should have been included. This would have enabled us
can use to guide their practice. Nusmeier et al. (14) to draw more robust conclusions concerning our sug-
recently published what they refer to as near-normal gested new ways of indexing GEDV and EVLW.
values of EVLWI in children. They suggest the use of Although no major adverse events occurred, one patient
the 5th to 95th percentile of their measurements as ref- presented signs of impaired circulation of the leg illus-
erence range. According to Nusmeier et al., the pedi- trating that femoral artery cannulation is a potential
atric population needs to be divided into three groups risk. Therefore, the use of PiCCO monitoring must be
based on age, yielding age adjusted reference ranges based on sound medical indications and monitoring of
for EWLVI; less than 1 year, 9–29 mlkg 1; 1–5 years, the circulation of limbs is mandatory.
7–25 mlkg 1; and 5–17 years, 5–13 mlkg 1. The cor-
responding 5th–95th percentile range for EVLWI from
our study is 7–27 mlkg 1 including all our patients
(Table 3). There is evidently good agreement between PiCCO-derived CI correlated with current reference val-
the findings in these two studies. The suggestion for a ues supplied by the manufacturer, but for GEDVI and
pediatric reference range for GEDVI based on our EVLWI, we found that these reference ranges should
findings would then be 283–592 mlm 2 (Table 2), or not be applied in children. In our population of children
280–590 mlm 2 in order not to imply unrealistic accu- without cardiopulmonary disease, 27 of 31 children
racy. As all but four of our patients were less than being less than 2 years old, we find a typical range for
2 years of age, we suggest that these ranges could be GEDVI to be around 280–590 mlm 2 and for ELWI 7–
used for children younger than 2 years. There is, 27 mlkg 1. Consequently, there seem to be no overlap
however, a need for data from a much larger number between adult and pediatric reference ranges for these
of patients across all ages, in order to define reliable two variables. In addition, the interindividual variation
reference ranges. was large, especially for EVLWI. In total, hemodynamic

422 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424
G. Grindheim et al. Normal values for PiCCO-variables in children

measures obtained by the PiCCO system should be Funding

interpreted cautiously in children. Management proto-
The study received no external funding.
cols based on PiCCO-derived values obtained in an
adult population are not applicable in children.
Conflict of interest
Ethics approval The authors report no conflict of interest.
The study protocol was approved by the Regional Com-
mittee for Medical and Health Research Ethics.

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CO – cardiac output (lmin 1)

Appendix 1
CI – Cardiac Index (3.0–5.0 lmin 1m 2)
Abbreviations, units, normal values SVR – systemic vascular resistance (dyn*scm 5)
SVRI – Systemic Vascular Resistance Index (1700–
BW – body weight (kg) 2400 dyn*scm 5m 2)
BSA – body surface area (m2) GEDV – global end-diastolic volume (ml)

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 423

Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424
Normal values for PiCCO-variables in children G. Grindheim et al.

GEDVI – Global End-Diastolic Volume Index (680– PTV = CO 9 DSt 9 1000/60

800 mlm 2) GEDV = ITTV – PTV
ITBV – intrathoracic blood volume (ml) GEDVI = GEDV/BSA
ITBVI – IntraThoracic Blood Volume Index (850– ITBV = GEDV 9 1.25
1000 mlm 2) EVLW = ITTV – ITBV
EVLW – extravascular lung water (ml) EVLWI = EVLW/BW
EVLWI – ExtraVascular Lung Water Index (3.0– These calculations are bases on the measurements the
7.0 mlkg 1) PiCCO device does during transpulmonary thermodilu-
ITTV – intra-thoracic thermal volume (ml) tion (TPTD), which are CO, MTt, and DSt. User input
PTV – pulmonary thermal volume (ml) is BW, height, and the volume of the injected indicator.
EDV – end-diastolic volume of the heart (ml) BSA is calculated according to Haycock (24) for BW
MTt – mean transit time less than 15 kg and according to Du Bois & Du Bois
DSt – downslope time (25) for BW > 15 kg.

Calculations made by the PiCCO device

ITTV = CO 9 MTt 9 1000/60

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Pediatric Anesthesia 26 (2016) 418–424

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