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Melbourne High School

Student Report
2023 - 2023 VCE Term One

Michael HAN 12J VSN: 576081670

VSN: 576081670
Reading the Melbourne High School Reports
Grades from A+ to E
UG (ungraded) - does not reach the lowest grade, or was submitted too late be graded
S (satisfactory) - means all outcomes have been achieved
N (not satisfactory) - means not all outcomes have been achieved or the coursework or school-assessed task
- was not submitted
- or the examination was not undertaken
- or there was a problem with authentication
S*- the work has been redeemed
N/A (not applicable) - applies to students who have been ill, on an extended exchange or there are extenuating circumstances

Note: internal MHS grades and medians for Units 3 & 4 course work and SACs are class based and do not necessarily correspond with the end-
of-year VCAA grades, which are moderated against the whole school cohort, the GAT and the external exam.

Teachers will award a score from a one to ten scale on the five learning habits.

Qualities of Skill Levels

Learning 10 – 9 8–7 6–5 4–3 2–1
Usually demonstrates Occasionally
Always demonstrates Often demonstrates a Rarely demonstrates a
a keen interest in, and demonstrates a keen
a keen interest in, and keen interest in, and keen interest in, and
positive engagement interest in, and
positive engagement positive engagement positive engagement
with, the subject, the positive engagement
with, the subject, the with, the subject, the with, the subject, the
learning process and with, the subject, the
learning process and learning process and learning process and
classroom activities. learning process and
classroom activities. classroom activities. classroom activities.
Usually takes an active classroom activities.
Always takes an active Often takes an active Rarely takes an active
role in class by asking Occasionally takes an
role in class by asking role in class by asking role in class by asking
and answering active role in class by
and answering and answering and answering
questions and asking and answering
questions and questions and questions and
initiating and questions and
Attitude initiating and initiating and initiating and
contributing to initiating and
contributing to contributing to contributing to
discussion. contributing to
discussion. discussion. discussion.
Usually requests discussion.
Always requests Often requests teacher Rarely requests
teacher feedback to Occasionally requests
teacher feedback to feedback to further teacher feedback to
further improve his teacher feedback to
further improve his improve his further improve his
knowledge and skills. further improve his
knowledge and skills; knowledge and skills. knowledge and skills.
Usually undertakes knowledge and skills.
undertakes and Often undertakes and Rarely undertakes and
and completes set Occasionally
completes set tasks completes set tasks completes set tasks
tasks with undertakes and
with thoughtfulness with thoughtfulness with thoughtfulness
thoughtfulness and completes set tasks
and thoroughness. and thoroughness. and thoroughness.
thoroughness. with thoughtfulness
and thoroughness.
Always demonstrates Rarely demonstrates
Often demonstrates Occasionally
improvement in his Usually demonstrates improvement in his
improvement in his demonstrates
understanding of improvement in his understanding of
understanding of improvement in his
ideas, knowledge, understanding of ideas, knowledge,
ideas, knowledge, understanding of
skills and application ideas, knowledge, skills and application
skills and application ideas, knowledge,
over a period of time. skills and application over a period of time.
over a period of time. skills and application
Always demonstrates over a period of time. Rarely demonstrates
Often demonstrates over a period of time.
that he has made Usually demonstrates that he has made
that he has made Occasionally
positive improvements that he has made positive improvements
positive improvements demonstrates that he
to the quality of his positive improvements to the quality of his
to the quality of his has made positive
Progress work over a period of to the quality of his work over a period of
work over a period of improvements to the
time. work over a period of time.
time. quality of his work over
Always takes note of, time. Rarely takes note of,
Often takes note of, a period of time.
and incorporates, Usually takes note of, and incorporates,
and incorporates, Occasionally takes
teacher feedback to and incorporates, teacher feedback to
teacher feedback to note of, and
improve the quality of teacher feedback to improve the quality of
improve the quality of incorporates, teacher
his work. improve the quality of his work.
his work. feedback to improve
Maintains a his work. Maintains an
Maintains a the quality of his work.
consistently Maintains a good level unsatisfactory level of
consistently high level Maintains a low level
outstanding level of of academic academic
of academic of academic
academic performance. performance.
performance. performance.
Always courteous and Often courteous and Usually courteous and Rarely courteous and
courteous and polite to
polite to the teacher polite to the teacher polite to the teacher polite to the teacher
the teacher and other
and other students. and other students. and other students. and other students.
Always actively Often promotes Usually promotes Rarely promotes
Occasionally promotes
promotes inclusion, inclusion, tolerance inclusion, tolerance inclusion, tolerance
inclusion, tolerance
tolerance and respect and respect for others and respect for others and respect for others
and respect for others
for others in class. in class. in class. in class.
Classroom in class.
Does not distract other Rarely distracts other Sometimes distracts Often distracts other
Tendency to distract
Behaviour students from students from other students from students from
other students from
completing their class completing their class completing their class completing their class
completing their class
work and from their work and from their work and from their work and from their
work and from their
learning. learning. learning. learning.
Is not easily distracted Rarely distracted from Sometimes distracted Often distracted from
Easily distracted from
from completing completing his class from completing completing his class
completing his class
his class work and work and from his his class work and work and from his
work and from his
from his learning. learning. from his learning. learning.

Occasionally brings
Always brings the Often brings the Usually brings the the required Rarely brings the
required equipment to required equipment to required equipment to equipment to class required equipment to
class (such as books, class (such as books, class (such as books, (such as books, pens, class (such as books,
pens, calculators, pens, calculators, pens, calculators, calculators, device). pens, calculators,
device). device). device). Occasionally punctual, device).
Always punctual, Often punctual, arrives Usually punctual, arrives on time to Rarely punctual,
arrives on time to on time to class and arrives on time to class and completes arrives on time to
class and completes completes work by the class and completes work by the due dates. class and completes
work by the due dates. due dates. work by the due dates. Occasionally work by the due dates.
Always completes all Often completes all Usually completes all completes all class Rarely completes all
class work promptly class work promptly class work promptly work promptly and class work promptly
and thoroughly. and thoroughly. and thoroughly. thoroughly. and thoroughly.
Always contacts the Often contacts the Usually contacts the Occasionally contacts Rarely contacts the
teacher to catch up on teacher to catch up on teacher to catch up on the teacher to catch up teacher to catch up on
missed work when missed work when missed work when on missed work when missed work when
absent from class and absent from class and absent from class and absent from class and absent from class and
informs the teacher in informs the teacher in informs the teacher in informs the teacher in informs the teacher in
advance when advance when advance when advance when advance when
knowing he will be knowing he will be knowing he will be knowing he will be knowing he will be
absent from class in absent from class in absent from class in absent from class in absent from class in
order to obtain order to obtain order to obtain order to obtain order to obtain
forthcoming work. forthcoming work. forthcoming work. forthcoming work. forthcoming work.
Always takes notes in Often takes notes in Usually takes notes in Occasionally takes Rarely takes notes in
class and organises class and organises class and organises notes in class and class and organises
his learning materials his learning materials his learning materials organises his learning his learning materials
in a logical way. in a logical way. in a logical way. materials in a logical in a logical way.

Always completes and Often completes and Usually completes and completes and Rarely completes and
submits homework submits homework submits homework submits homework submits homework
tasks on time. tasks on time. tasks on time. tasks on time. tasks on time.
Homework is always Homework is often of Homework is usually of Homework is not Homework is rarely, if
of a high quality, clearly a high quality, clearly a satisfactory quality, always of a high quality ever, of a quality to
demonstrating an demonstrating an demonstrating some to demonstrate demonstrate sufficient
understanding of understanding of understanding of sufficient understanding of
Homework knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and understanding of knowledge, skills and
application, or a application, or a application, or a knowledge, skills and application, or a
serious attempt to do serious attempt to do serious attempt to do application, or a serious attempt to do
so. so. so. serious attempt to do so.
Always takes into Often takes into Usually takes into so. Rarely, if ever, takes
account prior account prior account prior Occasionally takes into account prior
feedback in order to feedback in order to feedback in order to into account prior feedback in order to
improve the quality of improve the quality of improve the quality of feedback in order to improve the quality of
his knowledge, skills his knowledge, skills his knowledge, skills improve the quality of his knowledge, skills
and application. and application. and application. his knowledge, skills and application.
and application.
Michael HAN 12J VSN: 576081670
Melbourne High School - 2023 - 2023 VCE Term One

VCE Chemistry Unit 3&4 Miss Danielle THOMAS

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

As prescribed by the VCE Chemistry Study design, the Unit 3 chemistry course is designed to enable students to compare fuels quantitatively with
reference to combustion products and energy outputs, apply knowledge of the electrochemical series to design, construct and test galvanic cells,
and evaluate energy resources based on energy efficiency, renewability and environmental impact.

Learning Habits

Attitude Progress Class behaviour Organisation Homework


Very Good



Very Poor

Term 1 1 1 1 1

Assessment Task

S/N Letter Grade

Task 1: Unit 3 Outcome 1 SAC S A

Formal practical report based on the practical activity 'Investigation of the relationship
between enthalpy of combustion and carbon chain length' completed under test

Task 2: Online quizzes S B+

Result of three online tests. Note: This is a formative assessment only. The grade is a
reflection of your son's progress during Term 1 and attitude to homework.
VCE English Unit 3&4 Ms Amanda CARROLL

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

In Unit 3 students read and respond to texts analytically and creatively. They analyse arguments and the use of persuasive language in texts.
Students refine their skills in creating written and spoken texts.

Learning Habits

Attitude Progress Class behaviour Organisation Homework


Very Good



Very Poor

Term 1 1 1 1 1

Parent Teacher Interview

Interview Recommended No

Assessment Task

S/N Letter Grade

Task 1: SAC 1 S A+
Analysis of Argument and Language
VCE Japanese Unit 3&4 Ms Yuko INABA

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 95

The Languages courses at this level emphasise the integration of listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing. The programs aim at enhancing
students’ critical response to a variety of spoken and written texts related to the VCE prescribed themes: Individual, Communities and Changing
World. Students also develop intercultural awareness and analytical thinking skills by investigating a cultural or sociological topic in a complex

Learning Habits

Attitude Progress Class behaviour Organisation Homework


Very Good



Very Poor

Term 1 1 1 1 1

Parent Teacher Interview

Interview Recommended No

Assessment Task

S/N Letter Grade

Task 1: Unit 3 Outcome 2: Interpretive Communication S A

Interpret information from texts and write responses in Japanese
VCE Maths Methods Unit 3&4 Ms Sok Pin BEH

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 95

Mathematical Methods 3/4 extends the study of simple elementary functions to include combinations of these functions, algebra, calculus,
probability and statistics, and their applications in a variety of practical and theoretical contexts. The course also provides background for further
study in, for example,
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), humanities, economics, and medicine.

Learning Habits

Attitude Progress Class behaviour Organisation Homework


Very Good



Very Poor

Term 1 1 1 1 1

Parent Teacher Interview

Interview Recommended No

Assessment Task

S/N Letter Grade

Task 1: Class Assessment S A+

Tasks set by individual teachers, which may include tests, assignments, and on-line
VCE Specialist Maths Unit 3&4 Mr Wai Yuen FONG

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

Specialist Mathematics 3/4 extends content from Mathematical Methods 3/4 to include rational and other quotient functions as well as other
advanced mathematics topics such as complex numbers, vectors, differential equations, and statistical inference. The design of the course assumes
concurrent study or previous completion of Mathematical Methods 3/4. It also provides background for advanced studies in mathematics and other
STEM fields.

Learning Habits

Attitude Progress Class behaviour Organisation Homework


Very Good



Very Poor

Term 1 1 1 1 1

Parent Teacher Interview

Interview Recommended No

Assessment Task

S/N Letter Grade

Task 1: Class Assessment S B+

Tasks set by individual teachers, which may include tests, assignments, and on-line

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