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The Bible is full of examples on how God has used small group of people to accomplish His purposes
from the very start of human civilization till the time of Christ and even afterwards. God used Noah’s
family of eight. Moses divided God’s people as advised by his father-in-law to facilitate his leadership.
Jesus chose twelve men out of the many who professed their willingness and enthusiasm to follow Him.
And the first believers met together in small groups in different homes.

It was through these small units that the first believers made known the message of Christ all over the
Roman Empire. They met regularly as a big fellowship but their most intimate fellowship times were
done in small groups.

Read Acts 2:42-47

The Four Components of Small Groups:

Everybody in the church recognized the authority of the apostles.
Since these men have been with Jesus and taught what He had
taught, their teaching was the standard, authoritative word – the
equivalent of the present Bible. So, the “devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching” – that is, they submitted themselves to the
authority of their teaching. Thus, they were receiving from the Lord
and were being nourished by His Word! Nurture results to a
response of awe towards God (v.43).

They had formal worship in the temple courts and informal worship in
the homes. Theirs was not a drab nor mechanical worship but was
done gladly and sincerely. Worship was their spontaneous response to
God’s greatness and goodness. They didn’t have it “programmed” or
“tuned on” with stately music and sensational calls for worship. As we
seek to apply His Word, we are nurtured and we lift up to Him our
praise and thanksgiving!

They had a strong sense of belonging and a deep kind of
togetherness as God’s people. This was expressed not only
through their regular fellowship times and communion dinners
but through the sharing of their good. Theirs was not a superficial
fellowship. They showed their love by meeting the needs of each

Their generosity and concern were not limited to themselves.
They “gave to anyone as he had need.” “They enjoyed the favor
of all the people”. Their life together had a strong impact in the
community. The result was amazing – “the Lord added to their
number daily.” For sure they must have shared many things
about the Lord Jesus whom they were worshipping. But more
that their verbal sharing was the quality of life they have shown
to others, characterize by their submission to the teaching of Christ, the supernatural deeds of
the apostles, their vibrant and joyful worship, their intimate fellowship, their mutual love for
one another and the generous sharing of their goods to the needy.
ACTS 2:42-47

In Acts 2:41, there were about 3,000 believers that accepted God’s message and were baptized. From
120 disciples (Acts 1:15) grew up to 3,000 believers.

These believers “devoted themselves” to these four essential practices. The Greek word for “devoted” is
one that is used in the context of marriage and vows. The believers are faithful, committed, and
dedicated to these practices:

1. Apostles’ Teaching:
 Everyone in the church recognize the authority of the apostles because they have been
with Jesus.
 They submitted themselves to the authority of the teaching of the apostles.
 Acts 2:37, when the people heard the message, they were cut to the heart.
 Today it is referred to us as the Bible.
 Learn, share, and study God’s word.
 How are you currently devoting yourself to studying God’s word?
2. Fellowship:
 Koinonia = sharing life that includes both give and take
 Verse 44: They had everything in common. They share everything they have.
 Verse 45: They even sell their properties and possessions to give to anyone who had
 Do you belong to a group where you share your life at a deeper level, including your joys
and struggles?
3. Breaking of Bread:
 They remember the death of Jesus Christ through partaking the Lord’s Supper.
 Luke may also mean breaking of bread into something more general: shared meals at
 By eating meals together, they took time to hear what was really going on in each
other’s lives.
 Do you have a standing commitment to “break bread together” with anyone in your life?
Take the initiative and make a meal happen this week.
4. Prayer:
 Acts 1:14: They all joined together constantly in prayer.
 Acts 2:47: They praise God and enjoy the favor of all the people.
 What are the practices that you do to remain devoted in prayer?

 In verse 43, “Everyone was filled with awe”. They were amazed with the signs and
 In verse 47, the Lord added to their number daily. God is at work with them by
increasing the numbers of believers.

“If you want to get a New Testament growth, use a New Testament methodology.”
Pastor Rick Warren

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