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I. Fill the blanks with the words in the box.

ship menu desert refund treasure
terrible complaint luggage sightseeing credit card
1. I don’t have any cash. Can I use my … to pay for it?
2. You need a large … to sail on the sea.
3. We went … around Paris. It was beautiful!
4. I don’t like hot places, so I didn’t go to … last year.
5. What do you want to eat? Take a look at the ….
6. Gold and silver are types of ….
7. She had so much … that she needed to take taxi to the airport.
8. Last holiday, I went to a restaurant. The food was …, and the waiter was very rude. So,
I made a … and asked for the ….

II. Write the past form of the verbs, then write “R” if the verb is regular verb and “I” if
the verb is irregular verb.
play – played (R)
write – wrote (I)

1. fix - … 6. buy - … 11. tell - …

2. say - … 7. sweep - … 12. visit - …
3. put - … 8. enjoy - … 13. ring - …
4. chat - … 9. teach - … 14. know - …
5. work - … 10. find - … 15. submit - …

III.Fill the blanks with the right verb form.

1. It … (be) hot in the room, so I … (open) the windows.
2. The accident … (happen) last Sunday afternoon.
3. Yesterday, Amy … (walk) along the road when she … (meet) James.
4. I … (sit) in a café when you … (call) yesterday.
5. Susan … (watch) a movie last night when she … (hear) the noise.
6. What … they … (do) last night at 10 p.m.?
7. When he … (walk) into the room, everyone … (work) this morning.
8. On the last holiday, we … (visit) Rome, … (see) the Vatican and … (spend) a few days
at the beach.
IV. Change the sentences.
1. (+) They were doctors several years ago.
(-) …
(?) …

2. (+) …
(-) He didn’t give a present for his friend who celebrated birthday yesterday.
(?) …

3. (+) …
(-) …
(?) Did you learn English with your friends two days ago?

4. (+) …
(-) …
(?) Did they drink a glass of milk before went to school this morning?

5. (+) …
(-) Ms. Barbara and Mr. Alex did not teach us in junior high school last year.
(?) …

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