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Correcting Sentences without Changing the Meaning Succes: n Luna fo Unless ES Renato If Troy t sho Step #1: Identify the grammatical intention of the sentence: present simple? present led progressive? past simple? etc he 2jc me The insiswe. a Step #2: Identify mistakes in the y. following parts of speech: subjects, adjectives, nouns, possessive adjectives, Prepositions itis inacceptable to ask people how old they is. Lucio said his wife not to opened that suspicious package. The movie have been nominate twice in the past. 40. The president says that he is very pleased with the country's progress. Step #3: Check punctuation marks: periods? question marks? commas? apostrophes? Correcting Sentences without Changing the Meaning 1. I he doesn't come with us, he will miss the program. vo 2 "ey TOLD nomi hy BB teed ay help. Vv 3, You will see the bus stato wien you ‘come out of the mall. Vv If Paula doESn't take this car now, she WILL HAVE to wait for 2 days for the next one! 5. We are going to HAVE breakfast with my relatives at 6.00 am, so try TO GET out of work eA . Before she GOT to work this morning, her boss had already STARTED the meeting with the WE ek rus, ne waft pany wth stay. 8. The content of this book was excitING. | was really fascinaTED with the story line. Vv 9. lam quite DISsatisfied with the test result. | am very iterestED in knowing the what the mistakes were. v 10. By the time one reached the airport yesterday the plane HAD already departed. aa

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