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Family Life


Was arranged by the father. It was seen as an extension of the family, rather than the establishment of a new family.
As such, the woman would be expected to leave her families home and live with her husbands family. She would be
expected to submit to her husband, her various in-laws (particularly her mother-in-law) and eventually her son.


The Confucian ideal taught that family was the basic building block of society, and the role of women was therefore
to be largely domestic. They were subject to the three subordinations (to their father, their husband and finally their
son). Foot binding was also a common practice for women in the upper classes. There were examples of women who
wielded exceptional power, such as the Dowager Empress Cixi, who effectively ruled from 1861 – 1908.

Watch this YouTube video on Foot Binding and add to your notes


A typical home for a wealthier family may have up to 100 different family members. Only blood relatives of the father
were considered to be part of the ‘true-family.’

In wealthier families servants, maids and even concubines were considered part of the household.


Were expected to obey their parents when they were young and look after them in their old age or illness. A
disrespectful child would bring great shame to the family. As daughters would inevitably leave the family home, boys
were more sort after. They would be named simply ‘Daughter One’, ‘Daughter Two’ etc. The eldest son would be
responsible for carrying on the family name and leading ancestral worship.
Religion and Culture

Is a humanist philosophy, not a religion, this is because it is concerned with how people should behave, not gods and
the supernatural. This belief had been universally accepted in China for centuries as was the basis of society.

It emphasized the importance of Filial Piety, an ethic based on deep respect for elders or those in a position of
superiority over you.

The Five virtues Write your definition for each term in your books
Humanness (or altruism)
Etiquette (or propriety)

The Five basic relationships of Confucianism

● Ruler (benevolent) and subject (loyal)
● Father (loving) and son (obedient)
● Older brother (gentle) and younger brother (respectful)
● Husband (good) and wife (attentive)
● Older friend (considerate) and younger friend (deferential)


Founded by the Chinese philosopher Laozi in the 6th Century BCE. It is considered a religion as it does have a
supernatural deity that is worshiped. Teaches everything in the world is connected and must be kept in balance. The
popularity of Doaism declined during the Qing Dynasty as the ruling dynasty were suspicious of it due to its Chinese
origins. Represented through the ying-yang symbol.

Came to China from India and received more support from the Qing. Three main beliefs:
Belief Write your definition for each term in your books
Avoid harm

Ancestor Worship
Most Chinese families were dedicated to the daily worship of dead ancestors. This practice linked closely with all
three of the main religious practices in China.

One room in each house would contain a number of wooden spirit tables, one for each ancestor. Incense would be
offered in the hope the dead could help the living members of the family succeed.

Watch this YouTube video on Religion in China and add to your notes

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