Terry Barista

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Barista Assessment Sheet



Barista Workspace Yes No

1 point 0 point
Espresso machine surfaces and general area clean And tidy? Not
Grinder surfaces and area clean? no
Barista tools and accessories in right place? no
Cloths in place to wipe steam and bench? no

Espresso Yes No
1 point 0 point
Group head flushed with fresh water to remove oils of previous coffee? no
Group basket wiped before loading from grinder? no
Grind coffee to correct dose? yes
Minimum spill of grinds while dosing? yes
Top rim of group portafilter wiped before inserting into machine? no
Extract coffee immediately after inserting group head? yes
Correct volume of coffee extracted? Not
Extraction time (Please mark score out of 5 - 1 being bad 5 being desired extraction 1 2 3 4 5
Used coffee cake removed from groups after coffee extraction no
Group head flushed after use? Not
Group handle returned to machine without coffee cake inside to stay no

Milk Yes No
1 point 0 point
Clean milk jug/pitcher used? yes
Correct size milk jug/pitcher used? yes
Begun with correct amount of fresh milk? no
Steam purged before milk texturing? Not
Milk textured to correct temperature? yes
Steam wand wiped immediately after use? no
Steam purged immediately after milk texturing? no

Pouring Yes No
1 point 0 point
Barista has poured the correct amount of milk and foam for the intended yes
Beverage has a nice contrast between crema and foam? (brown and no
Latte Art? (Please score beverages Latte Art out of 5) 1 2 3 4 5
Beverage presented and served correctly in accordance with premises Not
Please score beverage between 1 and 5 for overall taste 1 2 3 4 5
Milk returned to fridge when not in use? no

Cleaning Yes No
1 point 0 point
Clean clothes in place at machine? Not
Steam wand and steam tips clear of used milk? Not
Group handle and portafilters clean of coffee oils? no
Grinder and surroundings clear of loose grinds? no
Barista competent in back flushing procedure? yes
Left over beans in grinder removed and stored correctly? no
Barista work area clean and tidy? Not

In using espresso machine, Dennis needs a first approach, practise, focus, and
determination. His limited knowledge includes understanding execution,
machine familiarity, shot extraction, cleaning, tamping, and putting utensils in
the right place.

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