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Jurnal 1 : Analisis Pengaruh Person Organization Fit Dan Person Job Fit Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai
Melalui Komitmen Afektif.
Jurnal 2 : The Roles Of Person Job Of Fit And Job Satisfaction On Work Engagement In Employees
Of Company X Semarang.


Latar Pengelolaan organisasi yang baik Industrial development changes

Belakang/ pada suatu instansi pemerintahan rapidly along with developments in
Historis bergantung kepada sumber daya information technology, it has a tight
manusia. Oleh karena itu, ASN yang impact in terms of competition and
mewakili tidak bisa dipegang causes changes to the business
sembarang orang, karena memerlukan environment, including the garment
persiapan untuk pegawai yang industry. It makes the industrial world
kompeten di bidangnya. Hal ini need to be ready accept that many
diharapkan agar ASN dapat competitors already have more modern
memberikan pelayanan yang baik technologies and more supportive HR
untuk memiliki semangat kerja, etos (Human Resources).
kerja, serta kinerja yang baik, dan
yang konsisten bagi kepentingan One of the growing companies in
masyarakat luas. garment manufacturing sectoring is
company X. In 2016, company X had
Setiap individu pastinya memiliki 173.92 million sales targets with
latar belakang yang berbeda, maka growth of 13.9% compared to 2015.
sangat penting bagi instansi melihat However, in 2017 the number of sales
apa saja kebutuhan maupun harapan targets tended to decrease compared to
pegawainya. the previous year. It is due to business
competition from various companies
Jika instansi dapat memenuhi hal in the same field. The increase in sales
tersebut maka lebih mudah bagi can be seen in employees' work
instansi untuk menempatkan performance and job satisfaction.
pegawainya pada posisi yang tepat
sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja In 2013, company X conducted a job
pegawai dan tujuan juga akan tercapai satisfaction survey that showed that
(Purwanto, 2012). the employees’ job satisfaction index
was 72%. Based on the benchmark
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk from Wijaya Karya company, it is
mengetahui bagaimana person known that if the job satisfaction index
organization fit dan person job fit has reached 80%, it is no longer
berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai adequate to conduct a job satisfaction
melalui komitmen afektif. survey because this figure is already at

In 2014, company X conducted a work

engagement survey, the result was
40.27%. These results are below
world-class benchmark results (The
average of Gallup states : 67%). It
means the level of work engagement
of company X is low and needs to be

Based on the problems and the results

of the survey that has been done, it is
necessary to analyze work engagement
in employees. Then, no research
discusses the role of a person's job fit
and job satisfaction with work
engagement. Therefore, the
researchers want to study further
whether there is a role of job person fit
and job satisfaction on work
engagement at company X Semarang.

Metode/Teknik Jenis Penelitian : Kuantitatif. Jenis Penelitian : Kuantitatif.

Data Skala Pengukuran : Skala Likert 1-5. Skala Pengukuran : Skala Likert.

Metode Analisis : PLS (Partial Least Metode Analisis : Multiple Regression

Square) menggunakan software Analysis
SmartPLS 3.
Populasi : 116 employees of PT X
Populasi : 40 pegawai kantor cabang Semarang that have been worked > 3
dinas pendidikan wilayah Kota tahun.
Surabaya (karena <100 maka diambil
keseluruhan). Teknik Pengambilan Sampel : Non
probability sampling with purposive

Ringkasan Penelitian ini membuktikan terdapat There is a positive and significant role
Hasil pengaruh signifikan positif person of perceived organizational support
Pembahasan organization fit terhadap kinerja and career resilience on work
pegawai. engagement in employees of company
X Semarang.
Person organization fit tidak
berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Higher the perceived organizational
komitmen afektif. support and career resilience, the
higher the work engagement.
Person job fit tidak berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. The lower the perceived organizational
support and career resilience, the
Person job fit berpengaruh signifikan lower the work engagement.
positif terhadap komitmen afektif.
The study shows that there is a high
Komitmen afektif berpengaruh work engagement of employees of
signifikan positif terhadap kinerja company X Semarang. Then,
pegawai. employees’ perceptions of the support
provided by the agency are in the high
Implikasi manajerial penelitian ini category, where it proves that there is a
adalah perlunya pemimpin melakukan positive perception of the company’s
peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas support for employees , as well as
bimbingan pada pegawai dengan employees of company X Semarang
mengadakan bimbingan konseling who can adapt well so that they can
antar pegawai yang membahas overcome all forms of adverse events
kendala pekerjaan dilapangan. so that they can improve work
Kemudian membuat aplikasi layanan engagement. It can be used to assess
tentang guru dan tenaga kependidikan and improve the quality of human
untuk mempermudah pelayanan resources in Office X Semarang.

Perbedaan Variabel Dependen : Person Variabel Dependen : Person Job Of Fit

Jurnal 1 dan Organization Fit dan Person Job Fit. dan Job Satisfaction.
Jurnal 2
Variabel Independen : Komitmen Variabel Independen : Work
afektif. Engagement.

Metode Analisis : Partial Least Metode Analisis : Multiple Regression

Square. Analysis.

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