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Title: How social inequality is transmitted to generations

II. Introduction:

Social inequality is a complex and multifaceted issue that has been present

throughout history. Many people do not receive the opportunities and benefits that come with

holding distinct social positions or statuses within a group or a society due to their color,

ethnicity, gender, class, and a variety of other social markers.

Unfortunately, the issue of social inequality is a condition that is frequently passed down

from generation to generation, which results in a cycle of disadvantage for certain groups

within society.

One of the primary ways in which social inequality is transmitted between generations is

through the inheritance of wealth and resources. Families who have accumulated wealth and

assets over time are able to pass these down to their children, providing them with

opportunities and advantages that are not available to those who come from less affluent


In addition to financial resources, social inequality is also perpetuated through unequal access

to education and job opportunities. Children from affluent families are often able to attend

better schools and receive higher quality education, which can open doors to better-paying

jobs and positions of power. Those from less fortunate backgrounds may not have the same

access to educational opportunities, which can leave them at a disadvantage when it comes to

competing for jobs and advancing in their careers.

Furthermore, social inequality can be perpetuated through biases and prejudices that are

passed down from generation to generation. For example, if parents hold beliefs or attitudes

that discriminate against certain groups, their children may also internalize these biases and

perpetuate them in their own lives.

III. Need of this study:

To this day, the issue of social inequality still exists, and the search for more

reasons why and ways to eliminate the century-old societal issue is still on. In this research,

one of the reasons why social inequality still exists is how it gets transmitted from a

generation to another. Scenarios of people with an affluent background oftentimes have

plenty of opportunities and rewards, readily being lent to them, while people from less

fortunate families need to keep their shoulder to the wheel to have the same things, still

happens all the time. Another thing that gets passed down through generations is the biases

and prejudices against certain groups, which results, social inequality through racism, sexism,

class discrimination, and other forms of prejudices.

The study on how social inequality is transmitted to generations is needed. It will help people

of the society to open their eyes and find the root of the problem, which is the unending cycle

of social inequality being passed to generation and to another, and cease the problem once

and for all.

IV. Conclusion, Summary, & Recommendation:

To summarize and conclude, social inequality is a complex issue that is

perpetuated through a variety of mechanisms. Addressing this problem will require a

concerted effort to provide equal opportunities and resources to all members of society,
regardless of their background or circumstances. Only by breaking the cycle of inequality can

we create a more just and equitable world for future generations.

For future researchers, this concept paper may help with research relating to social issues,

social injustices, and of course social inequality. The proponents recommend researching

more articles relating to the issue, you may also use the references below for more


V. References:


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