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Vol 32, No 3, September 2007 Original Article

Differentiation of Glomerular from Non-

Glomerular Hematuria by Three Different
Methods of Microscopic Examinations of
Erythrocytes in Urine

A. Abolfathi, A. Hosaininasab, H. Argani Abstract
Background: Morphological examinations of urinary eryth-
rocytes can be of diagnostic value in initial evaluation of he-
maturia. Dysmorphic urinary red blood cells are known to in-
dicate a glomerular origin of bleeding. We examined the clini-
cal usefulness of this test in a population complained of hema-
turia by use of three different methods: light microscopy,
phase contrast microscopy, and Wright staining and compared
their sensitivity and specificity.

Methods: The study included 169 patients with hematuria (89

glomerular and 80 non-glomerular). The urine specimens were
collected before invasive procedures such as biopsy and cysto-
scopy. In each urine sample, 100 urinary erythrocytes were
examined. Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t
test, correlation coefficient, and x². Reliability parameters in-
cluding sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of nega-
tive and positive tests were also evaluated.

Results: Dysmorphic red cells were recorded as acanthocytes,

doughnut-like cells, yeast like cells with more than one blebs
and ghost forms. Isomorphic erythrocytes had uniform size
and shape. Significant difference was found in the number of
urinary dysmorphic red cells between the two groups of pa-
tients. Statistical analysis showed that by using percentage of
glomerular type erythrocytes and setting the cut–off at 20-
25%, the specificity for three procedures was almost the same
(≈ 97.5%). But sensitivity for light microscopy, phase contrast
microscopy, and Wright staining was in different ranges as
Department of biochemistry,
70.7%, 89.8%, and 86.5% respectively.
Faculty of Medicine,
Imam Khomeini Hospital, Conclusion: It was concluded that with some limitations, these
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
Tabriz, Iran.
simple, non-invasive techniques were useful in identifying the
source of bleeding in the work up of hematuria by considering
Correspondence: that sensitivity of the methods were in the order of phase con-
Aliakbar Abolfathi PhD,
Department of biochemistry, trast microscopy, Wright staining, and light microscopy.
Faculty of Medicine, Iran J Med Sci 2007; 32(3): 163-168.
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
Tabriz, Iran.
Tel/Fax: +98 411 3364666 Keywords ● Red blood cell ● morphology ● hematuria ●
Email: microscopy

Iran J Med Sci September 2007; Vol 32 No 3 163

A. Abolfathi, A. Hosaininasab, H. Argani

Introduction Serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine,

and glucose and complete blood count (CBC) of

valuation of the cause of hematuria is patients were also checked. The patients with
a common diagnostic problem in abnormal morphology of red blood cells in pe-
clinical practice. Standard invasive ripheral blood and MCV less than 75 fl or end
investigations of these patients are expensive stage renal failure were excluded.
and potentially harmful.
Morphological examinations of urinary eryth- RBC morphology study
rocytes were suggested by Fairly and Birch,1 in Ten ml of urine was centrifuged at 2000
an attempt to find out methods to be cost effec- rpm (400g) for 10 min and sediment was re-
tive and low risk for initial evaluation of hema- suspended in 0.5 ml of supernatant. One drop
turia. In various studies, morphological exami- of sediment was then examined by light mi-
nation of urinary erythrocytes by phase contrast croscopy (×400) and phase contrast micros-
microscopy,1-3 electron microscopy,1,4 or light copy (×400) by a Zeiss microscope with phase
microscopy with and without staining,5-7 has contrast attachment. In each sample of urine,
established differences between erythrocytes 100 urinary erythrocytes were examined.
from glomerular and non-glomerular sources. After adding one drop of 5% human serum
Erythrocytes of glomerular origin are usually albumin into urinary sediment and mixing it, a
small, and fragmented with variations in size and drop of suspension was placed on to the glass
shape (dysmorphic). Erythrocytes of non- slide and air-dried smear was prepared. The
glomerular origin are largely uniform, resembling smears were then stained with 0.3g/100 Wright
normal peripheral red cells (isomorphic), al- stain according to the method used by
though a variable number may lose their hemo- Chang.11 The slides were covered with cover
globin (ghost cells) and few may be crenated.7,8 glass. One hundred red cells were examined
Hematology autoanalyzers have been also by high power (×1000) and checked for the
used to provide a more objective assessment of percentage of dysmorphic, isomorphic, hy-
urinary erythrocyte morphology to differentiate pochromic and normochromic RBCs.
glomerular from non-glomerular hematuria.9,10 Statistical analysis was performed using
Because sensitivity and specificity of various Student's t test, correlation coefficient, x², and
methods used in different studies are contradic- cross tabulation using SPSS software (version
tory, we aimed to compare the three different 11-0). All the values are reported as means ±
microscopic methods; light microscopy (LM) SD. Reliability parameters including sensitivity,
with and without Wright staining and phase con- specificity and predictive values of negative
trast microscopy (PCM) to find out the most and positive tests were also evaluated.
sensitive and specific method for differentiation
of glomerular from non-glomerular hematuria. Results

Materials and Methods The diagnosis of the 169 patients with hema-
turia on the basis of the clinical picture and re-
Patients' selection and specimens' collection sults of the appropriate investigations in radiol-
The study included 169 patients referred to ogy, cystoscopy, pathology and immunohistopa-
nephrology and urology wards of Imam thology were established. Of these 169 patients,
Khomeini hospital affiliated to Tabriz University hematuria was considered glomerular in 89
of Medical Sciences since October 2001 to (53%) and non-glomerular in 80 (47%) patients.
September 2003 with the complaint of hema- The mean age of the patients with glomerular
turia. Glomerular and non- glomerular renal hematuria was 35±17 and with non-glomerular
disease were detected by intravenous pyelo- hematuria was 46±20 years.
graphy (IVP), ultrasonography, cystoscopy, or Statistical analysis (x² test) did not show sig-
renal biopsy. The urine microscopy was per- nificant difference in the number of red blood
formed by two observers who were blinded to cells in the urine samples between the two
the final diagnosis. groups of patients (p> 0.5).
The urine specimens were collected before Morphology of urinary erythrocytes as iso-
invasive procedures such as biopsy and cysto- morphic and dysmorphic with different micro-
scopy. Thirty ml of fresh morning midstream scopic methods including W.S, PCM and LM
urine was obtained. Urine samples were ana- were studied. Dysmorphic red cells were re-
lyzed by dipstick for albumin, pH, sugar, and corded as acanthocytes, doughnut–like cells,
blood. The specific gravity of urine samples was yeast like cells, spherical cells with more than
controlled by ERMA refractometer. The speci- one blebs and ghost forms of erythrocytes. In
mens with pH more than 8 and less than 5 and contrast to these, isomorphic erythrocytes had
specific gravity less than 1010 were excluded. uniform size and shape (figures 1, 2). As noted in

164 Iran J Med Sci September 2007; Vol 32 No 3

Differentiation of glomerular from non-glomerular hematuria by examinations of erythrocytes in urine

red blood cell

red blood cell

red blood
cell ×400

Light Microscopy (LM) Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM)

Figure 1: Isomorphic and dysmorphic red blood cells in urine by LM and PCM.

Isomorphic red blood cell ×1000 Dysmorphic red blood cell ×1000
Figure 2: Wright's stain smear of urinary sediment. Not isomorphic and dysmorphic RBC.

table 1 there was significant difference for dysmorphic erythrocytes be considered as

(p<0.0001) in the number of urinary dysmorphic ≥ 20% of whole red cells count, 75 patients
red cells between the two groups of patients. studied by light microscopy, 86 patients by
The two groups of patients were compared phase contrast microscopy, and 84 patients by
based on the presence of ≥ 20%-25% of dys- Wright staining out of the 89 patients will be
morphic erythrocytes in urine specimens and diagnosed as having glomerular hematuria. In
the results listed in table 2. If the cut off point 80 patients with non-glomerular hematuria, 5

Iran J Med Sci September 2007; Vol 32 No 3 165

A. Abolfathi, A. Hosaininasab, H. Argani

patients studied by light microscopy and 2 pa- could have diagnostic value for differentiation
tients studied by phase contrast microscopy of non-glomerular from glomerular hematuria,
and Wright staining had 20% or more dysmor- especially by Wright staining method.
phic RBCs respectively. If the cut off point for In this survey also significant increase in
dysmorphic RBCs be considered≥ 25%, these ghost cells were observed in glomerular hema-
figures for patients with glomerular hematuria turia compared with non-glomerular hematuria
will be 63, 80 and 77 respectively. (p<0.001).

Table1: Source of hematuria determined by conven-

tional evaluation
Disease Number of
Glomerular disease 89
Crescentic glomerulonephritis (CGN) 6
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 24
Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis 4
Focal and segmental glomerulonephritis 15
Minimal change nephrotic syndrome 2
Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis 16
Post infection glomerulonephritis(PIGN) 2
IgA nephropathy (IgAN) 2 Figure3: Comparison of Reliability parameter in detection of
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) 6 glomerular hematuria with ≥20% dysmorphic urinary red blood
(AM) 1 cells in three different methods.
Systemic lupus erythematous 9 Sen=sensitivity, Spe=specificity, PVP=positive predictive
Goodpasture s disease (GP) 2 value, PVN=negative positive predictive value, Eff=efficiency
Urological disease 80
Renal calculi 40
Bladder cancer 15 To find the most sensitive method among
Urethral cancer 2 the three methods, statistical analysis showed
Prostate cancer 1 that both phase contrast microscopy and
Benign prostate hypertrophy 10
Post-transurethral resection 6 Wright staining were more sensitive than light
microscopy to differentiate dysmorphic from
Table 2: Comparison of mean value of dysmorphic uri-
isomorphic erythrocytes. There was no signifi-
nary RBCs in two groups of G and NG patients by three cant difference between phase contrast mi-
methods. croscopy and Wright staining in diagnosis of
NG=80 G=89
P value dysmorphic RBCs. Correlation coefficients of
Mean±SD Mean±SD 0.93, 0.94 and 0.99 were obtained respectively
LM 7.8±5.7 36.2±15.2 <0.0001 when phase contrast microscopy with light mi-
PCM 8.3±6.6 48.7±18.4 <0.0001
W.S 7.9±6.1 46.6±18.1 <0.0001 croscopy, Wright staining with light microscopy
G=glomerular hematuria, PCM=phase contrast microscopy, and phase contrast microscopy with Wright
NG=Non-glomerular hematuria, W.S=wright staining, staining were compared.
LM=light microscopy
Analysis of variance did not show signifi-
cant difference between number of dysmorphic Hematuria is the most prevalent clinical finding
RBCs and origin of glomerular hematuria of kidney and urinary tract disease. With re-
(p>0.5). To find out differential cut off between spect to its origin it could be divided to glome-
the number of dysmorphic RBCs and origin of rular and non-glomerular.12 The cause of red
hematuria, reliability parameters (sensitivity, cell deformity which is used for differential di-
specificity, positive predictive value, negative agnosis is still speculative. Different factors
predictive value, and efficiency) were calcu- including, mechanical damage caused by pas-
lated (figure 3). These results revealed that 20- sage of red blood cells through the glomerular
25% diagnostic "cut off" can be used by all basement membrane,13 and biochemical
three methods to differentiate glomerular from changes (e.g osmolality, pH, urinary protein),
non-glomerular hematuria (figure 3). are assumed to be associated with dysmorphic
Urine sediments stained by Wright staining transformation of urinary erythrocytes. Exami-
showed significant increase in hypochromic nation of urinary erythrocyte morphology has
red cells in patients with glomerular hematuria been proposed to differentiate glomerular from
compared with patients with non-glomerular non-glomerular hematuria since 1979.15 After
hematuria (p<0.001). So hypochromic red cells nearly 25 years of this approach, reported

166 Iran J Med Sci September 2007; Vol 32 No 3

Differentiation of glomerular from non-glomerular hematuria by examinations of erythrocytes in urine

diagnostic rates are variable. The morphologi- (87-90%) in this study is in agreement with
cal definition of a dysmorphic erythrocyte,16-18 some other reports.2,28,29
and absolute number of dysmorphic erythro- Although according to the above-mentioned
cytes necessary to make diagnosis of glomeru- criteria, we found that phase contrast microscopy
lar bleeding,19,20 are widely variable. The clini- and Wright staining methods were more sensi-
cal use of examination is also controversial. tive than light microscopy, but it still can be
In attempt to suggest definite criteria for useful in the presence of skilled cytopathologist
glomerular bleeding from non-glomerular in or expert nephrologists to investigate morphol-
this study, two parameters were found to be ogy of urine erythrocytes properly.
more important: glomerular and non- Our study confirms that examination of
glomerular shape of urinary erythrocytes in- erythrocytes in the urine with these methods is
cluding size and form and percentage. The first simple, inexpensive, non-invasive and repeat-
report of variation in size and shape of urinary able that permits an accurate distinction be-
red blood cells in more detail was described by tween glomerular and non-glomerular hema-
Birch and Fairly,15 who correlated changes with turia. These methods do not lead to a definite
clinical information. They recorded crenate and diagnosis, but do enable the selection of the
uniform as normal and anisocytes with abnor- most appropriate test and thus avoid unneces-
mal shapes as dysmorphic. While Fassett and sary, often invasive diagnostic procedures.
his colleagues,21 reported echinocytes as ab-
normal but Kohler and Eveline,22 described References
echinocytes and stomatocytes as normal red
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