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Name Saad Fazal Qureshi Roll. 01-211082-114 BBA IV C

Q.1- What was your score on Jung Typology Test?





Strength of the preferences %

33 %

38 %

50 %

33 %

Q. 2 - Describe briefly your personality type? How much you agree or disagree with the personality description? (100-150 words).

Ans: As a result conclude my personality ENTJ (Extraversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judgment) which is an abbreviation used in the publications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). ENTJs are among the rarest of types, accounting for about 25% of those who are formally tested. They tend to be self-driven, motivating, energetic, assertive, confident, and competitive. They are often sought out as leaders due to an innate ability to direct or influence groups of people. Unusually influential and organized, they may sometimes judge others by their own tough standards, failing to take personal needs into account. And I am 90% agreed with the result of this quiz. Q. 3 According to test findings, does your personality align well with your course of study/majors? Justify (100-150 words).

Ans: According to my test findings, I think my personality does align with my course of study/majors, as business studies needs more of an extravert person, to deal with the client in an intelligent way and according to the test I am 33% extravert. Same is the case with my judging ability, I am not bad in judging, but having 33% of judging ability I believe I can judge well, which is also important being into the field of business. While, my thinking power is the highest in the result, hence this is another characteristic that a business man should have command on, that is my thinking power will help me to think about various innovative ways to earn a great margin.

Q. 4 Name 3 famous personalities whose personalities matches with that of yours? Also explain using examples of common traits? Ans: Jim Carrey - actor (like him thoroughly thinks a situation through before deciding upon a course of action) Bill Gates - Microsoft Founder ( as like him believe in hard working and success) Steve Jobs - Chairman and CEO, Apple Inc. ( as like him every time try to introduce something innovative)

Q. 5 What insight you gained with your personality profile? How this personality profile will facilitate you in your academic and professional life? Ans: I think that I am a deep thinker and innovator. I dont have any personal feeling for anything. I am so intuitive person. And I am always ready for the adventurous journey being an extraverted personality. And it takes some time for me to get into final conclusion because for me judgment matters a lot.

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