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The Newsletter Issue 4 is a part of the informative material concerning the aims and activities of the project and it intends to disseminate and promote the main project outcomes. The e-learning pilot course for Enhancing headmasters skills on school management and European project development
Within the European Project AHEAD "Web based PBL training to improve headmasters skills and promote an innovative school" the project consortium announces the start of the AHEAD ecourse Enhancing headmaster skills on school management and European project development by the end of January 2011. The registrations to the updating training course for the headmasters are still open in Poland, Italy, Greece and Malta up to the 21st of January 2011. The course will be implemented simultaneously in 5 European Countries (Poland, Italy, Greece, Malta and Turkey). One class of about 10 and 15 high school headmasters per country will be arranged in each country. The course will last 80 hours on average and it will be available in about 5 months.

The methodology and the didactic contents

The AHEAD Course - Enhancing headmasters skills on school management and European project development is addressed to the high school headmasters. It includes a number of didactic modules to develop knowledge, PBL case studies/scenarios to develop practical skills, and case studies/scenarios carried out by the same headmasters as project work which will be uploaded on the PBL repository. The PBL methodology will allow to establish a greater cooperation among learners allowing the sharing of own experiences through the study and the analysis of real cases and the peer training opportunity. PBL basic motivation consists on the fact that the learners acquire the ability to use fact (knowledge) to solve problems. They do not learn about problems but they are challenged by them in order to out the solution to solve them. Knowledge is considered as a mean not as a final achievement. What is changing in a PBL approach is the angle, the assumptions of the teaching activity: neither a pure lecture based training activity or a practical experience on the job training, nor a work based training but a learning strategy which exploits cognitive and metacognitive approach. In detail, the e-course Enhancing headmasters skills on school management and European project development includes 18 hours of theoretical knowledge, 32 hours of development of practical skills through the virtual PBL methodology, 20 hours of project work.

The e-course for the theoretical knowledge includes four modules divided as follows:
1 module "Team working" 2 module "Team leadership and team building" 3 Module School Management 4 Module "Fundraising and EU funds" 5 Module "Project Management"

The PBL session content is divided as follows: 1 case study/scenario Team working 2 case study/scenario Team leadership and team building 3 case study/scenario Fundraising and EU funds" 4 case study/scenario Project management

How to participate to the AHEAD e-course

In order to participate to the course selection procedures candidates should: be Headmaster know the English language be able to use a personal computer and have access to the internet connection

It is still possible to enroll in Poland, Italy, Greece and Malta up to the 20th of January filling the registration form in the AHEAD Web site. emid=76&lang=en In Turkey the enrollment is closed in order to have exceeded the number of available places. More information about the AHEAD e-course are available on the AHEAD web site ( ( Or you directly can contact the AHEAD staff by e-mail

Dissemination and Promotion events A fourth interim meeting among partners has been arranged in Rome (Italy), 3/4 November 2010. It aimed at debating on the experimentation phase, with particular attention to the procedures for selecting the course participants. It aimed also to trainee the tutors and facilitators who will coordinate the PBL sessions.

Some pictures of the meeting in Rome (Italy).

Some of AHEAD staff took part in international events in order to promote the project. Consorzio For.Com. attended the Second International Conference LEADING AHEAD 2010, in Bolzen (IT) on October 7th- 9th 2010. For more details, please, visit the Conference website

Picture of the LEADING AHEAD Conference in Bolzano.

Consorzio For.Com. attended the ICERI 2010 Conference, in Madrid (ES) on November 15th- 17th 2010. For more details, please, visit the Conference website

Picture of the AHEAD project presentation (ICERI 2010 Conference in Madrid).

EPAL AXIOUPOLIS promoted the AHEAD project during the WIE 2010 Workshop on Informatics, 11 September 2010, Tripoli (Greece).
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EPAL AXIOUPOLIS promoted the AHEAD project during the 14th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 10-12 September 2010, Tripoli (Greece).

The Academy of Management (PL) promoted the project objectives and products during the Organisations of the future new challenges in the competitive economy conference, 27-29 May 2010, Zakopane (Poland). Consorzio FOR.COM. (IT) promoted the AHEAD results and products during GUIDE International Workshop New Challenges for E-learning in cultural, scientific and socioeconomic development, 18-19 March 2010, Rome (Italy).

Picture of the AHEAD project presentation (GUIDE Workshop in Rome).

Consorzio For.Com. (IT) presented the project in the framework of the SEEP training session Foresight Methodology and Technology for Blended Learning, 30 November 2009 and 01-02 December 2009, Rome (Italy).

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