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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

Research Article

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Filipinos

John Miguel Barrocamo*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Vaccine hesitancy was widespread among Filipinos during the initial stages of COVID-19
vaccination in the Philippines. However, as time passed, the vaccine hesitancy rate in the Philippines
decreased as some Filipinos came to prioritize their protection against the virus over the potential
adverse effects of vaccinations. While some Filipinos are beginning to accept COVID-19
vaccinations, others remain fearful of the vaccine's adverse effects and refuse to receive it. As a
result, this study employed a descriptive-correlational approach to describe and analyze Filipinos'
attitudes toward vaccines and their relationship with COVID-19 vaccine reluctance. Additionally,
two hundred forty-two (242) citizens who were eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations were selected to
participate in the data collection procedure for this study. The researcher then collected the needed
data for this study using the 42-item Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Complacency
Scale. The findings indicated that the respondents had a favorable attitude toward vaccines, with a
high rate of vaccination acceptance and a low rate of vaccine hesitancy. To ascertain the existence of a
relationship between the variables, the null hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 level of significance.
The statistical analysis conducted in this study established a relationship between respondents'
attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Finally, the findings of this
study were examined and reviewed, and recommendations for future studies were made.

Keywords: Vaccine Hesitancy, Covid-19 Pandemic, Filipinos, Vaccine Efficacy, Vaccine Side

Introduction from 2017 to 2018. With that said, this controversy has
played a considerable part in the perceptions of the
Vaccine hesitation is the inability to accept or refuse Filipinos regarding the benefits of the available
immunizations despite their availability. Also, this is vaccines in the country, particularly during this
the act of rejecting the vaccination services offered to COVID-19 pandemic.
them. Furthermore, it blocks the benefits that a person
can get from vaccination. Hossain et al. (2021) Moreover, the effects of the Dengvaxia controversy
explained that the vaccination process is one of the were seen during this pandemic. With that said, the
most excellent medical field features since it protects vaccine hesitancy rate of the Filipinos was high during
society from various infectious diseases. It also the first stages of the COVID-19 vaccinations in the
Philippines. However, as the months passed by, the
contributes to the declining morbidity and mortality
vaccine hesitancy rate in the Philippines decreased
rate from certain vaccine-preventable diseases like
because some Filipinos had now considered their
influenza and hepatitis B. Hence, vaccination
safety from the virus instead of being afraid of the side
programs are being recommended by the WHO
effects of the vaccines. With that said, even though the
throughout the world to decrease the risk of those who
Filipinos are now starting to accept COVID-19
remain susceptible in their country, which can help
vaccinations, some are still afraid of the vaccine's side
prevent the occurrence and prevalence of vaccine-
effects, and they still refuse to be vaccinated.
preventable diseases. So, because of the majority of
vaccine hesitancy, the citizens may not get the benefits As Alvarico et al. (2021) studied, the mothers
of vaccination, which can be responsible for the positively perceived vaccinations before the
increased risk of outbreaks and epidemics caused by Dengvaxia Controversy. Hence, as the Philippines
vaccine-preventable diseases. encountered this issue, the mothers' perception of
vaccinations has changed, contributing to their
Furthermore, vaccinations in the Philippines proved to hesitancy with the vaccine processes here in the
be successful when the country eradicated maternal country.
and neonatal tetanus and poliomyelitis (Reyes et al.,
2021). However, the inoculation process here in the Vergeire (2021) mentioned that social trauma has
Philippines also encountered some issues and contributed to vaccine hesitancy in the Philippines.
problems, especially during the Dengvaxia controversy Despite the government's efforts in persuading the
Filipinos to be vaccinated, the trauma they received
John Miguel Barrocamo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

because of the Dengvaxia Controversy and the fear of Vaccine hesitancy was seen as prevalent in the first
the vaccine's side effects played a significant role in stages of the COVID-19 vaccinations in the
why they refused to be vaccinated. Philippines. However, as the months passed by, the
rate of vaccine hesitancy decreased because the fear of
Similarly, Domingo (2021) stated that surveys have the Filipinos regarding the vaccines had eased.
shown that the number of Filipinos willing to be Furthermore, the Filipinos had now considered their
vaccinated decreased, and the number of Filipinos who safety from the virus instead of being afraid of the side
were unwilling and uncertain to be vaccinated effects of the vaccines. However, even though the rate
increased. Furthermore, the survey has also shown that of vaccine hesitancy among Filipinos is now
the fear of side effects and the vaccines' efficacy were decreasing, some are still unsure and hesitant
among the top reasons Filipinos are not willing to be regarding the vaccines' safety and efficacy.
According to Corpuz (2021), low public trust in
On the contrary, Morales (2021) stated that surveys vaccinations will significantly impede the
performed in June 2021 revealed that 43% of Filipinos government's vaccination effort. The author claimed in
are now eager to be inoculated as the vaccine's this article that in a recent study performed by Pulse
efficacy eased concerns. However, despite the increase Asia in January 2021, approximately half of Filipinos
in the number of willing to be vaccinated, some stated they would not get immunized against
Filipinos still refuse to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 owing to safety concerns. With that said,
COVID-19 vaccines. the author recommends that governments leverage
expertise and understanding by collaborating with
Moreover, this study assesses the perceived reasons for multiple sectors, such as interreligious collaborations,
vaccine hesitation among Filipinos, especially those 18 to benefit from their combined and diverse strengths as
and above, as the primary respondents. In addition, they work forward towards the common goal of
this study aims to investigate why some Filipinos are increasing public trust in vaccines.
still hesitant to be vaccinated. As the research process
moves forward, the study will also deal with the During the first phases of the COVID-19 vaccinations
factors affecting vaccine hesitancy among Filipinos. in the Philippines, the rate of vaccine hesitancy among
Finally, it will contribute to the local government Filipinos was high. As stated by Punzalan (2021),
agencies since it provides them with the respondents' around six in ten Filipinos are unwilling to obtain a
insights into why some of them still refuse to be COVID-19 vaccination, as the country continues to
vaccinated, which can be beneficial for them in combat a coronavirus outbreak. According to a Pulse
conducting some programs that can increase the Asia survey published on March 2021, based on a poll
vaccine confidence their constituents. of 2,400 adults between February 22, 2021, and March
3, 2021, 61% of the respondents stated that they do not
Research Question wish to be immunized against COVID-19.
Furthermore, only 16% of the participants indicated a
This study investigates the COVID-19 vaccine desire to be vaccinated, and 23% of the respondents
hesitancy among Filipinos. Specifically, it sought to were unable to state whether they would seek
address the following questions: vaccination or not.
1. What is the level of the respondents' perception in
Moreover, according to Suarez (2021), only three in
terms of:
ten Filipinos are willing to get COVID-19
1.1 collective relevance of a COVID-19 vaccine;
vaccinations, with the others hesitating or outright
1.2 efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine;
refusing two months into the country's vaccine rollout.
1.3 pace of the production and development of a
According to a survey released by Social Weather
COVID-19 vaccine;
Stations, out of the 1,200 respondents that were polled
1.4 side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine; and
from April 29, 2021, until May 2, 2021, 32% of adult
1.5. vaccine hesitation?
Filipinos indicated that they are willing to accept
vaccinations, 35% are unsure, and 33% refused.

Literature Review On the other hand, as the months passed by, more
Filipinos were now willing to receive COVID-19
vaccinations. As stated by Lalu (2021), approximately
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Filipinos 45% of Filipinos are now eager to be inoculated

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

against COVID-19. According to a poll conducted by the conspiracy theories, skepticism over a
Social Weather Stations from June 23 to June 26, breakthrough vaccination, and safety concerns, are the
2021, 45 % of adult Filipinos are now willing to be main factors affecting the unwillingness of the citizens
vaccinated, 24 % are uncertain, and 21 % are to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Lastly, the
unwilling. In addition, the current figure for those researchers suggested an urgent need to ramp up
ready to be vaccinated is 13 points higher than the vaccine education among low-educated individuals
previous figure of 32% in May 2021. With that said, and those with insufficient health awareness.
the results for June were already a significant An awar eness pr ogr am em phasi zi ng the
improvement above previous figures, particularly socioeconomic benefits of vaccination against
those from only a month before this poll. COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable diseases
may motivate people to get vaccinated against
Furthermore, according to Sarao (2021), more COVID-19 and some other vaccine-preventable
Filipinos are eager to be inoculated against illnesses.
COVID-19. According to an OCTA Research Team
survey from July 12 to 18, 2021, out of the 1,200 According to Amit et al. (2021), individual perceptions
respondents aged 18 and above, 53% are open to play a substantial role in vaccination. The researchers
receiving a COVID-19 vaccination that is both safe conducted 35 interviews with a subsample of 1,599
and effective. However, 18% of the respondents survey participants in the Philippines aged 18 and
indicated that they were still undecided about being older for this study. The study's findings indicate that
vaccinated against COVID-19. such attitudes toward vaccines are molded by exposure
to misconceptions reinforced by the press, society, and
Lastly, as Tomacruz (2021) indicated, most Filipinos
the healthcare system. The researchers concluded that
are eager to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
it is necessary to identify and resolve problems to
According to a survey conducted by the Social
increase COVID-19 immunization acceptance and
Weather Stations between September 27 and 30, 2021,
six out of ten adult Filipinos indicated a readiness to
receive COVID-19 vaccination, indicating a
Biswas et al. (2021) explained that the perceptions
significant increase in vaccination acceptance in the
about the vaccines' efficacy and side effects are one of
Philippines. However, the findings showed that 18%
the predictors affecting vaccine intention and
of respondents are still hesitant about being
hesitancy. For this study, the researchers reviewed the
vaccinated , and another 19% are unsure.
literature to assess the willingness to be vaccinated
against COVID-19. This study indicates that the most
Factors Contributing to COVID-19 Vaccine
common determinants affecting vaccination intention
include vaccine efficacy, vaccine side effects, mistrust
in healthcare, religious beliefs, and trust in information
According to the literature and studies on COVID-19
sources. The researchers suggest that strategies
vaccination hesitancy, various factors influence
tailored to cultures and socio-psychological factors
citizens' perceptions of the safety and effectiveness of
COVID-19 vaccines. need to be developed to reduce vaccine hesitancy and
aid informed decision-making.
Chiedozie et al. (2021) rumored conspiracy theories on
Nigerians' hesitation in accepting a projected Additionally, Catapang and Cleofas (2021) report that
COVID-19 immunization due to a lack of trust in a vaccine hesitancy and other COVID-19-related issues
new vaccine and security measures. For this study, the and complaints are visible on social media in the
researchers utilized a survey comprised of sixteen Philippines. The researchers conducted this study
generic questions designed to elicit responses using a multilingual edition of Bidirectional Encoder
regarding the public's desire to embrace a prospective Representations from Transformers, or BERT, for
COVID-19 vaccine in Nigeria. The researchers topic modeling, hierarchical clustering, sentiment
discovered that 51.1 % of the respondents indicated a analysis using five different classifiers, and cosine
desire to get a COVID-19 vaccination. In comparison, similarity of BERT topic embeddings for vaccine
30.5 % showed a lack of willingness, and 18.4 % brand reputation analysis. The findings of this study
stated that they were unsure whether they were willing demonstrate that any COVID-19 disinformation is an
to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or not. emergent attribute of COVID-19 public sentiment and
Furthermore, the researchers also discovered that the that detecting COVID-19 disinformation can be a task
normative and control beliefs of the citizens, especially that is performed unsupervised.

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

Similarly, Chaudhary et al. (2021) assert that corresponded to established population parameters for
individuals' lack of information about vaccines adds to the UK population. The findings of this study indicate
vaccine hesitation. The researchers used a 27-item that people who are hesitant or resistant to the
questionnaire to assess demographic features, COVID-19 vaccine are more self-interested, distrustful
acceptance and refusal toward COVID-19 vaccines, of specialists and authority figures, more likely to hold
perceived belief systems, awareness, viewed issues, strong beliefs, and more likely to hold conspiratorial
threat, and safety of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as and neurotic beliefs, which reflect a lack of trust in the
the source of information used to assess these factors. intentions of others.
The findings of this study reveal that a lack
of sufficient understanding, awareness, and perception Moreover, safety concerns and doubts about the
of vaccine safety contributes to Pakistan's reduced effectiveness of the vaccines also played a huge role in
level of vaccine uptake. The researchers advise that the citizens' perception regarding the COVID-19. As
measures to increase public knowledge of the benefits stated in the study of Bautista et al. (2021), the key
of immunization should focus on low-income reasons why the respondents are willing or hesitant to
individuals as well as those with chronic diseases. receive a vaccine are their protection against
COVID-19 and their attitudes of the COVID-19
According to Dzieciolowska et al. (2021), the quality vaccines' safety and efficacy. For this study, the
of vaccines has an effect on citizens' perceptions and researchers adapted their vaccine hesitancy and
vaccine confidence. The researchers used a cross- complacency questions from several research studies
sectional survey to ascertain the respondents' and surveys. With that said, the researchers discovered
acceptance predictors and reasons for refusal. that the citizens' concerns regarding the safety and
According to the findings of this study, variables effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines affect the
contributing to refusal included vaccine novelty, a vaccination acceptance and hesitancy of the citizens.
desire for everyone else to have it first, and inadequate The researchers then emphasized the importance of
time for judgment. effective communication to promote COVID-19
inoculations, emphasizing the vaccine's efficacy and
Furthermore, Jamison et al. (2020) said that social safety and its public health benefits, particularly given
media is frequently used to spread misinformation that the vaccines are scheduled for delivery in the
about COVID-19 vaccines. The authors compiled the country in the coming months not respondents' favored
latest tweets from each account and mechanically brands.
extracted 35 separate themes of conversation around
COVID-19 for this article. Vaccine skeptics shared the According to Alabdulla et al. (2021), concerns about
highest proportion (35.4 percent) of unreliable the efficacy and safety of vaccines are significant
information subjects, which included a variety of predictors of COVID-19 vaccine reluctance among the
conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and frauds. Vaccine study's respondents. The researchers conducted this
advocates presented a far smaller percentage of study using a validated hesitation measuring method.
inaccurate information themes (11.3 percent). The The findings of this study reveal that those who are
authors then suggested that when assessing the scope unwilling to be vaccinated against COVID-19 identify
of the 'infodemic,' researchers and health public safety concerns and long-term adverse effects as their
speakers should look beyond known malicious users primary worries.
and the most heinous forms of misinformation and
instead investigate the full range of information Additionally, as Callaghan et al. (2020) say, a sizable
available online from both dependable and section of the American populace does not decide to
questionable sources. take a COVID-19 vaccination if it becomes available,
limiting its possible impact. In this study, the
Murphy et al. (2021) also said that individuals who researchers examined the effect of demographic
were opposed to a COVID-19 vaccination were less characteristics, political viewpoint, and COVID-19
likely to obtain knowledge about the pandemic from encounters on COVID-19 vaccine refusal. According
conventional and trustworthy sources and expressed to the findings, vaccine safety and efficiency are the
similar levels of skepticism in these sources as vaccine two most often mentioned grounds for vaccine refusal.
accepting responders. The researchers utilized quota
sampling to ensure that the sample features of gender, Furthermore, as stated in the study of Cruz et al.
age, and geographic location corresponded to (2021), the vaccine concerns and the citizens'
established demographic factors for the Irish readiness to be vaccinated with the COVID-19
population, whereas age, gender, and income vaccines are correlated with one another. The

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

researchers conducted an online poll with both closed- platforms, and questions about the vaccine's
and open-ended questions for this study. With that effectiveness as their top factors for declining the
said, the researchers discovered that most of the COVID-19 vaccine.
respondents stated that they would be immunized
against COVID-19 primarily for the virus's safety. Correspondingly, as Dror et al. (2021) mentioned, the
However, those who refused to be vaccinated cited general public is less willing to embrace a vaccine
various reasons, including the vaccine's general safety created in China or Russia than in the United States or
and efficacy. Lastly, this research study emphasized the United Kingdom. For this study, the researchers
the necessity of immunization and its critical role utilized a questionnaire that assessed the respondents'
during this pandemic. The researchers also stated that willingness to get a COVID-19 immunization with
the study was designed to educate respondents about specific vaccine characteristics, such as the country
accurate information about vaccination and steer them where the vaccine was made, the technology used in
away from the misleading information spread by the making the vaccine, and adverse effects profile,
Dengvaxia phenomenon to fully acquire cooperation effectiveness, and other factors. With that said, the
from all stakeholders to reduce the disease burden of researchers discovered that in comparison to the
COVID-19 and enable its eradication. general population, doctors and life-science graduates
were less likely to accept an mRNA vaccination than
Similarly, according to the study by Dagondon and an attenuated or weakened vaccine. On the other hand,
Victorino (2021), one of the reasons why Anti- the researchers also discovered that the general
Vaxxers oppose vaccinations is that the vaccines are populace is far less willing to get a vaccination
unsafe. For this study, the researchers utilized produced in China or Russia than in the United States
philosophical analysis to address the concerns stated or the United Kingdom; physicians, on the other hand,
by anti-vaxxers. With that said, the researchers were more likely to accept a vaccine from China or
discovered the reasons why Anti-Vaxxers oppose Russia. The researchers then suggested that since
vaccinations, and they categorized them into four vaccine skepticism is motivated by various factors,
categories: (1) Vaccinations are not safe, (2) vaccines strategies for overcoming vaccine hesitation and
are unethical, (3) mandated vaccination breaches increasing vaccination acceptance must be detailed and
religious liberty, and (4) it violates a person's adaptable to ease particular concerns and soothe the
autonomy. individuals voicing them.

Moreover, Dinga et al. (2021) assert that citizens' Elharake et al. (2021) similarly indicated that the
impressions of vaccinations and the firm that primary reason for refusal of the COVID-19
manufactured them influence their vaccine confidence vaccination was concern about probable side effects.
and hesitancy. The researchers employed a The researchers used a questionnaire to ascertain
questionnaire to obtain replies from their respondents respondents' acceptability of a COVID-19 vaccination
in this study. The findings of this study reveal that the for this study. The findings indicated that the primary
most significant determinants found were: Information reason for refusing to accept a COVID-19 vaccine by
and Media Landscape, Pharmaceutical Industry the 8,202 respondents was fear of probable adverse
Perception, Vaccine Reliability and Source, and Cost. effects.
The researchers argue that concerns about safety,
efficacy, and confidence must be addressed through Additionally, as Galingana et al. (2021) indicated in
public engagement when a COVID-19 vaccine is their study, the vaccine's adverse effects and efficacy
successfully delivered in Africa, notably Cameroon. are the primary reasons for the respondents' refusal to
be vaccinated against COVID-19. For this study, the
In addition, according to Domingo (2021), the survey researchers utilized an instrument adapted from a prior
released by the DOH stated that the respondents' study entitled "Low Acceptance of Pandemic
concerns about vaccination adverse effects are one- Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccination Among Healthcare
factor affecting vaccine hesitancy among Filipinos. Workers in Greece." With that said, the researchers
For this news article, the author reported the discovered that while the vast majority of the
statements of Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario respondents consent to inoculation with the vaccine of
Vergeire regarding the survey results conducted by the Pfizer Inc., some respondents do not. Furthermore, the
DOH that included 43,000 respondents. With that said, researchers also found that the vaccine's adverse
Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire stated effects and efficacy are the key factors that affected
that the respondents listed probable vaccine adverse the respondents' perceptions regarding the vaccines
effects, unfavorable information on social media against COVID-19. Lastly, the researchers suggested

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

that the government agencies involved in the Robledo et al. (2021) also stated that safety concerns
COVID-19 vaccination campaign should evaluate the and doubts in the effectiveness of the vaccines are a
findings of this study, addressing the reasons for factor in the vaccine hesitancy of the citizens. For this
respondents' reluctance to enhance the COVID-19 study, the researchers utilized an instrument that aimed
vaccination program. to determine the respondents' impressions of
COVID-19 immunizations, as this problem was
Momplaisir et al. (2021) also said that citizens are critical for schools to open. With that said, the
unwilling to receive COVID-19 vaccinations due to a researchers discovered that the most frequently cited
lack of faith in medical organizations. The researchers reason for vaccination confidence is that the
analyzed the respondents' responses in this study using respondents believed that the vaccines would provide
a modified grounded theory approach. The findings of immunity against COVID-19, while the most often
this study indicate that hesitancy toward the mentioned cause for vaccine reluctance against
COVID-19 immunizations was strong due to mistrust COVID-19 is that the vaccines may affect the
in the healthcare system, concerns about the vaccine's respondent's genetic make-up. Furthermore, the
accelerated development timeline, a lack of data on researchers suggested that school-based health services
short and long-term adverse effects, and a political should be strengthened and that the students'
situation that fosters racial inequality. The researchers vaccination should be included in the school-based
indicate that greater disclosure regarding vaccination monitoring system in collaboration with health
safety profiles may help minimize COVID-19 vaccine practitioners.
According to Wang et al. (2021), residents' concerns
Similarly, Noronha et al. (2021) indicate that one of about the vaccinations' safety affect their perceptions
the reasons cancer patients reject or refuse to be of them. The researchers used two cross-sectional
vaccinated against COVID-19 is fear of the vaccine's surveys to determine the trend in respondents'
nega t i ve ef f ec t s. The r e s e ar c h er s used willingness to get COVID-19 vaccinations. The
questionnaires to obtain responses from their findings of this study suggest that the declining desire
respondents for this investigation. The findings reveal to embrace the COVID-19 vaccines may be related to
that the most often cited reasons are concern about the growing concerns about the safety of vaccines and
vaccine interfering with cancer medication, concern increased adherence to personal protection activities.
about side effects, and insufficient information. The researchers recommend that vaccination education
According to the researchers, widespread vaccination and favorable government initiatives be made
will be possible only if comprehensive initiatives for available to the broader working population,
education and distribution of information about the particularly those that are not professionals and are
safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine are regularly exposed to crowds.
prioritized alongside strengthening of the vaccination
supply chain and distribution infrastructure. Moreover, Willis et al. (2021) indicate that vaccine
hesitation is highly related with fear of illness and
Furthermore, as Razai et al. (2021) note, the most general skepticism of vaccines. The researchers
common causes for hesitation are concerns about examined vaccine hesitancy in an online survey of
adverse effects and long-term health consequences, as Arkansas adults conducted in July and August of 2020.
well as a lack of confidence in vaccines. The author The findings indicate that sociodemographic
said in this article that information up to 15 January differences in vaccine reluctance for COVID-19 raise
2021 indicate significantly lower rates of COVID-19 concerns about the vaccine's potential to exacerbate
immunizations among ethnic minorities (42.5 percent already-existing health disparities in COVID-19-
white people, 20.5 percent black people) and deprived related illnesses, especially among Black/African
communities (44.7 percent least deprived, 37.9 percent Americans. The researchers believe that this study can
most deprived) in England. Similarly, records from an guide public health strategies aimed at reducing
NHS trust indicate that ethnic minority healthcare COVID-19 morbidity and death disparities through
personnel have lower rates of covid-19 immunization. equal vaccine distribution and wellness promotion.
The author proposes that prioritizing vulnerable
individuals of minority populations, particularly health According to Wong et al. (2021), respondents' safety
professionals, for COVID-19 immunization and concerns about the vaccinations' side effects are one of
acknowledging their roles as reliable sources of the reasons for their refusal to be vaccinated against
information may help minimize ethnic minorities' COVID-19. The researchers conducted this study
perceptions of covid-19 vaccine risk. using a random telephone poll. According to

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

the results of this study, the determinants of vaccine characteristics, such as a sense of personal
reluctance among respondents are concern of probable commitment for public health and a shared value
vaccine adverse effects, lack of trust in government system for civic life and social solidarity. The
initiatives, and vaccine quality. According to the researchers believe that knowing students' perspectives
researchers, active explanation and advocacy by on the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination and fostering
medical professionals, as well as a number of their health participation and awareness may aid in
incentives, are necessary to increase vaccination rates. developing an appropriate reaction and multimodal
educational approach.
The beliefs and attitudes of the respondents regarding
the vaccines also affect the vaccine hesitancy of the Furthermore, Caple et al. (2021) found that beliefs of
citizens. As stated in the study of Al-Sanafi and Sallam high vulnerability, high intensity, and substantial
(2021), COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy was found to benefits were all effective predictors of vaccination
be substantially associated with the belief in vaccine intent. The researchers conducted this analysis using a
conspiracies. For this study, the researchers utilized survey that comprised questions and statements
the Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (VCBS) and the evaluating the following: 1) demographic
5C subscales to determine the psychological factors characteristics, overall health, and COVID-19
influencing acceptance of the COVID-19 Vaccine. experience; 2) intention to receive a COVID-19
With that said, the researchers found out that the most vaccine; 3) perceived susceptibility to and intensity of
important 5C psychological predictors of acceptance COVID-19; 4) advantages of a COVID-19 vaccine; 5)
of COVID-19 immunization were a sense of willingness to pay for a COVID-19 vaccine; and 6)
community responsibility and trust, as well as a lack of trust in COVID-19 vaccines manufactured in other
restrictions and calculation. On the other hand, the countries. According to the findings, high
researchers also determined that those who relied vulnerability, serious infections, and considerable
heavily on television shows, social media outlets, and benefits all served as excellent predictors of
press releases as their primary sources of information vaccination willingness. Additionally, most of
on COVID-19 vaccinations demonstrated significantly the respondents indicated that they would obtain the
greater COVID-19 vaccination refusal rates. The COVID-19 vaccine only after many people had it or
researchers then suggested that the healthcare when politicians had acquired it.
practitioners in Kuwait can perform a critical role in
informing the greater community about the advantages To conclude, vaccine reluctance has lessened among
of COVID-19 vaccinations to minimize the risk of Filipinos since the country's initial vaccination phase.
SARS-CoV-2, particularly in light of the rising With that said, various factors influence a person's
incidence of vaccination reluctance found in Kuwait as willingness and ability to be vaccinated against
well as the Middle East. COVID-19. As Galingana et al. (2021) indicated, the
biggest reasons for residents' rejection to receive
Additionally, as Aw et al. (2021) explain, some of the COVID-19 vaccination are worries about the vaccine's
reasons why individuals resist immunizations are their adverse effects and efficacy. Additionally, according
opinions about the vaccines' efficacy. The authors did to Dror et al. (2021), the citizen's perceptions of
a scoping study for this publication in order to explain vaccinations against COVID-19 are influenced by their
rates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitation and its causes in beliefs about the vaccine's characteristics, such as the
high-income nations. The findings of this study reveal country in which the vaccine was manufactured, the
that frequent vaccine-specific characteristics linked technology used in its manufacture, the adverse effect
with higher vaccine hesitancy included attitudes about profile, and the vaccine's effectiveness. Likewise, the
the effectiveness of vaccines and increasing concern citizens' vaccine hesitancy is influenced by their
about the advancement of COVID-19 vaccines. perceptions and attitudes toward the vaccines and the
virus. As eloquently stated by Al-Sanafi and Sallam
Barrello (2021) asserts that respondents' level of (2021), COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy was shown
knowledge of the virus has an effect on their to be significantly related to a belief in vaccine
perceptions of COVID-19 vaccinations. The conspiracies and that those who relied primarily on
researchers used a cross-sectional study design to television shows, social media outlets, and press
ascertain respondents' sentiments toward COVID-19 releases as their primary sources of information on
immunizations in this study. This study demonstrates COVID-19 vaccinations demonstrated significantly
that vaccination attitudes are influenced by students' greater COVID-19 vaccination refusal rates. With that
level of health understanding and, most likely, by said, the conspiracy theories about the vaccines and
additi onal m otivational and psychosoci al the worries about their adverse effects and efficacy

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

affect the citizens' perceptions, causing them to Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and
hesitate to be vaccinated with the vaccines against Complacency scale proved to be reliable since it has a
COVID-19. Cronbach's alpha of 0.86. Thus, the current language
of the instrument will be translated into the Filipino
language and will undergo validation to accommodate
Methodology the general context of the respondents.

Ethical Consideration
Research Design
Besides gathering the needed data and information for
The study employed descriptive approach that
the study, the researcher's first concern was to ensure
accurately depicts the people, conditions, or
the safety and rights of the respondents during the data
phenomenon. Additionally, this type of study is an
collection process as much as possible. Before
honest approach to the investigation because it
distributing the questionnaires, the researcher
provides a systematic and accurate explanation of the
requested approval for their study's data gathering
variables included in a research project (Dulock,
procedures and instruments from the research
instructor. Afterward, the study respondents were
Respondents of the Study adequately informed of the purpose, particularly the
nature of the research study. The ethical codes in
The respondents of this study were eligible to receive research will be strictly followed to preserve the rights
COVID-19 vaccines. Thus, convenience sampling was of the researcher and the respondents throughout the
employed to select the participants who meet the research process. Additionally, the researcher
following criteria: a Filipino citizen; age is 18 and conducted the research study according to Republic
above; and interested in participating in the study. Act 10173, also referred to as the Data Privacy Act of
2012. This act safeguards the fundamental human right
Instrument of the Study to privacy and communication while promoting
innovation and progress through the free flow of
This study used an instrument to collect the necessary information.
data for investigating and describing the COVID-19
vaccine reluctance among Filipinos. Nonetheless, the Furthermore, the respondents' convenience,
researcher used Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine accessibility, understanding, and willingness were the
Confidence and Complacency scale. Freeman et al. main factors that were considered in this study. The
(2021) utilized this instrument in their study entitled, researcher ensured that the questionnaire was
"COVID-19 vaccine reluctance in the UK: the Oxford acceptable and easily understood by the respondents,
coronavirus explanations, attitudes, and narratives ensuring that their replies were correct and accurately
survey (Oceans) II" to determine the troubling reflected their genuine opinions and behaviors toward
attitudes about COVID-19 vaccine confidence and the ideas examined in this study. In addition, the
complacency. This questionnaire contains forty-two respondents' identities and responses will be used
(42) items that included item-specific response solely for this study and will be kept confidential for
alternatives, which were coded from 1 to 5. There was their privacy and anonymity.
also a 'Don't know' option that did not receive a score.
Furthermore, four (4) factors were identified using Data Gathering Procedure
exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses: (1) the
collective relevance of a COVID-19 vaccine; (2) To accomplish the objectives of this study, the
respondents' perceptions that they could contract researcher followed a specific set of procedures
COVID-19 and that the vaccination would work; (3) throughout the research process. Firstly, the researcher
the pace of vaccine production; and (4) side effects. A identified the proper instrument for the analysis while
higher score on the Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine evaluating if it is aligned with the objectives that the
Confidence and Complacency scale indicates a drop in researcher aims to accomplish. Furthermore, the
vaccine reluctance and a decrease in unfavorable researcher obtained consent from their research
sentiments. instructor to confirm that the instrument chosen was
appropriate. The researcher also ensured that the
On the other hand, a lower score indicates increased questionnaire was acceptable and easily understood by
vaccination hesitancy and a higher degree of negative the respondents to ensure that they would give their
attitudes. Lastly, Freeman et al. (2020) stated that the honest responses to the given questions. Afterward, the

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

researcher provided a brief statement that explains the Caple et al. (2021), in which the researchers
purpose of the study, including the instructions for discovered that views of high vulnerability, high
answering the questionnaire so the respondents can intensity, and substantial benefits were all effective
have a glimpse of the questions that they will be predictors of vaccination intent.
encountering, ensuring that their responses are correct
and accurately reflect their actual attitudes and actions Therefore, in correlation to the given study, as
toward the concepts under consideration in this study. respondents become more aware of the critical nature
The researcher disseminated the questionnaires online, and significant benefits of being inoculated against
primarily through Google form, since it is the easiest COVID-19, their desire to be immunized increases.
way to reach the target respondents during this
pandemic. Moreover, the respondents' overall mean ranged from
2.95 to 4.18, with a general mean score of 3.73. This
The researcher gathered the necessary data for the indicates that they have a high level of confidence in
study. The researcher promptly tabulated the results. It the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccinations.
will be subjected to the statistical analysis tool used in Furthermore, the respondents in the survey expressed a
this study to ascertain the conclusion reached during high level of belief in the vaccines, particularly in their
this study's investigation. The data and information ability to protect them against the major diseases that
gathered from the respondents will provide the basis this virus may cause. With that said, this finding is
for the calculation and interpretation of the study's consistent with the findings of Tavolacci et al. (2021),
results, which will address the questions and objectives who discovered that self-reported understanding of
presented in this study. traditional immunizations and COVID-19 vaccines, as
well as trust in their efficacy and safety, were all
associated with a decreased chance of vaccine
Result and Discussion hesitancy or resistance.

Level of Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccines It can be gleaned from Table 1 that the study's
respondents have only one very high mean score of
These tables are used to appropriately depict the 4.29. This demonstrates that they have a strong belief
various points of view that an individual may have in the vaccinations' ability to work successfully, and
while deciding whether to accept or reject a they believe that being vaccinated against COVID-19
COVID-19 vaccine. is a display of bravery. On the other hand, they had
high mean scores ranging from 3.88 to 3.96. This
Table 1 indicates that they have a high level of awareness and
Respondents’ Level of Perception of COVID-19 Vaccine understanding of vaccine production and development
effects on the vaccines’ efficacy and effectiveness.

Additionally, the overall mean of the responses ranged

from 3.88 to 4.29, with a general mean score of 4.04.
This shows that the respondents have a high level of
perception regarding the manufacturing and
development of a COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore,
the respondents are adamant that the safety of
vaccinations is dependent on their production and
development. With that said, this discovery is
As seen in Table 1, the overall mean of the consistent with the findings of Dinga et al. (2021),
respondents ranged from 3.91 to 4.47, with a general who discovered that citizens' perceptions of
mean score of 4.19. This suggests that respondents vaccinations and the company that manufactures them
strongly believe in the importance and usefulness of influence their vaccine confidence and hesitancy.
COVID-19 vaccination. Additionally, this shows that
the study's participants possessed a high level of Therefore, in accordance with the given study, as
knowledge and awareness regarding the benefits of r espondent s develop faith in the sever al
COVID-19 vaccination as well as the potential hazards pharmaceutical corporations that manufacture vaccines
associated with non-vaccination. With that said, this and become more receptive to the manufacturing and
finding is in line with the observations of the study of development processes that vaccines undergo, their
willingness to be vaccinated increases.

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

Additionally, Table 1 shows that respondents have that the respondents had a high level of acceptance for
only one very high mean score of 4.40. A higher score vaccination and a low level of vaccine hesitancy.
suggests less vaccine hesitation based on the Furthermore, it was discovered that respondents'
instrument's explanation. With that said, in receiving a positive attitudes concerning vaccines influenced their
new vaccine, the respondents demonstrate a low level decision to be vaccinated against COVID-19. With
of vaccine hesitancy and a very high level of that said, this discovery is consistent with the findings
acceptance. On the other hand, they achieved high of Edwards et al. (2021), who discovered that citizens'
mean scores ranging from 3.52 to 4.04. This indicates beliefs and attitudes influence their willingness to get
that the respondents have a high level of knowledge COVID-19 vaccines.
and awareness of the potential adverse effects of
COVID-19 vaccinations.
The overall mean of the respondents ranged from 3.52
to 4.40, with a general mean score of 3.99. This
demonstrates that the respondents have a thorough As the number of COVID-19 cases has decreased in
awareness of the vaccine's adverse effects. recent weeks, the impact of the COVID-19
Furthermore, they are adamant that any adverse effects immunizations on our society has been evident. On the
that a person may encounter are only minor or other hand, as previously proven, respondents'
moderate. On the other hand, the respondents perceptions of COVID-19 vaccines are associated with
expressed a low level of vaccine hesitancy when COVID-19 vaccine reluctance. With that said, people
receiving a new type or brand of vaccine. With that are becoming increasingly receptive to COVID-19
said, this conclusion is consistent with that of Bautistavaccinations as they gain faith in the vaccines' safety,
et al. (2021), who discovered that people's concerns efficacy, and ability to protect against the virus.
regarding the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19
Additionally, the findings of this study indicate that
immunizations have an effect on their vaccination
the primary factor influencing respondents' motivation
acceptance and hesitancy.
to receive vaccines is the collective value of
Therefore, in accordance with the findings of the vaccinations. Once they learn that vaccines save lives
study, the respondents' desire and reluctance to receive and benefit society and that it is detrimental if a
COVID-19 vaccinations is contingent on the safety significant portion of the population is not vaccinated,
and efficacy of the vaccines. With that said, if their resistance to vaccination is reduced. Overall,
vaccinations, particularly their adverse effects, are vaccine hesitancy was minimal among the study’s
demonstrated to be safe, more people will be willing to participants.
be vaccinated. On the other hand, if the vaccines'
safety is not yet established, people will be more However, the study's findings revealed that more
hesitant to be vaccinated against COVID-19. people would consent to vaccination if
vaccinations are demonstrated to be safe, particularly
Finally, Table 1, the respondents in this study have their adverse effects. On the other hand, if the safety of
very high mean scores ranging from 4.32 to 4.73. The the vaccinations is not established, individuals will be
instrument's description states that a higher score on less willing to take COVID-19 inoculation. The study
the Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and concluded that the country's local government units
Complacency scale suggests less vaccine hesitation and government agencies must continue to address this
and fewer negative sentiments. With that said, issue. They must do everything possible to persuade
the respondents expressed a low level of fear of individuals who are still on the fence about vaccination
COVID-19 vaccinations. On the other hand, they have to see the benefits of immunization for themselves and
three high mean scores ranging from 3.98 to 4.19. This
those around them. Additionally, they must recognize
indicates that the respondents positively view vaccines'
that some Filipinos remain hesitant to be vaccinated
capacity to protect them against infection.
due to concerns about the vaccines' safety and
Additionally, the respondents have three average
efficacy. From teaching how vaccines work to
ratings ranging from 2.71 to 3.28. This indicates that
discussing the social benefits of vaccination programs,
they have a neutral perspective toward the benefits of
vaccines in their lives. they will be able to conceive of strategies to improve
Filipinos' intent and willingness to be vaccinated
The respondents' overall mean ranged from 2.71 to against COVID-19, which will aid in eradicating the
4.73, with a general mean score of 4.12. This indicates virus in the country.

John Miguel Barrocamo

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6626159
Research Article

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John Miguel Barrocamo


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