Lecture 9

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Computer Programming for Civil Engineering 

Instructor: Nikol O. Telen 

May 14, 2023 
Mindanao State University - General Santos City
Table of Contents 

1. Data Structuring 

2. Arrays 

3. Storing Data in an Array 

4. Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

5. Dynamic Arrays 

6. Records 

7. Thank You! 

Data Structuring
Data Structuring 

ˆ Data structuring refers to organizing data in a way that enhances its efficiency and ease of use,
similar to how structured programming (decisions and loop structures) constructs make
computer code easier to comprehend 
ˆ The most basic approach to data structuring is through variable type declarations using Option
Explicit and Dim, Const and Public 
ˆ In addition, two additional features facilitate more efficient and concise data organization,
Arrays and Records. 

Data Structuring 
ˆ An Array is a collection of values that are accessed using a single variable name and
subscripts, with all values being of the same variable type 
ˆ Records, on the other hand, allow for the storage of different variable types using a
single variable name, which is useful for 
managing databases with varying types of information. 


ˆ An Array is a set of sequentially indexed elements having the same data type.  
ˆ Each element of an array has a unique identifying index number, starting at zero.  
ˆ Changes made to one element of an array don’t affect the other elements.  
ˆ Arrays function similarly as variables. As with variables, they are required to be declared.
The general syntax is: 
Dim array_name ( array_index ) As data_type

where array name is the array’s name, array index indicates the size of the array, and data type
is the data type 


Examples of Array declarations 

’Sample declaration of a 1 dimensional array 
Dim array1 (4) 

’Sample declaration of a 2 dimensional array 

Dim array2 (6 , 1) 

’Sample declaration of a dynamic array 

Dim array3 () 

Declaring the data type is optional, although in many cases this will slow down the execution of
your procedure 

Sometimes, an array is desired to start at an index number other than zero. This can be
achieved by using the To keyword and stating the index number of the first and final
Dim array_name ( first_index To final_index ) As data_type

In cases where index numbering should start at one, the following line is added at the very start
of the module, before any other code: 
Option Base 1


Optionally, an array declaration may omit an argument from its parentheses to create a
“dynamic” array. The size of that array can be established later using the ReDim keyword before
its elements are assigned values. The array can be resized repeatedly using the ReDim
keyword, but its element values will be lost unless the statement includes the Preserve
Dim array_name () As data_type 
ReDim array_name ( first_index To final_index ) 
ReDim Preserve first_index To final_index

Storing Data in an Array

Storing Data in an Array 

Begin a VBA macro module with a subroutine that declares a string array of three elements 
Sub FruitArray () 

Dim Fruit (2) as String 

’statements to be inserted here 
End Sub

Storing Data in an Array 
Next, insert statements to assign values for each array element Sub FruitArray () 
Dim Fruit (2) as String 
Fruit (0) = " Apple " 
Fruit (1) = " Banana " 
Fruit (2) = " Cherry " 

End Sub 

Each element in the array will now receive its value 

Storing Data in an Array 

Display the value of the element at any index. For example, for the first fruit (index 0): 
Sub FruitArray () 

Dim Fruit (2) as String 

Fruit (0) = " Apple " 
Fruit (1) = " Banana " 
Fruit (2) = " Cherry " 

MsgBox Fruit (0) & " is Fruit No. 1" 

End Sub

Storing Data in an Array 

Declare another array assigning 1 as the first index and 3 as the final index: 
Sub VegArray () 

Dim Veggie (1 To 3) as String 

Veggie (1) = " Ampalaya " 
Veggie (2) = " Broccoli " 
Veggie (3) = " Cabbage " 

MsgBox Veggie (1) & " is Veggie No. 1" 

End Sub

Storing Data in an Array 
Next, declare a Dynamic array, then ReDim by specifying the first and final index numbers as
1 and 3 respectively: 
Sub CountryArray () 

Dim Country () as String 

ReDim Country (1 To 3) 

’insert elements 
Country (1) = " China " 
Country (2) = " Philippines " 
Country (3) = "USA " 

’display values 
MsgBox Country (1) & " Number 1" 
End Sub 

Using For Loop with Arrays 

A For-Next loop can be used to enter values for each element as shown below: 
Sub CountryArray () 

Dim Country () as String 

ReDim Country (1 To 3) 

’insert elements 
For i = 1 To 3 
Country (i) = InputBox (" Enter a Country ") 

’display values 
MsgBox Country (1) & " Number 1" 
End Sub 


Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

ˆ An array created with a single index is a one-dimensional array, in which elements appear in
a single row. 
ˆ Multi-dimensional arrays contain two or more indices, in which elements appear in
multiple rows. 
ˆ Two-dimensional arrays are useful in Excel VBA to store row and column information, in which
the first index represents rows and the second index represents columns. 
ˆ Multi-dimensional arrays are created in the same way as 
one-dimensional arrays, except they must specify the size of each index as comma-
separated arguments in the declaration, like this: 
Dim array_name ( final_index1 , final_index2 , final_index3 ) As data_type
Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

Create a VBA macro module by adding an initial directive to start index numbering at one: 
Option Base 1

Next, add a Subroutine that declares a two-dimensional array of three elements 

Option Base 1 

Sub Array2D () 

Dim Basket (3 ,3) As String 

’insert statements below 

End Sub

Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

Next, insert statements to initialize each array element in the first index Option Base 1 
Sub Array2D () 

Dim Basket (3 ,3) As String 

’first index 
Basket (1 ,1) = " Apple " 
Basket (1 ,2) = " Banana " 
Basket (1 ,3) = " Cherry " 

End Sub 

Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

Next, insert statements to initialize each array element in the first index Option Base 1 
Sub Array2D () 

Dim Basket (3 ,3) As String 

’first index 
Basket (1 ,1) = " Apple " 
Basket (1 ,2) = " Banana " 
Basket (1 ,3) = " Cherry " 

End Sub 

Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

Next, insert statements to initialize each array element in the second index 
Option Base 1 

Sub Array2D () 

Dim Basket (3 ,3) As String 

’first index 
Basket (1 ,1) = " Apple " 
Basket (1 ,2) = " Banana " 
Basket (1 ,3) = " Cherry " 

’second index 
Basket (2 ,1) = " Ampalaya " 
Basket (2 ,2) = " Broccoli " 
Basket (2 ,3) = " Cabbage " 

End Sub 

Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

Finally, insert statements to display the array elements 

Option Base 1 

Sub Array2D () 

Dim Basket (3 ,3) As String 

’first index 
Basket (1 ,1) = " Apple " 
Basket (1 ,2) = " Banana " 
Basket (1 ,3) = " Cherry " 

’second index 
Basket (2 ,1) = " Ampalaya " 
Basket (2 ,2) = " Broccoli " 
Basket (2 ,3) = " Cabbage " 

Msgbox Basket (2 ,1) 

End Sub 


Dynamic Arrays
Dynamic Arrays 
ˆ Dynamic arrays can be created by omitting the argument between the parentheses in an
array declaration. 
ˆ Useful when a an array involves a set of data without a fix number of values  
ˆ For this type of array, we can determine its indeces using the LBound and UBound methods,
with syntax: 
LBound ( array_name , dimension ) 
UBound ( array_name , dimension )

where array name is the name of the array and dimension is a whole number indicating which
dimension’s lower or upper bound is returned. 

Dynamic Arrays 

Option Explicit 

Option Base 1 ’ Set default array subscripts to 1. 

Sub Test () 

Dim x (20) As Double , y(4 , 3 To 5) As Double 

Dim t(0 To 5) As Double ’ Overrides default base subscript . 

’ Use LBound function to test lower bounds of arrays . 

MsgBox LBound (x) ’ Returns 1. 
MsgBox LBound (y, 1) ’ Returns 1. 
MsgBox LBound (y, 2) ’ Returns 1. 
MsgBox LBound (t) ’ Returns 0. 

End Sub 



Records store any type of information in a single variable. To create a Record, a special
variable type must first be established using the Type statement: 
Type usertype 
itemname As type 
itemname As type 
itemname As type 

End Type

After establishing the type, the record can then be dimensioned: 

Dim record_name (n) As
Individual elements of the record can then be identified by appending a period followed by the
type, as in: 
varname (i). type


Option Explicit 

’Establish a variable of type ChemData 

Type ChemData 
Elname As String 
Symbol As String * 3 
AtomNumber As Integer 
AtomWeight As Double 
End Type 


Sub Periodic () 

Dim Chem (118) As ChemData 

Dim Msg As String , element_number As Integer 

’Identify and fill values of individual elements 

Chem (6) . Elname = " Carbon " 
Chem (6) . Symbol = "C" 
Chem (6) . AtomNumber = 6 
Chem (6) . AtomWeight = 12.011 

element_number = InputBox (" Enter the atomic number : ") 

Msg = " Atomic number = " & Chem ( element_number ). AtomNumber 
MsgBox Chem ( element_number ). Elname & vbCrLf & Chem ( element_number ). Symbol & vbCrLf & Msg & vbCrLf & Chem (
element_number ). 
AtomWeight , , Chem ( element_number ) . Elname 
End Sub 


Thank You!

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