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1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs


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Former Member
November 6, 2012 | 6 minute read

Using Persistent Class for

CRUD(Create, Read, Update and
Delete) Operations
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Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and

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Delete) Operations

In contrast to the traditional SELECT and UPDATE query, SAP also provides the
facility to use PERSISTENT Classes in order to perform CRUD(Create, Read,
Update and Delete) operations.
The following blog will take you through the steps on how to perform CRUD
operations on a TABLE using persistent objects.

Step by Step 1/10
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

Table which will be manipulated using the Persistent Class

I have selected an already created table in my system, you can create your own
and use and existing one.

Figure 1

Creating the Persistent Class

Persistent classes are like normal classes and are created using the class builder
(se24). The only difference while creating a persistent class is the tick mark
Persistent Class, which identifies the class as a persistent class.

Goto SE24 write a name and then press the create button, select the Class type
as Persistent Class and press SAVE as shown in Figure 2.

On Save system will generate two more classes along with the Persistent Class
Agent class ZCA_ASSET_VERF_DOC_HEADER and the
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

Figure 2

Since the Persistent class ZCL_ASSET_VERF_DOC_HEADER is a Protected class,

system creates ZCA_(Agent class), which is used to get the
instance of the persistent class and ZCB_(Base class), which is an abstract class
from which the agent class is derived.

This is done since the persistent class is kept by the system as a managed object
and its class cannot be instantiated directly using the CREATE OBJECT
command. So when ever CREAT_PERSISTENT, GET_PERSISTENT etc methods of
the agent class are called, a new instance of the persistent class
will be created and returned.

Linking the table with the persistent class

While editing ZCL_ASSET_VERF_DOC_HEADER press the persistence button in
the toolbar and in the popup screen enter the table to which you want
link the class to as shown in Figure 3. 3/10
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

Figure 3

Add the fields you want to make persistent by double clicking the fields in the
bottom section and then pressing the arrow button as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Tips: Click the Generator Settings button in the toolbar and select the
Generate Methods for Query checkbox as shown in Figure 5, this will generate
the GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY method as well. 4/10
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

Figure 5

On saving you will see that the system will generate Setter and Getter methods
for all selected fields as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

Activate the class and you can now use it to Create, Read, Update and Delete data
from ZASTVERFH table.

Test program to Create, Read, Update and Delete from table using
Persistent Class


DATA lo_astverf_obj TYPE REF TO zcl_asset_verf_doc_header.

DATA lv_physinv TYPE zastverfh–physinv VALUE ‘1000000000’.
DATA lv_gjahr TYPE zastverfh–gjahr VALUE ‘2010’.


lo_astverf_obj = zca_asset_verf_doc_header=>agent->create_persistent(
                            i_physinv =
                            i_gjahr = lv_gjahr ).

CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_crtdate( sy–datum ).

CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_crttime( sy–uzeit ). 5/10
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_crtuname( sy–uname ).

CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_hstatus( ‘I’ ).

CATCH cx_os_object_existing.



For updation everything remains the same only you need to replace the
CREATE_PERSISTENT method with the GET_PERSISTENT  method and the
exception will change from cx_os_object_existing to cx_os_object_not_found.

lo_astverf_obj = zca_asset_verf_doc_header=>agent->get_persistent(

                           i_physinv = lv_physinv                                                   

                          i_gjahr = lv_gjahr ).

CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_crtdate( sy–datum ).

CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_crttime( sy–uzeit ).
CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_crtuname( sy–uname ).
CALL METHOD lo_astverf_obj->set_hstatus( ‘I’ ).


CATCH cx_os_object_not_found.



Code for Read is same as update, the only change is we will use GETTER methods
instead of SETTER methods.
lo_astverf_obj = zca_asset_verf_doc_header=>agent->get_persistent(

                           i_physinv = lv_physinv

                          i_gjahr = lv_gjahr ).

zastverfh–crtdate = lo_astverf_obj->get_crtdate( ).
zastverfh–crttime = lo_astverf_obj->get_crttime( ).
zastverfh–crtuname = lo_astverf_obj->get_crtuname( ).
zastverfh–hstatus = lo_astverf_obj->get_hstatus( ).

CATCH cx_os_object_not_found.

ENDTRY. 6/10
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs


For deletion use method DELETE_PERSISTENT and exception



     i_physinv = lv_physinv

    i_gjahr = lv_gjahr ).


CATCH cx_os_object_not_existing.


Read Multiple Records:

Here instead of using the GET_PERSISTENT method we use the

GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY method, which will return us the list of objects.
record in the database will correspond to an object in the internal table.

DATA lt_obj TYPE osreftab.

DATA ls_obj TYPE osref.

    lt_obj = zca_asset_verf_doc_header=>agent-
                  i_par1 = ‘5%’
                  i_query = cl_os_system=>get_query_manager( )->create_query(
                                    i_filter = ‘PHYSINV LIKE PAR1’ ) ).

    IF lines( lt_obj ) <> 0.

      LOOP AT lt_obj INTO ls_obj.

        lo_astverf_obj ?= ls_obj.

        zastverfh–physinv = lo_astverf_obj->get_physinv( ).

        zastverfh–gjahr = lo_astverf_obj->get_gjahr( ).
        zastverfh–crtdate = lo_astverf_obj->get_crtdate( ).
        zastverfh–crttime = lo_astverf_obj->get_crttime( ). 7/10
1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

        zastverfh–crtuname = lo_astverf_obj->get_crtuname( ).

        zastverfh–hstatus = lo_astverf_obj->get_hstatus( ).

        WRITE: / zastverfh–physinv,




  CATCH cx_os_object_not_found.


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abap persistence

create update delete read using persistence

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November 24, 2013 at 2:29 pm


Thanks for your blog, it is very helpfull.

However, in the Read Multiple Records section, I tried to use the parameter PAR1 but it seams it doesn't
work, in DEBUG, the query is something like this :


PAR1 is not replace by i_par1.


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1/8/23, 6:21 PM Using Persistent Class for CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations | SAP Blogs

Former Member
October 24, 2017 at 2:35 am

In 'Linking the table with the persistent class' step to get to the screen in the Figure 3,  Menu: Goto -->
Persistence Representant.

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