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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6728183, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Impact of Parenting Styles to the Spending Behaviors of Senior High School Students at
Western Philippines University-Agricultural Science High School, Aborlan, Palawan

Michelle N. Enano*, Liz Aira S. Cruz, Sotico C. Santillan

For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Spending behavior of an individual especially younger generations tend to be alarming as studies
revealed that they will cover large amount of consumer spending this year. Those youths may not
lead to financial problems on their adulthood if they know how to manage their money wisely. The
parents’ or guardians’ role on teaching financial management to their children is vital. This study
focused on the impact of parenting styles to the spending behaviors of senior high school students at
Agricultural Science High School of the Western Philippines University, Aborlan, Palawan and to
determine if there is a significant relationship between parenting styles of the respondents’ parents
and spending behaviors of the respondents. This study used a descriptive-correlational research,
survey-questionnaire, descriptive statistics and Chi-Square Test. There were 168 that served as the
respondents of the study. Majority were female, 18 years old, Roman Catholic and whose parents
were college graduate, Tagbanua and not struggling financially. Half of the respondents’ parents
employ authoritative parenting style; some has neglectful and permissive parent but only few of them
has an authoritarian parent. Most of the respondents were essentialist spenders which means that they
have better financial management skills. The parenting styles of the respondents’ parents does not
directly influence the respondents’ spending behaviors. It is recommended that a symposium about
financial management should be conducted so that students can have a chance to improve their
financial management skills. A comparative study on how junior high school students spend money
as compared to senior high school students was also recommended.
Keywords: Parenting Styles, Senior High School Students, Agricultural Science High School,
Spending Behaviors

Introduction influence of parents is significant because of how

parents help their children to develop political and
Students who know how to manage their money or religious beliefs, lifestyle choices, and consumer
those wise spenders at their adolescent stage will not preferences. Most people are who they are because of
be mostly involve in financial problems such as large
their parents. Secondly, one’s purchasing habits and
debts in their adulthood. Also, those parents who teach
consumer behavior depends on which social class he
their children on how to save money effectively and
the importance of it by using authority and showing or she belongs (Lumen Learning, 2018). Relatively,
love at the same time will lead their children in Mass Live Media Marketing (2018) revealed that
achieving better financial management skills (Berns, younger generations by year 2020 will cover almost
2007). However, the spending behavior of youth today 40% of consumer spending and will also serve as a
is alarming as they continue to buy their unending huge effect on consumerism. Therefore, this study
wants that may result to different financial problems aims to determine the impact of parenting style of
(Bona, 2017). Spending behavior is vital because it respondents’ parents, spending behavior of the
serves as first step in understanding the buying and respondents and the significant relationship between
spending patterns of consumers since different factors
parenting styles of respondents’ parents and spending
are linked to it (Juneja, 2017).
behavior of respondents.
Parenting style is the constellation of attitudes or a
pattern of parental authority towards the child which The results of this study will be useful to the school
are conveyed to the child, creating the emotional administrators, teachers and parents since they can
context for the expression of parent behavior and help the students to have better financial skills.
development of their child’s behavior (Michalos, Specifically, the identified problem in this study will
2014). Furthermore, family members and social status lead school administrators to conduct symposiums
served as a major influence on someone’s shopping about financial management or even hire financial aid
patterns and consumer habits. Families and parenting
counselor that will teach students on how to spend
style influence purchases in many ways. At first, the
Michelle Enano
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728183, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Methodology parenting style. It was followed by those parents who

practice neglectful parenting style (20.83%) and
permissive parenting style (19.05%). While, only few
This study was conducted to 168 senior high school (10.12%) are employing authoritarian parenting. As
students of Western Philippines University- presented, most of the respondents were raised in
Agricultural Science High School, in San Juan, authoritative homes while least number has
Aborlan, Palawan who are enrolled during the School authoritarian parents which means that the behaviors
Year 2019-2020 from January to April, 2020. of respondents whose parents is authoritative differs to
Descriptive–correlational research using self-made those who have an authoritarian parent. These findings
survey questionnaire was employed. Descriptive conformed to the study of Rosenthal (2009) which
method was employed to determine the parenting explained that authoritative parents seek a balance
styles of respondents’ parents, and the spending between the teens’ desire for independence and the
behaviors of the respondents. On the other hand, parents’ desire to be listened to which lead their
correlational research was utilized to assessed the children to be socially responsible, self-regulated and
relationship between parenting styles of respondents’ cooperative. While, authoritarian parents are very
parents and the spending behaviors of the respondents. strict, have a strong sense of justice and always seek
According to McCombes (2019), descriptive research obedience. For that instances, children of authoritarian
systematically describes a population, situation or parents tend to be timid, lack of spontaneity, has lower
phenomenon, while correlational researches measures self-esteem and rely to unusual degree on the voice of
two variables, understands and assess the statistical authority with lower degree of independence. Also, the
relationship between them (Bhat, 2018). findings indicate that some of the respondents’ parents
employs neglectful and permissive parenting which
The self-made questionnaire that contained questions conforms to Diana Baumrind’s Theory which states
in determining the parenting style of respondents’ that there are four parenting styles which includes:
parents and the spending behavior of the respondents authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and neglectful.
was presented to the research committee and subjected
to the validation by the statistician in order to fit the
objectives. Upon the approval, the researchers Table 1. Parenting styles of the respondents’ parents
administered the survey questionnaire to the identified
respondents. The researchers gave instructions to the
respondents and assisted them in answering the
questionnaire by giving clarifications and ample time.

The gathered data were then tallied, tabulated and

collated and were subjected to descriptive statistics
such as frequency counts, mean, and percentages.
While inferential statistics particularly the Chi-Square
Test was used to determine if there is a significant
Spending Behaviors of the Respondents
relationship between parenting styles of respondents’
parents and the spending behavior of the respondents.
Table 2 shows the spending behaviors of the
According to Statistics Solutions (2020), Chi-square
respondents which were categorized into four types:
test is commonly utilized when testing relationships
essentialist, emotional, extravagant and egoistic.
that exists on the categorical variables in the
Evidently, the data revealed that 86.31% of the
respondents were essentialist spenders. It was followed
by the emotional spenders (10.12%) and extravagant
Results and Discussion spenders (2.38%). While, there were only 1.19% of the
respondents who were egoistic spenders. As presented,
most of the respondents were essentialist spenders
Parenting Styles of the Respondents’ Parents which means that they commonly spent money to buy
things that they really need that makes them a wise
Table 1 presents the parenting styles of the spender. Also, the data revealed that most of the
respondents’ parents which were categorized into four
types: permissive, authoritative, authoritarian and
neglectful. Evidently, the data revealed that half (50%)
of the respondents’ parents employ authoritative

Michelle Enano
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728183, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

respondents assess the consequences first before Conclusion

buying anything and do not let their emotions, ego and
popularity to affect the way they spend money. The
Based on the significant findings of the study, the
result strengthens the findings of Genilla (2019)
following conclusions were drawn:
stating that essentialist spenders are those individuals
1. The respondents’ parents have different
who live with the basics since they prioritize their
perceptions and sources of knowledge on what is the
needs which allow them to spend less and save more.
most-effective child-rearing that will make their
Table 2. Spending behavior of the respondents children be a better spenders since most of them were
mostly college graduates while some were only able to
reach high school and elementary levels.
2. Most of the respondents’ parents employ an
authoritative parenting style and very few of the
respondents have an authoritarian parent.
3. Some parents tend to be permissive and neglectful
parents to their children.
4. Among the four spending behaviors, most of the
respondents were essentialist spenders which means
Relationship between parenting styles of that they have financial management skills.
respondents’ parents and spending behaviors of the 5. Finally, the parenting styles of the respondents’
respondents parents do not directly influence the respondents’
spending behaviors.
Table 3 presents the relationship between parenting
styles of respondents’ parents and spending behaviors
of the respondents. As shown, result revealed that a p-
value of 0.153 is less than the 0.05 level of
significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis that “there Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
is no significant relationship between parenting styles following recommendations were drawn:
of respondents’ parents and spending behaviors of
respondents” is accepted. This implies that parenting For the Campus Administrator
styles of respondents’ parents does not directly
influence the respondents’ spending behaviors. 1. If possible, hire a financial aid counselor that
Similarly, Aguila (2019) concludes that there was no will teach students not only to senior high
single distinct parenting style that parents perceived school students but also to those students in
they were using and that students experienced but junior high and elementary level.
assures that parents really differed among themselves 2. If available, offer trainings and seminars
on whom and how they patterned their parenting style. regarding financial management mostly to
Also, such result strengthens the suggestion of the those who teach lesson about economics and
study of Howard (2018) that one’s lifestyle is still one business management.
of the major factors that affects the spending patterns
of an individual. For the ASHS Administration

Table 3. Relationship between parenting styles of respondents’ 1. Conduct or organize a symposium about
parents and spending behaviors of the respondents financial management so that students can have
a chance to im prove their f inanci al
m anagem ent skills.
2. Establish and maintain close relationship and
camaraderie with the administrators, teachers,
parents and students.

For the Senior High School Students

1. If you are a wise spender, maintain that

spending behavior and even improve that upon
entering adulthood. While, if not, start having

Michelle Enano
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728183, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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Michelle Enano

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