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3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6.


QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON Total points 34/40

The Hanunoo have their own language, which belongs to * 2/2

the Malayo-Polynesian group.

Among the Iraya Mangyan, the marriage ceremony is officiated by an old *2/2
member of the village.

Ampual is the supreme deity and chief among the high ranking deities above *2/2
the sky world of the Ifugao,… 1/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON

 The traditional costumes of the Tagbanwa were fashioned from the bark of *2/2
trees, particularly the salugin.

 Among super naturals, Kalinga believe in the kotmo, a malevolent water spirit *2/2
in the form of a human pigmy who prevents women from conceiving; it also
victimizes newborns.

Lowlands Gaddang women do not own and inherit property, run businesses, *0/2
and pursue educational attainment.


Calapiz… 2/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON

 The Tingguians are also called Itnegs. * 2/2

 The word Tingguian in later years was changed to describe the peoples of *2/2

The Kalinga's name is derived from the Ibanag and Gaddang noun "Kalinga", *2/2
which means "enemy", "fighter", or "head taker".

Lowlands Gaddang women do not own and inherit property, run businesses, *2/2
and pursue educational attainment.… 3/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON

The Kalinga recognize a creator god, Kaboniyan, but invoke him only in *0/2
moments of extreme and sudden crisis, such as an accidental death or the
destruction of the rice crop by a storm.

 Ifugao is named after the term i-pugo , which translates to people of the land. * 2/2

The religion of the indigenous Mangyan * 2/2

population is animism.

Bulungabon is a Mangyan god – owner of a garden where all spirits rest. * 2/2… 4/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON

 The Andardi is a festival dance of the Tagbanwa in and around Aborlan, *0/2
perform at social gatherings.

The Ivatan headgear for sunlight and rain protection made from vuyavuy palm *2/2
fiber is known as Vakul.

 The Calamian Tagbanwa of Coron filed the first formal legal claim in the *2/2
Philippines for their "ancestral waters."


Joephine… 5/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON

The Ivatan legends  are called kabbata. * 2/2




IT 3R1

IT 3R2

The Ifugao lack political organization and have relied on marriage alliances *2/2
and trading pacts; they recognize temporary go-betweens who settle disputes
in terms of customary law. *… 6/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON

Mangyan is a generic term that * 2/2

comprises the indigenous peoples of

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 Forms… 7/8
3/23/23, 2:23 PM QUIZ 6. IPs IN LUZON… 8/8

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