Teachers' Awareness and Schools' Responsiveness To The Child Protection Policy

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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6728340, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Teachers' Awareness and Schools' Responsiveness to the Child Protection Policy

Aljim B. Alombro*, Roxanne S. Bermejo, Decie S. Cabullo, Shirley A. Teodoro,

Crizel Joy J. Velasco, Angela B. Villanueva, Jergen Jel C. Labaria
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The level of teacher awareness and school implementation of the child protection policy in
elementary schools in Bataraza District 1, Palawan was investigated in this study. Researchers used
descriptive and survey instrument to collect data from 166 teachers who were chosen by random
selection. It provided information on the respondents' age, gender, and length of service. The
correlational approach was utilized to determine the association between teachers' child protection
policy awareness and their duration of service, as well as between teachers' child protection policy
awareness and the level of implementation in the school. This study found out that the teachers are
knowledgeable to the Child Protection Policy and schools are compliant to the implementation of the
said policy as mandated. Similarly, the findings revealed that there is significant relationship between
the level of awareness of teacher to the implementation in schools. As a result, the researchers
recommended on the continuous teacher training programs and orientation for further knowledge and
skills enhancement regarding on the provisions of the policy and schools should continuously
strengthen its implementation of the said policy through involving the whole school community and
comprehensive information drive about the policy as Child Protection is a shared responsibility.

Keywords: Child Protection Policy, Responsiveness, Teachers’ Awareness

Introduction because of the challenging situations faced by teachers

and other officials within and outside the school. Thus,
As stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the state it implemented the Child Protection Policy to offer
shall protect the right of children to help, including special protection to children who are threatened or
appropriate care and nutrition, special safeguard from endangered by conditions that affect their usual
all forms of abandonment, mistreatment, cruelty,
development and over which they have no control and
exploitation, and other conditions detrimental to their
assist the concerned agencies in their rehabilitation
development (Article XV, Section 3 (2)), the
(DO #40, s. 2012). The policy further reiterates the
Philippine Government is continuously in work
duties and responsibilities of the school personnel
together with concerned agencies in strengthening
from the School Head down to the learners
policies regarding child protection. Several laws and
themselves, preventive/protective and remedial
policies relating to child protection were passed and
measures to address child abuse, mistreatment,
amended, like; the Child and Youth Welfare Code,
violence, discrimination and bullying, and other deeds
Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act
(RA 9262), and Child Protection Act (RA No 7610) of cruelty.
which states that the state shall provide special
protection to children from all forms of abuse, neglect, It has been reported that child abuse has risen during
cruelty exploitation and discrimination and other the pandemic as the children cannot go outside their
conditions, prejudicial to their development. homes. Bataraza is among the municipalities of
Palawan with the highest cases of child abuse. The
The Department of Social Welfare and Development researchers believed that protecting children is
(DSWD) is the primary welfare agency of the everyone's concern. Teachers and educators play
government whose part is to set principles, recognize important roles in implementing the laws and policies
and provide consultative services to public and private within the school and thus should be well
institutions, organizations, and persons involved in knowledgeable of the provisions of the child
social welfare activities, and monitor the performing protection policy.
bodies and enforce compliance to standards
concerning children's welfare and protection. On the This study deems beneficial to school administrators
other hand, the Department of Education recognizes and the Department of Education in providing
that cases of abuse may arise in a school set-up additional teacher enhancement programs for a better
implementation of the said policy.

Aljim B. Alombro
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728340, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Questions other acts of abuse. Preventive measures suggest that

school personnel, pupils, and parents should attend
The research aims to determine the teachers' level of training and seminars about dealing with abuse,
awareness and the school's level of implementation of including positive peer relationships and enhancement
the child protection policy. Specifically, it sought to of social and emotional competence. Protective and
answer the following questions: Remedial measures are the procedures employed in
handling school incidents.
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents
in terms of: In the previous studies regarding Child Protection
1.1 sex; Policy in school, Asio et al. found a moderate and
1.2 age; and direct relationship between the awareness of teachers
1.3 length of service? and the responsiveness of the school to a child
2. What is the respondents' level of awareness of the protection policy. The result is evident since the
child protection policy? Department promotes such a program to all schools.
3. What is the school's level of implementation of the This means that the school complies since the teacher
child protection policy? is aware of such a policy. Cervancia et al. (2019)
4. Is there a significant relationship between the recommend in their study to dwell on implementing
respondents' level of awareness to their length of the DepEd Child Protection Policy focusing on
service? monitoring the system adopted by schools and on
5. Is there a significant relationship between teachers' probing on the capacity of activities afforded to
level of awareness of the child protection policy to the teachers in both public and private educational
level of its implementation in schools? settings. Bayuca (2020) also recommends that
implementation of the Child Protection Policy be
monitored, and a more comprehensive information
Literature Review drive be given to teachers.

Child Protection is a vital international phenomenon. It Methodology

emphasized preventing abuse and maltreatment. The
United Nations General Assembly approved the Child
Rights Convention in 1989 to avert any impairment Locale of the Study
that could threaten children and warrant that it protects
their rights (Mulinge, 2010). The study was conducted at Bataraza District I, where
most of the researchers were currently teaching.
World Health Organization (2006) stated that child
abuse is categorized as physical, sexual, and emotional Research Design
abuse. The WHO further reiterated instances of abuse
physically, sexually, and emotionally. This study used the descriptive-correlational method.
It described the profile of the respondents in terms of
The Department of Education is one government age, sex, and length of service. On the other hand, the
agency that recognizes the need for a child protection correlational method was used to determine the
policy in collaboration with its partners, and relationship between teachers' level of awareness of
stakeholders shall ensure that all schools are conducive the child protection policy on their length of service
to educating the children. For the child's best interest and between teachers' level of awareness of the child
shall be the vital contemplation in all decisions and protection policy to the level of implementation in the
engagements encompassing children. school.

The department targets to guarantee such special Respondents of the Study

protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation and
care as is essential for the child's well-being, taking The respondents of this study were the selected 166
into account the principal rights and duties of parents/ elementary teachers of Bataraza District 1 the School
legal guardians (DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012). Year 2021-2022. They was selected through a random
sampling technique. A Slovin's Formula was used to
The DepEd Order also enumerated preventive and determine the sample size.
protective measures to address child abuse,
exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and Sampling Procedure

Aljim B. Alombro
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728340, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

This study employed the random sampling technique. Table 1. Profile of Respondents in terms of Sex
The respondents was selected from 272 elementary
teachers of Bataraza District 1 within the School Year
of 2021-2022.


The researchers adopted the instrument entitled Survey

Questionnaire on Awareness and Implementation of
the DepEd Child Protection Policy in Schools by
Macatimpag (2018) and the researchers translated it
into a google survey form.
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage
Data Collection distribution of the respondents in terms of sex. It is
revealed that out of 166 respondents, there are 41
Before officially gathering data for the study, the males (24.70%) of the total samples and 124 females
researchers first asked permission from the office of (75.30%). This further portrays that there are more
the District Supervisor of Bataraza 1 to conduct the female teachers than males.
study. After obtaining the approval of the District
supervisor, the researchers then informed the possible Table 2. Profile of Respondents in terms of Age
participants about the study, its purpose, and their role
in the conduct of the study. Informing the participants
was done through various online platform means,
such as chat through messenger and through e-mail.
The researchers then send the respondents the link of
the online survey questionnaire which they accessed
and answered through their respective e-mail

Data Analysis

The data obtained from the research subjects was

subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics.
Table 2 presents the distribution of respondents
Research question 1 involves ordinal data utilizing the according to their age. Most of them were 20 to 29
5-Point Likert Scale. Although the mean has been years old (50.60%), followed by 30 to 39 years old
widely used, the descriptive statistics appropriate to (39.16%), then 40 to 49 years old (9.64%). Only 1 or
use in dealing with ordinal data is the median 0.60% were of age 50 and above.
(Almeda, Capistrano, and Sarte, 2010, as cited by
Table 3. Profile of Respondents in Terms of Length of
Falible, 2020). Hence, the median was used to treat the
data. Service

For research questions 2 and 3, SPSS or Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences was used. For research
question 2, it involves ordinal data and ratio data.
Hence, Spearman's rho was used. For research
question 3, it involves two ordinal data. Hence,
Spearman's rho was also used.


Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

sex, age, and length of service.

Aljim B. Alombro
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728340, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 4 shows the 15 item statements which focused

on the provisions of the child protection policy. The
computed General awareness median of these items is
4 with the descr i pt i ve i nt er pr et at i on of
Table 3 presents the distribution of respondents “knowledgeable” shows that the respondents are aware
according to their length of service. The 101 of the on the provision of the policy. This implies that
teacher respondents (60.84%) are 0 to 5 years in the elementary teachers in Bataraza district 1 can handle
service. This was followed by 42 teachers (25.30%) any untoward incident related to this policy.
who are 6 to 10 years in the service. Fifteen or 9.04%
Level of implementation of the school to the child
of the respondents are 11 to 15 years in the service.
Furthermore, there are 4 teachers (2.41%) that are 16 protection policy
to 20 years in service and 50 years and above.
Table 5. Level of Implementation of the School to the
Level of awareness of the respondents to the child Child Protection Policy
protection policy

Table 4. Level of Awareness of the Respondents to the

Child Protection Policy

Table 5 shows the level of implementation of the

school to the child protection policy. The result
showed that the median of the level of implementation
of the school to the child protection policy was 4. This
means that the child protection policy was
implemented in the school of Bataraza District I. The
result of this study support the findings of Japhet Z.
Matulac; Karen L. Zamora (2000) the school’s Child
Protection Policy should be firmly implemented and
must be innate to all school personnel to secure
children’s holistic growth and welfare. This result was
quite impressive for this means that elementary
schools in Bataraza District 1 are responsive to DepEd
Order No. 40 series of 2012 also known as the Child
Protection Policy.

Aljim B. Alombro
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728340, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The significant relationship between the level of child protection policy and the level of implementation
awareness of the respondents to their length of in schools is shown in Table 7. The computed value of
service. 0.745, which is greater than the tabular value of 0.000,
suggests a significant relationship between the
Table 6. Relationship Between the Level of Awareness respondents' level of awareness of the child protection
of Child Protection Policy and the Length of Service of policy and the level of implementation in schools.
the Respondents Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies
that since teachers are aware of the child protection
policy, then its implementation in school also follows.
This is related to the findings of Asio et al. (2020)
where there is moderate to direct relationship between
the awareness of teachers and the responsiveness of
the school to the child protection policy.
The relationship between the level of awareness of the
child protection policy and the length of service of the Conclusion
respondents is shown in Table 6. The computed value
of -0.049, which is less than the tabular value of 0.533,
suggests no significant relationship exists between the The results of the study showed that:
respondents' level of awareness of the child protection
policy and their length of service. Therefore, the null 1. There are more female teachers (75.30%) than
hypothesis is accepted. This implies that regardless of male teachers (24.70%). For the age, there are
their length of service, the respondents are aware of more teachers in the age group of 20-29
the child protection policy. The results of this study having 84 teachers or 50.60%. It was followed
confirm Graham et al (2020) findings on their study by 65 teachers (39.19%) within the age group
which found no evidence that beginning instructors (0– 30-39. When it comes to the length of service,
3 years' experience) were less competent than teachers the majority of the respondents are within the
with more years of experience either the domain or range of 0-5 years.
dimension level. This gives affirmation to the fact that 2. The teachers in are knowledgeable about the
even beginning instructors are aware about the child DepEd Child Protection Policy, as shown by
protection policy as well . As a result, both novice and the knowledgeable description of the computed
experienced teachers are aware of child protection median.
policy regardless of years in service. 3. The schools implemented the DepEd Child
P r ot ect ion P oli cy, as shown by the
This result is also parallel to the findings of Bayuca implemented description of the computed
(2020) in the same study to the group of teachers she median, and are compliant with the mandates
tested with 1 to 10 years in service are knowledgable of the Department of Education.
on the Child Protection Policy. 4. There is no significant relationship found
between the level of awareness of the child
The significant relationship between the level of protection policy and the length of service of
awareness of teachers to the child protection policy the teachers.
to the level of its implementation in schools 5. There is a significant relationship found
between the level of awareness of the teachers
Table 7. Relationship Between the Level of Awareness to the level of implementation of the Child
to Child Protection Policy and the Level of Its Protection Policy in schools.
Implementation in School
With these conclusions, the researchers recommended
the following.

1. To ensure its implementation, it should be

monitored on a regular basis in schools, and
training modules on positive and nonviolent
classroom management, anger and stress
management, and gender sensitivity should be
incorporated in seminars to be held. Since
The relationship between the level of awareness of the
female respondents dominated the number of

Aljim B. Alombro
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6728340, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

male respondents the researchers would like to DepEd Order No. 40 series 2012. DepEd Child Protection
Policy. https://www.deped.gov.ph/wpcontent/uploads/2012/05/DO_
recommend that same study will be conducted
to check the level of awareness of female
teachers and male teachers. Glen, S. (2012) Slovin’s formula: What is it and when do I use it?
2. Since teachers are knowledgable on the the https://www.statisticshowto.com/how-touse-slovinsformula/#:~:text
provisions of the child protection policy, the % 2 0 u s e d ,e xa m p le % 2 C %2 0 i n % 20 a % 20 q ue s ti o n ) .
Department of education and concerned Graham et al.(2020) Do teachers’ years of experience make a
agencies should continuously implement difference in the quality of teaching
teacher enhancement training and program https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0742051X20313
810?fbclid=IwAR0lRG2SDA0kiewQjq52p87g2U -
regarding the salient features of the said policy. EitMJhinJMAD_V_M-MZpg08EybjB414o (accessed on 12TH June
3. School heads should strengthen the 2022).
implementation of the child protection policy
Macatimpag,L. (2018) A survey questionnaire on the awareness and
by continuously monitoring and evaluating the imple me nta ti o n of DepEd child prote c tion policy.
salient features of the policy and involve the https://www.scribd.com/document/371066136/Survey-Questionnair
parents and stakeholders in the implementation e-for-Deped-Child-Protection-Policy
as members of the executive committee.
4. School heads and education leaders should use
the baseline of this study to strictly monitor,
evaluate and assess the salient features of the
5. Teachers, school heads, parents, and the school
community should work for hand and hand in
the fully awareness and strict implementation Affiliations and Corresponding Information
of the said policy because Child Protection is a Corresponding: Aljim Alombro
shared responsibility. Email: aljim.bamuya0001@deped.gov.ph

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Aljim B. Alombro

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