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Role of Primary Education

in Development
Primary Education-Topic
• Primary education is the foremost and basic right of every child. To
ensure the accessibility to all children is not only the duty of
government but also of parents. The main objective of the primary
education is to bring awareness among the children, opens avenues of
opportunities along with self-development and reduces inter-
generational poverty. It is the first step in the making of welfare and
society. Primary education is an out-and-out pre-requisite for
continuous development.
Body Paragraph
• The Crucial Role of Primary Education
• Objectives of Primary Education
• Benefits of Primary Education in Education
1. Supports Social and Emotional Development
2. Teaches Independence and Confidence
3. Improves Reading and Communication Skills
• Conclusion- Summery/Advice/Suggestion
The Crucial Role of Primary Education
• Primary education is the incubator for the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators. The
challenge for primary school educators is to prepare young minds and using that knowledge to develop
instructional strategies to keep students involved in curriculum materials. Primary school educators are
responsible to deliver standardized learning to meet established standards of education. For primary
education providers, it is very easy to see the learners as unique individuals. Early education is the time
to find out a caring and supportive atmosphere that champions individuality while introducing the values
of coordination to reach both individual and group goals. Primary education is measured as the base for
the future intellectual developments. The subjects of humanities are introduced in the program of study
with the aim of make the child familiar with the human world. Moral education is also bringing together
as an important part of the curriculum with the purpose of develops moral sentiment and positive
outlook in the early phase of a child. Getting primary education provides a meticulous boost to a child.
Objectives of Primary Education
• The key objective of the primary education is to teach children to think analytically, to achieve high
living standards, to face the challenges posed by technological development and advancement of
citizenship and basic values. Primary education providers must provide safe and positive environments
where effective learning can take place. Primary education aimed to provide an opportunity to have a
team that is steady to interact. Elementary education enables students to make friends who facilitate
acquisition and development of communication skills as children attend school. Another goal of early
education is to demonstrate those children who are not academically good and who perceive things late.
The primary education includes of smaller categories and a lot of variety of academics. The primary
education is the phase where students may be influenced positively or negatively. The future of a child
is totally depending on the primary education. Primary education will boost your kids’ self-confidence
and offer your child the skills they need for the long success in this competitive world. The youngsters
who do not receive the basic education throughout their early years are instructed the counting,
alphabet, colors, and shapes after their formal
Benefits of Primary Education in
1. Supports Social and Emotional Development
It is very important for young children to spend some time with other
children before starting primary school, especially for those who are
from different cultures and backgrounds. One cannot take too lightly the
significance of group activities. The group interaction help children to
develop a sense of respect for others, learn the difference between right
and wrong, how to play with cooperation, the importance of sharing,
solve disputes, follow instructions, and voice their opinions.
2. Teaches Independence and Confidence
It is a proven fact that children in their early phase of life who attend a
preschool that gives a positive and nurturing environment more stable
than those who don’t, this also improve confident and individual young
achievers. Early education offers a safe, happy and healthy environment
where children can obtain a sense of self and explore new things which
learns them about themselves.
3. Improves Reading and Communication Skills
The communication and reading skills of a kid are directly associated
with their primary education. Generally, between the age of three and
five, a child’s communication skills developed, that is why the primary
education is essential to child’s overall development. Young kids who
attend preschool have much better reading and communication skills
than those who don’t.
Various researchers claim today that getting a good primary education
has more influence on children’s overall development than their family
background. Poor primary education can lead to a child towards
negative effects. While primary education determines the development
and growth of various aspects of a child in context to the society, on the
other hand, having a poor quality of elementary education or absence of
it can lead children to illiteracy. Consequently, primary education is the
most crucial phase of a child’s life. It shapes them into a better thinker,
learner and human being.
Attitudes towards
What is
What are Relationship
attitudes? between Attitudes
and Education

towards Conclusion
Attitudes on
Learning Education

How affect Good and Bad

Attitudes on Attitudes On
Education Education
What are Attitudes
• An attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs,
and behaviors toward a particular object,
person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often the
result of experience or upbringing, and they can
have a powerful influence over behavior. While
attitudes are enduring, they can also change.
What is Education
• Education is one of the most useful and long lasting
assets that can be given to children. It is usually passed
from one person to another either formally or informally.
It usually equips the students with knowledge on how to
handle various challenges in life either in work or in the
social sphere.
•Impacts of
on global
What is Industry in Impacts of COVID
Tourism Sri Lanka 19 on Tourism

Impacts of COVID-19 1. Travel
on tourism industry Restrictions

Increasing the in Sri Lanka


Tourists delay
No tourism Economic
their Trips
related consequenc
activities es
• Pandemic

how long the pandemic will last and when a treatment or vaccine will become available?
• Lifting of travel restrictions and lockdown measures

when will countries start easing restrictions and how?

how will social distancing rules impact supply?
• Consumer & Business confidence

how long it will take consumers to reassume travel?

how will travel behavior change?
• Economic impact

how deep and how long will the global recession be?
what will be consumers’ discretionary spending decisions?
• Governments Measures

how do government measures support tourism?

Introduction- What is Tourism
• Traveling is the most entertaining way to meet strangers and explore
new places.
• Tourism is a dynamic and competitive industry that requires the
ability to adapt to customers’ changing needs and desires, as
the customer’s satisfaction, safety and enjoyment.
Introduction-Tourism Industry in Sri
• Tourism has traditionally been the third largest foreign exchange earner in the
• Sri Lanka recorded over 1.9 million tourist arrivals.
• Sri Lanka offers a mix of attractions including beaches, wildlife parks, rain forests,
tea plantations, ancient ruins, Buddhist cultural sites, and festivals.
• The government currently offers beach land and islets for tourism
development. Eastern Sri Lanka is an area that offers significant potential as the
beaches in this area are considered world-class. Locations such as Pasekudah and
Arugam Bay are famous.
• The effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic which is currently catering made a
huge change on tourism industry in Sri Lanaka
• Re-think business model
• Innovation and digitalization
• Sustainability and sustainable-oriented segments (rural,
nature, health)
• De-escalation phases initiated by several countries toward
the ‘new normal‘
• Progress in adaptation plans in destinations & companies
What is
What is between
Technology Technology and

Importance of
Conclusion Technology and Technology in
Education Education

Technology and Impact of

present Education Education
Bad Impacts
Introduction- What is Technology
• In this day and age we know that technology is important for us in
our life. No matter where we are, technology is a must for us to
communicate with others around the worlds
• Technology has heavily impacted almost every aspect of our lives
• The development of technology has improved our beautiful world
in many fields such as sciences, education, transport and
• Technology nowadays makes almost everything easier and faster
than 100 years ago which save time and efforts.
Introduction- What is Education
Relationship between Technology and
• Education is one of the fields that technology makes it different
from the past.
• In addition technology could be strong way of learning which
makes learning more interesting and enjoying.
• Technology can encourage students to participate in the
classroom actively.
• Online education is now accredited and has changed the way
we view education

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