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Customer Interface

Generated on 25 August 2022

Published on 9 August 2022

This PDF was created from content on the Mastercard Technical Resource Center,
which is updated frequently.  For the most current documentation, go to Mastercard
Connect and launch the Technical Resource Center app.
Published on August 09, 2022

Subelement 71 (OBS 05 Result Codes)

The following provides detailed information on the result codes that can be present in DE 48 (Additional
Data—Private Use), subelement 71 (On-behalf Services [OBS]), subfield 2 (OB Result 1) when DE 48,
subelement 71, subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB] Service) value = 05 (Mastercard  Identity Check™ AAV
Verification Service).

OBS 05 Result Codes

Code Description SPA2 AAV DS Transaction ID Amount Check
(Authorization :

A AAV and Amount Checked1, 2 Found associated Not Present in < or = authentication
with PAN Authorization amount

B Balance to Verify1, 2 Found associated Not Present in 0%–19.99% of

with PAN Authorization authentication amount

C Consider the Amount2, 3 Found associated Not Present in 20% or > of

with PAN Authorization authentication amount

D DS Transaction ID Failed2, 4 Found associated Not Found N/A

with PAN associated with PAN
and AAV

I Invalid AAV4 Not Found N/A N/A

associated with PAN

K Key Not on File4 This value usually indicates the issuer is performing Self-Validation on SPA1 AAVs
and have not shared their ACS Issuer SPA1 AAV key with Mastercard.
M Monetary Currency mismatch between authorization and authentication records.

S DS Transaction ID Present – Found associated Found associated 0%–19.99% of

Balance to Verify1, 2 with PAN with PAN and AAV authentication amount

T Transaction ID Present – Found associated Found associated 20% or > of

Consider the Amount2, 3 with PAN with PAN and AAV authentication amount

U Service Unavailable4

V Valid – All Data Passes1 Found associated Found associated < or = authentication
with PAN with PAN and AAV amount

X Security Platform Timeout3, 5

Z Security Platform Processing Error3, 5

1 Low risk assumption for approval.

2 Applies only to SPA2 AAVs.
3 Amount discrepancy greater than 20%; other approval decision factors should be considered.
4 Service unavailable or discrepancy with critical validation fields; other approval decision factors should
be considered.
5 Applies only to SPA1 AAVs and 06 service.

2 ©2022 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

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