Finite Element Methods

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Date: . (FN/AN) Time: 2 Hrs., Full Marks: 30, Department: Aerospace Engineering
No. of Students: 27, Mid Spring Semester Examination (2012-13)
Sub. No. AE61003, Sub. Name Finite Element Methods
M. Tech/Research scholar

Note: Attempt all seven questions. Assume any missing data suitably.

1. Determine the support reaction forces at the two ends of the axial bar, which is governed by
differential equation (strong form): - !!__(EA du) = 0, using two finite linear elements as
dx dx
4 2
shown in Fig. P.l. The data are given as: P = 6.0 x 104 N, E = 2.0 x 10 N/mm , A = 250
mm 2, L = 150 mm, L\ = 1.9 mm. (4)

2. (a)Find the functional for the following boundary value problem: - , = ¢- 4xex
subjected to a¢(O)- ¢(0) = 1, a¢( ) + ¢(1) = -e; (b) Write the approximate solution m
ax ax
terms of two unknown function values of <P that does not satisfy the above boundary
conditions, (c) Determine the approximate solution using Rayleigh-Ritz method. (4)
3. Obtain the central displacement (w) using two noded linear Galerkin finite elements for the
following equation (strong form) associated with a cantilever beam of length L (fixed end
at x=:=O) subjected to a transverse load f = f 0 sin(nx/L): Obtain the week form of the
problem. Take one element only for the computation. Also determine reactions of the fixed
2 2
d (
d 2
wJ =J for O~x~L. (5)

4. The torsion problem which is governed by the equation: -


( ax
¢+ -aay-,¢J =
-2 in the region defined

by -3 ~ x~ 3, -2 ~ y~ 2, with ~=0 on the boundaries. Reformulate .the problem by

introducing new field variable 8, i. e, ¢ = e- _!_ (x + l).
Let us solve this reformulated
problem using Galerkin based weighted residual method. (4)
5. It is required to solve the problem of 2-D steady state heat conduction with no heat
generation in a material of unit thermal conductivity and occupying the square region-1 ~
x~ 1, -1 ~ y~ 1. The sides y = ±1 are maintained at zero temperature, while heat is supplied
at the rate cos( ny/2) per unit length on the sides x = ± 1. The strong form of the problem can
be easily written. Obtain weak form of the problem. Discuss importance of the weak form
and its continuity requirement. Propose solution based on Galerkin method using five term
approximation (use algebraic polynomial). Please do not evaluate the integrals (4)

P. T. 0
,, :~~

~~ ,, ~ ~-
.:' 'it•'

'6.; Sq{ ~e ~~~~;~_:,;~n{s~on~ fofll)) ,- ( ~~~,* ·~~]= Q ih' Q _on a rectab:te~ ~h,en ~ ~[y) = u (a:, Y)
=. g({l.,: 0) =;,,Q a,nd ·u~x, b) =cAi0(x ). A .mesh, of t;ig}ft ·triangular elements is'"'prop,ase.d ·as. shown in· Fig.·
P. '6 .. bhtainJhe.·yati1Hion :6f u::in .the dom~ip. 'Take.a·"".b~:~l. 05 (global~·,.= Qj691, :and uo(x) =
4x(l ~x)· in the.:c6nfpuiation. ~-' ' . · '· · · ' ~· ~. · (5) ·
Con~id.e~. ·: ·: · · ., the · ·~' ·bm,md.~ry '' · value
· · ·ax. ~·'(1 +~l):~'+
· · 1 ~· o;.· ~~b}~ct to~(±
· ·1) ~ 0
' .ap~~r~xi~ate
·· the field
variaBle ·using
·· ·
' ~ t' 1\'b-: ,, "' ' , .... .- ~ '• - "
two uriknown. splutiori values, </J1 'qn/J ¢2 at the nocies 0 and '1[2,. ,re~pe¢tively. Solve the
problem using 'Galerkih.and th~ le~~hq~a;e·
~ethods . . .. thaJ: ¢1 i·~ g!ven (kn~wn).·. (4)'
. . : .assuming " . ' '
~, ' ~;h.·'"' [l ;;; •

,.1'' ~.g··----~'2..;:;::-e_....__--''=··"~'~~~8+
"''" ··z~ "'•

~I"' ''

." , ...~
~·Fig. P:l '*,." i ''
'•' ' .

. ' b"




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