Ch.10.1 Part 2 Lecture - Note

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Ch.10 Section 1 In-Class Note

Section 1: Mendelian Genetics (part 2)

Meiosis I
● Prophase I:
o Pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs.
o Each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids.
o As the chromosomes condense, they begin to form homologous pairs in a process called
o During synapsis, the homologous chromosomes often swap pieces of DNA– this is called
o Crossing over occurs when ___________________________ are exchanged between a pair
of homologous chromosomes.
o Crossing over produces exchange of genetic information.

● Metaphase I:
o Chromosome centromeres attach to spindle fibers.
o Homologous chromosomes line up as a pair at the equator.

● Anaphase I:
o Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.
o The chromosome number is reduced from __________________when the homologous
chromosomes separate.

● Telophase I:
o Chromosomes reach the cell’s opposite poles.
o Cytokinesis begins.
o The sister chromatids might not be identical because crossing over might have occurred
in prophase I.
Meiosis II
● Prophase II:
o A second set of phases begins as the spindle apparatus forms and the chromosomes

● Metaphase II:
o Chromosomes are positioned at the equator.
o Meiosis II involves a haploid number of chromosomes.

● Anaphase II:
o Sister chromatids are pulled apart at the centromere by spindle fibers and move toward
the opposite poles of the cell.

● Telophase II:
o The chromosomes reach the poles, and the nuclear membrane and nuclei reform.

● Cytokinesis following meiosis II results in ________________________________________, each with n

number of chromosomes.

The Importance of Meiosis

● In metaphase I, the chromosomes line up __________________at the equator.
● Gametes end up with ______________________________________________________ of chromosomes.
● Genetic variation also is produced during crossing over and fertilization, when gametes
randomly combine.

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