UoL Writing Assignment

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UoL Writing assignment

How to write an effective prompt for AI:

Writing a business report:

Impacts of trade on developing countries:

How to write an essay:

Purpose: Explain something, or critically evaluate something against the other, Compare and
Contrast and Analyse.

 Introduction
 For and Against
 Conclusion

1. Plan the structure and flow: Read about the topic and plan the flow and presentation.
2. Write for an intelligent 7-year old – Simple, Concise, and Clear
3. Tricolon: What, Yes, and But
4. Vary sentence length
5. Sources and Evidence: All quotations deserve careful reading

Harvard referencing style:

In text citation: Indicate the author, date and page references which at the end will conform to an
appendix) – Appendix is the list of the citations you have referred.

Footnotes: Author, Date, Publisher

How to write an essay:

An essay is a presentation of not only your ideas but also the ideas you have acquired which prove
that you understand the subject.

An essay is made up of series of units called paragraphs.

General Structure of an essay:

1. Introduction – Briefly establish how you are going to answer the question
2. Reasons For
3. Reasons Against
4. CRUNCH – mostly the longest paragraph (Backup your ideas with evidence and quotation. It
is where you present your ideas in a clever, logical, and ordered way.) It is the argumentative
5. Conclusion – Conclusion of all the discussion (Do not share new ideas)

Example: When you have an argument with you friend, it starts off with a question and his
view/perspective/opinion on the same. You let him talk, and then present your opinion which
might be contradictory/against his perspective. Followed by your reasons or argument as to why
you think you or your perspectives are right. Then conclude the whole discussion.

Note: Explain the concepts, however complicated, in a simple way using easy-to-understand and
apt word usage such that even a seven-year-old intelligent person can understand the concepts.

Preparation – Research

 It is important to know what people have said about the topic.

 Use books and internet resources to research the topic
 Know the main point and your main focus before you start writing.
 Focus on your crunch (a crucial point or situation, typically one at which a decision with
important consequences must be made).


 Analyse why somebody has said something. Everyone has a perspective. Hence, Identify the
claims, assumptions, and arguments made by the author.
 Identify the generalizations, logical fallacy, and fallacy of authority. [Don’t accept what
somebody says just because they shout louder. Look at the evidence].

Websites to research on the essay topics:

 Google scholar
 Enter the research question. Results related to the topics appear.
 Sicspace: It also has copilot which answers questions about specific research papers.
 ChatGPT: For general questions and quick reviews. Not completely reliable.

Essay topic:

TOPIC B - With Reference to an International Bank of your choice: Discuss the Impact of International
Financial Institutions on International Trade.

 How have global financial institutions influenced the development of international trade?
 How global financial players have influenced and transformed international trade
engagement of businesses with global markets operations and sustainability?

Questions to answer in the essay:

 Who are global financial players/institutions?

 How did they develop international trade?
 What methods did they use to develop international trade. Are those methods efficient?
 How did the global financial players influence and transform international trade with global
market operations and sustainability?
 What are global market operations and sustainability?
 Have they influenced the international trade positively or negatively?
 What promotes international trade? And how financial institutions promote the
development of international trade?

If the role of global financial institutions like the World Bank and IMF is to develop international
trade, then how efficiently have their policies achieved the goal of international trade development?

Explore the inner workings of these financial institutions and criticize/assess their methods to
develop international trade. [

Have the global financial institutions shown bias towards certain countries when it comes of
development of trade?

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