PhysRevB 98 115162

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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 115162 (2018)

Geometrodynamics of electrons in a crystal under position and time-dependent deformation

Liang Dong1,2 and Qian Niu2,1

International Center for Quantum Materials, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, USA

(Received 16 February 2018; revised manuscript received 6 July 2018; published 28 September 2018)

The semiclassical dynamics of Bloch electrons in a crystal under slowly varying deformation is developed
in the geometric language of a lattice bundle. Berry curvatures and gradients of energy are introduced in terms
of lattice covariant derivatives, with the corresponding connections given by the gradient and rate of strain.
A number of physical effects are discussed: an effective post-Newtonian gravity at band bottom, polarization
induced by spatial gradient of strain, orbital magnetization induced by strain rate, and the electron energy-stress

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.115162

I. INTRODUCTION age velocity of ions around the position point. By identifying

the local lattice at each space and time point, we have a
The semiclassical dynamics of Bloch electrons was devel-
bundle of locally periodic lattices on the spacetime manifold.
oped in the early days of solid state physics to give an intuitive
Each local lattice contains information to the arbitrary order
picture of electron motion in the ionic background in a crystal. of strain (defined relative to some reference lattice). Strain
Combined with the Boltzmann equation, many equilibrium gradient, strain rate, and lattice acceleration are manifested in
and transport phenomena are well described [1]. The theory the difference between local lattices. In this sense, a periodic
can also be quantized [2] to describe quantum energy levels, crystal can be viewed as a special case where all local lattices
such as the Wannier-Stark ladder in a constant electric field are identical.
and Landau levels in a constant magnetic field [1]. Much Based on the lattice bundle picture, we have two geo-
later, Berry phases [3] were found to play an important role metrical structures, which are extended phase space and the
in the semiclassical equations of motion in the form of Berry Hilbert bundle [14]. Noticing each local lattice gives rise to
curvatures [4]. They account for quite a few phenomena such a Brillouin zone, all the Brillouin zones together with the
as the quantum Hall effect [5], the intrinsic anomalous Hall spacetime make up the extended phase space (k; x, t ), where
effect [6], and charge pumping [7]. The description of electric crystal momentum k denotes points in the Brillouin zone
polarization [8] and orbital magnetization [9] in crystals is of the local lattice at spacetime point (x, t ). However, in a
also closely related to the notion of the Berry phase. crystal under deformation, the sizes of local Brillouin zones
The wave-packet method developed by Sundaram and are different in general. This is in contrast to an ideal crystal
Niu provides a systematic way to derive the semiclassical where all local Brillouin zones are the same and can be viewed
dynamics in perturbed crystals [10] with various types of as a single one. This special geometry brings up the question
Berry curvatures appearing in the equations of motion. In their of how to express the electron equations of motion in phase
work, besides the effect of electromagnetic field, they studied space. Particularly, we are faced with the difficulty of defining
the crystal deformation. Some interesting results are found the change rate of crystal momentum k since at different time
such as the dragging effect due to lattice motion and the real slices crystal momentums belong to different Brillouin zones.
space Berry phase associated with a dislocation. Their theory Moreover, the definition of Berry connections in terms of
is based on the displacement field of ions, and the wave- the spacetime parameter is also problematic. The naive idea
packet method can easily account for the effects of first-order from previous experience is to define, for example, At =
derivatives in space and time of the displacement field, i.e., iu|∂t u using the eigenstates of the k-dependent Hamiltonian
the strain and lattice velocity. However, it is very difficult to Ĥ (k; x, t ) given by the local lattice. However, |∂t u involves
extend to the next order of derivatives, such as strain gradient, the difference between two Bloch functions of different pe-
lattice acceleration, and strain rate in this formalism, which riodicities which is not a periodic function in general and
are related to phenomena such as flexoelectricity [11,12] and gives rise to ill-defined results. In fact, this problem involves
viscosity [13]. the second geometrical structure we mentioned earlier, called
In this paper, we advocate another picture by viewing the the lattice Hilbert bundle. Noticing that all the eigenstates
whole crystal under deformation as a lattice bundle. For a of Hamiltonian Ĥ (k; x, t ) labeled by different band indexes
given time and about each spatial point, a locally periodic form a complete basis for periodic functions that thus gives
lattice can be identified, which well describes the distribution rise to a local Hilbert space defined at a particular extended
of ions in a region smaller than the length scale of the variation phase space point (k; x, t ), the lattice Hilbert bundle appears
of periodicity. The local lattice also moves rigidly at the aver- as the collection of all local Hilbert spaces together with

2469-9950/2018/98(11)/115162(21) 115162-1 ©2018 American Physical Society


the extended phase space. Local Hilbert spaces at different

spacetime points are distinct in periodicities inherited from
the corresponding local lattices. So the definition of the Berry
connection actually involves the comparison between states in
different Hilbert spaces.
To resolve the aforementioned problem, with the same
spirit in differential geometry [15], we introduce the concept
of lattice covariant derivatives to take the place of partial
derivatives in comparing local quantities such as crystal mo-
mentum, Bloch functions, and band energy. This gives math-
ematically and physically reasonable results as shown later in
this paper. With lattice covariant derivatives, we achieve our FIG. 1. A schematic picture of how to identify the local lattices
main result in this paper: the equations of motion of electrons in a deforming crystal. Blue circles represent the lattice points of
accurate to the first order of strain gradient, strain rate, and a deforming crystal. Dashed lines represent the crystalline lines
lattice acceleration. The results are expressed in terms of the of the fictitious periodic local lattice. As can be seen, the local
Bloch functions given by the local periodic lattice, which are distribution of lattice points is well described by the local lattice only
solvable numerically. A few interesting effects are discussed with deviation far away from the local point. The right panel is the
based on our lattice covariant formalism. First neglecting the zooming-in picture. The lattice vector of a local lattice is given by
Berry phase effects, we show the similarity of the electron the relative displacement between lattice points and located in the
dynamics at band bottom to that of a test particle in post- middle denoted by the black dots on the arrows. And a local lattice
Newtonian gravity. An equivalent metric tensor is identified in moves rigidly at velocity W .
terms of the effective mass and lattice deformation. Then we
focus on the Berry phase related effects. For a band insulator
u is the position of the zeroth lattice point. The Einstein
at zero temperature, we calculate the current induced by defor-
summation rule is applied throughout this paper.
mation. Particularly, we identify the polarization contribution
In the lattice bundle picture, local lattices are expressed
and give an explicit expression for the proper piezoelectric
in the same way as ideal lattices only with {cα (x, t ), u(x, t )}
constant [16] in terms of Berry curvatures expressed with lat-
becoming position and time-dependent vector fields denoting
tice covariant derivatives. Then we discuss the Chern-Simons
the property at a particular spacetime point (x, t ). Reciprocal
part of the strain gradient induced polarization and strain rate
lattice vector fields {bα (x, t )} are defined through the relation
induced orbital magnetization. Finally, for the spatially homo-
bα · cβ = δβα , where the “crystallographer’s definition” is used
geneous case, we discuss the electron energy-stress tensor and
and δβα is the Kronecker delta function. We use the bold
its responses to ionic velocity gradient and acceleration.
symbol to denote tensors. The normal symbol with the same
This paper is organized as follows: Section II introduces
letter denotes their components. For example, lattice vectors
the basic idea of the lattice bundle picture and clears the math-
are written as cα = (cα1 , cα2 , cα3 ) and reciprocal lattice vectors
ematical notion. In Sec. III, we discuss the special geometry of
as bαi = (b1α , b2α , b3α ). Vectors and covectors are indicated by
phase space. The equations of motion without the Berry phase
their upper and lower indices of their components, respec-
effect are discussed in comparison to the gravitational effect.
tively. Thus the orthogonal relation written in components
In Sec. IV, we discuss the lattice covariant Berry curvatures
reads biα cβi = δβα . If we only consider the three-dimensional
and their related effects. Section IV C concludes the paper
space, {cα (x, t )} provides a basis for real space vector fields,
with the aforementioned applications.
e.g., electron velocity, and {bα (x, t )} provides a basis for
covector fields, e.g., electron momentum. The completeness
relation for this basis reads bjα cαi = δji .
II. LATTICE BUNDLE PICTURE On the other hand, we know a crystal under deformation is
A. Local lattice described by the position of its lattice points {R l (t )}. Thus we
need to establish the relation between {cα (x, t ), u(x, t )} and
In this paper, our main results are expressed in the labora-
{R l (t )}. This relation is schematically shown in Fig. 1 and is
tory frame (x, t ), which is a Cartesian coordinate representing
given by the following formula:
Minkowski spacetime. x is the position coordinate which has
three components denoted by {i, j, k} running at 1,2,3. t is  
R l + R l+1α
the time coordinate. A compound notion like x u,ν,ξ is also cα , t = R l+1α − R l , (1)
used in this paper where u, ν, ξ = 0, 1, 2, 3 to include the time
component represented by 0. where 1α means one increment in the αth crystalline direction.
The description of an ideal crystal in the laboratory frame To achieve the continuous lattice vector fields {cα (x, t )}, an
is given by its Bravais lattice, which is a set of lattice points interpolation procedure should be applied. A detailed dis-
periodically aligned in space. Each lattice point may represent cussion is given in Appendix A. We should note that once
several ions and has an integer label {l}. Its displacement the lattice vector fields are given, they can determine the
vector from the laboratory frame origin is denoted as {R l = total crystal up to a rigid body displacement since given the
l α cα + u}. Here we use {α, β, γ } running at 1,2,3 to denote position of a particular lattice point, Eq. (1) can be applied
crystalline directions. l is short for {l α } which has three repeatedly to recover all the lattice points. The rigid body
components. {cα } are the three primitive lattice vectors and center position is described by the field u(x, t ); however


it is insignificant due to the translational invariance of the crystal momentum by −me W (x, t ) and the electron energy by
Minkowski spacetime. Thus u(x, t ) will not be discussed. a centrifugal potential − 21 me W 2 while not changing electron
However, due to the time dependence of the problem, it is Bloch functions. The shifted crystal momentum and energy
convenient to introduce a velocity field W (x, t ) to describe have the physical meaning of electron momentum and energy
the motion of local lattices. It is determined by the property in the reference frame comoving with ions. Rather than being
that discussed in the Hamiltonian level, we will introduce the
effect of velocity directly in the semiclassical equations of
W ( Rl , t ) = Ṙl (t ), (2) motion in Sec. III B. Again, this procedure can be rigorously
proved in Appendix D.
where again the interpolation procedure should be ap-
To make sure the above local Hamiltonian gives a good ap-
plied to achieve a continuous field. Then the four fields
proximation to the real lattice Hamiltonian, we must assume
{cα (x, t ), W (x, t )} with α = 1, 2, 3 define at each spacetime
the crystal potential at a given position is mainly determined
point (x, t ) a periodic lattice of periodicity {cα (x, t )} moving
by ions within some finite spatial length scale ξ , and ξ is
rigidly at velocity W (x, t ) as observed in the laboratory
much smaller than the variation length scale of lattice vectors
frame. Thus we have a lattice bundle over the spacetime.
λ, i.e., ξ  λ. Also, because we have applied the adiabatic
It is worth pointing out that the above argument is always
approximation where the instantaneous Bloch function and
applicable to cases where the primitive unit cell only contains
band energy are used, the variation timescale of lattice vectors
one ion. For multi-ion cases, we need to check whether
denoted by τ should satisfy τh̄  , where  is the minimal
there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the ionic
direct band gap of the adiabatic Hamiltonian. However, for
positions in a unit cell and the instantaneous positions of
polar materials, there does exist a nonlocal contribution to
Bravais lattice points, i.e., whether all degrees of freedom are
the crystal potential due to polarization. Although this part
contained in lattice points. Examples where such correspon-
of the contribution is not the focus of this paper, we expect
dence exists are deformation caused by a particular acoustic
that the polarization contribution to the crystal potential can
phonon branch, the adiabatic case where ions are always
be accounted for by combining the static Poisson equation
relaxed to their minimal energy position at each time slice,
self-consistently with our formula of polarization given in
or crystals satisfying the clamped-ion approximation where at
Sec. IV C. Then our theory takes care of the local potential
each time the distribution of ions within a unit cell follows
part within this complete approach.
the instantaneous strain of the unit cell (although there can
be an internal strain contribution [17]). Exceptions are cases
where deformation is caused by optical phonons or there is an
B. Lattice connection as strain rate and gradient
internal strain.
Each local lattice automatically gives rise to a local “static” The major motivation of this work is to study the ef-
Hamiltonian as fects of inhomogeneity, i.e., lattice acceleration, strain gra-
 2 dient, and strain rate, on electron semiclassical dynamics,
1 1 ∂   which are described by the spacetime derivative of the fields
Ĥ (k; x, t ) = + k + V l α cα (x, t ) − r .
2me i ∂ r {cα (x, t ), W (x, t )}. In formulating the theory, we find it is
(3) more convenient to define a quantity that is directly related
to inhomogeneity called lattice connection.
r is the real space representation. k is the crystal momentum. Consider the lattice vectors change δcα = ∂μ cα (x, t )dx μ
Both r and k should be viewed as local quantities as well. given by a small increment in position and time dx μ ; we can
The domain of r is chosen to be the first Wigner-Seitz cell define the lattice connection to encode this variation as
of the local lattice. And the domain of k is chosen to be the
first Brillouin zone. The detailed derivation to achieve this
δcα (x, t ) = μ (x, t ) · cα (x, t )dx μ , (4)
Hamiltonian is given in Appendices A through D and the
relation between r and (x, t ) is given by Eq. (D9).
The above Hamiltonian has translational symmetry and is where μ (x, t ) is the lattice connection and can be viewed
solvable in principle. Its eigenstates are the periodic part of the as a second-rank tensor with its element denoted by {ji μ }.
Bloch functions denoted by un (r, k; x, t ), where n is the band In components, the above equation reads δaαi = ji μ aα dx μ . If
index. We will call un (r, k; x, t ) Bloch functions in this paper we define the infinitesimal strain as δs = dx μ μ , it simply
just for simplicity. The corresponding eigenvalue is band reads δcα = δs · cα , which is the strain induced lattice vector
energy denoted by εn (k; x, t ). In the following discussion, change. Thus the physical meaning of lattice connection μ
we assume those eigensolutions are given by first-principles is just the gradient μ = 1, 2, 3 and rate μ = 0 of the unsym-
calculations and all our results will be given based on them. metrized strain tensor. The antisymmetric part between the
Here are a few comments about this local Hamiltonian. upper and first lower index is the relative rotation between lo-
In the crystal potential term, information about the center cal lattices and the symmetric part is the relative symmetrized
position of a local lattice is discarded as the zeroth ion is strain. Particularly, the unit-cell volume change is described
always located at r = 0. As pointed out earlier, this will not by iμi
. Since we choose the local lattice as the reference,
cause trouble since the lattice vector fields contain structural strain is no longer present in our theory; instead the strain
information of the whole crystal up to a rigid body displace- gradient denoted by the lattice connection gives the leading
ment. Also, the local lattice velocity W (x, t ) is absent. As order correction. Multiplying the reciprocal lattice vector bα
can be seen later, the effects of velocity field are to shift the on both sides of Eq. (4) and summing over α, we can have an


The first relation is the torsion-free condition for a connection

form in a coordinate basis, which tells us that the two lower
indexes of lattice connection are symmetric. Equation (9)
shows that the strain rate experienced by ions on the left-hand
side equals the gradient of the velocity field on the right-hand
side, where the first term on the left-hand side is the strain rate
observed at a fixed position. From the above expression, we
see that the angular velocity field given by ω = ∂ × W is also
j j
related to the lattice connection as ωk = εij k (i0 + li W l )
with εij k the Levi-Civita symbol. Thus angular velocity is just
the antisymmetric part of the strain rate experienced by ions.
However, we should notice that the lattice acceleration field a
FIG. 2. (a) Elastic condition of lattice vectors. The dots on the is not directly related to the lattice connection, which is given
four corners represent lattice points, which determine the local lattice by a = (W · ∂ )W + ∂t W .
vectors denoted by the four edges of the quadrilateral. The dot in Besides its geometrical meaning, the lattice connection
the middle of each edge denotes where these lattice vectors reside. also gives rise to an important gradient correction to lo-
According to Eq. (1), it is straightforward to derive the condition for cal Hamiltonian (3). This gradient correction term is for
the four lattice vectors to form a closed quadrilateral. (b) Schematics the electron wave packet, which is localized in real space
of dislocation in a square lattice. Along the closed trajectory denoted with center position x and expressed as the superposi-
by the bold line, if we count the change of lattice label, we always
tion of the local Bloch states of local Hamiltonian (3)
find a unit mismatch in the crystalline direction. (c) Schematics of a
[10]. For such a wave-packet state, the gradient correction
disclination in a square lattice. Along the closed trajectory denoted
by the bold line, we find that the lattice vector continuously changes
from c to c̃ as shown in the picture. (d) A special case of disclination  
H (r; x, t ) = 21 ni Ôm + 21 ni
m ni m
(r − rc )i D̂m
+ c.c. , (10)
in a rectangular lattice, which is characterized by the 2π rotation of
lattice vectors along the defect center. In the region far enough from where r c is the expectation value of operator r under the
the center, locally we have a rectangular lattice, whose two lattice wave-packet state. The derivation is given in Appendix B and
vectors c1 = c1 θ , c2 = c2 r are along the angle direction and radius
Appendix C. The first term comes from the difference between
direction, respectively, in a polar coordinate. The disclination located
local lattice and real lattice away from the particular point
at the origin is characterized by the rotation of lattice vectors by 2π
where the local lattice resides. The second term comes from
along the complete circle.
the difference between local lattices. Because wave-packet
states have finite sizes usually as large as several unit cells,
explicit expression of the lattice connection as electrons can feel the influence from adjacent local lattices
ji μ = bjα ∂μ cαi . (5) as well. Both terms are proportional to the spatial part of the
lattice connection.

The lattice connection represents how local lattices are Ômni = l ∂V ({∂ R̃R̃lm−r}) (R̃l − r )n (R̃l − r )i is a periodic op-
connected together to form the total lattice structure. If in l

a local region the deformation is elastic, i.e., can be con- erator with respect to r, where {R̃li (x, t ) = l α cαi (x, t )} are
tinuously deformed to a periodic crystal, the gradient of the the local lattice points. The second term breaks the transla-
fields {cα (x, t ), W (x, t )} is not independent, which is directly tional symmetry due to the factor {r − r c }. However, it still
manifested in the property of lattice connection. As seen from has a well-defined expectation value under the wave-packet
Fig. 2, the four adjacent local lattice vectors forming a closed state due to localization in real space. D̂m n
= Vmn − m1e ( 1i ∂r∂m +
quadrilateral lead to the conclusion that km )( i ∂r n + kn ) is the deformation potential operator [18]
1 ∂

(cα · ∂ )cβ − (cβ · ∂ )cα = 0, (6) with Vmn = l ∂V ({r− R̃l (x,t )})
∂ R̃lm
(r − R̃l )n . Vmn has the same form
as assumed in the rigid ion model [19] and automatically
where the second-order derivatives of {cα (x, t )} are ignored. vanishes in the deformable ion model. Actually, following
On the other hand, if we consider the relative velocity between the argument in Sec. IV B, we believe this form of Vnm is
two adjacent lattice points, it can be expressed either as the rather general as long as there is a one-to-one correspondence
total time derivative of the lattice vector fields from Eq. (1) between all lattice points and the crystal potential. The defor-
or as the gradient of the velocity field from Eq. (2). Equating mation potential operator is a second-rank symmetric tensor
both expressions leads to the relation that operator with respect to lattice symmetries. Its expression in
∂t |x cα + (W · ∂ )cα = (cα · ∂ )W , (7) momentum space is discussed in Appendix G, which might be
more useful in first-principles calculations.
where again second-order derivatives of W (x, t ) are ne- Local Hamiltonian (3) together with gradient correction
glected. Both Eqs. (6) and (7) can be reformulated in terms (10) gives the total Hamiltonian of the electron wave packet
of the lattice connection as in the first-order of strain gradient or lattice connection.
Although in principle the gradient correction also modifies
ijk − jki = 0, (8) local Bloch states, the eigenstates of local Hamiltonian (3)
are enough to achieve the equations of motion up to first
+ jki W j = ∂i W k . (9) order.


C. Characterizing line defects in the lattice bundle picture the matrix U can be formally expressed as
In this subsection, we discuss how to describe line defects
within the lattice bundle picture. Although our theory is U = T exp dx i i , (13)
limited in regions where locally deformation is slowly varying
and elastic, the topology of line defects can still be described where T is the path ordering operator which is necessary
by the loops enclosing the defect line [20]. Here we consider when the matrices i (x, t ) at different points along the loop
the cases of dislocation and disinclination. do not commute. Given the lattice connection expressed in the
These two kinds of defects correspond to the redundant laboratory frame basis {ni m
}, U will have the form of {Unm }.
freedom to describe a Bravais lattice. For an ideal crystal However, to see its topological property, we express it in the
described by {cα , u}, we can change the lattice labels by some lattice vector basis as Uαβ = cαn Unm bm . Then the final and ini-
integer Z = {Z α } with u fixed, which gives the same lattice. tial values of lattice vectors are related as c̃α = Uαβ cβ . Because
This is associated with dislocation. If we travel along the {c̃α } and {cα } represent the same local lattice, the matrix U and
loop enclosing the dislocation line, after going back to the its inverse are both integer matrices with determinant ±1.
initial point, we find the lattice labels are changed by some It is important to realize that in the presence of disinclina-
integer. Also, we may choose other crystalline directions c̃α = tion, lattice vector fields are not globally well defined. This
Uαβ cβ , such that {c̃α , u} gives the same lattice. This degree restricts our previous discussion only to a local region. To
of freedom is related to disclination. In the lattice bundle study the global effect of disinclination, at least two sets of
picture, if we keep track of the local lattice vectors’ change lattice vector fields are needed. However, lattice connection
along the loop enclosing the disclination, after returning to the is still a good quantity globally. As seen from its expression
starting point, we end up with another set of equivalent local (5), the summation over all crystalline directions makes lattice
lattice vectors. Dislocation and disclination are topological connection single-valued even in the presence of disclination.
in the sense that Z is an integer vector and U is an integer It is also worth pointing out that because of elastic the condi-
matrix. tion (8), (9), locally the lattice connection is trivial in the sense
The above argument is schematically shown in Figs. 2(b) it can be made zero by a particular coordinate transformation.
and 2(c). Here, we show how they can be described mathemat- However, in the presence of a topological defect, the lattice
ically. First, for dislocation, Eq. (6) tells us that the primitive connection is no longer trivial globally.
lattice vector equals the position change of lattice points per Here, we give a demonstration calculation for disclination
integer label increment. This can be written in a discrete form shown by Fig. 2(d). In polar coordinates c1 = c1 θ , c2 = c2 r,
as where c1 , c2 are constant representing the magnitude of the
  lattice vector. Then according to Eq. (4), we have xθ x
δx y y
δx = cα x +
i i
, t δl α . (11) yθ = 0 and xθ = −yθ = R , where R is the radius of
x 1
2 the circle we are considering enclosing the disclination. The
The above expression relates the change in x space and l lattice connection can be treated as a matrix

space. With it, we can calculate the change of x or l along 0 − R1
some trajectory. If the trajectory is a loop in l space, the θ = 1 , (14)
displacement in x space gives the Burgers vector. On the other
hand, if the trajectory forms a loop in x space, the total change which is just the generator of the SO(2) group multiplied by
of l gives the mismatch of lattice label Z mentioned before. 1
. Because the lattice connection is constant along the path,
Here we adopt the latter perspective. Considering a loop in the ordering operator can be omitted and we have
x space far away from and enclosing the dislocation line, the    
0 −2π cos(2π ) − sin(2π )
change of lattice label can be written as an integral as U = exp = , (15)
2π 0 sin(2π ) cos(2π )
biα (x)dx i = Z α , (12) which is the expected 2π rotation of the lattice vectors.

where the integer on the right-hand side describes the topo- III. LATTICE COVARIANT PHASE SPACE
logical “charge” of the dislocation. According to whether
the crystalline direction Z is perpendicular or parallel to the A. Phase space geometry
plane of the loop, we can characterize the dislocation as At a given time t, the electron wave-packet state with
either a screw dislocation, edge dislocation, or mixed type. center position x and center wave vector k locates at the point
For example, in Fig. 2(b), we have an edge dislocation in a (k; x) in phase space. Phase space is the base manifold for
square lattice with Z = (1, 0, 0) denoting one associated with the semiclassical electron motion. However, for the case of
the dislocation line. deforming crystals, it takes an unusual geometry comparing
Next we discuss disclination. Equation (4) gives a formal to periodic lattices as shown in Fig. 3, which is the one-
description of how local lattice vectors change in position and dimensional case. In the lattice bundle picture, for given
time. Given lattice connection and the initial value of lattice time t, at each position x the local lattice gives rise to a
vectors {cα }, this equation determines the final value {c̃α } local Brillouin zone according to its own periodicity. All the
along some trajectory. For a loop enclosing the disclination Brillouin zones together with the position space x constitute
line, in general, the initial and final values of the lattice vectors the phase space. However, the shapes of local Brillouin zones
are different. They are related to each other as c̃α = U · cα and are different. Noticing the topology of the Brillouin zone, we


where f is an arbitrary periodic function, ∇ x μ is the lat-

tice covariant derivative, and μ = 0 accounts for the time
derivative. It is easy to see that the partial derivative with
k fixed does not satisfy the above relation. To find the right
derivative operation, we consider the total differential change
of f (k, x, t ):
df (k; x, t ) = dx μ ∇ x μ + Dki ∂ki f, (17)

∇ x μ f = ∂x μ − kl jl μ ∂kj f, (18)
FIG. 3. The phase space of electrons in the one-dimensional Dki = dki + kj iμ dx μ , (19)
case. The straight line at the bottom denotes the position space x.
Local Brillouin zones are denoted by circles at each position. The where instead of using partial derivatives to express the total
intersection between each circle and the straight line is the k = 0 differential, we rearrange the terms to write it in a lattice
point. The phase space is a “tube” with a varying radius. To compare covariant form. dx μ ∇ x μ f is the differential change along the
two points in phase space, we show two alternatives. One is along correspondence line and Dki ∂ki is the change along k, which
the path denoted by ∂ x where the value of k is fixed, which then goes is schematically shown in Fig. 3.
along the circle by the total change of wave vector d k. Another path Equation (18) gives the desired lattice covariant deriva-
is to go along the correspondence line formed by parallel transport tive operation. It is easy to check that the lattice covariant
denoted by ∇ x , then go along the circle by the mechanical change of derivative of f is still periodic. As a bonus, we get another
wave vector Dk. quantity Dk. Noticing that −μ kdx μ is the geometrical
change of wave vector due to deformation, Dk is the total
change subtracting the geometrical change. So we call Dk the
have a bundle of smoothly varying toruses as the phase space.
mechanical change of wave vectors. It is worth pointing out
As shown in the one-dimensional case, the phase space is an
that the mechanical change of wave vector defined this way is
irregular tube.
also periodic in k.
Mathematically, each point in a local Brillouin zone
When f (k, x, t ) = ε(k, x, t ), its lattice covariant deriva-
is labeled by k and we choose the domain of k as
tive is related to the deformation potential as
[− π b(x,t
, 2 ], with − π2b and π2b denoting the same point
) π b(x,t )

and forming a torus. The position and time dependence ∇ x μ ε(k; x, t ) = Dmn m
(k; x, t )nμ , (20)
of b(x, t ) shows how the local Brillouin zones vary along where Dm n
≡ (cαn ∂cαm − km ∂kn )ε is the deformation potential
spacetime. Due to this geometry, unlike periodic crystals, the defined in the entire Brillouin zone [21]. Here a trick has
meaning of wave vector k is incomplete without pointing been used that when the position and time dependence is
out which local Brillouin zone it belongs to. This property through the lattice vectors, partial derivatives can be written
brings up the question about how to compare wave vectors as ∂x μ = nμ cα ∂cα |k . Usually, the deformation potential is
m n m

in different local Brillouin zones. To answer this question, a defined relative to a particular reference crystal. Here we have
correspondence between local Brillouin zones is needed. Thus a deformation potential tensor field from all local lattices.
we introduce the concept of correspondence curves in phase
space. Given a wave vector k at some initial position point B. Electron equations of motion
x, we move the wave vector in real space while at the same Next, we show how the equations of motion of electrons
time deforming the wave vector with local Brillouin zones. can be written in a covariant form with the help of lattice
This is essentially the same concept of parallel transport in covariant derivatives. In this subsection, we neglect the Berry
differential geometry. The trajectory of parallel transport in phase effect first. Without the Berry phase, the electron posi-
phase space is the line of correspondence as shown in Fig. 3. tion x and wave vector k are a pair of canonical variables. Un-
Particularly, the infinitesimal change of wave vector by a small der single-band approximation, for a static deformed crystal,
shift in position is given by δkm = −mi n
kn dx i . it is straightforward to write down the equations of motion:
Wave vectors on the same correspondence line are treated
equivalently. Thus it is useful to introduce a derivative op- ẋ = ∂k ε, (21)
eration ∇ x μ to encode this equivalence, which we call the k̇ = −∂ x ε, (22)
lattice covariant derivative. The lattice covariant derivative
is crucial for the semiclassical dynamics. For example, the where ε and k are the eigenenergy and eigenstate of the
band energy ε(k, x, t ) given by Hamiltonian (3) is a time- local Hamiltonian (3). Although this form is mathematically
dependent phase space function and its derivative in position correct, the equations of motion are not compatible with the
gives the “force” term responsible for the acceleration of phase space geometry mentioned before since ∂ x ε is not
electrons. An important property of ε is that it is periodic in a periodic function in k and breaks the torus topology of
k which makes it compatible with the torus topology of the Brillouin zones. We can then rewrite the above equations with
Brillouin zone. Thus it is natural to require that their lattice lattice covariant derivatives as
covariant derivatives are also periodic: ẋ = ∂k ε, (23)
∇ f |(k+2π b,x,t ) ≡ ∇ f |(k;x,t ) ,
xμ xμ (16) Dt k = − ∇ x ε, (24)


where not only every term in the above equations can be Chronologically, we derived the above equations of motion
interpreted as a quantity in phase space but also Eq. (24) from the following zeroth-order Lagrangian:
acquires the new geometrical meaning that the mechanical  
change of wave vector is induced by the deformation potential L0e = − ε(k; x, t ) + W · k + 21 me W 2 + (k + me W ) · ẋ,
force noticing Eq. (20). (28)
For the time-dependent case, the above equations of motion
need to be further modified. We pointed out earlier that the where the first-order terms such as Berry connections and
Hamiltonian is written in the co-moving frame of ions; thus gradient energy are discarded. This Lagrangian can be under-
ε and k denote the energy and crystal momentum relative k2
to ions, respectively. Keeping this in mind, the equations of stood in terms of its free electron limit, where ε = 2m e
and by
motion need to be revised in two aspects. First, the energy defining the laboratory frame canonical momentum p ≡ k +
dispersion represents the relative velocity of electrons to ions; me W , we have the expected free electron Lagrangian L0e =
thus the left-hand side of (23) should be replaced by ẋ − W pẋ − 2m e
. Direct variation of the Lagrangian (28) gives the
instead. Second, due to the noninertial motion of ions, inertial following equations of motion expressed in terms of partial
force should also contribute to the change of the relative derivatives:
crystal momentum k in Eq. (24).
By adding those corrections, we achieve the equations of ẋ = ∂k ε + W , (29)
motion in the most general case as
k̇ = − ∂ x ε − ∂ x W · k + me ( ẋ − W ) × 2ω − me a. (30)
Dt x = ∂k ε, (25)
However, as mentioned earlier the geometrical meaning of
Dt k = − ∇ x ε + me Dt x × 2ω − me a, (26)
this form is less obvious and cannot be interpreted as the equa-
where Dt x ≡ ẋ − W is the relative velocity to ions. me Dt x × tions of motion in phase space. By using the lattice covariant
2ω, −me a are the inertial forces due to lattice rotation and derivative and the local elastic relation i0
+ jki W j = ∂i W k ,
acceleration, respectively, where ω = 21 ∂ × W is the angular they can be rewritten in the covariant form (25) and (26).
velocity field and a = (W · ∂ )W + ∂t W is the acceleration
field. The mechanical change rate of the wave vector is defined
C. Post-Newtonian gravity at band bottom
as Dt k ≡ Dkdt
and in components, it reads
Motivated by the similarity to the gravitational effect, we
Dt ki ≡ k̇i + itn kn + ẋ j ijn kn . (27) study the low-energy dynamics around band extrema and find
that the electron dynamics is described by an effective post-
The geometrical meaning of the above equations of motion Newtonian gravity. Since we only consider the deformation
becomes explicit with the help of lattice covariant derivatives. of crystals with spatial periodicity and adopt the Newtonian
In fact, if we compare the equations of motion to those of a point of view about time passing uniformly regardless of
test particle moving in the real gravitational field [22], we can the deformation, we are unlikely to get a full analogy to
see they share a lot of similarities. Equation (25) is just the the four-dimensional gravity. However, it is reasonable to
expression of the covariant velocity with W resembling the compare to post-Newtonian gravity, which is the low energy
effect of the spatiotemporal component of the metric tensor. and speed limit of the complete gravitational theory. At band
However, the free particle energy dispersion on the right-hand minimum, expanding local energy to the second order of k
side replaced by the band energy dispersion. Dt k has the form and expressing the electron wave vector k in terms of ẋ, we
of the covariant derivative of the crystal momentum along the have the Lagrangian (28) as
electron trajectory in spacetime, which is the same as the test
particle case. However, in real gravity the right-hand side of L̃e = 21 m∗ij (x, t )ẋ i ẋ j − (m∗ij − me δij )W j (x, t )ẋ i
Eq. (26) vanishes for spinless particles. One of the reasons
for this distinction is that our lattice connection is only for + 21 (m∗ij − me δij )W i W j − (x, t ), (31)
the spatial part of the tangent space of the spacetime manifold
while the Levi-Civita connection in general relativity is for where m∗ij is the effective mass, and (x, t ) is the energy at
the total tangent space including the time component. We band extrema. It reduces to the Lagrangian of the Newtonian
expect a more complete analogy to gravity can be made by free particle when electron and lattice are decoupled. We com-
considering the deformation of a Bloch-Floquet crystal [23]. pare it with the Lagrangian of an electron in post-Newtonian
Another reason is that the deformation effect is not completely gravity. By assuming both the velocities of the massive object
geometrical in the sense that different crystals have different generating gravity and the test particle are small compared
forms of deformation potential. It is also worth pointing out to the velocity of light and keeping to the second-order of
that the equations of motion have the covariant property un- velocity, the test particle’s Lagrangian reads
der Newtonian coordinate transformation. Particularly, each
term in Eq. (25) transforms like a vector and each term in L̃g ≈ 21 me gij ẋ i ẋ j + me g0i ẋ i + me φ, (32)
Eq. (26) transforms as a covector. This property allows us to
get the equations of motion in other coordinates related by where g00 = −c2 + 2φ and φ is Newton’s gravitational po-
Newtonian coordinate transformation with time universal in tential. The rest energy of the electron is discarded. Direct
all coordinate choices. comparison of both Lagrangians leads to the equivalent metric


tensor in lattice as the local Hilbert space denoted by F (k; x, t ) and the base
  manifold the extended phase space. F (k; x, t ) is characterized
m∗ij m∗ij
∼ gij , − − δij W j ∼ g0i , by the local periodicity given by {cα (x, t )}. The local
me me Hamiltonian Ĥ (k; x, t ) and local Bloch states u(r, k; x, t )
 ∗  are operator and states in F (k; x, t ). Thus the problem arises
1 mij 
− δij W i W j − ∼ φ. (33) from comparing states in different Hilbert spaces.
2 me me
Next, we discuss how to resolve this problem. Since Bloch
We emphasize that this effective metric is expressed in the lab- functions of all bands form a complete basis, for convenience
oratory frame. The motion of electrons follows the geodesic we use them to discuss the properties of states in the Hilbert
equation given by the above equivalent metric. The first rela- bundle. Under a particular choice of smooth gauge, the Bloch
tion between the effective mass tensor and the spatial part of functions satisfy the following boundary conditions:
the metric tensor is well known in general solid state physics
[24]. The energy at band bottom as a static potential that u(r + cα (x, t ), k; x, t ) = u(r, k; x, t ), (34)
iφ α (k;x,t ) i2π r·bα
serves as Newton’s gravitational potential is also expected. u(r, k + 2π b (x, t ); x, t ) = e
e u(r, k; x, t ).
The new discovery here is the contribution from ionic motion. (35)
Particularly the g0i component comes directly from the ionic
velocity. It acts as the vector potential of the gravitational The first condition identifies the periodicity of the local
electromagnetic field thus can be coupled to the energy mag- Hilbert space F (k; x, t ), to which the Bloch function be-
netization [25] in the system (energy magnetization is analo- longs. The second condition shows that Bloch functions are
gous to charge magnetization, which is the circular motion of quasiperiodic functions in k where “quasi”α is due to the
energy current and couples to gravitomagnetic field similarly Berry phase term eiφ (k;x,t ) . The factor ei2π r·b is completely
to Zeeman coupling). It also gives a dynamical contribution artificial because we denote the Brillouin zone torus with a
m∗ single domain k ∈ [−π b(x, t ), π b(x, t )]. The Berry phase
to the gravitational potential. The factor mije − δij which is
term cannot be eliminated by single-valued and continuous
proportional to the difference between effective mass and
gauge transformation. For example, in the two-dimensional
bare mass is a manifestation of the dragging effect. For free
case, the Berry phase accumulated along the Brillouin zone
electrons whose effective mass is just the bare mass this effect
boundary equals the Chern number.
vanishes. For effective mass larger and smaller than the bare
We view (34), (35) as the boundary conditions characteriz-
mass, g0i just have opposite effects. It is also interesting to
ing a Hilbert bundle state. Then it is natural to require that the
study the effective gravitational effect for Dirac semimetals or
correct derivative operation of Bloch states is still a quantity
Weyl semimetals.
in this Hilbert bundle and satisfies the above boundary condi-
tions. Along the k direction, it can be verified easily that the
IV. LATTICE COVARIANT FORMULATION gauge invariant derivative ∂k + iAk satisfies this requirement,
OF BERRY PHASE EFFECTS where Ak is defined with ∂k as Ak = u|i∂k u. However, the
In this section, we focus on the Berry phase effects. From gauge invariant partial derivative of position x and time t does
the previous discussion, we know that evolution of an electron not satisfy our requirement. Thus we introduce the lattice co-
is described by its trajectory in phase space with a special ge- variant derivative in the Hilbert bundle denoted by ∇ x μ , whose
ometry. Under the adiabatic approximation, the electron Bloch property is given in Table I. The corresponding gauge invari-
functions will change adiabatically along the trajectory. If the ant derivative ∇ x μ + iAx μ satisfies the boundary conditions.
trajectory forms a loop, the initial and final states of the Bloch Our discussion in the last section is the case where the
functions only differ by a phase term called the Berry phase. lattice covariant derivative acts on phase space functions and
The corresponding Berry connection and Berry curvature will is given in the first row. The last row in Table I shows
modify the previous equations of motion (25), (26). how the lattice covariant derivative acts on Bloch functions.
Comparing the first row and the last row, we see that when the
lattice covariant derivative acts on Bloch functions, in addition
A. Lattice covariant Berry connections and Berry curvatures to the first two terms which treat Bloch functions in the same
The mathematical expressions of the Berry connections way as phase space functions, the third term resolves the issue
involve derivatives of the local Bloch states u(r, k; x, t ) with of the periodicity difference of Bloch functions at different
respect to the extended phase space parameters (k; x, t ). position and time in the same manner.
However, this is nontrivial in the deforming crystal system. With the lattice covariant derivative, the definition of the
On top of the special geometry of extended phase space Berry connection is straightforward:
mentioned before, there is another difficulty due to Bloch
states at different positions and times having different Ax μ (k; x, t ) ≡ iu(k; x, t )|∇ x μ u(k; x, t ), (36)
periodicities in r. A complete understanding of this problem Ak (k; x, t ) ≡ iu(k; x, t )|∂k u(k; x, t ), (37)
calls for the concept of the Hilbert bundle [14]. Noticing
that all the eigenstates of the local Hamiltonian (3) form a where the Bloch functions are normalized with the inner
complete basis for the Hilbert space of complex periodic product:
functions with the same periodicity as the local lattice, we can 
(2π )3
assign such a local Hilbert space to each position x, time t, and u1 |u2  = d 3 ru∗1 (r, k; x, t )u2 (r, k; x, t ), (38)
wave vector k. Then we have a Hilbert bundle with its fiber v(x, t ) v


TABLE I. Lattice covariant derivatives of different phase space subjects. The definition comes naturally once we identify (r, k) as local
quantities and introduce lattice connections to compare them. For example, ∂k and d 3 k are also local quantities inherited from k, whose lattice
covariant derivatives are responsible for the second term and third term in the vector density case, respectively.

Phase space quantities Examples Lattice covariant derivatives

Scalar functions ε(k; x, t ) ∇ x μ ε ≡ ∂x μ ε − mμ
kn ∂k∂εm
Vectors Ak (k; x, t ) ∇ x μ Aki ≡ ∂x μ Aki − mμ
kn ∂km Aki − ji μ Akj
 d3k j
Vector density P = (2π A
)3 k
∇ x μ P i ≡ ∂x μ P i − ji μ P j + j μ P i
Bloch functions u(r, k; x, t ) ∇ x μ u ≡ ∂x μ u − mμ
kn ∂k∂um + nμ
m n ∂u
r ∂r m

where u1 (r, k; x, t ) and u2 (r, k; x, t ) are two local Bloch Leibniz rule such that
functions of different bands. Here because ∇ x μ u(r, k; x, t ) is
periodic in r, the integral in a unit cell becomes reasonable. ∇ x μ [Ŝu](k; x, t ) ≡ (∇ x μ Ŝ)u(k; x, t ) + Ŝ(k; x, t )∇ x μ u,
(2π )3 (42)
The factor v(x,t )
in Eq. (38) can be viewed as the volume
measure and is position and time dependent, which is another where Ŝ(k; x, t ) is some operator in Hilbert bundle which
indication that laboratory frame is “curved” for electrons. This keeps the periodicity of Bloch functions. With the above
factor is also necessary for the lattice covariant derivative to requirement, we can directly define the deformation potential
satisfy the Leibniz rule: ∇ x μ u
|u = ∇ x μ u
|u + u
|∇ x μ u, n
operator D̂m in arbitrary crystal system as
where the total inner product on the left-hand side is treated
as a phase space function. ∇ x μ Ĥ (k; x, t ) ≡ nμ
m n
(x, t )D̂m . (43)
The corresponding Berry curvature is defined with the We find that for a generic lattice Hamiltonian as shown
lattice covariant derivative as n
in Eq. (3), D̂m = Vmn − m1e ( 1i ∂r∂m + km )( 1i ∂r∂ n + kn ), which is
      exactly the one appearing in Eq. (10). Historically, the de-
ki kj ≡ i ∂ki u∂kj u − ∂kj u∂ki u , (39) formation potential operator is first derived using Lagrangian
      coordinates [18]. Here we show that it is simply the lattice
ki x μ ≡ i ∂ki u∇ x μ u − ∇ x μ u∂ki u ; (40) covariant derivative of the local Hamiltonian. This conclusion
only relies on the existence of one-to-one correspondence
 x x and  x t are second-order quantities, which will not
between ionic distribution and the local Bravais lattice.
be discussed here. However, from the above definition the
With the lattice covariant derivative, most well-known
relation between Berry curvatures kx and Berry connections
results have the same analytical form only with partial deriva-
is not so trivial. It turns out that the relation ki x μ = ∂ki Ax μ −
tives replaced by lattice covariant derivatives. For example the
∇ x μ Aki is valid only if the lattice covariant derivative of Berry
Hellmann-Feynman theorem in the deformation crystal case
connection Ak is defined as
can be written as
∇ x μ Aki ≡ ∂x μ Aki − mμ
kn ∂km Aki − ji μ Akj , (41) ∇ x μ ε(k; x, t ) = u(k; x, t )|D̂nm |u(k; x, t )mμ
, (44)

where the first two terms treat the Berry connection as a where the left-hand side is to treat the local band energy as
normal phase space scalar function. However, we have an a phase space function and the right-hand side comes from
additional term. If looking back at the form of Eq. (27) which the lattice covariant derivative of the expectation values of
is the covariant derivative of a covector form k, we can see local Hamiltonian in Bloch states. Comparing to Eq. (20), it is
that the last term in Eq. (41) is a manifestation of the vector obvious that deformation potential Dnm is just the expectation
property of Berry connection Ak . We summarize this property value of the deformation potential operator.
in the second row of Table I. It can be easily checked that Next, we discuss the first-order correction to energy. It con-
indeed Ak transforms in the same way as the coefficient tains a static part and dynamical part. The static contribution
of a three-dimensional vector under Newtonian coordinate comes from the expectation value of the gradient correction
transformation. Mathematically, this additional term is due Eq. (10) in the wave-packet states, which has two terms:
to the commutation relation [∇ x μ , ∂k∂ i ]u = mμ
i ∂
u, where the potential correction ji k (x, t )u|Ôi |u and the gradient
u is the local Bloch function. It is necessary for the gauge correction nim
Im[u|Dmn − D̂mn |∂ki u]. The dynamical part
invariance of Berry curvatures. And Berry curvatures ki kj , comes from the coupling between lattice rotation and self-
ki x j can be viewed as second-rank tensors. rotation of the wave packet: 2ω · J, which is a Zeeman type
coupling with J = me 2ih̄ ∂k u| × (ε − Ĥ )|∂k u the angular
momentum of the wave packet. This can be understood from
B. Energy correction and complete equations of motion
the similarity between the form of the Coriolis force in
We have discussed the lattice covariant derivative of Eq. (26) to the Lorentz force. The detailed derivation of these
Bloch functions and the corresponding Berry connections. A correction terms is given in Appendix D. In summary, the total
complete discussion should also include the property of lattice energy up to first order reads
covariant derivatives acting on quantum operators such as  
the local Hamiltonian. This can be achieved by imposing the εtot = ε + i Imu| D − D̂∂ki u + Ô + 2ω · J. (45)


TABLE II. Covariant strain derivatives of different phase space subjects.

Phase space quantities Examples Lattice covariant derivatives

Phase space functions ε(k; x, t ) ∇m
nε ≡ cαm ∂c∂εαn − mμ
kn ∂k∂εm
Phase space vectors Ak (k; x, t ) ∇m
n Aki ≡ cα
− kn ∂km Aki − δni Akm
 d3k i
Vector density P = (2π A
)3 k
n P ≡ cα ∂cαn − δn P + δn P
i m ∂P i m m i

Bloch functions u(r, k; x, t ) ∇m

n u ≡ cα ∂cαn − kn ∂km + r ∂r m
m ∂u ∂u n ∂u

Up till now, we have all the ingredients to write down the 1. Charge density
equations of motion up to first order. They are achieved by The first point to notice is that in general a deformed band
adding Berry curvatures to Eqs. (25), (26) and using the total insulator is not locally charged neutral due to lattice rotation
energy instead of local band energy. The results are and strain gradient. Particularly, the electron charge density
is given by the integration of the modified density of states
Dt x = ∂k εtot − Dt k × k − kT , (46) [9] in phase space: D = (2π1 )3 [1 + tr(kx ) − me 2ω · ]. The
Dt k = −∇ x εtot + me Dt x × 2ω − me a, (47) form of D comes from the fact that due to the Berry phase
effect, electron coordinate x and crystal momentum k are
which have a similar analytical form as the result in [10]. not canonical to each other. While the density of states is
However, partial derivatives are replaced by lattice covariant (2π h̄)
for a pair of canonical variables, the Berry phase gives
derivatives and the geometrical meaning of each term is rise to a correction to the density of states as denoted by the
more transparent. Equation (46) is the relative velocity of an Berry curvature terms tr(kx ) − me 2ω · . Then the electron
electron to ions and each term can be viewed as a spatial charge density in real space is given by −e (2π )3
Df ,
vector while Eq. (47) is the mechanical change of crystal where f (k, x, t ) is the distribution function which can be
momentum and each term can be viewed as a spatial covector. achieved for example by solving the Bolzmann equation and

This geometrical property guarantees the covariant form of the the summation is over all bands.
equations of motion and allows us to directly write down the For insulators at zero temperature, f is a step function and
equations of motion in other coordinates related by Newtonian it is just the integration of D in k space and summation over all
coordinate transformation. k is the pseudovector constructed occupied bands. Then the electron density in real space reads
from kk . kT = kx · ẋ + kt will give rise to the adiabatic   d3k   d3k
− env e + eme 2ω ·  −e
(2π )3 k (2π )3
tr(kx ) [9]. ne is
current induced by strain rate and strain gradient. Although the number of itinerate electrons per unit cell. The exact
 x x and  xt are not included in the equations of motion as meaning of ne depends on the first-principles method used.
second-order quantities, they play the same role as a magnetic In the “all electron” calculation, ne includes all the electrons
field and electric field, respectively, as discussed in [10]. outside the nuclei while in the pseudopotential method, the
And the above equations of motion can be derived from the core electrons are excluded. Under the clamped-ion approxi-
complete first-order Lagrangian: mation, the first term is canceled by the ionic charge density.
The second term is analogous to the effect of Fermi sea
Le = − εtot + W · k − 21 me W 2 + (k + me W ) · ẋ
volume change  ddue to the magnetic field in a Chern insulator,
+ (At + ẋ · A x ) + Dt k · Ak .
(48) where  = (2π )3 k is quantized. The third term comes

from inhomogeneous piezoelectricity. The physical meaning

C. Applications
becomes more transparent if we chose the periodic gauge
for A x  in k. Then the third term reads −∂i P i , where P =
In the following discussion, we study the response of − (2πe )3 d 3 kAk is the Vanderbilt polarization [8].
electrons to deformation, i.e., the four fields describing the
lattice bundle {cα (x, t ), W (x, t )}. This is related to quite a few
phenomena such as piezoelectricity, flexoelectricity, strain 2. Deformation induced adiabatic charge current
rate induced orbital magnetization, and electron stress tensors For simplicity, in the discussion of deformation induced
as well as their responses to deformation. Frequently, we need adiabatic charge current, we only consider band insulators at
to extract a factor which is related to deformation, e.g., strain, zero temperature such that the distribution function is simply a
strain gradient, and velocity gradient, to get the corresponding step function. First, we study the total current of both ions and
response coefficient. This is achieved by defining the covari- electrons under the clamped-ion approximation. This approx-
ant strain derivative ∇ m n , which has the physical meaning as imation states that at each time the distribution of ions within
the differentiation to the unsymmetrized strain tensor and is a unit cell follows the instantaneous strain of the unit cell
related to the lattice covariant derivative as ∇ x μ = nμ m
∇m n. (although there can be an internal strain contribution [17]).
However, we should notice that this is true only when the Next, we show that for band insulators at zero temperature,
position and time dependence of the system comes from the the total current is adiabatic and can be categorized as either
lattice vectors {cα (x, t )} such that ∂x μ = nμ m n m
cα ∂cα . Similarly, electric polarization current or electric magnetization current
we summarize the derivative’s action on various phase space besides the anomalous current. Particularly, the magnetization
quantities in Table II. due to the motion of the polarization dipole modifies the


charge pumping picture and leads to the concept of proper expression for enmi as
piezoelectricity [16,26]. 
d 3k      m  
Using the equations of motion, it is straightforward to write enmi = − e 3
i ∂ki u∇ m 
n u − i ∇ n u ∂ki u , (52)
down the total current density up to first order (Appendix E): (2π )
j tot = − eme a ×  + ∂ × M + ∂t P + ∂ × ( P × W ), (49) which is nothing but the integral of Berry curvature involving
k and strain. And the lattice covariant strain derivative gives
where e is the absolute value of electron charge and the an explicit meaning for the strain derivative. Its expression
integral is in local k space. And the periodic gauge for the real in terms of the deformation potential operator is discussed in
space Berry connections, Ax μ (k) = Ax μ (k + b), is used. The Appendix G.
first term is thewell-known anomalous current density [27], Another consequence of Eq. (50) is that the charge pump-
with  = (2π1 )3 d 3 kk . The anomalous current density here ing picture should be revised in the deforming crystal case.
is driven by the inertial force due to ionic acceleration. The The usual picture states that when the system varies slowly
 is the magnetization current density, where M =
second term and periodically in time, the charge pumped through a fixed
− (2π1 )3 2eh̄ n i∂k un | × (εn + Ĥ − 2μ)|∂k un  is the orbital plane in the laboratory frame during one cycle is quantized
magnetization at zero temperature [28]. The third term is [7]. However, due to the last two terms in Eq. (50), this picture
the polarization current density. Attention should be paid to is changed due to that the right-hand side is not a total time
the last term. It is the curl of P × W , which indicates that derivative. To see this, by multiplying a factor vbα on both
P × W should be interpreted as the magnetization density. sides, Eq. (50) reads
This term comes from the motion of a polarized material,
jtot vbiα = − ∂t vbiα P i , (53)
which is actually a well-known phenomenon in classical
electromagnetism. As magnetization and polarization form a where v(t ) is the unit-cell volume and bα (t ) is the reciprocal
(3+1)-dimensional antisymmetric tensor, they transform into lattice vectors. Now the right-hand side becomes a total time
each other under material motion. The picture is as follows: derivative and the left-hand side is the current passing through
consider an initially stationary dipole moment P composed a lattice plane unit cell, where bα is the normal direction. After
by a pair of spatially separated positive and negative charges; integration in time, the left-hand side gives the total charge
if it begins to move at velocity W , the two charges give rise pumped through a lattice plane unit cell and the right-hand
to currents of opposite directions and thus an effective current side is the difference of vblα P l between initial and final state.
circuit is formed which gives rise to the orbital magnetization Suppose the initial and final states are the same; from the
density P × W . This effect shows the consistency between uncertainty of P l , the charge pumped is quantized to some
the classical electromagnetism and the modern quantum the- integer. However, noticing that the lattice plane unit cell is
ory of polarization and magnetization in solids. constantly changing during the time cycle, the pumped charge
We then consider the case where the lattice vectors are through a fixed surface plane in the laboratory frame is not
constant in space and only change slowly with time, and necessarily quantized.
we further assume that at each fixed time t, the lattice has
time-reversal symmetry. Then the first term and the second 3. Strain gradient induced polarization and strain
term in Eq. (49) vanish and using the elastic condition (8), (9) rate induced magnetization
the remaining terms can be written in an intriguing form as
The first-order current density comes from the variation
jtot = ∂t P −
Pm + m0
P i. (50) of the zeroth-order polarization/magnetization. To study the
polarization/magnetization induced by strain gradient/rate,
The first term is the absolute change of polarization density current density accurate to second order is needed. As pointed
under deformation. The second term is the directional change out in the work [30], polarization/magnetization due to in-
due to the deformation of crystalline directions. The last term homogeneity can be divided into two parts: (1) the zeroth-
is the magnitude change due to the deformation of unit-cell order polarization/magnetization formula expressed with in-
volume. Equation (50) shows that the last two geometrical homogeneity modified Bloch functions; (2) the Chern-Simons
changes of polarization density should be subtracted to give contribution expressed with the zeroth-order local Bloch func-
the experimentally observed current density. This confirms tion. The former will be deferred to future study. Here we
the argument by Nelson and Vanderbilt [16,29] that only the concentrate on the Chern-Simons contribution to polariza-
proper change of polarization
 can be observed experimentally. tion/magnetization from electrons.
Substituting P = − (2πe )3 d 3 kAk and ∂t = n0m n m
cα ∂cα , within Two results are discussed here: the polarization induced by
our lattice covariant formula, Eq. (50) can be conveniently the strain gradient denoted by lattice connection and orbital
written as magnetization induced by strain rate denoted by the gradient
 of the velocity field. The former phenomenon is well known
d 3k  m  as flexoelectricity [12] while the latter phenomenon we call
j = − em0
i n
∇ Ak − ∂ki Am n , (51)
(2π )3 n i dynamical magnetization. We find that the Chern-Simons
contributions to both effects share the same response tensor
where the periodic gauge condition for At = m0 n
n is used coefficient given by
again to retain this gauge invariant form and An = iu|∇ m
n u. 
Noticing 0 denotes the strain rate and by defining the proper  
∂j i μmij = Aki ∇ m
n Akj + Akj ∂ki An + An ∂kj Aki ,
m m
piezoelectric constant as enmi = ∂ n , we have an explicit


where (2π is just the k-space integral of a Chern-Simons the time-dependent density functional theory [39]. Here we
form involving one strain parameter and two k parameters. give a general formula of the electron energy-stress tensor in
Am a spatially homogeneous band insulator at zero temperature
n is the Berry connection in terms of strain.
mij including its response to lattice deformation:
The tensor coefficient μn is antisymmetric with respect
to the indices ij and symmetric to mn. The former property Tji = Dji + 2ω · ∇ ij J + m0
n mi
ηnj + a · ∇ ij P me
is inherited from the Chern-Simons form and the latter is due me i j  j i 
to the vanishing of the lattice covariant derivative of Bloch + W W − W jme + i ↔ j , (57)
functions under local rotation. In terms of this coefficient, v
the Chern-Simons polarization and magnetization induced by where the left-hand side is the stress-energy tensor. The
strain gradient and strain rate, respectively, can be written as derivation is given in Appendix F. First we would like to
point out that the indices i and j are symmetric on both
Pcsi = emj
n , (55) sides of the equation. This is because the energy-stress tensor
i j can be viewed as the unsymmetrized strain derivative of
Mcs = −e∂m W n μmij
n + Pcs W − Pcs W .
j i
(56) electron energy. And this covariant strain derivative vanishes
when strain is antisymmetric, i.e., a crystal under rigid body
Equation (55) is the Chern-Simons contribution to flexo-
electricity, where the strain gradient is denoted by lattice
The above expression is for a particular filled band while
connection {mj n
}. The well-known picture to understand flex-
the total
 energy-stress tensor is the sum of all occupied bands.
oelectricity is introduced by Taganstsev, where flexoelectricity d3k
is described by the ionic effective Born charge multiplied Dj = (2π )3 Dj is the contribution from the deformation po-
i i

by the displacement induced by strain gradient [17]. The tential. It gives the leading order contribution to the stress
major challenge is the calculation of the effective charge. tensor. The second term is the response of the stress tensor
The longitudinal polarization can be calculated from the local to the rotation of lattices in time, which is the antisymmetric
charge density response to ionic position [26,31]. However, part of the ionic velocity gradient. J is the orbital angular
the transverse part involves the current response to strain momentum for a filled band:
gradient [31]. As can be seen from Appendix E, indeed we j ∂J mn j
achieve the above formula by considering the response of ∇ i J mn = aαj − δim J j n − δin J mj + δi J mn , (58)
current to strain gradient and strain rate. The key point is to  d3 k
calculate the Abelian Chern-Simons form (54), which is a where J mn = me (2π )3
Im∂km u | (ε + Ĥ ) | ∂kn u. The first
tractable problem. three terms in Eq. (C6) are the strain derivative of a second-
Equation (56) is the dynamical magnetization as clearly rank tensor in retrospect to the first-rank vector case exempli-
indicated by the appearance of the velocity field. The first term fied by the Berry connection term in Table II. The last term
is induced by the gradient of the velocity field, which is the comes from the strain derivative of the volume element in k
strain rate experienced by ions. It couples to the same tensor space, which reads ∇ m n (d k) = −δn d k. If we are to put the
3 m 3
coefficient of Chern-Simons flexoelectricity. This indicates strain derivative outside the integral d 3 k, this term always
that materials with large bulk flexoelectricity effect may also appears. Equivalently, we can view a phase space quantity
demonstrate observable dynamical magnetization. The second after integration in k space as a real space density quantity.
term is the transformation from polarization to magnetization The last term is a manifestation of this density property.
due to ionic motion as discussed before. The third term in Eq. (57) is the response to strain rate,
We conclude by summarizing the different parts of polar- which is often referred to as the viscosity term. The viscosity
ization/magnetization in Table III, which includes the zeroth- tensor has the following explicit form:
order contributions intrinsic to local lattices and the Chern- 
  i   i  m 
Simons contribution due to inhomogeneity. = d 3 k i ∇m  
n u ∇j u − i ∇j u ∇n u ,
ηnj (59)
4. Stress tensor and its responses which is simply the integral of the Berry curvature in terms
The electron stress tensor response to a geometrical back- of the strain parameter in k space. Again the meaning
ground is a very interesting problem. Particularly, the response of the strain derivative is only clear within our theory as
to the velocity gradient is known as the viscosity term and is a given in Table II. This term is automatically antisymmetric
manifestation of the rigidity of the electron system. Electron between the two groups of indices mn and ij , and thus is
viscosity has been studied in different cases such as the dissipationless. And both mn and ij are symmetric within
integer Hall system [32,33], the fractional quantum Hall state their own groups. This symmetric property is inherited from
[34–36], topological insulators [37], superfluids [38], and in the fact that |∇ m
n u = 0 when m, n are antisymmetric, i.e.,

TABLE III. Electric polarization and orbital magnetization.

Polarization Orbital magnetization

Intrinsic contribution P in = e Ak M in = M + P × W
i j
Chern-Simons contribution P ics = emj
n Mcsij = −e∂m W n μmij
n + Pcs W − Pcs W
j i


rigid body rotation. Its expression in terms of the deformation formalism. Many deformation effects resemble the effects
potential operator is given in Appendix G. in a curved spacetime even if expressed in the Euclidean
The fourth
 term in Eq. (57) is the response to acceleration. laboratory frame coordinates.
Pme = me d 3 kAk is the mass polarization of the electron and Our formula considers the deformation of an original pe-
riodic Hamiltonian and makes no other particular assumption
j ∂Pmne j about the property of the Hamiltonian. Thus we expect the
∇ i Pmne = aαj − δin Pmj e + δi Pmne . (60)
∂aαi results can be easily applied to other periodic systems such
as the photonic crystal or cold atom systems. Moreover, our
Comparing to Eq. (58), it is easily to see this is the strain
approach provides a way to generate nontrivial geometry for
derivative of a vector density. Noticing the periodic gauge
j n particles coupled to a deformed background. In other systems
n , actually ∇ i Pme = e ej is just the proper
me in
condition for Am of different order parameters (in our case the lattice vectors),
piezoelectric constant multiplied by a factor mee . we expect other types of geometry can be achieved. As the
The last two terms in Eq. (57) have the signature of a focus of this paper is to set up the framework of our lattice
perfect fluid with energy density and energy current density covariant formula, many discussions in the application part
( mve , −jme ) in coordinates relative to ions. After transform- are not complete. The most obvious direction to pursue is to
ing back to laboratory frame with relative velocity −W , include the strain gradient contribution to Bloch functions and
we have those terms as part of the energy-stress tensor. the electron energy-stress tensor.
And j me is the mass current density with expression jmi e =
me m ni
e n0 m
+ mevW − m2e (a × )i + (∂ × J )i in the spatially ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
homogeneous case.
Here we only discussed the spatially homogeneous case The authors thank Junren Shi, Ji Feng, Michael Stone for
for band insulators. The physical meaning of the above stress- insightful discussions, Cong Xiao and Xiao Li for revising
energy tensor is to provide a force effect on the dynamics of this paper. Liang Dong is supported by the National Key
ions as shown in the derivation of Appendix F. And we did R&D Program of China (Grants No. 2017YFA0303302 and
not include the strain gradient contribution to the energy-stress No. 2018YFA0305603) and the Welch Foundation (F-1255).
tensor, which will be referred to in future study. Qian Niu is supported by DOE (DE-FG03-02ER45958, Divi-
Also, we want to point out the direction to extend the sion of Materials Science and Engineering) and NSF (EFMA-
current formalism to study the deformation effect in met- 1641101). The formulation of Sec. IV is supported by the
als. The equations of motion (46), (47) hold regardless of DOE Grant.
whether the system is metallic or insulating. The difference
between metallic and insulating systems lies in the distri- APPENDIX A: LATTICE FRAME
bution function which can be calculated, for example, from
the Boltzmann equation. Near equilibrium, the distribution In the main text, the results are expressed in the laboratory
function can be divided into a local equilibrium part which frame. This has the advantage that the physical picture is
is responsible for the intrinsic property and a nonequilibrium more transparent. However, it is more convenient to derive
part. The nonequilibrium correction can be calculated in the the results in another curvilinear frame called the lattice
simplest case with relaxation time approximation or more frame. This is similar to the relation between Euclidean and
accurately by considering the scattering process introduced Lagrangian description in fluid dynamics. This coordinate
by impurities, phonons, or electron-electron interaction. In transformation method in dealing with the deforming crystal
the hydrodynamic limit, we expect the lattice deformation problem is introduced by Whitfield [18].
provides a platform to study the curved space hydrodynamics. Here we introduce the lattice frame and discuss its relation
It is also interesting to study the electron energy-stress tensor with the lattice bundle picture. Lattice frame coordinates
from the hydrodynamic point of view. are denoted as {x
α , t
}, with α = 1, 2, 3 representing three
crystalline directions. Given the positions of all lattice points
in the laboratory frame {R l (t )}, we define a smooth lattice
, t
) in terms of lattice frame coordinates, which
In summary, we have developed a theory describing the satisfies
semiclassical dynamics of electrons in deforming crystals up R l (t ) ≡ R(l, t
. (A1)
to the first order of strain gradient, strain rate, and lattice
acceleration. Our theory is based on the lattice bundle picture, Then the laboratory frame coordinates are related to lattice
where local lattices are introduced to account for the local frame coordinates as
property of deforming crystals. To compare quantities associ-
ated with local lattices with different periodicities, a derivative x = R(x
, t
), (A2)
operation called the lattice covariant derivative is introduced. t = t
. (A3)
It takes the place of the partial derivative in expressing the
equations of motion including the Berry phase effect. In From (A1), we see that lattice frame coordinates can be
general, the lattice covariant derivative allows our results to be viewed as the continuity of the lattice points label. Any
expressed in a familiar and covariant form under Newtonian deforming crystal is mapped to a unit cubic lattice in the lattice
coordinate transformation. The geometrical effect of lattice frame. We require that in a local region deformation is elastic
deformation is made explicit in terms of our lattice covariant which means the relation (A2) is reversible and x
is also a


function of x and t. In later discussion, we will frequently use the metric fields couple to the first-principles Hamiltonian of
this reversibility and change the independent variables of the electrons written in the lattice frame.
same fields from (x
, t
) to (x, t ) or vice versa.
To connect to the lattice bundle picture introduced in the
main body of this paper, we can define the lattice vector fields
and velocity field as
Viewed in laboratory frame, the total crystal potential
cα (x
, t
) ≡ ∂x
α R(x
, t
), (A4) which depends on deformed lattice points is responsible for
W (x
, t
) ≡ ∂t
, t
). (A5) all the deformation effects. However, this potential is not easy
to deal with since it has no periodicity. So it is crucial to
The physical property of the lattice vector fields and velocity write the potential in a tractable form. In the case of slowly
field comes naturally from (A1) that varying deformation, this is done by expanding the total
  potential in the first order of strain gradient. Here we show
l + (l + 1α )

cα , t = R l+1α (t
) − R l (t
), (A6) how this process can be conducted with the help of lattice
2 frame defined previously.
W (l, t
) = Ṙ l (t
). (A7) In general, the crystal potential is a function of the relative
position between electrons and all ions:
However, from the definition (A1), Eq. (A6) does not nec-
essarily hold exactly. Here we impose the second requirement V̄ ({R lτ − x}), (B1)
for the lattice field such that the left-hand and right-hand sides
of Eq. (A6) equal. This is to keep our theory accurate in where x is the position of electrons expressed in the laboratory
the first-order gradient of lattice fields at least in the case of frame. l is the lattice point label and τ is the label of ions
constant strain gradient. In the constant strain gradient case, inside a unit cell. Here we assume that the position of ions
we have the following form of lattice field R(x
, t
): inside a unit cell is completely determined by the lattice points
positions while there are exceptions as mentioned earlier in
, t
) = N 1α (t
α + 21 N 2αβ (t
α x
β + N 0 (t
), (A8) this paper. Thus R lτ ({R l
}) can be written as a function of
where N 2αβ describes a constant strain gradient in space. After all the lattice points. Due to translational invariance of the
substituting Eq. (A8) into Eq. (A6), we can see that Eq. (A6) whole crystal, when we displace all lattice points by the
holds exactly. same amount, all ions in a unit cell will be translated by
From the above definition of lattice vector fields and veloc- the same value as well. This property is described by the
ity fields, it is straightforward to show that formula R lτ ({R l
}) − C = R lτ ({R l
− C}) with C some con-
stant displacement. Thus we can absorb the overall constant
(cα · ∂ )cβ − (cβ · ∂ )cα = 0, (A9) translation of R lτ into its {R l
} dependence. Thus when C =
x, the total crystal potential can be written as a function of the
(cα · ∂ )W − (W · ∂ )cα = ∂t cα , (A10)
position difference between electron and lattice points:
which is the elastic relation addressed by Eq. (67). This shows
V̄ ({R lτ − x}) = V̄ ({R lτ ({R l
− x})}) ≡ V ({R l − x}), (B2)
the consistency between the definition here and the discussion
in the main body of this paper. Actually, the elastic condition where by defining the crystal potential as V ({R l − x}) we
is the necessary condition for the existence of local lattice eliminate the label of ions within a unit cell.
fields R(x
, t ). The distribution of {R l } is not periodic in general for a
Next, we discuss the metrics in the lattice frame. In the deforming crystal. However, for slowly varying deformation,
lattice frame, lattice points always have unit cubic lattice we can apply a local approximation to transform it into a
coordinates and the deformation is described by the metric more tractable form. It is based on the assumption that only
tensor in this curvilinear coordinate system. This is in contrast ions within some length scale that is much smaller than the
to the laboratory frame description where coordinates of length scale of strain variation contribute to the above crystal
lattice points are crucial. The four-dimensional metric tensor potential. This is true for metals and nonpolar insulators.
in lattice frame is For polar materials, the macroscopic electric field caused by
∂x i ∂x i polarization needs to be attended to the potential and the
Gαβ = = cαi cβi , (A11) argument here applies to the local part. With the lattice field
α ∂x
defined in (A1), we have R l (t ) = R(l, t ). Expanding l with
∂x i ∂x i respect to the electron position in lattice frame x
, we have
G0α =
= W i cαi , (A12)
∂t ∂x
R l (t ) − x = R(l, t ) − R(x
, t )
where we choose (−1, 1, 1, 1) for the Minkowski metric
signature. We see that from the above expression the spatial ≈ (l − x
)α cα (x, t )
part of the metric is just the contraction between two lattice + 21 (l − x
)α (l − x
)β (cβ · ∂ )cα (x, t ), (B3)
vectors and the time-space component of the metric is just the
velocity field projected to lattice frame coordinate directions. where the last term is a first-order small quantity proportional
This is consistent with the geometric method of describing to the spatial gradient of lattice vector fields. Substituting
the deformation effect [40,41] where the metric tensor is back into (B2) and utilizing the property of lattice connection
introduced to account for strain effect. Next, we discuss how Eq. (5), the Taylor expansion of the potential with respect to


the second term in Eq. (B3) gives the potential as where {bα } is the reciprocal lattice vector. In order to be more
V ({R l − x}) ≈ V ({(l α − x
α )cα (x, t )}) + 21 ji k Ôi , (B4)
jk transparent about the meaning of G0α , we use the symbol

= G0α to denote this component of the metric tensor.
where {k } is the lattice connection introduced in Eq. (4). We Then we only have spatial indices and the spatial part of
call the above procedure the gradient expansion to the crystal metric tensor {G
αβ , G
αβ } can be used to raise and lower
potential. indices. For example, we have
The first term is the potential given by the local lattice at
α = Gαβ Wβ
= biα W i . (C5)
the electron x. It is still not periodic due to the position depen-
dence of cα (x, t ). This can be expected in the lattice bundle However, there is a problem with the Schrödinger equa-
picture; as the electron moves it experiences different local tion (C3) that the Hamiltonian on the right-hand  side
√ is not
lattices with potentials of different periodicities. However, the Hermitian with respect to the inner product dx
G. This
advantage here is that if we transform to the lattice frame and inner product is inherited from the definition in the laboratory
apply the local approximation, the first term becomes periodic frame. Since during the transformation the wave function is
and tractable. Actually, due to the invariance of the crystal kept invariant, to ensure that the probability of finding an
potential under rigid body rotation of all ions and electrons at electron in a given volume is the same √ expressed in both
the same time, we can rotate three lattice vectors freely with- coordinates, i.e., ρ = |ψ|2 d 3 x = |ψ|2 Gd 3 x
, we √have to
out changing the crystal potential, i.e., V ({(l α − x
α )cαi }) = define the inner product in the lattice frame as dx
G. To
V ({(l α − x
α )Oji cα }) with Oji Oki = δj k . This property means
resolve the non-Hermiticity problem, instead of keeping the
that the first term actually only depends on the lattice frame wave function invariant, we require that the wave function in
metric {Gαβ = cαi cβi }. lattice frame ψ
satisfies the following relation:
The second term is the gradient correction to the

α |ψ|2 d 3 x = |ψ
|2 d 3 x
, (C6)
potential, where Ôi = l ∂V ({ R̃∂l −x cα })
(R̃lk − x
α cαk )(R̃l −
jk j
R̃ i l
as a result of which the physical meaning of the wave
α cα ) with R̃ l (x, t ) = l α cα (x, t ). It can be understood as the
function is still kept while the inner product in the lattice
response of the crystal potential operator to the strain gradient frame becomes dx
. Then we can choose the transformation
denoted by {k }, and Ôi is the response coefficient. of the wave function and define the inner product in the lattice
frame as
≡ (G) 4 ψ,

Given the expression of total crystal potential (B4) up to
first order of the strain gradient, the Schrödinger equation in ϕ |ψ  ≡ ϕ
∗ ψ
d 3 x

the laboratory frame reads
  As can be seen later, this choice restores the Hermiticity of
α the Hamiltonian in the lattice frame.
i∂t ψ = −  + Vtot ({(l − x )cα }) ψ,
2me To complete the argument, the transformation relation for
operators should also be specified. This can be done by requir-
where  = ∂x2 is the Laplace operator in the laboratory frame ing that physical observables have the same value calculated
and in both frames:
Vtot = V ({l α − x
α }cα ) + 21 ji k Ôi
ϕ ∗ Ŝψd 3 x = ϕ
∗ Ŝ
d 3 x
, (C9)
comes from Eq. (B4). It is very tempting to express the
Schrödinger equation lattice frame (x
, t
) due to the fact that where Ŝ and Ŝ
are operators in the laboratory frame and lat-
the potential only depends on {l α − x
α } and the lattice frame tice frame, respectively. Thus we see that operators transform
metric. as
During the transformation to the lattice frame, if we require

= G 4 ŜG− 4 .
1 1

that the wave function be invariant under the coordinate (C10)

transformation, then the Schrödinger equation in the lattice Equipped with this transformation relation, after some long
frame simply reads but tedious algebra, we finally have the Schrödinger equation
  for ψ
in the lattice frame as

ψ = −  − iW
α ∂α
+ Vtot ({(l α −x
α )cα }) ψ, (C3) 
i∂t ψ = −

− ime Wα
αβ (∂β
− ime Wβ
√ 2me α
= √1G

α ( G∂α
) is the Laplacian in the lat-
+ Vtot ({(l α − x
α )cα (x
, t
tice frame with ∂
α = Gαβ ∂β
, ∂β
= ∂x∂
β , and G
= det(Gαβ ). 
{Gαβ } is the inverse matrix of {Gαβ } and satisfies Gαβ Gβγ = 1
− me Wα
α + Vg ψ
, (C11)
δγα , with repeated indices summed. It has the explicit expres- 2
sion as
where Vg = 8m1 e ∂α

α lnG + 32m
Gαβ (∂α
lnG) is a
α ∂x
β β
pure geometrical quantity. It is second order in strain gradient
Gαβ = i = biα bi , (C4)
∂x ∂x i and thus will be discarded in our first-order theory. It can


be checked that the Hamiltonian in the above Schrödinger Then the eigenstate and eigenvalue of Hamiltonian (D1) read
equation is Hermitian with respect to the inner product (C8).
From Eq. (C3) to Eq. (C11), the derivation is exact and

; q
c , x
c , t
) = eiq c x u
; k
c , x
c , t
), (D4)
the geometrical potential Vg is the only remembrance of
this process. The probability balance equation can be easily ε̃c
c , x
c , t
) = εc
c , x
c , t
) − 21 me W

c W cα , (D5)
deduced from Eq. (C11), which reads
where u
; k
c , x
c , t
) and εc
c , x
c , t
) are eigenstates and
+ ∂α
α = 0, (C12) eigenenergies of the Hamiltonian without velocity field:

1 αβ

with ρ
= |ψ
|2 and j
α = 2m1 e G
αβ {ψ
∗ 1i ∂β
− ψ
1i ∂β
− Ĥc
c , x
c , t
) = − G (∂ + ik
cα )(∂β
+ ikcβ

2m c α
2me Wβ
}. Noticing that ρ
denotes the probability to find
+ V ({(l α − x
α )ccα }). (D6)
the particle in the volume denoted by d 3 x
, which has the
same form as the one in a Cartesian coordinate, it is easy to As a first-order theory in inhomogeneity, we do not need
understand that the probability balance equation (C12) also to consider the correction to the wave function from the first-
has the same form expressed with partial derivatives. The first order Hamiltonian (D2). But we do need to consider its cor-
two terms of the current density can be interpreted as the rection to energy. To calculate this gradient correction, we first
current density of laboratory frame projected to lattice frame superpose the eigenstates (D4) to construct an electron wave-
basis directions and the third term comes from the relative packet state. Then we calculate the expectation value of the
motion between the lattice frame and laboratory frame. first-order Hamiltonian (D2) in this wave-packet state. Again
this process is quite standard in the wave-packet method [10];
we just list the result here:

The Schrödinger equation in the lattice frame is still ε̃c

c , x
c , t
) = − Im ∂ x
c q
 · (εc
− Ĥc
c u

hard to solve. The Hamiltonian in Eq. (C11) is neither
|Ôi |u

periodic nor static. However, it is easily seen that both + 1 i
2 cj k
the aperiodicity and time dependence come from the fields
α (x
, t
), Gαβ (x
, t
)}. So if deformation varies slowly in where the first and second terms come from the two terms
position and time, local approximation and adiabatic approx- in (D2), respectively. After expressing (∂q
c , ∂ x
c ) in terms of
imation can be applied to solve this problem. This can be (∂k
c , ∂ x
c ), the first term gives rise to two terms: 2ω
c · J
done systematically with the wave-packet method. We refer Im∂ x
c |k
c u
| ·(εc
− Ĥc
) | ∂k
c u

. ω
c defined as ω
c = 21 ∂ x
c ×
to the paper by Sundaram and Niu [10] for a more complete W
c is the angular velocity of lattice and J
= m2e Im∂k
c u
| ×
discussion of this method. The basic idea is that if we have (εc
− Ĥc
) | ∂k
c u

is the angular momentum of electron.
a wave-packet state of an electron that is localized both in Then the Lagrangian for the wave packet in the lattice
real space and reciprocal space, with its center position in frame reads
the lattice frame as x
c and q
c , respectively, the effective

Hamiltonian is given by the Taylor expansion of the position L

e = − εtot − 21 me W

c W cα + (k c + me W c ) · ẋ c
operator in metric fields relative to the center position of the   

wave packet. The zeroth-order and first-order Hamiltonians + ũ

i∂ x
c ũ
· ẋ
c + u
c u
· k̇c
for the wave-packet state thus read + u

, (D8)

1 αβ
where εtot = εc
− 21 me W

c W cα + 2ωc · J + 2 c O +
H̃ˆ c
= − G (∂ − ime W
cα )(∂β
− ime W
cβ )

2m c α Im∂ x
c u | ·(εc − Ĥc ) | ∂k
c u  is the energy depending on the
1 Bloch functions.
+ V ({(l α − x
α )ccα }) − me W
cα W
c , (D1) The Lagrangian of the wave packet in the lattice frame
  (D8) is very useful in deriving results but its physical meaning
α ∂ Ĥc
∂ Ĥ

H̃ˆ c
= x − x
α c
αc x
α − x
is usually less clear since we are more accustomed to under-
2 ∂x c ∂x c standing a physical problem in the laboratory frame. Also, we
are left with the question of how to calculate the eigenproblem
+ ji k (xc
, t
)Ôi {(l α − x
α )ccα },
(D2) of Hamiltonian (D6) with ab initio calculations. Furthermore,
2 the lattice frame is not globally well defined in the presence

of defects so we are unable to consider the topological effect

where {Gc , Wcα } are fields evaluated at position (x

c , t
). associated with defects in the lattice frame. Based on the
The Hamiltonian (D1) seems complicated but is actually above reasons, it is more desirable to express the results in
easy to solve since it is periodic and the metric tensor and the laboratory frame.
velocity field are just parameters. To solve this eigenproblem, First, we rewrite the Hamiltonian (D6) in orthonormal
first we define the gauge invariant wave vector kc
as coordinates defined as

c = q
c − me W
c . (D3) r i = x
α ccα
. (D9)


Then the Hamiltonian written in these orthonormal coordi- APPENDIX E: ORBITAL MAGNETIZATION
nates denoted by Ĥc reads AND POLARIZATION
1 1 ∂ Here, we deduce the result in Eq. (49). For an insulator,
Ĥc (kc ; xc , t ) = + kc + V ({l α ccα (x c , t ) − r}), the total current density up to first order is given by two
2me i ∂ r
(D10) contributions:

which is exactly the Hamiltonian (3) evaluated at x c with

ja = ẋ i Dd 3 k,
kci ≡ kcα α
bic . Thus we automatically get the transformation
rule for the wave vector from the lattice frame to laboratory dk ∂unk   ∂unk

frame, jbi = ∂j Im H − ε  ∂k , (E2)
(2π )3 ∂ki j

kci = kcα biα (x c , t ), (D11) where D = 1 + tr(kx ) − me 2ω · k is the density of states.

which denotes points in the Brillouin zone of the local lattice j b comes from the dipole moments of velocity operator [4].
at (x c , t ). We can combine Eq. (46) and (47) to solve for ẋ.
Then the eigensolution of (D6) is related to the eigensolu- Especially the last two terms in Eq. (49) come from the
tion of (D10) as following terms in j a :

; k
c , x
c , t
) = u x
α ccα ; kcα

bαc , x c (x
c , t ), t , (D12) ja = e d 3 k[−ki x j W j + ki t + W i tr(kx )].

c , x
c , t
) = εc kcα bc , x c (x
c , t ), t , (D13) To get the same form in Eq. (49), we will frequently use the
following identity:
where u(r; kc , x c , t ) and εc (kc , x c , t ) are the eigenstates and   
eigenenergies of Hamiltonian (D10). Then the Berry connec- ∂x μ dkf (k, x, t ) = −iμ dkf + dk∇ x μ f, (E4)
tion in the Lagrangian (D8) takes the form


∂xcν (2π )3 where f is any phase space function. Choosing the peri-

u i∂xc u =

3 ∗
d ru i∇ xcν u , (D14) odic gauge Ax μ (k + 2π b; x, t ) = Ax μ (k; x, t ) and noticing
∂xc vc (x c , t ) j
that ∇ x j Akj = ∂x j Akj − mj n
kn ∂km Akj − ij Aki , we have
where vc (x c , t ) is the unit-cell volume at point (x c , t ) and the 
lattice covariant derivative ∇ xcν arises naturally. Thus through
−ki x j W j = W j ∂j P i − lji P l + ljl P i , (E5)
this line of derivation, we have proved the validity of the
lattice covariant derivative. 
If we define the Berry connection in the laboratory frame ki t = ∂t P i − l0i
P l + l0
P i, (E6)
 W i tr(kx ) = − W i ∂j P j − lj P l + ljl P j , (E7)
(2π )3
Axcν ≡ iu|∇ xcν |u ≡ d 3 ru∗ ∇ xcν u, (D15) 
vc where P = − (2πe )3 Ak . Substituting back to Eq. (E3) and

(2π )3 utilizing the elastic condition i0
+ jki W j = ∂i W k , we have
Akci ≡ iu|∂kci |u ≡ d 3 ru∗ ∂kci u, (D16)
vc the last two terms in Eq. (49):
then the relation between Berry connections in the lattice ∂t P − ∂ × (W × P ). (E8)
∂x ν
frame and laboratory frame reads Axc
μ = ∂x
μc Axcν and A
c Next, we deduce the Chern-Simons contribution to flex-
j Akcj . oelectricity and dynamical magnetization. We start from the
The next step is to transform the Lagrangian back to the expressions in the lattice frame then transform back to the
laboratory frame. Since time is the same for both coordinates, laboratory frame. Because the lattice connection vanishes in
their Lagrangians can also be chosen to be equal for a par- the lattice frame, the results in [30] can be applied directly
ticular gauge. Then we can write down the Lagrangian in the in the lattice frame. We can directly write down the Chern-
laboratory frame as Simons contribution to current density as

Le = − εtot + W c · kc + 21 me W 2 + (kc + me W c ) · ẋ c jcs = − e dk




i j j j i j i j
+ (At + ẋ c · A x c ) + Dt kc · Akc , (D17) 
where = e∂t
+ ∂kj
+ ∂xj

j j j i i j

εtot = εc + c Imu| D − D̂|∂k u + c  Ô + 2ωc · J. (D18)
− e∂xj
t + ∂kj A
t A
ki + ∂t
ki A
kj , (E9)
The first term is the eigenenergy of local Hamiltonian (3) eval-
uated at x c . The second and third term come from the gradient where the periodic gauge condition for real space Berry
correction to local Hamiltonian Eq. (10). The last term is due connections has been used:
to lattice rotation and J is the angular momentum of electrons.
) − A
+ 2π b
) = 0,
After omitting the indices c we have the Lagrangian appearing
in the main text (48). A
) − A
+ 2π b
) = 0,


where b
is the reciprocal lattice vector in the lattice frame. ∂Le
+ ∂y
α δ(x
− y
R i
From (E9), we can easily identify the polarization and mag- ∂G0α
netization term as  

˜ ∂Le
 − δ(x − y )∂t
α R i
P = e dk
j Akj
+ Akj
j + Ax
j ∂kj
, (E10)

 + ∂y
γ [∂y
α δ(x
− y
R i ]
ij = − e dk
+ ∂kj
+ ∂t
. (E11) ∂ (∂γ G0α )

− ∂t

˜ ∂y
γ [δ(x − y )∂y
α R ] , i
Then using the transformation rule of the polarization- ∂ (∂γ G0α )
magnetization tensor under coordinate transformation, which
we have verified in zeroth order, we can get the results given where the derivative operator ∂˜ t
only acts the explicit time de-
by Eqs. (55) and (56). pendence while not on the time dependence of those variables

( k̇ (t
), ẏ
), y
)). Here we have not used the expressions

of ( k̇ , ẏ
) which can be given by the equations of motion in
the lattice frame. δR j describes the force density of electrons
Here we will demonstrate how the concept of the energy- exerted on ions. We see from the delta function δ(x
− y
stress tensor appears naturally by considering the role elec- that the effective interaction between electron and ion is local,
trons play in the dynamics of ions. From Appendix A, we which is inherited from the local approximation and adiabatic
can see that the fundamental field describing the ionic degrees approximation we used.
of freedom is contained in the lattice field R(x
, t
) given by Equation (F4) is the contribution from a single electron.
Eq. (A1). If we are to consider the dynamics of ions in the least However, we have multiple electrons filling in the band
action principle, we need to vary the total action including structure. Then we need to sum over all electrons in a filled
both the electronic part and ionic part with respect to the band with the integration of density of states and substitute

lattice field. the expression for ( k̇ , ẏ

) given by the equations of motion.
Here, we focus on the electron part. The electron La- For simplicity, here we only consider a particular band in an
grangian written in the lattice frame depends on the lattice insulator at zero temperature. Then the total force from all
frame metric field, which is related to the lattice field as electron contributions reads

Gαβ = ∂α R i ∂β R i = cαi cβi , (F1) F i (x
, t
) = dy
i (x
, t
), (F5)
G0α = ∂α R i ∂t
R i = cαi W i . (F2) where we adopt the convention to use the script form of the
symbol to denote all electron contributions, such as F as the
The variation in the lattice field can be expressed in terms total contribution from the F of each individual electron.
of the variation in the lattice frame metric, which is just the Then substituting Eq. (F4) into the above expression, we
formal definition of the stress-energy tensor. The action of have a very simple form that
electrons is given by the Lagrangian of the wave packet as √
discussed before, which has the following form: F i (x
, t
) = G[∂j T ij + ∂t T 0i ], (F6)
A= d x
− y
e (W
( y
, t
), {G
αβ ( y
, t
V0 ∂x i ∂x j αβ

T ij = T + T 0i W j + W i T 0j , (F7)
), ẏ
), k̇ (t
))), (F3) ∂x
α ∂x
∂x i
where L
e is given by Eq. (D8). Here we use variables T 0i =
β T 0β , (F8)

( k̇ (t
), ẏ
), y
), t
) to denote the degrees of freedom of
the electron as a point particle, all of which are functions and T αβ , T 0β are the four-dimensional energy-stress tensors
of time t
. And we add a factor δ(x
− y
)) to express of electrons in the lattice frame defined as
the action in a field form so that we can apply the variation   ˜ ˜ e
2 ∂L ∂L
principle in field theories directly. T αβ (x
, t
) = − dk
√ − ∂σ
Then we vary the above action with respect to the lattice G ∂Gαβ˜ ˜
∂ (∂σ Gαβ )
field R(x
, t
). After some long and tedious calculation, we ˜ e 
have − ∂˜ t
, (F9)
˜∂ (∂t
Gγ δ )

T 0α (x
, t
) = − dk
√1G ∂G
˜ e ˜
Fi = i
(x , t ) = [∂y
α δ(x
− y
β R i + α ↔ β]|t
− ∂σ ∂˜ (∂∂LGe ) ,
δR ∂Gαβ 0α σ 0α

∂Le (F10)
+ ∂y
γ [∂y
α δ(x
− y
β R i + α ↔ β] ∂˜ ∂˜ ∂˜ ∂˜ ∂˜
∂ (∂γ Gαβ ) where ˜ αβ , ∂˜ (∂σ Gαβ ) , ∂˜ (∂t
Gγ δ ) , ∂G
˜ 0α , ∂˜ (∂σ G0α ) do not act on the


metric dependence of ( k̇ , ẏ ) whose expression is given by the
− ∂t

˜ ∂y
β R ∂y
α δ(x − y ) + α ↔ β
∂ (∂t
Gαβ ) equations of motion and D
= [1 + tr(
) − 2me ω


while ∂σ acts on all the position dependence including that APPENDIX G: EXPRESSIONS IN MOMENTUM

in the expression of ( k̇ , ẏ
Here we come up with the expressions (F9), (F10) to Although we introduce the concept of the lattice covariant
ensure the physical meaning of energy-stress tensor, i.e., the in the position representation in order to contrast with the
form of Eq. (F6). Equivalently, we can define the energy-stress normal partial derivatives, often it is more convenient to
tensor directly in the lattice frame following the variation to calculate in momentum space. So it is worthwhile to discuss
the metric as the expression in momentum space. Since the local Hamilto-
nians and Bloch states all have the same periodicity as local
1 δA
T αβ ≡ − 2 √ , (F11) lattices, their expression in momentum space only involves
G δGαβ discrete momentum basis |l = exp[2π ilα bα (x, t ) · r], where
1 δA l is some integer and b(x, t ) the reciprocal lattice vector at
T 0α ≡ − √ , (F12) (x, t ). If we calculate the lattice covariant derivative of Bloch
G δG0α
states expressed on the momentum basis, we have
where the definitions of T αβ and T 0α differ by a factor of  
∇ x μ u(r, k; x, t ) = ∂x μ ul + mμ
kn ∂km ul exp(ilα bα · r ),
two besides their variations to different components of the
metric, which is a feature of nonrelativistic theory [42]. Then (G1)
following the same procedure in calculating F i from F i , we 
can achieve the expressions (F9), (F10). where ul (k; x, t ) = d ru(r, k; x, t ) exp[−2π ilα b (x, t ) · r]

To calculate the specific form of energy-stress tensor, is the Fourier component of Bloch functions. An important
we need to substitute the expression of electron Lagrangian property is that the basis |l vanishes under the lattice covari-
Eq. (D8) into Eqs. (F9), (F10). The calculation is very tedious ant derivative while not under the partial derivative. Thus in
but straightforward; thus we only list the result here: the momentum representation the lattice covariant derivative
takes a simpler form as
2 ∂ε 1
T αβ = √ dk
+ me G0α G0β D
∇ x μ = ∂x μ + mμ
k n ∂k m , (G2)
G ˜ αβ
∂G 2
which acts on the Fourier components. Then the real space
+ me ∂σ G0γ Im ∂˜ Gαβ ∂kγ
− Ĥ
Berry connection can be conveniently expressed as

∂A Ax μ = imμ
u∗l aαm ∂aαn + kn ∂km ul , (G3)
− k̇ · k
− ∂t
Gσ γ Gαβ Gσ γ
˜ αβ
∂G l
  where the relation ∂x μ = mμ
aαm ∂aαn is used. The normaliza-
˜ 1 
=2 √ ∂Gαβ ε
+ me G0α G0β tion condition for the Bloch function is l u∗l ul = 1 from
G 2 Eq. (38).

+ me ∂σ G0γ Im ∂˜ Gαβ ∂kσ

+ Ĥ
For the local Hamiltonian, its matrix element expressed in
 momentum representation is

+ me aγ ∂t W ∂Gαβ Akγ
− ∂t Gσ γ Gαβ Gσ γ ,

(G l + k)2
= δl,l
+ V (G l−l
(x, t )), (G4)
where from the second line to the third line, we sub- where G l = 2π lα bα , G l−l
= 2π (l − l
)α bα , and V (G) =

stitute the expression of k̇ and use the periodic gauge 

drV ({R̃l − r}) exp(i G · r ) is the Fourier component of
condition for u
|i∂Gαβ u

. Gαβ Gσ γ = i[∂Gαβ u
|∂Gσ γ u

− v
the local crystal potential. Directly applying (G2), we have
∂Gσ γ u
|∂Gαβ u

] is the Berry curvature with respect to lattice the lattice covariant derivative of the local Hamiltonian as
metric. On the other hand,
 ∇ x μ Ĥl,l
= D̂n;l,l

mμ ,
1 ∂L˜ e
T 0α = − dk
√ where {D̂n;l,l

} is the deformation potential operator in the
G ∂G0α

momentum representation, which reads

= − √ D
(me W
α + me ẋ
α ).  
(Gl + k)m (Gl + k)n
G D̂n;l,l
= −
+ ∇ n V (G l−l ) . (G6)

Then following Eqs. (F7), (F8) and using the identity 2 ∂G∂αβ =
β ∇mn V (G) = lim δGl →0
V (G+δG)−V (G) α
Gn is the derivative of
bi ∂a∂ i , we have the energy-stress tensor in the laboratory the crystal potential to strain expressed in reciprocal space.
frame as V (G + δG) and V (G) correspond to two crystals with differ-

jl ent periodicities. This has also been touched on in the paper
Tji = Dji − 2ω · ∇ ij J + ∇ ij Pme · a − l0
dkim [21]. However, this discussion here is valid in the general case
me i j  j i  not limited to the rigid ion model.
+ W W − W jme + i ↔ j . (F13) The energy effect of deformation operator has been dis-
v cussed thoroughly [43], which is the diagonal part in the Bloch
We illustrate the physical meaning of each term in the main basis. Its off-diagonal part also plays an important role in
body of this paper. electron dynamics through Berry curvatures. This can be seen


through the expression of Berry curvatures as a sum over all is explicit in this expression. Integration in the Brillouin
band contributions. For example, m
nki can be written as zone −e d 3 ki l=0 0|Ômn |ll|v̂i(ε|0−0| v̂i |ll|Ômn |0
just gives the
0 −εl )

proper piezoelectric constant.

 u0 |D̂ m |ul ul |v̂i |u0  − u0 |v̂i |ul ul |D̂ m |u0  The viscosity term comes from the Berry curvature nq

nki = i
m n n
, involving strain and can be written as
(ε0 − εl )2
 u0 |D̂ m |ul ul |D̂qp |u0 −u0 |D̂qp |ul ul |D̂ m |u0 
(G7) mp
nq = i
n n
(ε0 − εl )2
where 0 is the band we are interested in and l labels all (G8)
other bands. The role of the deformation potential operator

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