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Vol 25 No.1452 – January 15, 2023 ADDIS ABABA ETHIOPIA, price 25.

00 Birr


Peace as Positive and Negative: in the Contemporary Ethiopia

There are two common conceptions of peace — Negative Peace, or actual peace, and Positive Peace.
By: Belayneh Zelelew

IEP’s definition of Negative us what or where we should Positive Peace provides a In addition to the absence of vi- cure disease.
Peace is understood as ‘the be investing in to strengthen framework to understand and olence, Positive Peace is also as- However, it was only when
absence of violence or fear of or maintain levels of peace. then address the multiple and sociated with many other social medical science turned its
violence — an intuitive defini- This leads us to Positive Peace, complex challenges the world characteristics that are consid- focus to the study of healthy
tion that many agree with, and derived from the data con- faces. ered desirable, including better human beings that we under-
one which enables us to meas- tained within the Global Peace Positive Peace is transforma- economic outcomes, measures stood what we needed to do to
ure peace more easily. Index. Positive Peace provides tional in that it is a cross-cut- of well-being, levels of inclu- stay healthy. This could only
Measures of Negative Peace a framework to understand ting factor for progress, mak- siveness and environmental be learned by studying what
are the foundation of the IEP’s and address the many com- ing it easier for businesses to performance. was working.
flagship product, the Global plex challenges the world sell, entrepreneurs and scien- A parallel can be drawn with Representatives of the Inter-
Peace Index. faces. Representatives of the tists to innovate, individuals medical science; the study of Nations (UN) America (USA)
However, while the Global Intergo), the United Nations to produce, and governments pathology has led to numerous are participating as observers
Peace Index tells us how peace- (UN) and to the AU-led peace to effectively red governments breakthroughs in our under- to the AU-led peace process.
ful a country is, it doesn’t tell process. to effectively regulate. standing of how to treat and UN) America

AU launches peace talks to end the conflict in

the Tigray Region of Ethiopia
25 October 2022, Addis Aba-
ba: The Chairperson of the
African Union Commis-
sion Moussa Faki Mahamat
Youth Peace Ambassador for
is pleased to announce the
Sustainable project
launch in South Africa of the Launched across Addis Ababa
first direct talks between the and West Omo Zone
Government of the Federal Page 5
Government of Ethiopia and
the Tigray People’s Liberation
Front, as part of the ongoing
AU-led process to support the
Parties find a political solution
to the conflict in the Tigray
Region of Ethiopia.
The Talks are facilitated by
H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo, the As Ethiopia’s Tigray
AU High Representative for yatta of the Republic of Kenya; Representatives of the Inter- ed States of America (USA) peace deal is hailed,
the Horn of Africa and former and former Deputy President governmental Authority on are participating as observers a tricky implemen-
President of the Federal Re-
public of Nigeria, along with
Dr Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcu- Development (IGAD), the to the AU-led peace process. tation lies ahead
ka of the Republic of South United Nations (UN) and Representatives of the Inter-
former President Uhuru Ken- Page 4
Africa. UN) Americ af the the Government of the Unit- Nations (UN) America (USA)

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