Turnover Processes

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Turnover Processes for World Access Canada

Turnover Processes for World Access Canada....................................................................1 Outline of Turnover Change Control Environments...........................................................2 System Overview.................................................................................................................3 Checkouts.........................................................................................................................4 Forms...............................................................................................................................4 Form Approval.............................................................................................................5 Form Recovery.............................................................................................................5 APPEXDIX A......................................................................................................................6 Turnover Moves on iSynergy..............................................................................................6 APPENDIX B......................................................................................................................7 Purging a Turnover Form on iSynergy............................................................................7 APPENDIX C....................................................................................................................10 Redistributing a Form From Dev...................................................................................10 APPENDIX D....................................................................................................................13 Applications and their Respective Libraries..................................................................13

Outline of Turnover Change Control Environments iSynDev

Level 10 Level 20




! Form Approval Required !




Job placed on hold in WAC_HOLD job queue in TURNUTIL PRODUCTION (OBJ and DB LIBRARIES)

System Overview
The Turnover environment on iSynDev is set up in 3 separate sections. Each application (Business System) is set up in Turnover with the same 3 sections. They are: Development Quality Assurance Production Before any objects (AllFusion or otherwise) can be checked out a task must be created by the developer against the Project to which the change request is linked to. Available projects are: CAST Canadian Assistance, Claims, Recovery and Finance UAST International Assistance and Claims CTRV Canadian Travel Enrolment SHR Provider System and Assistance Shared Objects ISDM IS Support System Objects are checked out by the developers (automatically in AllFusion, manually in the Programmers Work list for non-AllFusion CL and RPG objects) Developers create and/or modify the objects. When ready to promote to Quality Assurance, the developer creates a form in Turnover. A Level 10 form constitutes a move of objects and source from the development environment (GEN suffixed libraries) to the quality assurance environment (TESTQACA and TESTQAUS libraries based on Canadian or US systems) A Level 20 form constitutes a move of objects and source from the quality assurance environment to the production environment on iSynDev (DB and OBJ suffixed libraries). All Level 20 forms must be approved by the Business Applications Manager in Turnover prior to the form being run. If the Level 20 form completes successfully, the objects are moved from the TESTQACA/TESTQAUS libraries into the production DB and/or OBJ libraries on the development system. The form is then automatically distributed via FTP to the remote production system. The job to implement the form on production is placed into a held job queue, WAC_HOLD in library TURNUTIL. Forms that do not complete successfully change automatically to RECOVER status and all objects and source are NOT promoted to the higher environment. The developer must review the errors in the form and resubmit. A Level 20 form that has been modified must be re-approved by the Business Applications Manager prior to the form being run.

Objects are checked out of the last level from which they were promoted. In most cases this will be Level 20, or the production environment. Source is moved from the production environment into the development environment during the checkout process to allow the developer to make changes on the objects. Checked out programs are associated with the project task set up as mentioned in the System Overview above. If an object has been promoted through Level 10 into Quality Assurance and requires rework, the developer will then check the object out of Quality Assurance into development for modification. No developer intervention is required for this copy of source when the developer requests the object for checkout, Turnover copies the source and updates checkout information automatically.

Below will be mentioned forms moving in Level 10 and Level 20. A Level 10 form constitutes a move of objects and source from the development environment (GEN suffixed libraries) to the quality assurance environment (TESTQACA and TESTQAUS libraries based on Canadian or US systems). , the developer creates a form in Turnover (option 6 in the Turnover main men; T06 from SoftMenu) and includes all objects the developer wishes to promote into QA. Turnover performs a crossreference and identifies any related objects the developer has not included on the form. The developer is given the choice to include or exclude these cross referenced objects. Turnover performs error checking on this form and then submits the form to run. A Level 20 form constitutes a move of objects of source from the quality assurance environment to the production environment on iSynDev (DB and OBJ suffixed libraries). When User Acceptance Testing has completed successfully for the objects, the developer copies the level 10 form (3=Copy) to a level 20 form for promotion to production. All Level 20 forms from Quality Assurance to Production must be reviewed and approved by the Business Applications Manager and/or the iSeries Operations team prior to the form being run. This is an automated process through Turnover that restricts the developers ability to run the form until it is approved. Upon form approval, the developer submits the form (7=Run). Similar error checking and cross-referencing is done on the level 20 form as on the level 10 form. If the form passes error checking, it is submitted to run.

Form Approval
All Level 20 forms from Quality Assurance to Production must be reviewed and approved by the Business Applications Manager and/or the iSeries Operations team prior to the form being run. This is an automated process through Turnover that restricts the developers ability to run the form until it is approved. Once objects reach the production environment on iSynDev they are distributed without source (objects only) to our production iSeries where they are implemented through the Turnover Moves on iSynergy process outlined below.

Form Recovery
If the form does not complete successfully, encountering some type of error, the form will change to RECOVER status and no objects or source will be moved (any source or objects moved prior to the failure point will be rolled back). The developer will then need to review the form errors and make corrections as required. A RECOVER form cannot be reset, and so will need to be copied to a second Level 20 form and require reapproval. If the form completes successfully into the production environment, but fails when being implemented on iSynergy the form on the iSynergy instance of Turnover will change to RECOVER and not objects will be promoted. The form on iSynDev will not change. The form on iSynergy will need to be purged and the form on iSynDev resubmitted or recreated depending on the nature of the error. See Appendix B for form purging information and Appendix C for redistributing a form from iSynDev.

APPEXDIX A Turnover Moves on iSynergy

1. All Turnover Form promotions on iSynergy will be done by the i5 Systems Manager. 2. The day before the promotion ensure the forms have distributed to iSynergy and are sitting on hold in the jobq WAC_HOLD in library TURNUTIL. 3. Also on the day previous to the move have the i5 Systems Manager modify the following scheduled jobs to mirror the date/time of your move: BKUPMSG - Sends a message out hour before the system comes down to inform users of the move. BKUPMSG2 - Sends a message out 5 minutes before the system comes down requesting people sign off the system. ENDSBSQIN Ends the subsystem QINTER at the scheduled time of the move. STRSBSQIN Starts the subsystem QINTER an hour after the move time, just in case something went very, very wrong (or you slept through the move). RLSTURN Releases the WAC_HOLD job queue to release the forms, usually scheduled 5 minutes after the ENDSBSQIN job. I monitor the subsystem ending and usually manually release the jobq anyway. HLDTURN Puts the WAC_HOLD jobq back on hold usually 10-15 minutes after the jobq is released. Think about your move if you have lots of forms, monitor WAC_HOLD until all jobs are out of it, then put the queue back on hold. 4. On the day of the move: The i5 Systems Manager will log onto iSynergy and perform the steps outlined below: End the QINTER jobq. Once it goes down the i5 Systems Manager will enter WRKSBSJOB QINTER to watch as the user jobs come to an end. Once there are no users in that subsystem, the jobq WAC_HOLD is released to promote the form. Once the jobq is released, type TURNOVER to get into Turnover to monitor the forms. Select option 6 Work with Turnover Forms. Once the forms have completed (hopefully with a RAN-OK or RAN-WRN!) you may notify the on-site Business Analyst responsible for the move that the promotion has gone ok and the Business Analyst should do validation (if required). Once notification is received from the on-site Business Analyst that all is good, The QINTER and BATHURST subsystems may be brought back up. Once the subsystems are active, contact the on-site Business Analyst and tell them the system is back up.

Purging a Turnover Form on iSynergy
Locate your form in the Work With Turnover Forms screen (option 6 from the Turnover menu).

Place a PP beside it on the subfile select column. This places the form in PurgePend status. Also take note here of the date the form ran (if it has run). Exit out of the Work With Turnover Forms Screen and enter 8-Utility Menu from the Turnover Menu.

Select option 1 from this new menu:

You will see the following screen:

Fields: Application: Enter the application code related to your form (UAST, CAST etc) Level: Should be 20 Purge Date: If your form has run, this is the run date of the form. Otherwise use the current date (MMDDYYYY). From form-# : The form # you want to purge To Form - # : The form # you want to purge If there is a list of forms to purge you could enter the last in the range, however I recommend against it. Form Status: P for Pend Retain Object History: N Removes the libraries that hold temporary copies of the objects on the form. Press enter when youve correctly filled out the screen. Your form will be purged when you see that it is no longer listed in the Work with Turnover Forms screen.

Redistributing a Form From Dev
**Note: You will need to have Distribution authority to perform these actions 11-Distribution status against the form


Change Distributed to N

Exit to Turnover Main Menu 11-Distribution Menu

2-Distribute Form

Select form to Distribute

Confirm Distribution System

Your form will be submitted for Distribution and progress can be seen in the Work with Turnover Forms screen

Applications and their Respective Libraries
CAST Canadian Assistance, Claims, Recovery and Finance CASGEN Development Library (Program & Data) TESTQACA Quality Assurance Library (Program & Data) CASOBJ Production Program Library CASDB Production Data Library UAST International Assistance, Claims and Repricing ASTGENV2 Development Library (Program & Data) TESTQAUS Quality Assurance Library (Program & Data) ASTOBJ Production Program Library ASTDB Production Data Library CTRV Canadian Travel Enrolment CTVGEN Development Library (Program & Data) TESTQACA Quality Assurance Library (Program & Data) CTVOBJ Production Program Library CTVDB Production Data Library SHR Provider Resource Information Search and Shared Resources SHGEN Development Library (Program & Data) TESTQAUS Quality Assurance Library (Program & Data) SHROBJ Production Program Library SHRDB Production Data Library ISDM Information Support System ISDGEN Development Library (Program & Data) TESTQACA Quality Assurance Library (Program & Data) ISDOBJ Production Program Library ISDDB Production Data Library

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