Checklist For Intradermal Injection

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Place a “” in box against steps/task if it is performed SATISFACTORILY, an “X” if it is NOT PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY, or


SATISFACTORY : Performs the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines
UNSATISFACTORY : Unable to perform the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines
NOT OBSERVED : Step or task not performed by participant/student during evaluation by trainer/teacher

S. Check list for administering intradermal Injection

No Step/Task
Articles Required
 Syringe (tuberculin or 1ml syringe) with the drug to be administered (without air)
 Needle (Gauss 26–27, short and thin; on syringe)
 Liquid disinfectant (alcohol/ spirit)
 Cotton wool/swab
1 Assemble equipment.
2 Reassure the patient and explain the procedure.
3 Wash hands and use disposable gloves.
4 If necessary, withdraw medication from the ampoule or vial.
5 Use an alcohol swab to clean the skin where you will give the shot
Select an area on the inner aspect of the forearm that is not heavily pigmented or covered with hair.
The upper chest or upper back beneath the scapulae are also sites for intradermal injections.
Cleanse the area with an alcohol swab by wiping with a firm circular motion and moving outward
from the injection site. Allow skin to dry.
8 Use your non-dominant hand to pull skin taut over the injection site.
9 Remove needle cap with non-dominant hand by pulling it straight off.
10 Place the needle almost flat against the patient’s skin, bevel side up (at an angle of 10-15o)
Insert the needle so that the point of the needle can be seen through the skin—only about 1/8 of an
Slowly inject the desired dose of medication while watching for a small wheal or blister to appear. If
none appears, withdraw the needle slightly.
13 Withdraw the needle at the same angle it was inserted.
14 Do not massage the area or apply spirit swab after removing the needle.
15 Assist the patient into a position of comfort.
16 Clean up; dispose of waste safely; wash your hands.
Chart the administration of medication, as well as the site of the administration. Some agencies
recommend circling the injection site with ink.
18 Observe the area for signs of reaction at frequent intervals.

Feedback: ☐ Satisfactory performance

☐ Needs Improvement

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