Gender & Society

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Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur

Don Domingo D. Fortuno Santiago Bato, Camarines Sur

Name: Regaspi, Princess Joy G. Course & Section: BSCRIMINOLOGY Block-1A

Date: 12/13/22 Instructor: Mr. Emilio Sablayan

The socially constructed traits of girls, boys, women, and all other genders are refered
to as gender.This encompasses interactions with other people as well as the standards,.
mannerisms, and roles that come with being a woman, man, boy, or girl.Gender is a social.
construct that different from society to society and is subject to change throughout time
In relation to how gender, ethnicity, class, religion, ability, and sexuality interact with society
institutions and the development of society the course discusses various empirical and
theoretical perspectives in gender studies with a focus on how this interaction creates and 
shapes gendered bodies, subjects.
In a certain setting, gender determines what is expected, permitted, and valued in a woman or a
man.In the majority of countries, women and men are treated differently and unequally in terms of
the tasks they are given, the activities they engage in, the resources they have access to and the 
power over, as well as the possibilities to make decisions. You will be able to critically analyze the
world around you and comprehend how gender influences our lives if you have a background in
gender studies. Finding a fulfilling job path and bringing about change in our society both depend on
having this insight. The study of gender encompasses far more than just women’s rights or woman
If we compare the social roles played by men and women today to those played by men and women 
in previous decades, we can say that there has been some kind of evolution, from marriage equality 
to sexual freedom to social roles between men and women.There are some things that haven't 
changed despite the fact that how society perceives and values gender equality has improved over.
The past 100 years.There are various social institutions in our society,is.In some contexts
stereotyping still occurs, and women are typically its targets.My observations lead me to conclude th
at the division of labor between a family's mother and father is no longer a contentious issue.

In the third institution, the workplace, women are typically hired as secretaries and assistants becaus
e, according to a study, they are more organized and productive workers. Researchers have discover
ed that, when it comes to meeting deadlines and arriving at work on time, the fairer sex has the upp
er hand over men, who frequently struggle to stay on top of things and forget to do simple tasks.

This may be one of the reasons why more women are hired for secretarial positions rather than beca
use women ought to hold lesser positions (The Daily Mail, 2010).

Nothing is wrong with some males working as secretaries and helpers.

They have discovered that discussions of gender roles and sexuality have existed since the
beginning of time. Different nations have different perspectives on a person's gender. Some people
think men are better than women, while others think the opposite. And as time went on, people's
views on gender supremacy shifted. Women in this generation may now stand up for themselves
Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur
Don Domingo D. Fortuno Santiago Bato, Camarines Sur

Name: Regaspi, Princess Joy G. Course & Section: BSCRIMINOLOGY Block-1A

Date: 12/13/22 Instructor: Mr. Emilio Sablayan
and speak out without fear of discrimination. Everyone became aware that women are capable of

things that are typically thought to be solely possible for men. I also learned that regardless of
gender, if you are comfortable doing what makes you happy despite people telling you that it is
wrong for you to do it, you should do it. Women can sometimes be more dependable.

I learned that it is crucial to research, understand, and celebrate the diversity of gender and
society since it is a crucial issue for everyone, and by recognizing this, we are better equipped to
cope with it. And as I came to comprehend others, I came to see that every individual had a daily
war they are fighting. Nobody has a good way of knowing if someone is actually happy. So many
people struggle with their fear of social interaction. Fear of being criticized and rejected. I came to
understand that we should constantly be considerate and sympathetic to others because we may
not be aware of their struggles. Sincerely honor those who have battled for women’s rights since
ancient times and those who are still doing so now. For without them.
Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur
Don Domingo D. Fortuno Santiago Bato, Camarines Sur

Name: Regaspi, Princess Joy G. Course & Section: BSCRIMINOLOGY Block-1A

Date: 12/13/22 Instructor: Mr. Emilio Sablayan

Case study 3:
Did Rizal Retract?
The Balaguer
Testimony of Cuerpo De Vigilancia
Case study 4:
Where Did The Cry of Rebellion Happen?
Different Dates and Places of the cry

I learn in Case study 3: Did Rizal Retract? “There is some controversy over whether
Jose Rizal, a hero of the Philippine revolution, wrote a document known as “The Retraction”
in which he supposedly recanted everything he had written against the Catholic Church and
the friars in the Philippines. The only known eyewitness account of the writing of the
document comes from the Jesuit friar Fr. Vicente Beleaguer, whose testimony has been
questioned by some. Other eyewitness accounts, such as that of the Cuerpo de Vigilancia,
do not mention the retraction at all. Additionally, some have questioned the authenticity of
the document itself, citing discrepancies in the different versions of the text.”
And also I learn about the Case Study 4: Where did the Cry of Rebellion Happen is The
Cry of Rebellion, also known as the Cry of Balintawak, was a significant event in the
Philippine revolution against Spanish colonial rule. The exact date and location of the Cry
are disputed, with various accounts placing it on different dates and in different places.
Some accounts place it in Balintawak on 25 August 1896, while others place it in Kangkong
or Pugad Lawin on 23 or 24 August. Some historians have suggested that the Cry may have
actually occurred in multiple locations and on different dates, rather than at a single event.
The controversy over the exact date and location of the Cry highlights the challenges of
accurately recording historical events and the need for careful analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur
Don Domingo D. Fortuno Santiago Bato, Camarines Sur

Name: Regaspi, Princess Joy G. Course & Section: BSCRIMINOLOGY Block-1A

Date: 12/13/22 Instructor: Mr. Emilio Sablayan


Holy Trinity College of Camarines Sur
Don Domingo D. Fortuno Santiago Bato, Camarines Sur

Name: Regaspi, Princess Joy G. Course & Section: BSCRIMINOLOGY Block-1A

Date: 12/13/22 Instructor: Mr. Emilio Sablayan

History of the Philippines


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