SDXL 0.9 by Stability AI: Advanced Text-to-Image Synthesis With UNet and CLIP

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SDXL 0.9 by Stability AI: Advanced Text-to-Image Synthesis

with UNet and CLIP


Stability AI has launched a new model, which is the latest development

in its Stable Diffusion text-to-image suite of models. The model was
developed by a team of researchers from Stability AI researchers' group.
Stability AI is an artificial intelligence startup that popularized the Stable
Diffusion image generator. The company is focused on advancing the
field of artificial intelligence and developing cutting-edge technology.

The motto behind the development of this model was to improve upon
previous versions of Stable Diffusion and produce more detailed and
realistic text-to-image synthesis. The team at Stability AI recognized the
potential for improvement in this area and set out to create a model that
could produce high-quality images with greater depth and resolution.
This new model has the ability to achieve this goal and produce images
that are significantly improved over its predecessor. This new AI model is
called 'SDXL 0.9'.

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What is SDXL 0.9?

SDXL 0.9 is a latent diffusion model for text-to-image synthesis. It is the

latest development in the Stable Diffusion text-to-image suite of models
by Stability AI. The model was developed to improve upon previous
versions of Stable Diffusion and produce more detailed and realistic

Key Features of SDXL 0.9

Some key features of SDXL 0.9 include:

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● As shown in figure above, its ability to produce massively improved

image and composition detail over its predecessor.
● The model is run on two CLIP models, including one of the largest
OpenCLIP models trained to date (OpenCLIP ViT-G/14), which
beefs up 0.9’s processing power and ability to create realistic
imagery with greater depth and a higher resolution of 1024x1024.
● The use of a larger UNet backbone, more attention blocks, and a
larger cross-attention context compared to previous versions of
Stable Diffusion, allowing for improved processing of information
and more detailed and realistic images.

These features allow SDXL 0.9 to produce high-quality text-to-image

synthesis with improved detail and realism.

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Capabilities/Use Case of SDXL 0.9

SDXL 0.9 shows drastically improved performance compared to

previous versions of Stable Diffusion and achieves results competitive
with those of black-box state-of-the-art image generators. It can be used
for text-to-image synthesis, allowing users to input textual descriptions
and generate corresponding images. This can be useful in a variety of
applications, such as:

● Generating visual content for websites or social media posts,

based on textual descriptions or keywords.
● Creating illustrations or artworks from text, such as stories, poems,
or songs.
● Exploring different concepts or ideas visually, by generating
images from different perspectives or angles.
● Having fun and being creative, by generating images from any text
you can think of.

How does SDXL 0.9 work?

SDXL 0.9 uses a UNet backbone, which is a type of neural network

architecture that is commonly used in image processing tasks. The
model also incorporates more attention blocks and a larger
cross-attention context compared to previous versions of Stable
Diffusion, allowing for improved processing of information. The UNet
backbone is a convolutional neural network architecture that was
originally designed for biomedical image segmentation. It has since been
adapted for use in other image processing tasks, including image

In addition to the UNet backbone, SDXL 0.9 also uses a second text
encoder to improve its processing of textual information. This allows the
model to better understand and incorporate textual descriptions into the
image generation process. The use of more attention blocks and a larger
cross-attention context also helps the model to process information more

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Performance evaluation with other Models

SDXL 0.9 is not just a minor update of the Stable Diffusion text-to-image
suite of models by Stability AI. It is a major leap forward in terms of its
quality and realism. This is because SDXL 0.9 has several key
advantages over older Stable Diffusion models, which make it more
powerful and capable of generating amazing images from text.

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Table above shows how SDXL 0.9 differs from older Stable Diffusion
models in various aspects, such as the number of UNet parameters,
transformer blocks, channel multipliers, text encoders, context
dimensions, and pooled text embeddings. As you can see from the table,
SDXL 0.9 has a larger model capacity, a more advanced text encoder,
and a larger context dimension than older Stable Diffusion models.
These differences mean that SDXL 0.9 can handle more information and
produce more detailed and realistic images than older Stable Diffusion
models. As a result, SDXL 0.9 outperforms older Stable Diffusion models
by a large margin.

How to access and use this model?

SDXL 0.9 is now available on the Clipdrop by Stability AI platform.

Stability AI API and DreamStudio customers will be able to access the

The code for SDXL 0.9 is available on the Stability AI GitHub repository.
This repository also includes links to the model weights for SDXL 0.9,
which can be used to run the model locally. In addition to the base model
weights, the repository also includes links to the weights for a refinement
model, which can be used to improve the visual fidelity of samples
generated by SDXL 0.9 using a post-hoc image-to-image technique.

Researchers who would like to access these models can apply using
their Hugging Face Account with their academic email. All relevant links

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related to this model are provided under the 'source' section at the end
of this article.

Future Work

The developers of SDXL 0.9 have identified several areas for future
improvement of the model. Some of these ideas are:

● Making the model faster and easier to use by using a single-stage

approach, instead of a two-stage approach that requires a
refinement model.
● Making the model more capable of generating text from images by
using byte-level tokenizers or scaling the model to larger sizes,
which would allow the model to handle more complex and diverse
● Experimenting with transformer-based architectures, which are a
type of neural network that have shown great results in natural
language processing and computer vision tasks.
● Reducing the compute needed for inference and increasing
sampling speed by using distillation techniques, which are
methods that can compress a large model into a smaller one
without losing much performance.
● Training the model using the EDM-framework, which is a technique
that can give more control and flexibility over the sampling


In conclusion, SDXL 0.9 is an exciting development in the field of

text-to-image synthesis that offers improved performance and
capabilities compared to previous versions of Stable Diffusion.

stability ai blog post -
research paper -
code repo -
base Model weights -
refiner model weights -

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