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Assignment 3

Happiness and Wellbeing course

Summer 2023
Positive Psychology Intervention: Positive Reminiscing with Elderly
Student name _____________

Student ID ______________

Deadline June 18, 2023

Task description

1) Choose your grandmother or grandfather or your relative aged 60+. Set up one or two hours
meeting with them, so that no one can disturb your conversation and discussion.

2) The conversation will need to last minimum of one hour (can be more)

3) IMPORTANT! Before starting the conversation, before any explanations or any question, ask
the pre-intervention question:
All in all how happy are you feeling now on the scale from 1 (very unhappy) to 10 (very
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4) Explain to the elderly that you are there to ask about their life experiences, stories at different
age of their life…

5) Ask them if it is okay if you take recording of the voice or notes by pen/paper writing.

6) Engage them into the conversation, be polite but ask for the details of the stories if needed.

7) IMPORTANT! At the end of the conversation ask them

All in all how happy are you feeling NOW on the scale from 1 (very unhappy) to 10 (very
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Record facts of the conversation context (fill in after the interaction):

1. Gender of the elderly: Male

2. Age of the elderly 70

3. Marital Status of the elderly (married, widowed, divorced) Widowed

4. Family status of the elderly (grandfather, grandmother, granduncle…) Grandfather

5. How many minutes did the conversation last? 90 minutes

6. Where did you take the conversation/interview (describe the place) Grandfather’s living room

7. Were there any other people present during the conversation? No

8. How do you see from the elderly reaction – did this conversation and interaction made them
happy (describe in detail)?

The elderly grandfather seemed to enjoy talking about his past during the conversation. He
seemed enthusiastic and eager to tell his stories. While reminiscing about happy times, he
frequently laughed and smiled. As he delved into his memories, his eyes lit up with nostalgia,
and his gestures and expressions conveyed contentment and happiness. As he got to revisit his
past and share it with someone who was truly interested, the conversation seemed to bring him
genuine joy and fulfillment.
Questions to ask to your grandfather or grandmother

1) Remember yourself at the age of 9-13 years old (childhood).

Can you describe and tell me more about your childhood – how did you live?
Could you please tell me about your favorite childhood memories? How were you feeling?
What brought you joy? What made you happy those days?
What was the main source of happiness?
What was important for you at that time to feel that you were satisfied with your life?
What was the happiness for you at that time?
Can you give one story example that would show a happy moment from that time?
As he set out on a journey back to his youth, the grandfather smiled fondly and leaned back in
his chair. Growing up in a small town where everyone knew each other, he recalled simpler
times. He talked about the close-knit community, the freedom to roam and explore without
being constantly watched, and the strong bonds that were made with friends from school. He
vividly recalled playing hide-and-seek with his siblings while climbing trees, chasing butterflies in
the meadows, and playing in the streets until dusk.
His fondest childhood memories revolved around the sense of discovery and adventure. He told
stories about going camping with his family, catching fireflies in jars on warm summer evenings,
swimming with his friends in the nearby river, and so on. He talked about the excitement and
joy that came from these experiences, the laughter that could be heard all over the forest, and
the deep connections that were made with nature and loved ones.
He viewed the simplicity of everyday pleasures and the freedom to explore as the primary
sources of happiness during his childhood. After a long day of playing outside, he found
happiness in the smallest things, like the taste of freshly picked berries, the rush of riding his
bicycle down a hill, and the warmth of his mother's embrace. For him to be content with his life
during that time, it was important to feel loved, cared for, and surrounded by a supportive
He told a story about a local fair that came to the town every summer as an example of a happy
childhood memory. He talked about the lively environment, the enticing smells of popcorn and
cotton candy, and the colorful carousel that would illuminate the night sky. He recalled how
excited he was when he first rode the carousel, tightly holding on to the horse's reins, and how
delighted he was as the music played and the world spun around him. He carried that brief
elation and exhilaration throughout his life.
2) Remember yourself at the age of 30-45 years old (adulthood).
Can you describe and tell me more about yourself in your middle ages (when you were 35-45
years old) – how did you live?
What made you happy those days?
What was the main source of happiness for you that time?
What was the happiness for you at that time?
What in your adult life made you feel that life was complete?
What caused you to feel important and needed at that time?
What did you worry about? Was it difficult to live that time?
As he considered the duties and pleasures of middle age, the grandfather shifted in his seat. He
talked about a time when he worked hard, raised a family, and tried to make sure his loved ones
had a good life. He said that his job was hard but good because it gave him a sense of purpose
and accomplishment.
Witnessing his children's milestones and accomplishments was the thing that brought him the
most joy during those years. He emphasized how satisfying it was to support their dreams,
encourage their growth, and watch them become self-sufficient individuals. He cherished family
time and took great pride in being a loving and involved father.
During his middle years, the love and connection he had with his family was his main source of
happiness. He had a lot of fun creating a strong, harmonious home where people laughed,
shared meals, and shared experiences. He felt like his life was over when he realized that his
support and presence were valued and appreciated.
Being a dependable provider and a pillar of support for his family contributed to his feeling of
importance and need at that time. He talked about how satisfying it was to take care of their
needs, give them advice, and be a constant presence in their lives. He had a sense of purpose
and fulfillment by being a trustworthy friend, a loving husband, and a nurturing father.
The grandfather acknowledged that, despite the happiness he experienced in his middle years,
there were still concerns and difficulties. He shared that he frequently felt burdened by financial
obligations, job stability, and the pressures of juggling work and family life. It was generally
difficult, yet he endured and tracked down comfort in the adoration and backing of his loved
3) If we talk about now, at current time. What makes you happy most these days?
What is happiness for you now? What is the main source of happiness?
Do you feel satisfied with your life?
Is there anything you would like to change now in your life to be happier? What is it?
How much do you feel that life is full? What makes your life complete? Do you occasionally
feel as though your life is lacking something?

The grandfather said that in his current stage of life, spending time with his grandchildren and
watching them grow brings him a lot of joy. He emphasized the significance of shared
experiences and family ties. He was thankful for the times they shared, despite how much he
missed his late wife. He stated that, in general, he was content with his life, but that he wished
he could travel more and discover new places. He believed that his life was complete if he
continued to learn and kept in touch with his loved ones. Finding contentment in the simplest of
things and cherishing the relationships and love he had developed over time were now his
definitions of happiness. The feeling of belonging and the support of one's family were the
primary sources of happiness. At the point when gotten some information about his fulfillment
with life, he stopped, pondering the inquiry. He gave a brief nod and stated that he was satisfied
overall. He did, however, admit that there were times when he craved more excitement and the
chance to travel and discover new places. He was of the opinion that continuing to acquire new
knowledge and experience would enrich his life. The grandfather smiled softly as he thought
about how much life was. He acknowledged that his family's love, experience-based knowledge,
and treasured memories made his life feel complete in many ways. However, he admitted that
he would occasionally be overcome by feelings of nostalgia and longing, which would bring to
mind moments he wished he could relive and loved ones who had passed away.
Your comments and extra details to record:

The conversation with the grandfather was enjoyable and heartwarming all together. When he talked
about his life experiences and thought about the various stages in his life, he seemed genuine happy. It
was clear that the conversation made him happy and allowed him to remember important times. His
living room's intimate setting created a cozy and nostalgic atmosphere. It was a valuable chance to get
to know the elderly and learn about their lives. The grandfather's eyes were full of emotion all the way
through the conversation, and his voice was full of pride, affection, and wisdom. It was abundantly clear
that he felt a wide range of emotions as he recalled these memories and talked about his life's journey,
which reinforced the significance of the conversation. It became clear as the conversation progressed
that the grandfather cherished the chance to discuss his life ex periences and the events that shaped
him. He was happy and seemed to feel renewed after the exchange. The conversation's genuine interest
and empathy strengthened the connection between the two parties.

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