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Course: F. o. Innovation & Entrep.

Semester: Spring 22/23

Code: GEI 201 Lecturer: Ammar Pervez; Hani Alchalabi; Samer Rihawi
Handout date: 17-4-23 Due date: 15-5-23
Individual Project #: 1 Maximum Mark: 30+10 (20% of coursework)

Student Name: _______________________________________ ID: ____________________

Learning Outcomes being assessed: [PLO-7]

4- Differentiate between an opportunity and a viable new business.
5- Explain basic practices to support scaling, organizational innovation, and change management for
sustainable organizations and society. 

6- Propose how to connect innovation and entrepreneurship to his/her own career development and paths

Handing in format instructions

 Submit a softcopy of your work in the given link in the Blackboard
 Work must be neat and readable.
 20% of the mark will be deducted per day for late submission after the due date.
 All assignment files should be in text form and not images of the paragraphs/pages

Similarity and Plagiarism policy

The similarity ratio for any submitted work is more than 20% a penalty will be imposed as follows:
 First Offense (less than 5% over threshold; i.e. in the range 21%-24%): the grade assigned and
recorded for the item will be reduced by 25%.
 First Offense (more than 5% over threshold; i.e. 25% or more): the grade assigned and recorded
for the item will be zero (0).
 Repeat Offense(s) (over threshold by any amount): the grade assigned and recorded for the item
will be zero (0).

See Students Anti-plagiarism Guidelines:

Marks Marks
Problem/question LOs Feedback to students
allotted obtained

1. Criteria for choosing a business 5 LO4

2. Business choice & steps 10 LO4

3. Ways to grow the business 5 LO5
4. Planned job, explanation of a
latest innovation in current field 8 LO6
and its effects
5. References 2
Total 30

PL Approval: _____________
Course: F. o. Innovation & Entrep. Semester: Spring 22/23
Code: GEI 201 Lecturer: Ammar Pervez; Hani Alchalabi; Samer Rihawi
Handout date: 17-4-23 Due date: 15-5-23
Individual Project #: 1 Maximum Mark: 30+10 (20% of coursework)

Draft a report of minimum 1000 words, (each point and sub-point should be clearly separated), by
answering the following:

1) Explain five most important criteria for choosing a business to start.

2) According to the above criteria which business could you possibly think of starting? Also briefly explain
first eight steps that you would take to start that business in UAE.

3) Also explain some five ways that you would consider to grow that business, at a later stage

a) Identify the kind of job that you have planned for the future, in relation to the current field of study at
b) Briefly explain about the functioning of a latest innovation that could have a major effect on the tasks
that you would be performing in your future job (innovation should be introduced within last 24 months,
the date & place of introduction should be clearly mentioned).
c) Also, mention at least two expected future effects of that innovation on your future job.

5) List the exact references for the source of information as footnotes

All of the above findings should be presented in around 10-minute presentation, to present the overall
project in a summarized way.

Assignment Marking Scheme
Problem/question LOs Assessment Scheme

1. Criteria for choosing a

5 LO4 1 mark for clear explanation of each criteria
2 for business choice; 8 marks for steps for starting the
2. Business choice & steps 10 LO4
chosen business
3. Ways to grow the business 5 LO5 1 mark for clear explanation of each way to grow.
4. Planned job, explanation of a 2 marks for future job; 3 marks for explanation of the
latest innovation in current field 8 LO6 functioning of a related innovation with date/place; 3 marks
and its effects for its effects.
5. References Proper references for each researched information, as
Total 30
Course: F. o. Innovation & Entrep. Semester: Spring 22/23
Code: GEI 201 Lecturer: Ammar Pervez; Hani Alchalabi; Samer Rihawi
Handout date: 17-4-23 Due date: 15-5-23
Individual Project #: 1 Maximum Mark: 30+10 (20% of coursework)

Presentation Assessment criteria

Area of Evaluation Features evaluated 0.5 0.25 0 Total Mark

Personal Self-confidence
Attitude & interaction
Body Language
Delivery Outline of work
Talking / Reading
Effective conclusion
Clarity of vision
Content Coverage of topic
Accuracy of details
Knowledge of speaker
Time management
PowerPoint Text & image balance
Language Grammatical accuracy
Clear and to the point
Voice level
Total Mark 10

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