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Course: Basic Statistics Semester: Spring 22/23

Code: STS102 Lecturer: Eng. Suzan Sallam

Mr. Hani Alchalabi
Handout date: 22-05-2023 Due date: 05 -06- 2023
Group Project: Group Project + Presentation Maximum Mark: 40
Student Name: ____________________________ ID: _______________________

Student Name: ____________________________ ID: _______________________

Student Name: ____________________________ ID: _______________________

Student Name: ____________________________ ID: _______________________

1-Learning Outcomes being assessed:

LO2: Select appropriate statistical techniques to interpret and evaluate the validity of
the work
LO3: Interpret the results of statistical analysis.
LO4: Construct survey questionnaires for research purposes.

2- Submitting and formatting instructions

 Read the assignment papers carefully.
 Students should be strict about the hand-in date. Late submissions will not be
marked, and a zero mark will be awarded.
 Similarity and Plagiarism policy
If the similarity ratio for any submitted work is more than 20%, a penalty will be
imposed as follows:
1- First Offense: Reduction of the mark of the concerned coursework component by
2- After First Offense: Zero scores in the concerned coursework component. The case
is also referred to the Department Council for further sanctions if deemed.
3- Offense Recording: Offenses are recorded with the academic advisors and will be
part of the student file. A copy of the same is to submit to ARD and student affairs.
KIC should develop a central recording system/drive allowing faculty members to
consult the records related to their active students at each semester
 See Students Anti-plagiarism Guidelines:

Course: Basic Statistics Semester: Spring 22/23
Code: STS102 Lecturer: Eng. Suzan Sallam
Mr. Hani Alchalabi
Handout date: 22-05-2023 Due date: 05 -06- 2023
Group Project: Group Project + Presentation Maximum Mark: 40

3- Marks Breakdown
Problem/question Marks allotted LOs Marks obtained Feedback to students

Task 1 10

Task 2 10

Task 3 15

Student 1:

Student 2:
Task 4 5
Student 3:

Student 4:

40 Student 1:

Student 2:
Student 3:

Student 4:

PL Approval:

Course: Basic Statistics Semester: Spring 22/23
Code: STS102 Lecturer: Eng. Suzan Sallam
Mr. Hani Alchalabi
Handout date: 22-05-2023 Due date: 05 -06- 2023
Group Project: Group Project + Presentation Maximum Mark: 40
4-Academic Integrity
Forms of academic impropriety Lecturer Findings
1-is there verbatim copying or unidentified and
unacknowledged quotation of another’s work or
from the Internet?
2-is there paraphrasing another’s work by simply
changing a few words or altering the order without
clear identification and acknowledgment?
3-is there unauthorized co-operation between a
student and another person or student?
□ viva □ progress assessment
□ changes in writing style □ different spelling style
6- plagiarism report summary using KIC S/W

Lecturer Signature :________________
A necessary clarification to the students
1-What is the Academic plagiarism
Take someone else’s work and submit it as your work without adequate mention of the source (as in the table
2- Punishment for academic plagiarism
The punishment for academic plagiarism may take the following forms according to the level of the academic breach.
1- Zero in the assignment and receive an Academic Warning
2- Zero in the assignment and receive an Academic Warning with a recommendation to the program manager to
take more action if repeated (as indicated in the student handbook section # 5).
‫توضيح هام للطالب‬
‫ ماهو االنتحال االكاديمى‬-1
‫تقديم عمل و مجهود شخص اخر على انه من عمل الطالب من غير توضيح مصدر العمل كما هو موضح اعاله‬

‫كتابة و توضيح المراجع والمصادر بشكل دقيق وامين تعفى الطالب من االنتحال االكاديمى و لكنها ال تضمن بالضروره الحصول على الدرجة‬

‫ عقوبات االنتحال االكاديمى‬-2

: ‫عقوبات االنتحال االكاديمى و حسب درجة االنتحال و تكراره قد تأخذ احد االشكال االتية‬
‫ اعطاء الطالب صفر فى درجة العمل مع انذار اكاديمى يحفظ فى ملف الطالب‬-1
‫ اعطاء الطالب صفر فى درجة العمل مع رفع توصية لمدير البرنامج بإتخاذ اجراء تادبيية اخرى فى حالة تكرار الفعل (كما موضح فى‬-2
)5 ‫دليل الطالب باب‬

Honor Code Pledge: In case of not complying with the above, the student will be penalized accordingly.
I confirm that I fully understand the above mentioned points regarding Academic Integrity

Student Signature: ___________________

Course: Basic Statistics Semester: Spring 22/23
Code: STS102 Lecturer: Eng. Suzan Sallam
Mr. Hani Alchalabi
Handout date: 22-05-2023 Due date: 05 -06- 2023
Group Project: Group Project + Presentation Maximum Mark: 40

Specifications of the Assignment

Task#1 Hypothesis Statement
Using the KIC e-library, students should search for one of the following topics:
1. Is the use of plastics increasing or decreasing in UAE
2. Does web browsing habits of college students affect their academic performance
3. Factors that impact college student's choice of subjects
4. Are e-books better than conventional books?
5. Do extra-curricular activities help transform personalities?
6. Should stereotypical social issues be highlighted or not?
7. The influence of social media on business sales
8. Is there a relationship between exercise and a reduction in overall medical costs?
9. Are energy drinks harmful?
10. Does the payroll affect the performance of an employee?
Using your research findings, write an introduction about the topic- a literature
review of “what others wrote on the topic” - and state your hypothesis for this
study. You should use your research results as a basis for your hypothesis.
Task#2 Collecting Data
Students need to design a questionnaire about the same topic using the guidelines
learned during the semester. The total of the questions should not be less than twenty
Construct your questionnaire using one of the free online tools (,
Google Forms, Free Online Surveys, Survey Planet). Get survey feedback from a
minimum of 10 people.
Task#3 Analysis and Conclusion
Explain your population, sample, and sampling technique. Using the data collected by
the survey, analyze their feedback, and write your conclusion. Students should study
their survey results and present their findings.
Task#4 Present your work
Prepare a 5–10-minute PowerPoint presentation, present your research with the
support of graphics.

Course: Basic Statistics Semester: Spring 22/23
Code: STS102 Lecturer: Eng. Suzan Sallam
Mr. Hani Alchalabi
Handout date: 22-05-2023 Due date: 05 -06- 2023
Group Project: Group Project + Presentation Maximum Mark: 40

Assignment Marking Scheme

Problem/question Marks allotted Assessment Scheme

4 marks the introduction of the topic of research, “literature review.”

Task 1 10 4 marks state your hypothesis with an explanation.
2 marks research references – APA format
5 marks questionnaire 20 questions (20*0.5)
Task 2 10 5 marks surveying a minimum of 10 people.
Link to questionnaire and copy of the feedback
5 marks explain your population, sample, and sampling technique.
Task 3 15 5 marks analysis of the survey results
5 marks conclusion
Task 4 5 Present your work

Total 40

Presentation Assessment Form

No. Item Mark
Delivery of Contents: (Max. Mark: 1)
I. Straightforward and right to the point.
Confusing and unclear.
English Language: (Max. Mark: 1)
II. The language used is a fluent and excellent command of the English language.
The language used inarticulate and poor command of the English language.
Body Language and Voice Tone: (Max. Mark: 1)
Body language used appropriately, voice tone changes as needed, examples: a minimal
reading from the slides, facing the audience most of the time.
Body language not used at all or inappropriate use of body language, no change in voice
tone, examples: reading from the slides word-by-word, not facing the audience most of
the time, etc.
IV PowerPoint Contents: (Max. Mark: 1)
It is Professional, attractive, and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Non-professional, and contains many grammatical and/or spelling mistakes.
V Answering Technical Questions: (Max. Mark: 1)
Clearly and correctly answers technical questions.
Misunderstands the question, gives wrong, no answer.
Total /5


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