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A Blossom Home Care Company



113-13 76th Road

Forest Hills, NY 11375
P : 7 1 8 -73 2 - 0 1 0 0
F: 347-230-5400
A Blossom Home Care Company


Complete the top portion only.

PA Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Consumer's Name: _________________________________________________________________

Consumer's Address: ______________________________________________________________

Consumer's Phone Number: ______________________________________________________

Hiring Requirements - Office Use Only

¨ PA Information Sheet
¨ W-4 Form
¨ Signed·Consumer/PA wage agreement
¨ Consumer Offer of Employment letter
¨ DOL Acknowledgement of wage rate/payday
¨ PA disclosure statement - signed
¨ Consumer Employment Letter - signed
¨ False Claims Acknowledgement L1 1-9 Form
¨ 1-9 ID Requirements
¨ Social Security Card (original ID only)
¨ Direct Deposit
¨ Health Assessment-General Physical
¨ PPD or Quantiferon
¨ Chest x-ray (if needed)
¨ Physical (within the past year)
¨ Rubella Titre
¨ Rubeola Titre -OR- MMR 1st date:___________ 2nd date: ________________
¨ Hepatitis B Acceptance/Declination

OFFICE USE ONLY - PA Application Complete

PA Notified Date: / / Consumer Notified Date: / /

A Blossom Home Care Company

Last Name: _____________________________ First Name: ____________________________ M.I. _____

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________ State: ______________ ZIP Code: ____________________

Home Phone: ___________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Sex: ¨ Male ¨ Female

Social Security Number: ______________________________________

DOB: ____________________________________________________________

PA Emergency Contact Information

Name: _____________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________________

Phone ______________________________________________ Alt. Phone: ______________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________ State: ______________ ZIP Code: _____________________

A Blossom Home Care Company


Pre-Employment Physical Assessment Annual Assessment


___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO
___ YES ___ NO







1. 2.

1. 2.

1. 2. 3.

specify reason

Lic. No.

A Blossom Home Care Company


had questions, they were fully answered to my satisfaction. I understand that my insurance coverage
will cover the cost of the vaccine at no charge to myself.

☐ Medical reasons.

nurse-midwife or licensed midwife. It can be found online at

☐ Personal (non-medical) reasons
☐ Religious reasons

I, ___________________________________ decline the influenza vaccine at this time. I understand that by

declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring the influenza virus. If, in the future, while
employed by Meadows Home Care CDPAP, I continue to have occupational exposure to the
influenza virus and I want to be vaccinated with the vaccine, that my insurance will cover the cost at
no charge to me. I understand that I must wear a surgical mask at all times while providing care to my
patient. I can obtain the mask at Meadows Home Care CDPAP Services free of charge.

Name: _______________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

A Blossom Home Care Company


☐ I have proof of the Hepatitis B Vaccination
☐ I am declining the Hepatitis B Vaccination

I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potential infectious materials,
I may be at risk of acquiring Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection. I have been given the opportunity
to be vaccinated with the Hepatitis B Vaccine at no charge to myself. I have also been asked if I
have questions regarding this information and if I had questions, they were fully answered to my
I ___________________________________, decline the Hepatits vaccine at this time. I understand that
by declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk for acquiring Hepatitis B, a serious disease. If in
the future, while employed by Blossom Home Care, LLC I continue to have occupational exposure
to blood or other potentially infectious material and I want to be vaccinated I can receive the
vaccination series at no charge to myself.

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

A Blossom Home Care Company



PA Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Consumer: __________________________________________________________________________________________
– I understand that it's against the New York State CDPAP regulations to work as a Personal
Assistant in the MEADOWS HOME CARE CDPAP if I am a spouse of the Consumer.

– I am at least 18 years old.

– I agree to complete a pre-employment physical examination before I begin work, then annually.

– I am not the Designated Representative of the Consumer enrolled in the MEADOWS


– I am not an employee of MEADOWS HOME CARE AGENCY CDPAP, agent or affiliated individual.

– I understand that I must inform MEADOWS HOME CARE if my relationship with the Consumer

– I understand that I must not work for a Consumer who is in the Hospital or Nursing Home or
other health related facility other than the Consumer's home.

I have read all the above statements, and I will comply with these requirements. I also understand
that failure to abide by the rules stated above could be considered Medicaid Fraud and
could subject me to investigation and possible criminal prosecution by the Office of the Attorney
General Medicaid Fraud Control unit, and the Medicaid Inspector General.

PA Name: (print) _______________________________________________________________________________________________

PA Signature: _____________________________________________Date: _____________________________________________

A Blossom Home Care Company


Acknowledgment of Receipt of Information

I have received, read and understand my role and responsibilities as Personal Assistant working for a
Consumer or their Designated Representative participating in the MEADOWS HOME CARE CDPAP.
I have had an opportunity to ask questions concerning my wage and benefit package. I understand
that MEADOWS HOME CARE CDPAP is the Fiscal Intermediary and is responsible for processing
on behalf of the Consumer the payroll and benefit administration for the PA. I understand that
I understand that I am hired, trained, supervised and receive my schedule by the Consumer and/or
their Designated Respresentative. I also understand it is the Consumer or Designated Representative
who can terminate my services or dismiss me from working for them if they choose to do so.

PA Name: (print) ________________________________________________________________________________________________

PA Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________

HR Representative: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A Blossom Home Care Company


I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the MEADOWS HOME CARE False Claims Act Policy.
informed by my Consumer or Designated Representative regarding the policy for Federal and State
False Claims Act and False Claims Policy.
PA Name: (print) ____________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________

PA Signature: _____________________________________________Date: ______________________________________________

A Blossom Home Care Company


This Live-In Caregiver Agreement is made and entered into by and between Meadows Home Care,
CDPAP. DBA Blossom Home Care, LLC (hereinafter“Meadows”) and (hereinafter“Caregiver”)
(together, the “Parties”).

1. The Parties agree that Caregiver will provide services that may require Caregiver to be on duty for a
period of 24 hours or more (a “Live-in Shift”).

2. The Parties agree that Caregiver will maintain the following schedule:

a. Work Schedule: If Caregiver works a Live-in Shift, Caregiver is expected to maintain a work
schedule, per 24 hour live-in shift, of thirteen (13) hours of work, three (3) hours of meal breaks, and
eight (8) hours of sleep, five (5) of which are uninterrupted. The Parties agree that this schedule
identifies the Caregiver’s expected work schedule and the times when the Caregiver is intended to
be completely relieved of their responsibilities. Caregivers must work ONLY the hours scheduled.
In the event that the client’s needs require additional care, Caregivers will be compensated at the
applicable hourly rate, including overtime pay as appropriate. Any work in excess of the thirteen
(13) hours per day MUST be reported to the Caregiver’s Staffing Coordinator and be documented
using the telephony or other call-in procedure and/or a time sheet, as directed by the Company.

b. Sleep Time: If Caregiver works a Live-in Shift, Caregiver is required to take eight (8) hours of
sleep time. Caregiver cannot volunteer to skip sleep time without prior authorization, although
how the Caregiver chooses to spend their sleeping time is up to the Caregiver (within reason
and according to Company policy). Although all working time - authorized or unauthorized - will
be paid, failure to take sleep time and failure to report interruptions in sleep time may result in
disciplinary action or termination. Eight (8) hours of sleep time is excluded from compensation
when the Caregiver has been provided with adequate sleeping facilities and can generally enjoy
an uninterrupted night’s sleep. If the Caregiver’s sleep is interrupted by work, the duration of
the interruption will be considered working time and the Caregiver will be paid for that time.
If the interruptions are so frequent that the Caregiver cannot get at least five (5) hours of
uninterrupted sleep, the entire sleep period will be considered working time and the Caregiver
will be paid. The five (5) hours of sleep need not be consecutive. Adequate sleeping quarters
will be provided for the Caregiver. In the event that a Caregiver’s sleep time is interrupted, they
MUST notify their Staffing Coordinator and report the interuption by using the telephony or
other call-in procedure and/or a time sheet, as directed by the Company.

c. Meal Periods: If Caregiver works a Live-in Shift, Caregiver is required to take three (3)
one-hour meal breaks per shift. On those occasions where the Caregiver continues to work

through their meal period because they are interrupted or called back to work, the entire meal
period is considered working time and will be paid. If a Caregiver’s meal period is interrupted or
missed for any reason such that the employee does not receive the uninterrupted meal period
as set forth above, they MUST notify their Staffing Coordinator and report the interruption by
using the telephony or other call-in procedure and/or a time sheet, as directed by the Company.
Failure to report interruptions in meal periods may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.

d. Time Certification: The schedule above does not substitute for an accurate reporting
of hours worked. The Caregiver is required to use the telephony or other call-in procedure and/or
a time sheet, as directed by the Company, to clock in and out every day of the 24 hour Live-in shift
and verify that they received eight (8) hours of sleep time, five (5) of which were uninterrupted,
and three (3) hours of break time, during the most recent shift. Additionally, clock in and out
times for sleep, sleep interruptions, meal periods, and meal interruptions must be reported to
the Company, and should match the system records. If a Caregiver states, via the telephony or
otherwise, as applicable, that the required sleep time or meal breaks were not received, Caregiver
will be required to provide full details on the length of and reason for the interruptions(s). I
understand I am required to notify the Agency in the event I am unable to take all of these
sleep and meal periods as a result of the patient’s needs during my off duty period. I am
required to notify the Agency if the patient’s needs prevent me from sleeping 8 hours, or 5
uninterrupted hours, or if all tasks on the patient’s plan of care are unable to be completed
within 13 hours per day. I understand that nothing in this agreement is intended to prohibit me
from providing essential care to patients whose medical condition would be seriously affected
if I withheld such care. However, if doing so means that I work in excess of 13 hours, I must notify
my coordinator or supervisor immediately. Failure to notify my coordinator or supervisor will
mean that I am working 13 hours or less per day.

3. Caregiver’s total weekly earnings must be at least equal to the sum of the applicable minimum
wage for the first 40 working hours in a workweek plus the applicable overtime rate for all working
hours in excess of 40 in a workweek. Caregiver acknowledges and agrees that all hours worked in
accordance with this Agreement shall be compensated by the rate of pay set forth in their Notice of
Acknowledgment of Pay Rate and Payday, as may be modified by the Company from time to time.

4. Caregiver cannot allow any friend, family member, or associate entry to a client’s premises.

5. I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain proper records of my shift times, including start
times, meal breaks, off-duty time (if applicable), and end times. I also will track and accurately record
times when a meal break and/or the 8-hour off-duty period are interrupted. I fully understand that
I must accurately record any and all hours worked for the Agency on a daily basis on the Extended
Shift Time Sheet (“Time Sheet”) that has been provided to me. I will accurately record all interruptions
to meal periods and applicable off-duty time on the Time Sheet. I further understand that, on the
next calendar day following any day on which I perform services pursuant to this Agreement, I must
accurately report all hours worked on the previous day to the Agency via telephone. I understand
that, for pay purposes, the Agency will compensate me based upon the hours reported on the Time
Sheet that I submit, and that any discrepancies between the Time Sheet and the hours that I report

via telephone must be recorded, explained, and initialed on the Time Sheet. I will contact the Agency
office immediately at 718-732-0100, Option 2 if I have any questions concerning this Agreement or any
other matter arising out of my employment with the Agency. I further agree to promptly contact the
Agency if the client’s condition changes.

6. I understand that my Time Sheet, completed and signed by the client, must be submitted to and
received by the Agency office by the Monday morning following the work week in which the work
recorded on the Time Sheet is performed. The Time Sheet may be dropped in the Agency lock box or
submittted electronically.

7. Except as set forth in the Agreement, as well as the applicable Notice of Acknowledgment of Pay
Rate and Payday, this Agreement contains the entire understanding among the Parties hereto with
respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and
understandings, representations, warranties, guarantees, inducements or conditions express or implied,
oral or written, among the Parties with respect to such subject matter, except as herein contained. The
express terms hereof control and supersede any course of performance and/or usage of the trade
inconsistent with any of the terms hereof. This Agreement may not be modified or amended other
than by an agreement in writing executed by all Parties hereto. Further, only the Administrator of
Blossom is authorized to execute any such written amendment or modification on behalf of Blossom.
The Parties enter into this Agreement with the express understanding that it supersedes and replaces
any previous agreement between Caregiver and Blossom with respect to Live-in Shifts, and replaces all
the terms either stated in or implied by that agreement.

8. Caregiver understands it is their decision to accept live-in cases based upon the terms of this agreement.
Caregiver is in no way being coerced into accepting this agreement and recognizes the decision will
not adversely affect assignment of future cases to them. Caregiver understands that they are, at all
times, employed on an “at-will” basis.

9. Caregiver acknowledges and understands the content of this Live-in Agreement. Caregiver understands
that this agreement is not intended to give rise to contractual rights or obligations of employment, nor
is it to be construed as a guarantee of employment for any specific period of time or any specific type
of work. Cargiver understands that, as an “at-will” employee, their employment may be terminated
by the Company or at their discretion at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, for
any reason or no reason at all. By signing this agreement, Caregiver acknowledges receipt of, and
agreement to, the above stated terms of employment regarding compensation. In the event that I
have questions or concerns about my compensation, I will confer with my immediate supervisor or
Coordinator 718-732-0100.


By: _________________________________________________ By: __________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ Name: (print)_________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________

Meadows Home Care, CDPAP

113-13 76th Road Forest Hills NY 11375

Form W-4 Employee’s Withholding Certificate
Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.
OMB No. 1545-0074

Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service
Give Form W-4 to your employer.
Your withholding is subject to review by the IRS.
(a) First name and middle initial Last name (b) Social security number
Step 1:
Enter Address Does your name match the
Personal name on your social security
card? If not, to ensure you get
Information City or town, state, and ZIP code credit for your earnings,
contact SSA at 800-772-1213
or go to
(c) Single or Married filing separately
Married filing jointly or Qualifying surviving spouse
Head of household (Check only if you’re unmarried and pay more than half the costs of keeping up a home for yourself and a qualifying individual.)

Complete Steps 2–4 ONLY if they apply to you; otherwise, skip to Step 5. See page 2 for more information on each step, who can
claim exemption from withholding, other details, and privacy.

Step 2: Complete this step if you (1) hold more than one job at a time, or (2) are married filing jointly and your spouse
Multiple Jobs also works. The correct amount of withholding depends on income earned from all of these jobs.
or Spouse Do only one of the following.
Works (a) Reserved for future use.
(b) Use the Multiple Jobs Worksheet on page 3 and enter the result in Step 4(c) below; or
(c) If there are only two jobs total, you may check this box. Do the same on Form W-4 for the other job. This
option is generally more accurate than (b) if pay at the lower paying job is more than half of the pay at the
higher paying job. Otherwise, (b) is more accurate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TIP: If you have self-employment income, see page 2.

Complete Steps 3–4(b) on Form W-4 for only ONE of these jobs. Leave those steps blank for the other jobs. (Your withholding will
be most accurate if you complete Steps 3–4(b) on the Form W-4 for the highest paying job.)

Step 3: If your total income will be $200,000 or less ($400,000 or less if married filing jointly):
Claim Multiply the number of qualifying children under age 17 by $2,000 $
Multiply the number of other dependents by $500 . . . . . $
and Other
Credits Add the amounts above for qualifying children and other dependents. You may add to
this the amount of any other credits. Enter the total here . . . . . . . . . . 3 $
Step 4 (a) Other income (not from jobs). If you want tax withheld for other income you
(optional): expect this year that won’t have withholding, enter the amount of other income here.
This may include interest, dividends, and retirement income . . . . . . . . 4(a) $
Adjustments (b) Deductions. If you expect to claim deductions other than the standard deduction and
want to reduce your withholding, use the Deductions Worksheet on page 3 and enter
the result here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4(b) $

(c) Extra withholding. Enter any additional tax you want withheld each pay period . . 4(c) $

Step 5: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that this certificate, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, correct, and complete.
Employee’s signature (This form is not valid unless you sign it.) Date

Employers Employer’s name and address First date of Employer identification

Only employment number (EIN)
Meadows Home Care, CDPAP
113-13 76th Road
Forest Hills, NY 11375 82-0706684
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3. Cat. No. 10220Q Form W-4 (2023)

Form W-4 (2023) Page 2

General Instructions Specific Instructions

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code. Step 1(c). Check your anticipated filing status. This will
determine the standard deduction and tax rates used to
Future Developments compute your withholding.
For the latest information about developments related to Step 2. Use this step if you (1) have more than one job at the
Form W-4, such as legislation enacted after it was published, same time, or (2) are married filing jointly and you and your
go to spouse both work.
Purpose of Form If you (and your spouse) have a total of only two jobs, you
may check the box in option (c). The box must also be
Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the
checked on the Form W-4 for the other job. If the box is
correct federal income tax from your pay. If too little is
checked, the standard deduction and tax brackets will be
withheld, you will generally owe tax when you file your tax
cut in half for each job to calculate withholding. This option
return and may owe a penalty. If too much is withheld, you
is roughly accurate for jobs with similar pay; otherwise, more
will generally be due a refund. Complete a new Form W-4
tax than necessary may be withheld, and this extra amount
when changes to your personal or financial situation would
will be larger the greater the difference in pay is between the
change the entries on the form. For more information on
two jobs.
withholding and when you must furnish a new Form W-4,
see Pub. 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax. Multiple jobs. Complete Steps 3 through 4(b) on only
Exemption from withholding. You may claim exemption
F ! one Form W-4. Withholding will be most accurate if
you do this on the Form W-4 for the highest paying job.
from withholding for 2023 if you meet both of the following
conditions: you had no federal income tax liability in 2022 Step 3. This step provides instructions for determining the
and you expect to have no federal income tax liability in amount of the child tax credit and the credit for other
2023. You had no federal income tax liability in 2022 if (1) dependents that you may be able to claim when you file your
your total tax on line 24 on your 2022 Form 1040 or 1040-SR tax return. To qualify for the child tax credit, the child must
is zero (or less than the sum of lines 27, 28, and 29), or (2) be under age 17 as of December 31, must be your
you were not required to file a return because your income dependent who generally lives with you for more than half
was below the filing threshold for your correct filing status. If the year, and must have the required social security number.
you claim exemption, you will have no income tax withheld You may be able to claim a credit for other dependents for
from your paycheck and may owe taxes and penalties when whom a child tax credit can’t be claimed, such as an older
you file your 2023 tax return. To claim exemption from child or a qualifying relative. For additional eligibility
withholding, certify that you meet both of the conditions requirements for these credits, see Pub. 501, Dependents,
above by writing “Exempt” on Form W-4 in the space below Standard Deduction, and Filing Information. You can also
Step 4(c). Then, complete Steps 1(a), 1(b), and 5. Do not include other tax credits for which you are eligible in this
complete any other steps. You will need to submit a new step, such as the foreign tax credit and the education tax
Form W-4 by February 15, 2024. credits. To do so, add an estimate of the amount for the year
to your credits for dependents and enter the total amount in
Your privacy. If you have concerns with Step 2(c), you may
Step 3. Including these credits will increase your paycheck
choose Step 2(b); if you have concerns with Step 4(a), you
and reduce the amount of any refund you may receive when
may enter an additional amount you want withheld per pay
you file your tax return.
period in Step 4(c).
Step 4 (optional).
Self-employment. Generally, you will owe both income and
self-employment taxes on any self-employment income you Step 4(a). Enter in this step the total of your other
receive separate from the wages you receive as an estimated income for the year, if any. You shouldn’t include
employee. If you want to pay income and self-employment income from any jobs or self-employment. If you complete
taxes through withholding from your wages, you should Step 4(a), you likely won’t have to make estimated tax
enter the self-employment income on Step 4(a). Then payments for that income. If you prefer to pay estimated tax
compute your self-employment tax, divide that tax by the rather than having tax on other income withheld from your
number of pay periods remaining in the year, and include paycheck, see Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals.
that resulting amount per pay period on Step 4(c). You can Step 4(b). Enter in this step the amount from the
also add half of the annual amount of self-employment tax to Deductions Worksheet, line 5, if you expect to claim
Step 4(b) as a deduction. To calculate self-employment tax, deductions other than the basic standard deduction on your
you generally multiply the self-employment income by 2023 tax return and want to reduce your withholding to
14.13% (this rate is a quick way to figure your self- account for these deductions. This includes both itemized
employment tax and equals the sum of the 12.4% social deductions and other deductions such as for student loan
security tax and the 2.9% Medicare tax multiplied by interest and IRAs.
0.9235). See Pub. 505 for more information, especially if the
sum of self-employment income multiplied by 0.9235 and Step 4(c). Enter in this step any additional tax you want
wages exceeds $160,200 for a given individual. withheld from your pay each pay period, including any
amounts from the Multiple Jobs Worksheet, line 4. Entering
Nonresident alien. If you’re a nonresident alien, see Notice an amount here will reduce your paycheck and will either
1392, Supplemental Form W-4 Instructions for Nonresident increase your refund or reduce any amount of tax that you
Aliens, before completing this form. owe.

Form W-4 (2023) Page 3

Step 2(b)—Multiple Jobs Worksheet (Keep for your records.)

If you choose the option in Step 2(b) on Form W-4, complete this worksheet (which calculates the total extra tax for all jobs) on only
ONE Form W-4. Withholding will be most accurate if you complete the worksheet and enter the result on the Form W-4 for the highest
paying job. To be accurate, submit a new Form W-4 for all other jobs if you have not updated your withholding since 2019.
Note: If more than one job has annual wages of more than $120,000 or there are more than three jobs, see Pub. 505 for additional
1 Two jobs. If you have two jobs or you’re married filing jointly and you and your spouse each have one
job, find the amount from the appropriate table on page 4. Using the “Higher Paying Job” row and the
“Lower Paying Job” column, find the value at the intersection of the two household salaries and enter
that value on line 1. Then, skip to line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $

2 Three jobs. If you and/or your spouse have three jobs at the same time, complete lines 2a, 2b, and
2c below. Otherwise, skip to line 3.
a Find the amount from the appropriate table on page 4 using the annual wages from the highest
paying job in the “Higher Paying Job” row and the annual wages for your next highest paying job
in the “Lower Paying Job” column. Find the value at the intersection of the two household salaries
and enter that value on line 2a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a $

b Add the annual wages of the two highest paying jobs from line 2a together and use the total as the
wages in the “Higher Paying Job” row and use the annual wages for your third job in the “Lower
Paying Job” column to find the amount from the appropriate table on page 4 and enter this amount
on line 2b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2b $

c Add the amounts from lines 2a and 2b and enter the result on line 2c . . . . . . . . . . 2c $

3 Enter the number of pay periods per year for the highest paying job. For example, if that job pays
weekly, enter 52; if it pays every other week, enter 26; if it pays monthly, enter 12, etc. . . . . . 3

4 Divide the annual amount on line 1 or line 2c by the number of pay periods on line 3. Enter this
amount here and in Step 4(c) of Form W-4 for the highest paying job (along with any other additional
amount you want withheld) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 $

Step 4(b)—Deductions Worksheet (Keep for your records.)

1 Enter an estimate of your 2023 itemized deductions (from Schedule A (Form 1040)). Such deductions
may include qualifying home mortgage interest, charitable contributions, state and local taxes (up to
$10,000), and medical expenses in excess of 7.5% of your income . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $

{ }
• $27,700 if you’re married filing jointly or a qualifying surviving spouse
2 Enter: • $20,800 if you’re head of household . . . . . 2 $
• $13,850 if you’re single or married filing separately

3 If line 1 is greater than line 2, subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter the result here. If line 2 is greater
than line 1, enter “-0-” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 $

4 Enter an estimate of your student loan interest, deductible IRA contributions, and certain other
adjustments (from Part II of Schedule 1 (Form 1040)). See Pub. 505 for more information . . . . 4 $

5 Add lines 3 and 4. Enter the result here and in Step 4(b) of Form W-4 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 $

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is
on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. Internal subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB
Revenue Code sections 3402(f)(2) and 6109 and their regulations require you to control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be
provide this information; your employer uses it to determine your federal income retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of
tax withholding. Failure to provide a properly completed form will result in your any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are
being treated as a single person with no other entries on the form; providing confidential, as required by Code section 6103.
fraudulent information may subject you to penalties. Routine uses of this The average time and expenses required to complete and file this form will vary
information include giving it to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal depending on individual circumstances. For estimated averages, see the
litigation; to cities, states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths and instructions for your income tax return.
territories for use in administering their tax laws; and to the Department of Health
and Human Services for use in the National Directory of New Hires. We may also If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear
disclose this information to other countries under a tax treaty, to federal and state from you. See the instructions for your income tax return.
agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement
and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.

Form W-4 (2023) Page 4
Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Surviving Spouse
Higher Paying Job Lower Paying Job Annual Taxable Wage & Salary
Annual Taxable $0 - $10,000 - $20,000 - $30,000 - $40,000 - $50,000 - $60,000 - $70,000 - $80,000 - $90,000 - $100,000 - $110,000 -
Wage & Salary 9,999 19,999 29,999 39,999 49,999 59,999 69,999 79,999 89,999 99,999 109,999 120,000
$0 - 9,999 $0 $0 $850 $850 $1,000 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,870
$10,000 - 19,999 0 930 1,850 2,000 2,200 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 3,200 4,070
$20,000 - 29,999 850 1,850 2,920 3,120 3,320 3,340 3,340 3,340 3,340 4,320 5,320 6,190
$30,000 - 39,999 850 2,000 3,120 3,320 3,520 3,540 3,540 3,540 4,520 5,520 6,520 7,390
$40,000 - 49,999 1,000 2,200 3,320 3,520 3,720 3,740 3,740 4,720 5,720 6,720 7,720 8,590
$50,000 - 59,999 1,020 2,220 3,340 3,540 3,740 3,760 4,750 5,750 6,750 7,750 8,750 9,610
$60,000 - 69,999 1,020 2,220 3,340 3,540 3,740 4,750 5,750 6,750 7,750 8,750 9,750 10,610
$70,000 - 79,999 1,020 2,220 3,340 3,540 4,720 5,750 6,750 7,750 8,750 9,750 10,750 11,610
$80,000 - 99,999 1,020 2,220 4,170 5,370 6,570 7,600 8,600 9,600 10,600 11,600 12,600 13,460
$100,000 - 149,999 1,870 4,070 6,190 7,390 8,590 9,610 10,610 11,660 12,860 14,060 15,260 16,330
$150,000 - 239,999 2,040 4,440 6,760 8,160 9,560 10,780 11,980 13,180 14,380 15,580 16,780 17,850
$240,000 - 259,999 2,040 4,440 6,760 8,160 9,560 10,780 11,980 13,180 14,380 15,580 16,780 17,850
$260,000 - 279,999 2,040 4,440 6,760 8,160 9,560 10,780 11,980 13,180 14,380 15,580 16,780 18,140
$280,000 - 299,999 2,040 4,440 6,760 8,160 9,560 10,780 11,980 13,180 14,380 15,870 17,870 19,740
$300,000 - 319,999 2,040 4,440 6,760 8,160 9,560 10,780 11,980 13,470 15,470 17,470 19,470 21,340
$320,000 - 364,999 2,040 4,440 6,760 8,550 10,750 12,770 14,770 16,770 18,770 20,770 22,770 24,640
$365,000 - 524,999 2,970 6,470 9,890 12,390 14,890 17,220 19,520 21,820 24,120 26,420 28,720 30,880
$525,000 and over 3,140 6,840 10,460 13,160 15,860 18,390 20,890 23,390 25,890 28,390 30,890 33,250
Single or Married Filing Separately
Higher Paying Job Lower Paying Job Annual Taxable Wage & Salary
Annual Taxable $0 - $10,000 - $20,000 - $30,000 - $40,000 - $50,000 - $60,000 - $70,000 - $80,000 - $90,000 - $100,000 - $110,000 -
Wage & Salary 9,999 19,999 29,999 39,999 49,999 59,999 69,999 79,999 89,999 99,999 109,999 120,000
$0 - 9,999 $310 $890 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,860 $1,870 $1,870 $1,870 $1,870 $2,030 $2,040
$10,000 - 19,999 890 1,630 1,750 1,750 2,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,760 3,960 3,970
$20,000 - 29,999 1,020 1,750 1,880 2,720 3,720 4,720 4,730 4,730 4,890 5,090 5,290 5,300
$30,000 - 39,999 1,020 1,750 2,720 3,720 4,720 5,720 5,730 5,890 6,090 6,290 6,490 6,500
$40,000 - 59,999 1,710 3,450 4,570 5,570 6,570 7,700 7,910 8,110 8,310 8,510 8,710 8,720
$60,000 - 79,999 1,870 3,600 4,730 5,860 7,060 8,260 8,460 8,660 8,860 9,060 9,260 9,280
$80,000 - 99,999 1,870 3,730 5,060 6,260 7,460 8,660 8,860 9,060 9,260 9,460 10,430 11,240
$100,000 - 124,999 2,040 3,970 5,300 6,500 7,700 8,900 9,110 9,610 10,610 11,610 12,610 13,430
$125,000 - 149,999 2,040 3,970 5,300 6,500 7,700 9,610 10,610 11,610 12,610 13,610 14,900 16,020
$150,000 - 174,999 2,040 3,970 5,610 7,610 9,610 11,610 12,610 13,750 15,050 16,350 17,650 18,770
$175,000 - 199,999 2,720 5,450 7,580 9,580 11,580 13,870 15,180 16,480 17,780 19,080 20,380 21,490
$200,000 - 249,999 2,900 5,930 8,360 10,660 12,960 15,260 16,570 17,870 19,170 20,470 21,770 22,880
$250,000 - 399,999 2,970 6,010 8,440 10,740 13,040 15,340 16,640 17,940 19,240 20,540 21,840 22,960
$400,000 - 449,999 2,970 6,010 8,440 10,740 13,040 15,340 16,640 17,940 19,240 20,540 21,840 22,960
$450,000 and over 3,140 6,380 9,010 11,510 14,010 16,510 18,010 19,510 21,010 22,510 24,010 25,330
Head of Household
Higher Paying Job Lower Paying Job Annual Taxable Wage & Salary
Annual Taxable $0 - $10,000 - $20,000 - $30,000 - $40,000 - $50,000 - $60,000 - $70,000 - $80,000 - $90,000 - $100,000 - $110,000 -
Wage & Salary 9,999 19,999 29,999 39,999 49,999 59,999 69,999 79,999 89,999 99,999 109,999 120,000
$0 - 9,999 $0 $620 $860 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,020 $1,650 $1,870 $1,870 $1,890 $2,040
$10,000 - 19,999 620 1,630 2,060 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,850 3,850 4,070 4,090 4,290 4,440
$20,000 - 29,999 860 2,060 2,490 2,650 2,650 3,280 4,280 5,280 5,520 5,720 5,920 6,070
$30,000 - 39,999 1,020 2,220 2,650 2,810 3,440 4,440 5,440 6,460 6,880 7,080 7,280 7,430
$40,000 - 59,999 1,020 2,220 3,130 4,290 5,290 6,290 7,480 8,680 9,100 9,300 9,500 9,650
$60,000 - 79,999 1,500 3,700 5,130 6,290 7,480 8,680 9,880 11,080 11,500 11,700 11,900 12,050
$80,000 - 99,999 1,870 4,070 5,690 7,050 8,250 9,450 10,650 11,850 12,260 12,460 12,870 13,820
$100,000 - 124,999 2,040 4,440 6,070 7,430 8,630 9,830 11,030 12,230 13,190 14,190 15,190 16,150
$125,000 - 149,999 2,040 4,440 6,070 7,430 8,630 9,980 11,980 13,980 15,190 16,190 17,270 18,530
$150,000 - 174,999 2,040 4,440 6,070 7,980 9,980 11,980 13,980 15,980 17,420 18,720 20,020 21,280
$175,000 - 199,999 2,190 5,390 7,820 9,980 11,980 14,060 16,360 18,660 20,170 21,470 22,770 24,030
$200,000 - 249,999 2,720 6,190 8,920 11,380 13,680 15,980 18,280 20,580 22,090 23,390 24,690 25,950
$250,000 - 449,999 2,970 6,470 9,200 11,660 13,960 16,260 18,560 20,860 22,380 23,680 24,980 26,230
$450,000 and over 3,140 6,840 9,770 12,430 14,930 17,430 19,930 22,430 24,150 25,650 27,150 28,600

Department of Taxation and Finance
New York State • New York City • Yonkers
First name and middle initial Last name Your Social Security number

Permanent home address (number and street or rural route) Apartment number
Single or Head of household Married
Married, but withhold at higher single rate
or post State ZIP code
Note: If married but legally separated, mark an X in
the Single or Head of household box.

Are you a resident of New York City? ........... Yes No

Are you a resident of Yonkers? ..................... Yes No
Before making any entries, see the Note below, and if applicable, complete the worksheet in the instructions.
1 Total number of allowances you are claiming for New York State and Yonkers, if applicable (from line 19, if using worksheet) 1
2 Total number of allowances for New York City (from line 31, if using worksheet) ....................................................... 2

Use lines 3, 4, and 5 below to have additional withholding per pay period under special agreement with your employer.
3 New York State amount ........................................................................................................................................ 3
4 New York City amount ........................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Yonkers amount .................................................................................................................................................... 5

I certify that I am entitled to the number of withholding allowances claimed on this

Penalty – A penalty of $500 may be imposed for any false statement you make that decreases the amount of money you have withheld
from your wages. You may also be subject to criminal penalties.
Employee’s signature Date

Employee: Give this form to your employer and keep a copy for your records. Remember to review this form once a year and update it
if needed.
Note: Single taxpayers with one job and zero dependents, enter 1 on lines 1 and 2 (if applicable). Married taxpayers with or without
dependents, heads of household or taxpayers that expect to itemize deductions or claim tax credits, or both, complete the worksheet in
the instructions. Visit (search: IT-2104-I) or scan the QR code below.

If any of the following apply, mark an X in each corresponding box, complete the additional information requested, and send an additional
copy of this form to New York State. See Employer in the instructions. Visit (search: IT-2104-I) or scan the QR code below.

A Employee claimed more than 14 exemption allowances for New York State ............. A

B Employee is a new hire or a rehire ... B First date employee performed services for pay (mm-dd-yyyy) (see Box B instructions):

You may report new hire information online instead of mailing the form to New York State. Visit
Note: Employers must report individuals under an independent contractor arrangement with contracts in excess of $2,500
using the online reporting website above, not Form IT-2104.

Are dependent health insurance available for this employee? ............. Yes No

If Yes, enter the date the employee (mm-dd-yyyy):

Employer’s name and address (Employer: complete this section only if you are sending a copy of this form to the New York State Tax Department.) Employer identification number

Form 8850
(Rev. March 2016)
Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for
the Work Opportunity Credit OMB No. 1545-1500
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Information about Form 8850 and its separate instructions is at

Job applicant: Fill in the lines below and check any boxes that apply. Complete only this side.
Your name Social security number

Street address where you live

City or town, state, and ZIP code

County Telephone number

If you are under age 40, enter your date of birth (month, day, year)

1 Check here if you received a conditional certification from the state workforce agency (SWA) or a participating local agency
for the work opportunity credit.

2 Check here if any of the following statements apply to you.

• I am a member of a family that has received assistance from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for any 9
months during the past 18 months.
• I am a veteran and a member of a family that received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (food
stamps) for at least a 3-month period during the past 15 months.
• I was referred here by a rehabilitation agency approved by the state, an employment network under the Ticket to Work
program, or the Department of Veterans Affairs.
• I am at least age 18 but not age 40 or older and I am a member of a family that:
a. Received SNAP benefits (food stamps) for the past 6 months; or
b. Received SNAP benefits (food stamps) for at least 3 of the past 5 months, but is no longer eligible to receive them.
• During the past year, I was convicted of a felony or released from prison for a felony.
• I received supplemental security income (SSI) benefits for any month ending during the past 60 days.
• I am a veteran and I was unemployed for a period or periods totaling at least 4 weeks but less than 6 months during the
past year.

3 Check here if you are a veteran and you were unemployed for a period or periods totaling at least 6 months during the past

4 Check here if you are a veteran entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability and you were discharged or
released from active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the past year.

5 Check here if you are a veteran entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability and you were unemployed for a
period or periods totaling at least 6 months during the past year.

6 Check here if you are a member of a family that:

• Received TANF payments for at least the past 18 months; or
• Received TANF payments for any 18 months beginning after August 5, 1997, and the earliest 18-month period beginning
after August 5, 1997, ended during the past 2 years; or
• Stopped being eligible for TANF payments during the past 2 years because federal or state law limited the maximum time
those payments could be made.

7 Check here if you are in a period of unemployment that is at least 27 consecutive weeks and for all or part of that period
you received unemployment compensation.

Signature—All Applicants Must Sign

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I gave the above information to the employer on or before the day I was offered a job, and it is, to the best of my knowledge, true,
correct, and complete.

Job applicant’s signature ▶ Date

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. Cat. No. 22851L Form 8850 (Rev. 3-2016)
Please fill in these forms slowly and legibly. Meadows Home Care, CDPAP
Company Name: _____________________________________________
Form Updated 01/01/2020 Company EIN Number: _______________________________

Have you ever worked for this Employer before? Are you a Re-hire? Yes___ No___
Are you under age 40? Yes___ No___

Have you been unemployed for at least 27 weeks, and collected Unemployment Insurance? Yes___ No___

Are you a Veteran of the US Armed Forces? Yes___ No___

If yes:
Are you a member of a family that received SNAP (Food Stamps Benefits)? Yes___ No___
Are you entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability? Yes___ No___
Were you discharged from active duty within the last year? Yes___ No___
Were you unemployed for a combined total of 6 months before you were hired? Yes___ No___
Have you, or your family, received SNAP benefits (Food Stamps) in the 6 months before you were hired? Yes___ No___
Or received SNAP Benefits for at least a 3-month period, but you are no longer receiving it? Yes___ No___
If yes to either question, enter Name of Primary Recipient:
And City, State where benefits were received_______________________________________

Are you a member of a family that received TANF assistance for at least 18 months before you were hired? Yes___ No___
Or, did your family stop being eligible for TANF assistance within 2 years before being hired, because you
reached the maximum time those benefits can be received? Yes___ No___
If yes to either question, enter Name of Primary Recipient:
And City, State where benefits were received .

Did you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI Benefits) for any month, ending within the 60 days,
before you were hired? Yes___ No___

Were you convicted of a Felony during the year before you were hired? Yes___ No___

Were you referred to an employer by

A Vocational Rehab Agency approved by the state? Yes___ No___
An Employment Network under the Ticket to Work Program? Yes___ No___
The Dept. of Veteran Affairs? Yes___ No___

Print Name: Social Security #: Date of Birth:

____________________________________ ___________ - ______ - ____________ ___________________________

By signing this form, I hereby authorize any agency, organization, Social Security Administration, Department of
Veterans Affairs, or individuals, to supply verification of information as may be needed to determine tax credit
eligibility to my employer, employer representative (TC Services USA, Inc. dba, or the Department of
Labor. I also understand that my responses are used, in part or in full, to complete the IRS Form 8850 and any other
documents pertaining to the WOTC Program, and that modifications can be made by my employer, or employer
representative, in order to enable the verification screening process as required by some states. This information will
not in any way affect my employment.

Employment Start Date Starting Wage Position

Signature Today’s Date

Upload To: | Phone: 212-635-9500 | Fax: 212-994-2718 | Email:

A Blossom Home Care Company


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