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TITLE: Life Is More Than Academics:

Utilizing Technology In Maximizing Your Purpose

HOST EMCEE’S: Ms. Jeannette Asi

KEY NOTE SPEAKERS: Mr. Marvin Mercado


DATE & TIME: August 15, 2022 | 2:00 – 4:00 PM

PLATFORMS: Zoom Video Call & Facebook Live

The webinar and its guest speaker discuss the value of utilizing technology to our
advantage and how individuals are able to use this in enhancing their experience
of day-to-day activities. The webinar also discusses the importance of not valuing
oneself in accordance with their academic grades and performances.

 Recognizing One’s Self Worth & Importance
 Understanding Proper Academics
 Understanding Our Potential & Purpose
 Utilizing Technology Along Your Chosen Goals
 Maximizing Your Skills With The Help of Technology

 To be able to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses and learning to
value ourselves and what we can do.
 To properly understand the role of academics and how we can use this to
plan our future objectives and goals.
 To recognize what our potentials, skills and traits are so as to help us realize
our original purpose for undertaking different aspects of life.
 To utilize the current day technology and how we can responsibly use this
to assist us in attaining our objectives.
 To be able to sharpen and enhance our already existing skillset with the use
of available technology around us.
This webinar was focused on discussing two major things, realizing your self
worth and importance and not solely focusing on your academics as a measure of
your own value and utilizing technology to our advantages and how technology
can help us further our prospects not just in our academics but also in our future
careers and social interactions. The guest speaker Mr. Marvin Mercado was
excellent in his abilities to present his personal views and understandings of the
problems and stresses that students encounter during the course of their
secondary and tertiary education. He presents that the grades and scores that we
are constantly being given by our respective teachers do not necessarily reflect
our capabilities. He has purposed that since each one of us is different in terms of
how we are able to process and learn information, it is safe to assume that we
then learn at different paces and as such we apply those learned knowledges and
different levels. He has stated that we should not dwell much on our numerical
achievements and instead to try and focus on understanding what we are capable
of doing and not dwell on our insufficiencies. With the statements he claimed one
way of improving ourselves is by using technology to learn of what we excel at as
students and to further improve those strengths to our best capabilities.
Technology is not just a one dimensional item that solely focuses on gadgets or
computers, in itself technology encompasses a wide range of subject matter that
as of now is applicable to many established industries like medicine, social media
and even video games. By understanding and embracing these technological
advances we can better learn our own selves and find meaning to our purpose
once we close the book on our academic chapters in life.

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