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T540 Unit Plan

Creator’s Name:
Title of the Course: Conversation
Level of the Course: Freshmen (Second semester)
Syllabus Type: Theme-based Syllabus
Number of Hours Per-week: 200 minutes (4 credits)
Course Objectives:
 Students will be able to communicate effectively in different social contexts and real life
situations such as, shopping, greetings, traveling, taking a bus, applying for a job and
make an appointment.
 Students will be able to learn a wide range of vocabulary and expressions about different
social topics such as, shopping, greetings, traveling, taking a bus, applying for a job and
make an appointment and be able to use them in relevant contexts.
 Students will be able to define and learn different types of phrasal verbs.
 Students will be able to use phrasal verbs with different types of verbs.
Unit Title: Shopping
Main Unit Objectives:

 Students will be able to learn vocabulary related to shopping at store.

 Students will be able to communicate with the shopkeeper using useful expressions and
Focus on Form Objective:
 Students will be able to define and learn different types of phrasal verbs as well as use
phrasal verbs with different types of verbs

Day-by-day Calendar

Day Activities
Day 1 Class Activities:
(2 Credits)  Review the last lesson (5 minutes)

(100mins)  Attendance and checking homework (5 minutes)

Priming: (10mins)
 The teacher begins the class with his story of shopping (to identify the
topic) by focusing on a few words and expressions he used while shopping
then asks students discuss what words and expressions did they use?

Preparation: (10 mins)

 The teacher asks students to think about their stories of shopping in a
market and writes some words and expressions they used while shopping
(buying shoes, blouse).
 If students need to look up a phrase, they can use a dictionary or ask the
Target Task: (15mins)
 Teacher asks students to work in group of four or five students and asks
them to share their lists of words and expressions with each other.
 Students read and discuss their lists of words and expressions with the group

Planning: (15mins)
 The teacher asks students to make a list of all the words and expressions
they have found.
 The teacher gives students the list of words and expressions used during a
conversation between a young office worker shopping for a blouse at a
department store and shopkeeper in America.
 Students read and discuss the words and expressions used during shopping
with their partners.
 Students compare their words and expressions with the list given by the
teacher to find differences and similarities between the model words and
expressions with their own words and expressions.

Focus on Form: (20 mins)

 Teacher define and explain different types of phrasal verbs

Homework: (5mins)
Teacher asks students to write a dialogue about buying shoes in shop in

Priming: (5mins)
 The teacher begins the class with his own story of shopping while buying
blouse in a super market. Then asks
 Students to discuss how did they shop blouse in a market?
 Teacher asks students to discuss the sentences they used when they bought

Preparation: (10mins)
 Teacher asks students to write down their own dialogue they had when they
bought blouse in a market in a piece of paper.
 Students may ask teacher or look in a dictionary for a word or words they
need to know.

Target Task: (10mins)

 Teacher puts students into groups of four or five and asks them to tell each
other about their dialogue they have had with a shopkeeper when they were
buying blouse.
 Students read and discuss their own dialogue with the group members.

Planning: (15mins)
 Teacher asks groups to help one person with the perfect and most interesting
dialogue to tell the whole class.
 Students work in the same groups and choose one member with the best
dialogue of buying shoes in each group.
 The one person with the perfect and most interesting dialogue read his/her
dialogue to the class.
 In the last stage the whole class compares their dialogues they made with
the model one between a salesperson and a customer.
Focus on From: (5mins)
 Teacher reviews the function of phrasal verbs with different types of verbs
in sentences then asks
 Students read the uses of phrasal verbs, and make their own sentences.
 Teacher asks four or five students to share their sentences to the whole

Homework: (5mins)
 Teacher asks students to write 10 sentences in which phrasal verbs are used
with different verbs.
Day 2 Class Activities:

(2 Credits)  Review the last lesson (5 minutes)
 Attendance and Checking homework (5 minutes)
Priming: (5mins)
 The teacher begins the lesson with his own story. This time the teacher is
looking to buy shoes.

Preparation: (5mins)
 Students discuss what words should be used or they have used while
shopping blouse.
 Students note down their own words and expression
Target Task: (10mins)
 Teacher gives students the script of the dialogue.
 Students read and discuss the dialogue with their partners to see how native
speakers shopping blouse do?
 Then the teacher asks students to practice the dialogue.
 Students are practicing the dialogue with the partners in the class. They are
reading the same dialogue written in the paper.

Report: (15mins)
 This time students practice the same dialogue but contextualize it. Students
use words and expressions and follow the way people use while buying
things in Afghanistan.
Priming: (5mins)
 The teacher begins the class with his own story of buying shoes in a super
market and asks students to discuss how did they shop in a market?
Preparation: (10mins)
 Students discuss the ways how did they buy a blouse in a market.
Target Task: (15mins)
 Teacher gives students the script of the dialogue. Students read and discuss
the dialogue with their partners to see how native speakers do shopping
(buying a blouse)
 Students are practicing the dialogue with the partners in the class. They are
reading the same dialogue written in the paper.
Homework: (5mins)
 Teacher asks students to write a dialogue about buying shoes in shop in

Material Design

Lesson: Shopping at store

Time: (100 minutes)

Class Activity: Review the last lesson, calling attendance and checking homework.

Shopping at Store

1. Priming: (10 minutes)

Please carefully listen to my story of shopping and then share your own one with your peers.
Focus on few words and expression you used while shopping such as (size, mall, I like to try this
on, what size do you take).
2. Preparation (15 minutes)

Now write down five words and expressions as you used while shopping you have had recently.
(If needed use a dictionary)
Words Expressions
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

5. 5.

3. Target Task (20 minutes)

Work in groups of four or five students. Each student reads his or her list of words to the group.
Decide who has written the five most shopping relevant words and expression in his/her list.
4. Planning (20 minutes)

With your partner look at the list of words and expressions used during a conversation between a
young office worker shopping for a blouse at a department store and shopkeeper in America.
Then read and discuss the words and expressions. Also, compare it with the one you created
before and look for similarities between the model words and expressions with your own words
and expressions.

5. Report (10 minutes)

Now, the selected students should read their list of words and expressions to the whole class. The
class will listen carefully to each presenter. The class will vote for each presenter and judge who
has the best list in the whole class.

6. Form Focus (10 minutes)

Grammar: Phrasal Verbs

In the expression listed you may looked at some words made of two words (verb particle). These
are called phrasal verbs. Now let us work on definition and different types of phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs are that consist of a verb and particles.

Verb Particle Example Meaning

Look up You can look up any You can find the
new words in your meaning of any new
dictionary. words in you
Get Through I tried to phone her I tried to phone her
but I could not get but I could not get a
trough. connection.
Make Out I just cannot make I just connote
Tawheed out at all. understand Tawheed’s
Particles are small words which you already know as prepositions or adverbs. Here are some of
the most common phrasal verb particles: about, at, away, for, in, into, off, out up.

What are different types of phrasal verbs?

There are four types of phrasal verbs:

1. Transitive phrasal verbs

2. Intransitive phrasal verbs
3. Separable phrasal verbs
4. Inseparable phrasal verbs

McCarthy, M., & O'Dell, F. (2007). English phrasal verbs in use: Advanced. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Exercise: 1

Now work with a partner Underline the twelve phrasal verbs in these sentences.

1. I sent off the order last week but the goods haven’t turned up yet.
2. I came across an interesting book in the library. I took down the title. Here it is.
3. We asked some friends around to watch a film, but the video was playing up and it
eventually broke down.
4. I brought up this problem at the last meeting. It’s really time to sort out the problem.
5. I wish he’d stop messing us about! He’s put the meeting off three times and now he
wants to call it off altogether.

McCarthy, M., & O'Dell, F. (2007). English phrasal verbs in use: Advanced. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Homework (5 minutes)
In home, write 10 sentences in which phrasal verbs are used with different verbs.

Lesson 2: Buying Blues

Time: (100 minutes)
Class Activity: reviewe the last lesson and calling attencdece.

1. Priming: (10 minutes)

Getting blues
Read the dialogue and then practice it with your partner.
Customer: Hello, I would like to try this on.
Sales person: No problem. I’ll show you where the fitting room is. Follow me.
Customer: (looking in merrier) I think this would look better in blue. Do you have this in blue?
Sales person: Yes, I do. We also have it in pink, white and red. Which do you prefer?
Customer: I will try on the blue blouse.
Sales person: What size do you take?
Customer: Medium should fit.
Sales person: I have two colors in your size. Here’s blue blouse. Please try it on.
Customer: Ok. (Looking in merrier) What do you think?
Sales person: I think it looks great on you.
Customer: I’d really like to buy this. Is it on sale?
Sales person: Yes, today is a clearance sale. Everything in this section is 20% off.
Customer: I’ll take it.
Sales person: How will you pay for that?
Customer: Cash

Dugas, D. W., DesRosiers, R. T., & Gaskill, T. (2010). Speaking by Speaking, Skills for Social
Competence. Compass Publishing.

2. Preparation (15 minutes)

Note down the words and expression related shopping used in the dialogue. Also note down your
own words and expressions when you were shopping blues in a market. (You can use
dictionaries or ask teacher for help)
3. Target Task (20 minutes)
With your partner and look at the list of words and expressions used during a conversation
between a young office worker shopping for a blouse at a department store and shopkeeper in
America. Then read and discuss the words and expressions and write down your own dialogue in
the group related to shopping blues.
4. Planning (20 minutes)
Work in the same group and choose one student who has the most related dialogue about
shopping in the group.
5. Report (10 minutes)
Now, read your dialogues to the whole class. The class will vote for each presenter and judge
who has the best dialogue in the whole class.
6. Form Focus (10 minutes)
Grammar: functions of phrasal verbs

1. Transitive Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs which require an object in sentences are called transitive phrasal verbs. Without an
object, a sentence having a phrasal verbs connot makes complete sense.
The following sentences having the object (as underlined) express a complete meaning without
these objects; the sentences cannot express a complete meaning or sense
• She looks after the child.
• They carried on their work
• The flood brought about a huge disaster
2. Intransitive Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs which do not require an object in the sentence are called intransitive phrasal verbs.
Without an object, a sentence having phrasal verbs can make a compete sense.
The following sentences do not have an object in them, but still the sentences expresses complete
• The patient passed away.
• When do you get up?

• The kids growing up.
3. Separable Phrasal Verbs
These are the phrasal verbs whose words can be separated for using in different places in a
sentence. Its verb and preposition can be separated. Such phrasal verbs can be used as in joined-
form as well as in separated-form.
• Please turn on the light.
• Please turn the light on.
• I will pick up you from the bus-stop.
Note: Some of the transitive verbs are separable and some of them are inseparable.
4. Non-separable Phrasal Verbs
These are the phrasal verbs whose words cannot be separated for using it in different places in a
sentence. Its verb and preposition cannot be separated. They remain together.
She looks after her children.
The patient passed away.
The flood brought about a huge disaster.
Note: All the intransitive verbs are inseparable.

McCarthy, M., & O'Dell, F. (2007). English phrasal verbs in use: Advanced. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Exercise 1:
Work with a partner. Read the dialogue and indicate the different types of phrasal verbs?
Customer: Hello, I’d like to try this on.
Sales person: No problem. I’ll show you where the fitting room is. Follow me.
Customer: (looking in merrier) I think this would look better in blue. Do you have this in blue?
Sales person: Yes, I do. We also have it in pink, white and red. Which do you prefer?
Customer: I will try on the blue blouse.
Sales person: What size do you take?
Customer: Medium should fit.
Sales person: I have two colors in your size. Here’s blue blouse. Please try it on.

Customer: Ok. (Looking in merrier) What do you think?
Sales person: I think it looks great on you.
Customer: I’d really like to buy this. Is it on sale?
Sales person: Yes, today is a clearance sale. Everything in this section is 20% off.
Customer: I’ll take it.
Sales person: How will you pay for that?
Customer: Cash

Dugas, D. W., DesRosiers, R. T., & Gaskill, T. (2010). Speaking by Speaking, Skills for Social
Competence. Compass Publishing.

Homework (5 minutes)
Write a dialogue about buying shoes in shop in Afghanistan.


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