Computer Class 8

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Subject: Computer Class: VIII

Total Marks: 100. Time: 2.5hours

SECTION A (Multiple Choice questions)
Q1: Each question carries equal marks. (20)

2. Choose the correct option.

(a) Which extension is given to a document by default in MS-Word
(1) .odt 
(2) .com 
(3) .docx 
(b) The status of your document like current page and number of pages are given by _____.
(1) Formatting toolbar 
(2) Status bar
(3) Standard toolbar
(c) The general arrangement of the text in the document is _____.
(1) margin
(2) text alignment
(3) formatting
 (d)The ______ alignment makes sure that none of the edges of text appear ragged.
(1) left 
(2) right 
(3) centre
(4) justify
(e) Line spacing or paragraph spacing is measured in terms of lines or points, which is know
as ____.
(1) text wrapping 
(2) PDF
(3) leading
(f) Header and Footer are inserted at the ____ of a document.
(1) top and bottom
(2) left and right 
(3) centre 
(g) A worksheet is a ____
(1) collection of workbooks
(2) processing software
(3) combination of rows and columns
(h) The default page orientation in Excel is.
(1) Landscape
(2) Horizontal
(3) Portrait
(i) Which of the following charts is used for comparing the changes in data over a period of
(1) Bar chart 
(2) Area chart 
(3) Scatter chat 
(4) Line chart 
(j) A word processor is used to ______ data.

(2) calculate 
(3) manipulate 
(4) re write
SECTION B (Subjective questions)
Q2: Attempt any 6 of the following. (36)
1. What do you know about the term O.S?
2. How does Watermark work?
3. Write about page setup group?
4. Define word processor?
5. Define Microsoft Excel?
6. What is a GUI?
7. Describe interface?
8. What do you know about the types of operating system?

SECTION C (Subjective questions)

Q3: Attempt any 3 of the following. (30)

1. Write the steps to multiply two numbers 15 and 35 in a spreadsheet using formula bar
of M.S Excel.
2. Explain the functions of an operating system. (Briefly).
3. Define M.S Excel with a diagram explaining the interface of M.S Excel.
4. Explain the working of Urdu and Sindhi keyboard also draw a diagram of an Urdu

Q4: Viva. (14)

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