Penawaran Barang Jasa Part & Labor Quotation: PS/QUOT/03933

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Penawaran Barang & Jasa

Part & Labor Quotation

Quote Number : PS/QUOT/03933
Customer : PT.AGUNG RAYA
Quote Date : 9 Jun 2023
: Jl.Bangka No.1 RT.007 RW.016 Kel.Tanjung Priok, Kec.Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara
- Currency : IDR
Attn : Bp.Anas / Ibu Linda
Payment : Transfer and/or cash
Phone : (021)4307777

Dear Customer,
In accordance with your request of our services in your company, herewith we submit the details of the prices of parts
and labour costs to the types of work that are required, as follows:
No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Disc Amount Keterangan
1 HANDLE CABIN 923455.0001 1 pcs 1.567.000 0 1.567.000

Say : Satu juta tujuh ratus tiga puluh sembilan ribu tiga ratus tujuh puluh Sub Total : 1.567.000
Discount : 0
Your Reff. :
PPN 11% : 172.370
Total Invoice : 1.739.370

9 Jun 2023

Konfirmasi Setuju
Dalam hal anda menyetujui penawaran kami, mohon kirimkan PO (Purchase Order) anda
dan/ atau tandatangan pada kolom persetujuan dibawah ini. Silakan kirim ke alamat email: / Yours faithfully,


__________ Tusiman
Service Head

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