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Listen to me

Darkness, darkness is defined as the absence of light. I lived in darkness for a long
time, so long that I got used to it, and I even liked it. Feeling that loneliness, that
tranquility. A tranquility that resembles when you sleep in a forest, with the sound of
birds, the water of a nearby river, or the footsteps of an animal prowling the area.
The only difference is that you sleep indefinitely.

At first, it's like a nightmare, not being able to wake up, the anguish of not being the
one controlling your limbs or even your thoughts. I don't know how it all started, I just
know that
I don't remember anything, the only thing familiar is that darkness, which I have
never emerged from. I think the best way to describe this sensation is death, only
you are aware of everything that happens around you. Every day I wake up to the
crying of a woman and a phrase that repeats endlessly, "please wake up, I still love
you." For her, it has a great meaning, but for me, they are simple empty words from
a stranger, isn't that strange?

I feel bad, I feel sorry for someone who no longer exists. I feel bad that she comes
every day, but at the same time, I don't want her to leave, as she is my only
entertainment. She tells me about her life, her work, the problems she has with her
family, and I really feel sorry for her. From what I have heard, I have been in a coma
for 2 years now, long days that have given me plenty of time to ask myself, why do I
exist? Why am I named what I am named? Why was I born into the family I was born
into and not into another?What happened before everything started from the
beginning? Maybe if I had thought about these things when I was younger, I might
have an answer, but as it stands, I do not.

Sometimes all I want to do is scream, scream as loud as I can. There was a time
when I spent hours doing it, but I soon realized that even though my mind did it, my
body didn't respond. And that nobody listened to me. I want to wake up, but I guess
that the only thing I could do is continue sleeping in my eternal darkness, and
listening to the words of the woman who still loves me.

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