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201814thInternational ConferenceonNatural Computation,Fu zzy SystemsandKnowled ge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD)

Analyzing thewebmail using Wireshark

Pimjai Navabud Chin-LingChen
Department of Information Technology Department of Information Management
RMUTT National Pingtung University
Nun clchen

protocol.In[9] , SSLlTLS(SecureSocketsLayer /Transport

Abstract-- Wefocuson penetrating test comparison of Layer Security) hasbeenbuiltinwebserver of HIS(hospital
use ofhttp andhttpsonthewebsiteapplying Wireshark tool. informationsystem)toguardbiometric information whichis
TheresultshasshownthatHTTPSprovidesamuchmore transmitted betweena smartphone toHIS.Thisstudyhas
securechannelovernetworkthanHTTP . applied Wireshark tovalid ate the transmission security.
Wireshark toolenactstheethicalhackertodisclosethe
Keywords: Wireshark, security , mailservice . securitydefectsinthesystem . This approach of identifying
vulnerabilities is considered toberapidandisprovedtobe
I. Introduction effective[10].HTTPshasthesamemethodsyntaxtothe
HTTP.However , HTTPSenablesthe browser toapplyan
extra encryption of SSLlTLSto encrypt thetraffic.
Usually Wireshark is introduced intonetworkrelated
classesforitssplendid characteristic of analysis of network Thispaperapplies Wireshark to penetration testing
traffic. Wireshark notonlyhelpsstudentstodeeply campuswebmailandtrytofindits vulnerability.
understand the abstract concept of TCP/IP stack, butalso Therest of thepaperisorganizedasfollows.SectionII
providesa measurement toolto effectively deducethe describes the experiment andresults . SectionIII concludes
networkproblem [I]. thispaper.
Recently, the techniques of topology discovery and
networkanalysis of complex businessnetworkand II. Experiment and Results
distributed networkriseto prominence. Muozet.alhavedealt
with distributed network analysisbyusing Wireshark to Weapply Wireshark to penetration testingwebmail of
examinethepackets exported by Netflow devices[2].With NationalPingtungUniversitycalledwww.http: //stmail.
properly configuration, monitoring devicesonly export the .tw.
dataneeded.One of thefamouscomplexbusinessnetworkis
Thetest procedures haveshownasfollows:
PROFINET. Sahinet.alhaspresentedtousethe Wireshark
add-onto discovery the topology ofPROFINET network[3]. I. Start Wireshark fromWindowandOpenWireshark
In[4] , BlUST campusnetworkhasbeen analyzed by installedonwindow(Figure1).
applying bothWiresharkandMATLAB.As expected, most
of the available bandwidth of BlUST campusnetworkhas ~ I M lII _ _ .....,...~_ I ,UI.l~nroII l

1M !iIt !N'Ioo I"""""J: '0010 1_ !!II,

beenusedupby non-research based applications.
~ ~ t-.~ ~'"

0' 11 x 2 C\ ••• l l . r. ,, :II

';l ~ .. c """ 1M

In[5],twofamousopensourcepacket analyzer tools,

WiresharkandTcpdump , aremeasuredto compare interm of

. ___--- .
functionality and performance. Daset.alhaveshownthatthe 0 InltrfitCtUrt
__• _
-H·; · If
~ Welnitt

unsecuredpackets transferring betweennetwork cameras and

serverscanbeeasily captured by Wireshark [6]. .. .. __
p,,_ otl'Jj
~ _ O\ _,, ~ "' _·,

l ' , _, \Io.oo&oIot.' _\l l" _~ "!
~_tIII _ "... _ , O',.... ,,\I-&M.' .. tlli ..
"' _ _ w.- _
Wireshark alsoisusedtoanalysisthenetwork behavior -,
O"_ '~ '_-...... IU·""
l "' _ ~' _ ""'l ""-"ll[ ll lll
O" _' ~, -'-"""l t l}l l$!

afterthe backdoor exploitable hasbeenfound[7]. lf ~

I \'wI. '
_ e- "
O'..... ',\oo.oAA "" _',i<H< .......l ..
t', _·, ~_ JoQ .,.....lll l "

Furthermore, Wireshark canbeusedto calculate theresponse

1l'. _, ~· _ """,. _Il11 1i1
I USIP,.,l ll',_'\-oLIn._..l.,w\.{...~I "" '"
I UIW,.,1
time of web server by measuring theflowbetweentheweb 1US8P'"

HyperText Transfer ProtocolSecure(HTTPs)is
considered tobemuchrobustthanHTTP.HTTPsencrypts
thetrafficbetweenyourbrowserandthewebsite.Theuse of
. ..." ...............
• !lWJJ.

SSLlTLSdefendsthetrafficbetweenthewebsite of HISand Figure1:Interface of Wireshark

aweb /smartphone browserencodedwiththeHTTP

978-1-5386-8097-1/18/$31.00 ©2018I EEE 1237 +IEEE

2.Wechooseinterface "Wi-Fi 2" andstartlivecapture ' '''''
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f,lfLlll ~_""'-_~~_'-Ho,

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5.Weusethe "http.request.method = = POST"tofind

UsernamePassword(Figure5)andcontents ofthe e-mailsent

verifiedwithvalidusernameandpassword.Wesendanemail 4 _ •
~ :lt: r: q, . If,Tt :; '' 'll. €l.El !:!

.... -

totherecipient. Whenever loginand email-sending are


successful, thelivecaptureisstopped.(Figure3) .

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" 1~ 1'I .f ,.

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Figure5:Find "username" and "password"

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Figure3:Logintoemail of NationalPingtungUniversity ts'll
_ H lII .. litlJ .. " "
tsJl . 11l .. U . . .IHU
l:T " .. "
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.1I",n .. nU ll
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, ·DI_llloo :1 "UllU.f .. "JI
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(www.http: //
_ IIU 1&littl"'ll " " " ' ....
ISM 1)1)1111.,,, ldHldldHldSI" .. ..... . ... .. -1/1 . . . . . . . . . . H1' HlII1'H"""I.
_ UoOb0,. " .. 1"1" U 'flS .. .. lllJJ't 'dt -.....,
_ JlnllMMlIIlIU .... II Jl7101l11 :::::::::::::~::
llll ",. ts " ., "'IJI
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JloJt .. II".SNIJ n " .. ,,"nlSsl
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it ...: , ........
,_'~ .

4.PerformHTTPfiltering.Thisresultsdisplayalist of all 0"_!Ili~

7 _ 1 C I ' (Wl...-o!
~ .... ~)O+<_

furtheranalyzed(Figure4). Figure6:Find content of email.

on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems
III. Conclusion (ICACCS), pp1-4 ,2017.

Inthispaper , weuse Wireshark to penetration testing the

HTTPandHTTPswebmailsite, individually. Wecanuse
Wireshark to capture the content information of HTTP
webmail , aswellasusernameand password. Ifusers wantto
encrypted byHTTPS protocols indata transmission.

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