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Fathusai, which may be the Beth(th)ina of Ptolemy (v. 19).

Torbrecks, by whom he had six children, his only surviving

F. Choir. S. Refectory. 4. Refectory.

highly saline, with thick incrustations of salt round their

swim-bladder is developed as a dorsal outgrowth of the oesophagus

attendants, were lodged withn the monastery without disarranging

the crown:---``Be it enacted by the King's most excellent

is understood to be a promise to pay the bill in money,

applies only to the mountain region near Avlona. The region

death of his only son, and he died on the 15th of October 1891.

the few Moorish industries are carried on, such as embroidery

the guarantee is void. The law affects all foods shipped

across the continent had arrived at Benguella.

to appoint abbes commendataires to most of the abbeys in

of which they had expelled the Zamzummim (Judg. xi. 13; Deut.

e.g. C. Schnabel, Handbook of Metalurgy, vol. ii. (1907).

on the 6th of November 1781, had some repute as a historical

removed by early plunderers of the tomb, all that was left

an Autobiographical Poem (Boston, 1887), edited by F. B. Sanborn;

and stories of his boyhood were remembered. At the age of

Quiloa (Kilwa) was due the first accurate knowledge of those

Lund in 1167. In 1178 he became archbishop of Lund, but very

and took a prominent part in the management of the affairs of the

miserable condition of Attica and Athens at the time. His

mines. Some small quantity of gold is taken from the streams in

to Heidelberg, where he held various scholastic appointments.

United States.---There is no federal legislation on the

realization was a leading aim of chemical workers down to the

exportation. Sea-fishing is almost wholly neglected.

in the revolutions of Naples and Piedmont, combined with

devastated by invasions of Slavs and Bulgarians; to protect

imperial authorities had taken the matter in hand. Shortly

line of the Southern railway. Pop. (1906) 14,956. Albi

by the government, although it was used extensively for match

the official representation to the king by the Massachusetts

(Josem), a place to the north-east of the Sea of Tiberias or

of inferior quality is known to exist on the Oldoi, Zeya and

absence. He fell in battle against the Minyans, against

Victoria. In 1869 he received the visits of the emperor of

the square inch, to bottling machines which fill and close

science than an original investigator, succeeded Duhamel as

L. 1,000,000. Haddocks are salted and rock-dried (speldings)

by S. Finterswalder (Munchen. Acad. Abhandl., 1891,

Piz Morteratsch. . . . . . . . 12,317 Cima di Redasco. . . . . . . . . 10,299

Eudnophite, from the same region, was originally described as

over her for the purpose of seduction, though not without

1837. In 1836 the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy (1802-1837), a

whose son Lothair Adelaide was at the same time betrothed.

From a return presented by the Local Government Board to

fleet was to sail under the Greek Nearchus from the Indus

etc. Certain facts of their lives have been attributed to

contemplation. By pure contemplation is here understood that

positions for a theology based on the Augustinian doctrine of

the impossibility of employing any metal in contact with the

the rest of the kingdom. Thus was removed the barrier which

in the Moluccas, and the Spaniards in South America.

Zwolferkofel. . . . . . . 10,142 Cima delle Dodici. . . . . . . . .7,671

His elevation to such a post had been contemplated on the


of Intelligence, This is to notifie, once for all, that we will

motion. Unaware of Adams's work, he attempted a like inquiry,

AUTHORITIES.--Life, and Public Services of Samuel Adams (3

town and afterwards at Padua. In 1550 he was accused of

station, and after a period of decline became under the Romans

of contrasts, especially of the Beautiful with the Tragic:

$1,508,820, of which $720,000 was received from the national

nation, in the widest sense, from Anglo-Saxon times to the

bestowed his favour principally upon his fellow-countrymen,

of no great brilliancy. He succeeded Innocent IV. as guardian

with his spear, had not Zeus with a thunderbolt opened a chasm

them (according to Payne) resembling coughing, barking and

arts,'' organized in 1872 according to the United States

double function remain in the adult structure of all vertebrates

sudden zeal for republican principles, he easily obtained

and the outward action more and more disused. (3) It became

he was received with almost divine honours, and overthrew the

experiment of A. A. Michelson, in which the ray-path was

however, corresponding to reality, the Gauss image point

in the Greek alphabet from Y to O, or in the numerical

5It is given to Austria to rule the whole earth.

individual existence. Owing to this subdivision of the

the Shropshire Sheep Breeders' Association and Flock Book

which might have been easily transformed into an assembly of

for elementary family reading, which were translated into

(see AFRICA, ROMAN), is, so far as its native inhabitants

Kivu, being still partially active. (c) The third division

fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums; his Diwan

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