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International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 398–403

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Lymphatic malformations: A proposed management algorithm

J.C. Oosthuizen *, P. Burns, J.D. Russell
Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin, Dublin, D12, Republic of Ireland


Article history: Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a management algorithm for cervicofacial lymphatic
Received 20 October 2009 malformations, based on the authors’ experience in managing these lesions as well as current literature
Received in revised form 13 January 2010 on the subject.
Accepted 15 January 2010
Study design and methods: A retrospective medical record review of all the patients treated for lymphatic
Available online 18 February 2010
malformations at our institution during a 10-year period (1998–2008) was performed. Data collected:
age at diagnosis, location and type of lesion, radiologic investigation performed, presenting symptoms,
treatment modality used, complications and results achieved.
Cystic hygroma
Results: 14 patients were identified. Eight (57%) male and six (43%) female. There was an equal
Lymphatic malformation distribution between the left and right sides. The majority (71%) of cases were diagnosed within the first
Paediatric year of life. The majority of lesions were located in the suprahyoid region. The predominant reason for
Management algorithm referral was an asymptomatic mass in 7 cases (50%) followed by airway compromise (36%) and
dysphagia (14%). Management options employed included: observation, OK-432 injection, surgical
excision and laser therapy. In 5 cases (36%) a combination of these were used.
Conclusion: Historically surgical excision has been the management option of choice for lymphatic
malformations. However due to the morbidity and high complication rate associated this is increasingly
being questioned. Recent advances in sclerotherapy e.g. OK-432 injection have also shown significant
promise. Based on experience in managing these lesions as well as current literature the authors of this
paper have developed an algorithm for the management of cervicofacial lymphatic malformations.
ß 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction current literature on the subject the authors of this paper have
formulated a proposed management algorithm for LMs.
Lymphatic malformations (LMs) are rare benign tumours that
result from localized congenital malformations of the lymphatic 2. Patients and methods
system. These lesions are diagnosed during infancy in the
overwhelming majority of cases and most often present as an After obtaining local ethics committee approval, all the patients
asymptomatic mass in the cervicofacial region [1]. The manage- diagnosed and treated for LMs at our institution between 1998 and
ment of LMs remains a challenge. Surgical excision has tradition- 2008 were identified. A retrospective review of these patients
ally been the first line of treatment however due to the close medical records were performed focussing on age at diagnosis,
proximity of vital structures this often leads to incomplete excision location of lesion, type of LM, radiologic investigation performed,
and recurrence, or damage to vital structures e.g. cranial nerves [2]. presenting symptoms, treatment modality used, complications
More recently the use of OK-432 has gained popularity especially encountered and results achieved.
in the management of macrocystic lesions [3]. The authors
reviewed the records of all cases treated for LMs at our institution 3. Results
during a 10-year period. Whilst the majority of cases were
managed surgically, promising results were obtained with A total of 14 patients were identified (Table 3). The diagnosis
observation alone as well as with OK-432 injection. Based on was based on clinical examination and radiologic investigations.
experience gained in the management of these lesions as well as Eight (57%) patients were male and the remaining six (43%) female.
Two cases (14%) were identified during the prenatal period, five
(36%) at birth and three (21%) during the first year of life. The
remainder of cases (29%) showed some variation regarding age of
* Corresponding author at: Tawlaught, Fenit, Co. Kerry, Ireland.
presentation with a range of 3–7 years of age. There was an equal
Tel.: +353 667136863. distribution between the right and left sides. The location of these
E-mail address: (J.C. Oosthuizen). lesions was predominantly surpahyoid (86%), with 4 cases

0165-5876/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.C. Oosthuizen et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 398–403 399

Table 1 [7]. Two cases in our series (14%) were diagnosed during the
Treatment modalities used.
antenatal period. Five cases (36%) were diagnosed at birth and 86%
Treatment modality Cases of cases were diagnosed within the first 3 years of life. To date
Surgery 5 numerous theories have been proposed regarding the embryologi-
Ok-432 injection 3 cal aetiology of these lymphatic malformations. These include the
Observation 3 centrifugal and centripetal theories, the former proposed by Sabin
Ok-432 followed by surgery 2 and the latter by McClure and Huntington, as well as the combined
theory proposed by van der Jagt and Kutsuna [3,7]. Regardless of
the proposed theory the final result is failure of either the
peripheral lymphatics to flow into the jugular sacs or failure of the
suffering from extensive disease encompassing both the supra and jugular sacs to reunite with the venous system [7]. It is also widely
infrahyoid areas. In 2 of these cases there was significant accepted that LMs can be acquired secondary to surgery, trauma,
mediastinal extension of the tumour. Only 1 case of exclusively infections, neoplasms and chronic inflammation [3,7]. The
infrahyoid LM was treated at our institution during the 10-year histopathological classification of LMs as proposed by Kennedy
period. The most commonly affected area was the submandibular in 1989 includes four distinct groups [7]. It is widely accepted
region affecting 5 cases (36%). Six cases had combined macro- and however that all these lesions form part of the same disease
microcystic disease and 2 cases suffered from predominantly process [8].
microcystic disease. The majority of cases (43%) in our series presented with an
The predominant reason for referral to our service was an asymptomatic mass in the cervicofacial region. The remainder
asymptomatic mass (50%), the remaining patients presented with either presented due to airway concerns (36%) or dysphagia (21%).
either airway compromise (36%) or dysphagia (14%). In all cases These findings are consistent with previously reported presenting
the diagnosis of LM was confirmed with radiologic investigations. symptoms and signs [9]. In the group that presented with airway
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was the most commonly used compromise, three patients required tracheostomies two of which
modality and was employed in 71% of cases. Other investigations were emergent. Infective episodes as well as haemorrhage into
included computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US) scan- these cysts are quite common, often leading to rapid enlargement
ning. of the cyst with potential airway compromise [10]. This can
Treatment modalities employed consisted of observation, OK- occasionally, as illustrated in our case series, require an emergency
432 injection, surgery or a combination of these (Table 1). All cases tracheostomy. Current guidelines on the management of these
of microcystic disease of the oral cavity were managed with episodes advocate the use of parenteral Gram positive coverage for
surface potassium–titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser therapy in order up to 3 weeks followed by a prolonged course of oral antibiotics
to control symptoms. Of the seven patients treated with surgical [10]. In our case series 64% of patients developed at least one such
excision, four had been operated on at other hospitals prior to episode whilst others suffered from recurrent infections, all of
referral to our institution. Major complications of treatment which were successfully managed medically. A recent report by
included a single case of facial nerve palsy and another of Sires et al. [11] showed promising results with use of systemic
hypoglossal nerve palsy. Both of these cases had undergone corticosteroids in the treatment of these episodes in ophthalmic
previous surgery and the above complications occurred during LMs.
revision surgery for recurrent disease. Minor complications In an effort to predict the prognosis of LMs several staging
included seroma and haematoma formation in 2 separate cases. systems have been proposed. Orvidas and Kasperbauer [12] used
Two cases (14%) were lost to long term follow up and were the variables of functional impairment, cosmesis, number of
therefore not included in the final outcome measurement. locations and age at diagnosis in order to formulate a staging
Outcome was defined as excellent in cases with complete system. They demonstrated an increase in persistence as well as
resolution of the lesion and no residual cosmetic or functional complication rate with increasing stage. However the most
impairment. In cases with minimal residual or recurrent disease, of commonly used staging system was developed by de Serres
little concern, the outcome was classified as good. A patient with et al. and published in 1995 [13]. It is based on the anatomical
recurrent or persistent disease staying stagnant or showing some location of the LM and consists of five stages (Table 2). In their
degree of improvement was rated as fair. Finally patients with paper they described a clear correlation between the stage of the
severe progressive disease showing minimal or no response to disease and the prognosis as well as associated complication rate.
treatment were classified as having poor outcome. Favourable Group 1 patients had a complication rate of 17% compared to 67%
outcomes were obtained in 10 cases (83%). Of these five were in group 3 and 100% in group 5. Clearly demonstrating a
classified in the ‘‘excellent’’ and the remainder in the ‘‘good’’ progressive increase in complication rate associated with higher
outcome groups. Persistent or recurrent disease was encountered staging. In a retrospective study of 22 cases Hamoir et al. [14]
in 4 cases. The most common site of recurrent disease was the applied the proposed staging system and reported findings
tongue (50%). consistent with those of de Serres et al. In our case series 7%
were classified in group 1, 64% in group 2 and 29% in group 3. There
4. Discussion were no patients in group 4 or 5. Our results reflect the findings of
de Serres as well as Hamoir et al. with a more favourable outcome
LMs once referred to as either cystic hygroma or lymphangioma
depending on cyst size is now more commonly divided into
macrocystic, microcystic or combined disease [4]. The reported Table 2
Staging of LMs.
incidence of these tumours in the literature is quite variable,
ranging between 4 per 10 000 births in one study [5] and 1 per Stage Description
16 000 births in another [6]. The overwhelming majority of LMs 1 Unilateral infrahyoid
occur in the cervical region with an increased incidence on the left 2 Unilateral suprahyoid
side. There is no difference in distribution between the sexes with 3 Unilateral infrahyoid and suprahyoid
4 Bilateral suprahyoid
both equally affected. The age at diagnosis is reportedly 75% at
5 Bilateral suprahyoid and infrahyoid
birth with 90% of the remaining cases diagnosed by the age of two
400 J.C. Oosthuizen et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 398–403

Table 3
Summary of Results.

Case A.A.D. Site Side Sex Presenting Type Intervention Size (cm) Complications Outcome Recurrent/
complaint persistent

1 8 months SM, T/M R M Swallowing Mic KTP 45 Nil G P

2 Birth F, AT, PT, T/M L M Airway Mic OK-432, S, KTP – Facial n palsy P P&R
3 Birth F, AT, T/M R F Airway Comb S, KTP 88 Hypoglossal n palsy; F –
4 6 years F L M Swallowing Comb O – Nil E –
5 6 weeks SM R F Airway Mac S 10  8 Nil E –
6 Prenatal SM L M Swallowing Comb S – Nil E –
7 3 years AT, M L M Cosmetic Mac S 96 Nil G –
8 7 years F R F Cosmetic Mac OK-432 – Nil G P
9 Birth SM L F Airway Comb O – Nil G P
10 3 years SM L M Cosmetic Mac O 34 Nil E –
11 8 months P R M Cosmetic Comb O, OK-432 4  0.7 Nil G P
12 Prenatal AT, PT, M R F Airway Mac S 10  10 Seroma E –
13 Birth PT L F Cosmetic Mac OK-432, S 5  3.5 Nil LF –
14 Birth F R M Cosmetic Comb OK-432 10  7.8 Nil LF –

A.A.D. = age at diagnosis, SM = submandibular, T/M = tongue/mucosa, F = face, AT = anterior triangle, P = parotid, M = mediastinal extension, PT = posterior triangle,
Comb = combined disease, Mac = macrocystic, Mic = microcystic, O = observation, KTP = KTP laser, S = surgery, G = good, P = poor, F = fair, LF = lost to follow up.

as well as lower complication rates observed in lower stage cystic mass can be performed under ultrasound guidance prior to
disease. hysterotomy. Placental separation is prevented and adequate
The diagnosis of LMs usually depends on physical examination uteroplacental blood flow is maintained by ensuring uterine
and a range of different imaging modalities (Fig. 5). Clinically these relaxation, normal mean arterial pressure and by maximizing
lesions have been described as soft; doughy masses which uterine volume. Once the head and shoulders are delivered the
transiluminate [8]. In our case series nearly all the patients had fetus is monitored throughout the procedure with pulse oximetry
a MRI scan performed in order to delineate the extent of the and echocardiography. The airway is then secured. This is achieved
disease. Other imaging options include US and CT scanning. Each of via endotracheal intubation following direct laryngoscopy or rigid
these modalities has distinct advantages as well as disadvantages. bronchoscopy. If this fails reverse endotracheal intubation is the
US is very useful in evaluating superficial lesions [15] and in the next described option. This is achieved by isolating the trachea and
guidance of OK-432 injection therapy (see below). It is limited performing a tracheostomy where after a fine feeding tube is
however in the evaluation of deeper structures in the neck and passed back through the trachea and into the oral cavity. An
mediastinum [15]. Sonographically these lesions are multilocular endotracheal tube can then be advanced over the feeding tube into
cystic masses with septa of variable thickness [16]. MRI is regarded the trachea allowing closure of the tracheostomy. If this is not a
as the modality of choice in order to evaluate the involvement of feasible option a formal tracheostomy is performed. Once the
neighbouring structures and to effectively plan any surgical airway is secured manual ventilation is started and surfactant
intervention [3,8]. Some of the benefits of MRI include superior administered. Finally the cord is clamped only after the insertion of
multiplanar capabilities, no ionizing radiation and lack of bony an umbilical arterial line and upon achieving good oxygen
artefact [15]. The typical appearance of LMs on MRI scanning saturation [18].
includes low signal intensity on T1-weighted images, high signal The treatment of LMs still poses a formidable challenge to those
intensity and multiple cysts with well demarcated margins on T2- confronted with managing this rare entity. Observation, aspiration,
weighted images [15,17]. Massive osteolysis, skeletal distortion surgery and sclerotherapy are just some of the treatment
and hypertrophy have been reported secondary to cervicofacial modalities described. Some authors view spontaneous regression
LMs [9]. If this is suspected CT scanning is the investigation of of LMs as unlikely and rare [5,14]. The weight of evidence does
choice due to its excellent delineation of bony structures. however support spontaneous regression of LMs [7–10,19], some
The use of routine ultrasound evaluation of the fetus during the describing rates of up to 15% [3]. Because of these findings some
antenatal period has become commonplace throughout the world. physicians opt to manage asymptomatic lesions conservatively for
This has led to an increased proportion of LMs being diagnosed up to 24 months [8,10]. Extreme vigilance is required in managing
during the antenatal period. A high incidence of associated these lesions conservatively as sudden expansion of these lesions
chromosomal abnormalities has been noted in prenatally diag- can occur as described above. In a recent study Perkins et al. [19]
nosed LMs and therefore amniocentesis is advised in cases identified certain radiologic characteristics that indicate a high
presenting with polyhydramnios, fetal hydrops and fetal LMs likelihood of spontaneous regression. These features included LMs
[10]. Once the suspicion of an obstructing neck mass is raised on US with predominantly macrocystic tissue, less than five intracystic
further imaging is essential in order to evaluate the extent of septations and limited extent. These are however lesions that
airway obstruction. In their report of 31 cases Bouchard et al. would typically respond well to other forms of management as
employed ultrafast MRI imaging with Half-Fournier single shot well.
turbo spin echo sequence [18]. If this confirms airway compromise Simple aspiration of LMs whilst once a recognised treatment
an ex utero intrapartum treatment procedure (EXIT) should be option and still favoured by some [9], is now rarely used due to
planned. rapid recurrence, infection and haemorrhage [3]. However needle
The senior author of this report has a special interest in decompression may be beneficial in instances where there is rapid
paediatric airway management and has been involved in EXIT expansion of the lesion with concomitant airway compromise
procedures in the past. Other members of the multidisciplinary [3,10].
team include anaesthesiologists, obstetricians, neonatologists and Sclerotherapy on the other hand has long been proposed as an
paediatric surgeons. The procedure is performed under general alternative to surgery in an effort to avoid its hazardous
anaesthetic. A hysterotomy is performed and the fetal head and complications. Some of the substances used in practice included
shoulders are delivered. In certain instances decompression of the bleomycin, ethibloc, tetracycline, dextrose and sodium morrhuate
J.C. Oosthuizen et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 398–403 401

[1]. These agents have largely been abandoned due to the fact that Microcystic disease of the oral cavity is notoriously difficult to
they have the potential to cause scarring and contraction of treat with a large percentage of cases showing persistent or
surrounding tissues, making subsequent surgery more difficult recurrent disease. Traditionally these lesions have been managed
[1,20]. One of the more successful of these was bleomycin, surgically with conservative resection in order to avoid the
however due to concerns regarding pulmonary fibrosis it is no morbidity associated with complete excision; this however leads
longer in use [20]. In 1987 Ogita et al. [21] described the use of OK- to high recurrence rates and the need for repeated procedures [28].
432 as sclerosing agent in the management of LMs and it has since In our case series 21% of cases suffered from microcystic disease of
attracted considerable attention. OK-432 (Picibanil, Chugai Phar- the oral cavity. All of these cases were principally treated with
maceutical Co., Tokyo) is a lyophilized biologic preparation of surface KTP laser therapy to control symptoms. The use of laser
group A Streptococcus pyogenes cells treated with benzylpenicillin therapy in the management of these lesions has been previously
and is therefore contraindicated in patients with a penicillin documented [29]. Laser treatment offers the following advantages
allergy [20]. There have been numerous reports on the successful over surgery: less postoperative oedema, less tissue trauma and
use of OK-432 since then [1,2,20,22,23] and is increasingly being less blood loss [3]. Favourable results were obtained with this
proposed as a first line treatment option in LMs. Compared to other modality; however recurrent disease was encountered in 66% of
sclerosants OK-432 has the advantage that following administra- cases treated for LMs of the oral cavity. Another described
tion there is no perilesional fibrosis and therefore subsequent treatment option for microcystic disease of the oral cavity is
surgery is not made more difficult or hazardous [1,23,24]. radiofrequency ablation therapy [28,23,30,31] which has recently
Macrocystic lesions respond much more favourably than micro- shown promising results.
cystic lesions to the injection of OK-432. In a multicentre Traditionally surgical excision (Figs. 3 and 4) of LMs has been
prospective trial, Giguere et al. demonstrated a success rate of the mainstay of treatment [12,32]. The complete surgical excision
66% which soars to 86% if microcystic cases are excluded [2]. of these lesions offers excellent results. However due to the close
Percutaneous administration of OK-432 can lead to a variety of proximity of vital structures this can be very challenging and leads
adverse reactions which include erythema, discomfort at the to partial resection in approximately 60% of cases [9]. Recurrence
injection site, pyrexia and swelling [2]. Despite being rare there rates of partially or incompletely resected lesions are reported to
have been reports of rapid expansion in cyst size leading to airway be as high as 50–100% of cases [3]. Surgery is associated with
compromise, requiring surgical intervention in order to secure the significant morbidity and some of the recognised complications
airway [2,20]. The authors of this report therefore feel that it might include muscle weakness, seroma formation, infection e.g.
be prudent to secure the airway, by means of a tracheostomy, prior mediastinitis, chylothorax, Frey and Horner’s syndrome, injury
to OK-432 injection where there is the potential for airway to the cervical oesophagus and cranial nerve damage [3,7,9].
compromise. The use of doxycycline as a sclerosant in LMs has Cranial nerve injury can occur in up to a third of LMs treated
previously been reported [25,26]. These reports were however surgically with the facial nerve most frequently involved [4].
limited to use in macrocystic and combined cases. In a recently Half of the patients in our case series were treated surgically
published paper, Shiels et al. were the first to report successful with only one patient in this group lost to long term follow up.
ablation of microcysts using ultrasound guided cyst drainage and Some of these had undergone surgery prior to being referred to our
injection with high dose doxycycline [27]. They attribute the high institution. In the majority (66%) of these cases a favourable
success rate to complete cyst aspiration as opposed to simple outcome was achieved. Two patients developed cranial nerve
needle injection and the high dose of doxycycline used (20 mg/ palsies, one facial and the other hypoglossal nerve. The first patient
mL). Despite being a single, retrospective report their findings are had been operated previously at another institution and the
very promising and certainly warrant further investigation. In our hypoglossal nerve palsy was present at the time of referral to our
case series five patients (71%) were treated with OK-432 injection institution. Both of these patients had extensive cervicofacial
under direct ultrasound guidance. Unfortunately two of these disease encompassing both the infra and suprahyoid regions (stage
patients were lost to follow up. Two of the remaining three patients 3) and in both cases the nerve damage occurred during revision
(66%) had a successful result whilst the remaining patient, whom surgery.
suffered from predominantly microcystic disease, showed no Based on experience in managing these tumours as well as
response whatsoever. current literature the authors of this report have developed a

Fig. 1. Management of antenatally diagnosed LM.

402 J.C. Oosthuizen et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 398–403

Fig. 2. Proposed management of LMs.

management algorithm for paediatric cervicofacial LMs. The aim of ered as an adjunct to OK-432 in future. Finally should sclerothera-
this algorithm is to provide definitive management in the majority py fail the degree of cosmetic and functional impairment should be
of cases prior to school going age. As already mentioned above, thoroughly assessed and weighed against the potential risks of
surgery was the principal management option in the past, however surgery. It is however of utmost importance that each case be
its complication and recurrence rate are unacceptably high in what assessed on an individual basis in order to achieve the best possible
is essentially a benign condition. The spontaneous regression of outcome and in certain instances this might necessitate deviation
LMs whilst once described as unlikely has since been well from the guidelines above.
documented and therefore in asymptomatic lesions the authors
of this report would advocate expectant management initially. 5. Conclusion
Should this fail OK-432 injection therapy offers an excellent
alternative to surgery due to its high success rate, especially in LMs are essentially benign tumours and the management of
macrocystic disease, as well as the lack of perilesional fibrosis these should reflect this. Even though surgery might have been the
which does not compromise future surgery if required. Sclerother- principal management option in the past, its complication rate is
apy of microcystic disease with high dose doxycyline is a unacceptably high in the management of a benign condition. This
promising development and is something that might be consid- combined with the prospect of new innovative management

Fig. 3. Cystic hygroma in situ. Fig. 4. Isolated facial nerve during surgical excision.
J.C. Oosthuizen et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 (2010) 398–403 403

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