Potential and Kinetic Energy Lesson Plan

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At the end of the period, 95% of the students should be able to,

1. Differentiate Kinetic Potential Energy

2. Relate Kinetic and Potential Energy to a real life situation
3. Solve problems involving Kinetic Potential Energy

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Energy (Potential and Kinetic)

B. Learning Materials:

 Paper and pen

 Marble

 Basin

 PowerPoint presentation

C. References:
Grade 8 TeachingGuide (Dep.Ed), ThePhysicsClassroom.com

D. Science Process Skills

Explaining and constructing

E. Value Integration
Showing interest and cooperation during the teaching-learning process.

F. Teaching Strategy
Discussion, Collaborative Activity, Experimentation and PowerPoint Presentation
III. Developmental Task

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good day class! How was your day? Students: We’ere good sir. How about you?

Well I’m very fine! Full of energy by the


Anyway, before we begin our lesson I’m

gonna ask you some questions first. Who of
you has ever had a chance to climbed up a
mountain? Yes, Dharlane? Dharlene: Me sir...I and my friends climb up
the mountain during every holy weel as part
of our tradition.

Who else? Yes Perly When I was in elementary we used to hunt

some birds in the mountain with my cousins
and friends. We really enjoy climbing the
mountain sir.

That’s nice Dharlene and Perly. Now I’m

gonna ask the others. What do you usually
brought with you when you climb the
mountain...like during holy week as what
dharlene said awhile ago? Do you bring
something or what?. Jeiril: Of course sir we always bring foods
and water when climbing.

Why do you bring food and water? Yes Mea? Mea: Climbing up the mountain is a very
tiring activity sir. It is really obvoius that
after a long journey walking up requires a lot
of work and you’ll feel very hungry even
before reaching your destination.
Speaking of food that we eat when we
climb up the mountain. Why do you think Dharlene: Because the food that we eat sir
we have to eat before and after doing work? makes strong. We can do work again and
again if we eat food because food in the first
Alright! Good. You already know that doing place gives us strength.
requires force and distance right? Remember
our last lesson about work? In a similar way,
when you climb up the mountain you exert
force and you have distance traveled...am I

Now, you said that when we climb up the Student: Yes sir.
mountain, we feel very exhausted and hungry
but after we it we regain strength. Why do
you think is that so? What is in the food that
gives as strength.. Perly?

All food that we eat including water of

course gives contains nutrients that keeps our
body strong, healthy and energetic. When we
do not eat let’s say for a week. We will starve
That is right Perly. You have mentioned to death.
about energy. Now my next question is after
a long journey above the mountain why do
you think we feel very exhausted? Jeiril?

Jeiril: Because when we exert too much work

climbing up a mountain we use great amount
of energy and if we used up that energy we
Correct. You have to realize that the energy well feel very exhausted and hungry.
from the food that we it is transferred to our
body that enable us to do work. So there what
can you say about energy? Yes, Perly?

Alright. Energy can be transferred from one

place to another. That’s right Perly. Perly: Energy can be transferred from one
place to another.
Actually there are many forms of energy. Do
you still remember the different forms of
energy class? Who summarize?

What else? There are still more...Yes Mea: Solar Energy that comes from the sun.
Dharlene? Electrical energy that lights our houses, that’s
all I remember sir.

That’s right! Sir, we also geothermal energy from the

earth, wind energy from the wind and hydro
Now, there are two types of energy it is from water.
Kinetic and Potential Energy. For you to
better picture out and understand how an
energy is being transferred from potential
and kinetic energy, let’s do this activity. I’m
gonna group you into four. Please be with
your group. Are you ready?

(The teacher will prepare the materials and

procedure for the activity) Yes sir!
“The Rolling Ball”


At the end of the activity the students should be able to:

1. Explain how energy is transferred from one object to another.

2. Appreciate how kinetic energy can be transformed into potential energy or vice versa.
3. Describe and differentiate Kinetic from Potential Energy.


Empty plastic bottle

Part 1


1. Place the the empty plastic battle above the table.

2. Hold the marble and push it towards the emtpty bottle to make it fall or move.
3. Observe what happened to the bottle after being strike by the marble.
4. Answer the guide question below.

Guide Questions

1. What happpend to the empty plastic bottle when you strike it with a marble?
2. What causes the empty bottle to move after being striked by the marble?
3. Why do you think the empty bottle fell or moved in terms of energy that comes from the marble?
4. Is there a transfer of energy from the marble to the empty bottle? Why or why not?

Part 2


1. Place the basin on the top of the table.

2. Hold the marble at the edge of the basin and release it suddenly.
3. Observe the motion of the marble after you release it.
4. Answer the guide questions below.

Guide Questions

1. What happened to the marble after you released it from the top edge of the basin?
2. What are the directions of the marble after you released it?
3. Describe the motion (in terms of its speed) when it is on the top edege and the lower part of the
4. Where does potential and kinetic energy occur with respect to the position and motion of the marble
after you released it from the top edge of the basin?
5. Describe potential energy in terms of height and mass.
6. Describe kinetic energy in terms of mass and velocity.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Now that we have finish our activity and
observation, let’s answer the guide questions.

Our activity is compose of two parts. The first

part was with the marble and the empty plastic
bottle and the second one was with the marble
and the basin.

In the first part of our activity, what happpend

to the empty plastic bottle when you strike it
with a marble? Mea please? Mea: The bottle fell when it was striked by the
Why does it fell? What is in the coin that make
it fall? Yes Jeiril? Jeiril : Because the coin has some kind of
energy that make the bottle moved from it’s
That’s right. The coin has an energy very good

Where do you think is the energy from the coin

go when it strikes the bottle?
Jeiril: The energy from the bottle was
transferred into the bottle. The bottle has the
Yes. Correct. energy coming from the coin that’s why it
Take note class that energy can be transferred
from one object to another. The energy from
the coin was transferred to the bottle. The coin
loses energy while the bottle gains energy.
Correct? Any question or clarification?

In the part two of our activity with the coin and Students: No sir
the basin, what happened to the marble after
you released it from the top edge of the basin?

Perly: The marble move back and forth inside

How would you describe the motion of the the basin following the curved shape of the
marble in terms of its speed when it is on the basin.
top edege and lower part of the basin?

Dharlene: The marble seems to be slower when

Where do you think potential and kinetic it is on the top edge of the basin and the faster
energy occur with respect to the position and when it is on the bottom or lowest part of the
motion of the marble after you released it from basin.
the top edge of the basin?
Very good! Mea: When the marble is on the top edge or
highest part of the basin it gains potential
So, you said that when the coin was on the energy while when it is on the lowest part of
highest part or top edge of the basin, it gains the basin it gains kinetic energy.
potential energy. What do you think are the
factors that makes it gain such energy? Yes
please Dharlene?

Are you saying that the potential energy of the

marble is dependent on its height and its mass? Dahrlene First of all sir we have to consider its
height and its mass for it to gain potential
Alright! But you have to understand also the energy.
force that makes it move towards the ground.
What is that force as you remember? Perly? Dharlene: Yes sir.

That’s rigth! Potential Energy of an object

depends on its height or its position with
respect to the ground, mass and the Perly: The force of gravity sir?
gravitatiponal force which has a constant of 9.8
m/s2 . On its formula, we have, PE= mgh,
where m is the mass of an object, g the
gravitational constant which is equal to 9.8
How about kinetic energy? You said that after
you release the marble it slides towards the
bottom of the basin but it happened to go back
and forth following the curvature shape of the
basin. Now. In what position of the marble did
kinetic energy occured? Mea?

Mea: When the marble was released from the

Very good! Bur what do you thing are the top edge of the basin it has height and mass
factors why it move very fast or it possesed plus the pull of gravity therefore it has potential
speed when it was released from the top edge energy. However, when it move towards the
of the basin? Jeiril? center of bottom of the basin it gained kinetic

So therefore, what do you think are factors for

which an object may gain kinetic energy?
Jeiril: We can consider it’ mass and velocity sir
That’s correct. The kinetic energy if an object since it has certain amount of energy that make
depends on its mass and velocity thus, as in its it moved due to its mass basically.
formula we have KE- 1/2 mv 2 , where m is the
mass of an object and v is its velocity. Jeiril: Throught its mass and velocity sir.

Do you understand now class? Any question or

V. Generalization Students: No sir, we understand.

The student will generalize that energy can be

transferred from one object to another. There
are several forms of energy like solar energy,
heat energy, nuclear energy, geothermal
energy, electrical energy etc.

There are two typrs of energy, Potential energy

or energy due to an objects position and
location with respect to the ground and Kinetic
energy or energy in motion.

IV- Application
(The students will answer the questions)
( The teacher will give an example of a
situation wherein students will identify an
object whether it has potential or kinetic

This illustration shows a ball rooling from A to



1. Which letter shows the ball when it has

the maximum kinetic energy?
2. Which letter shows the ball when it has
the maximum potential energy?
3. Which letter shows the ball when it has
the least potential energy?
4. Which letter shows the ball when it has
the least kinetic energy?
VI. Assessment

Determine whether the objects in the

following problems have kinetic (KE) or
potential energy. (PE). Then, use the
appropriate formula to calculate the

KE = 1/2 mv2

m= mass
v= velocity

PE = mgh

, where m (mass) x g (gravity) x h (height)

On Earth, gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s2, so in the
formula substitute 9.8 for gravity.


1. You serve a volleyball with a mass of 2

kg. The ball leaves your hand with a
speed of 30 m/s. The ball has kinetic
energy. Calculate it.

2. A baby carriage is sitting at the top of a

hill that is 20 m high. The carriage with the
baby in it weighs 10 kg. The carriage has
potential energy. Calculate it.

3. A car is traveling with a velocity of 20

m/s and has a weight (mass) of 1000 kg.
The car has kinetic energy. Calculate it.

4. There is a bell at the top of a tower that

is 20 m high. The bell weighs 100 kg. The
bell has potential energy. Calculate it.

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