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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6922388, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Numeracy Level of Non-Numerate Learners Through Enhanced Mathematics

Learning Kits with Parental Involvement at Homes

Mark John A. Belleza*

For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Numeracy skills are important mathematical skills that include a variety of capabilities to understand and analyze
numerical information, to make the right conclusions and decisions, and apply in daily life the concepts and ideas of
mathematics. This one group pretest-posttest experimental design aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of enhanced
mathematics learning kit with parental involvement at homes on the learners’ numeracy level using purposive
sampling technique amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The data were obtained using the Regional Unified Numeracy
Test (RUNT). Mean and standard deviation followed by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test were utilized for data
analysis. Level of significance was set at 0.05 alpha level. The data showed that the numeracy skills of learners was
low prior to the intervention. After the exposure to the enhanced mathematics learning kit with parental
involvement at homes, results showed a considerable increase of numeracy skills from low level before the
intervention to high level after the intervention. The findings also revealed a significant difference between the
pretest and posttest means scores of the non-numerate learners. Thus, an enhanced mathematics learning kit with
parental involvement at homes can be used as effective intervention in improving the numeracy skills of the non-
numerate learners, especially this new normal. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers should actively involve
the parents and strengthen their capacity as learning facilitators of their children’s self-learning modules in
mathematics. Further, activities in the self-learning modules should be enhanced based on the cognitive level of the
learners to develop their skills and higher understanding especially in teaching and learning Mathematics amid the
pandemic times.

Keywords: Parental Involvement, Enhanced Mathematics Learning Kit, Non-numerates,Numeracy Level

Introduction learners to access and make sense of their world.

Besides, Pangan (2016) stated that numeracy is the
The occurrence of COVID - 19 pandemic has created a combination of mathematical knowledge, problem-
profound impact on basic education. This pandemic solving, and communication skills required by all
is causing more than 1.6 billion children and youth to persons to function successfully within our
be out of school in 161 countries which is close to technological world. Likewise, being numerate is
80% of the world’s enrolled learners (Saavedra, 2020). having confidence and competence in being proficient
In addition to the problem is the reality that the with numbers and measures (UNRWA, 2013). It goes
percentage of children who cannot read and beyond the mere knowledge of number facts and
comprehend at age 10–stood at 53% whose parents processes and the ability to perform arithmetic
belong to low and middle-income countries even operations (Villanueva, 2015).
before the outbreak started (World Bank, 2020 as cited
in DepEd, 2020). The status of these children will The adoption of distance learning modality as
continue to worsen if teachers will not act realistically emphasized by Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte and DepEd
on how to help them (Saavedra, 2020) especially those Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones as an alternative
that are already identified as non-readers and non- way to continue education in the light of the COVID-
numerates. public health emergency is well accepted and planned
in all schools nationwide.
Mathematics is a skill subject that pervades life at any
age and in any circumstance thus, must be learned In Jibolo Elementary School, Janiuay, Iloilo, Printed
comprehensively and with much depth (Department of Modular Distance Learning (PMDL) is the chosen
Education, 2016). To have skills and knowledge in modality to continue the basic education as reflected
Mathematics, one should be learning numeracy skills, on their School Learning Continuity Plan (SLCP).
specifically in addition, subtraction, multiplication, PMDL involves individualized instruction that allows
and division. It involves using a range of mathematical learners to use Self Learning Modules (SLMs) in print
skills and processes confidently to solve everyday life format and other learning resources like learner’s
problems (Villanueva, 2015). Numeracy is the key for materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and
other study materials (DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020).

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

However, one of the most challenging aspects of this

modality is how to handle and facilitate learning at This intervention is supported by several studies.
home, especially those learners who need special According to Merttens (2005) as cited in Muir (2009),
attention in reading and numeracy. Even before this the single biggest factor in children’s educational
pandemic, the teacher-researcher has observed that success is their parents, with their attitudes to learning,
pupils reaching higher grades in elementary found to mathematics and to study in general formed in the
difficulty in mathematics because they have not context of the home. Further, research has shown that
mastered the four fundamental operations. In addition, parental involvement affects learner’s achievement
statistics show that 10% of the total population of (Sheldon & Epstein, 2005 in Muir, 2009) and that
Jibolo Elementary School in the school year learner’s learning is maximized when strong
2019-2020 did not master these four fundamental educational partnerships between school, community,
operations. They were not able to achieve the standard and home are developed (Groves, Mousley & Forgasz,
of 80% mastery level based on the posttest result in the 2006; Vincent, Stephens & Steinle, 2005 in Muir,
Regional Unified Numeracy Test (RUNT) conducted 2009).
in the second week of February 2020. This low
numeracy skill level of learners is one of the many This is one of the ways in filling up the gap on behalf
reasons why they are retained in the grade level of the teacher conducting a direct teaching in the face-
indicating that pupils did not learn fully in the to-face modality. This is not only beneficial to the
traditional teaching methods employed by their teacher-researcher’s locale but also to other teachers
teachers. who may opt to follow this intervention. Teachers can
be inspired by the responses of the learners on the
If face to face learning modality is a little bit deficient remedial instructional activities. Hence, they will be
to fill in this problem, what will be the expected result motivated to adhere most to the needs of their learners.
when parents will act most of the time as teacher Learners who are the ultimate recipients of the study
facilitator or para teacher? Given this situation, the can be inspired to learn and enhance their numeracy
through the exercises and activities. Hence, their
teacher-researcher has made an innovation to ensure
attention towards mathematics instruction can be
that learning will be taking place, numeracy
increased and poor mathematics performance can be
competency development will be ensured, and no child
will be left behind even in this new normal.
This study is proven effective in filling up the gap on
Thus, the enhanced mathematics learning kit
behalf of the teacher conducting a direct teaching in
containing Self Learning Modules (SLMs) and
the face-to-face modality. This is not only beneficial to
worksheets aligned to the DepEd- Most Essential the teacher-implementers but also to other teachers
Learning Competencies (MELCs) from the Division of who may opt to utilize these mathematics learning kits
Iloilo which are written to address the general learners with parental involvement at home to increase the
are enhanced using teacher-made localized and level of numeracy skills of learners.
contextualized exercises. The exercises are specifically
intended to enhance the identified least mastered
numeracy skills of the non-numerate learners Methodology
specifically in grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5. In
addition, the teacher-researcher involved the parents of
The main objective of this study is to determine the
the learners who are identified as non-numerates to
effectiveness of enhanced mathematics learning kit
collaboratively work with the teacher-researcher on
and Parental Involvement at homes on the numeracy
how to become para-teacher or facilitator of their
skills of learners based on the pretest-posttest result of
children in developing their numeracy skills and
Regional Unified Numeracy Test (RUNT).
confidence. It is highly hoped that through this
intervention, learners will be inspired and gain Specifically, this study sought to answer the following
valuable numerical skills in the absence of a face-to- research questions:
face direct teaching method during regular classes.
This will be done by helping learners’ parents 1. What are the numeracy skills of learners before and
understand numeracy concepts and skills and how to
facilitate the learning process to their children at home.

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

after exposure to the enhanced mathematics learning numerates based on the adopted tool (RUNT).
kit with Parental Involvement at Homes? Learners were considered non-numerates if they did
not answer 80% of the adapted tool correctly. These
2. Is there a significant difference in the numeracy learners were enrolled and learning at home with the
skills of learners before and after exposure to the help of their parents because of the absence of face-to-
enhanced mathematics learning kit with Parental face classes in schools. They belonged to different
Involvement at Homes? grade levels from grades three to grade five (grade 3-
nine, grade 4-four, grade 5-five) and were retained in
3. How does the level of learners’ numeracy skills the grade level. The participants were selected using a
improve through the enhanced mathematics learning purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling
kit with Parental Involvement at Homes? was utilized since the researcher was certain that the
problem exists in this group of learners, thus, it was
4. What is the plan of action that should be done after apt to address the solution to the same group of
determining the effectiveness of an enhanced learners. Purposive sampling best suits the technique
mathematics learning kit with Parental Involvement at of selecting the participants because it is the sampling
Homes? technique to be used when the researcher uses his
judgment in selecting a sample that he believes, based
The method in this study was selected by considering
on prior information, will provide the data he needs
its appropriateness with regards to the research
(Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012).
objectives. In this case, the objectives determined the
method. The research method of this study was Data Gathering Methods
arranged based on the problem analyzed and the main
purpose of the research. The study employed the Regional Unified Numeracy
Test (RUNT) tool in the pretest and posttest to assess
This study was undertaken to ascertain the
the numeracy skills of learners. This tool was crafted
effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Kit with
by the Regional Education Program Supervisor in
Parental Involvement at Homes on the numeracy skills
Mathematics, validated, pilot tested and distributed
of the identified non-numerate learners. Likewise, the
among schools in the region for utilization. RUNT
researcher determined the actions undertaken after
measures the four fundamental operation skills of
conducting the study.
learners specifically on addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
This study employed the action research method in
driving the gap in numeracy with the use of data
For this study, numeracy skills of learners were limited
collection method which is the RUNT, finding
only to the scores in the pretest and posttest during the
solution and intervention in closing the gap through
school year that focused on the four fundamental
reflecting and analyzing the teacher’s experiences
operations. Furthermore, the one group pretest-posttest
including the participants and their parents’ responses.
design was used in this study. The paper and pencil
This action research also utilized a quantitative
pretest and posttest were administered to the
research design particularly one-group pretest-posttest
participants. The pretest was given before the first day
design, which involves an experimental group only
of intervention while the posttest was given after the
that is pretested, exposed to a treatment, then post
administration of the intervention. A 40-item pretest
tested (Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun, 2012). The
and posttest RUNT test were given to the participants
numeracy skill of learners was measured before and
in finding the effectiveness of Mathematics Learning
after the intervention using the Mathematics Learning
Kit with Parental Involvement at Homes on the
Kit with parental involvement at homes. To determine
numeracy skills of learners. The numeracy skills of
if there is a significant improvement in the numeracy
learners were determined through a 40-item RUNT
skill of learners the pretest and posttest mean scores
test. The numeracy skills were based on the mean
were compared and analyzed.
scores of the pupils.
Results and Discussion
The respondents of this study were the non-numerate
learners (14 boys and 4 girls) based on the posttest of
RUNT that was conducted last second week of Working with the learners-at-risk, specifically those
February 2020 of Jibolo Elementary School for the with numeracy problems is quite challenging but it
school year 2019-2020. They were described as non- will somehow let you discover novel methodologies

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

that could somehow remediate the problem existing. The result of the descriptive analysis of the data
showed that the posttest mean score is better than the
The main objective of this project is to find the pretest mean score. This implies that there is a
effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Kit with significant improvement on learners’ numeracy skills
Parental Involvement at homes on the numeracy skills even during the pandemic using the Mathematics
of learners based on the pretest-posttest result of Learning Kit with parental involvement at homes.
Regional Unified Numeracy Test (RUNT). The
gathered data were analyzed using descriptive and Differences between the Pretest and Posttest
inferential analyses. The results were presented using Scores on the Learners’ Numeracy Skills
textual and tabular forms and discussions for each
finding were expounded. The summary of the The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test result presented in
problem, method, and findings was explained, and Table 2 shows that there is a significant difference in
conclusions drawn based on the findings were noted. the numeracy skills of learners before and after
Recommendations for teachers, learners, school heads, utilization of Mathematics Learning Kit with parental
and for research practitioners were given. The involvement at homes, z=-3.727, p=.000.
researcher's reflection on the learnings gained while
conducting this action research and significant insights Table 2. Differences Between the Pretest and Posttest Scores on
obtained during the conduct of the study were put into the Learners’ Numeracy Skills

The descriptive data analysis was used in this study to

describe the nature and characteristics of the data used
in this investigation. Mean scores with standard
deviation were utilized to describe the levels of
learners' numeracy skills prior to and after the
intervention. The following scale was used to The result indicates that there is a positive significant
determine the numeracy skills of learners in analyzing change in the numeracy skills of learners because
and interpreting data: Very High (30.01-40.00), High of the utilization of an enhanced mathematics learning
(20.01 – 30.00), Low (10.01 – 20.00), and Very Low kit and parental involvement at homes in enhancing
(0.00 – 10.00). numeracy skills on non-numerate learners during
thesedifficult times of learning.
Numeracy Skills of Learners Before and After
Intervention The findings of the study are consistent with the
findings of Riawan (2019) that students are actively
The result of the mean analysis showed in table 1 that involved in all learning processes while being able to
prior to the intervention the learners have a low build their own knowledge with the assistance of
numeracy skill (M = 19.67, SD = 6.44). The result student worksheets. It is also supported by Arafah
indicates that the learners did not master the four (2020) that students need worksheets as teaching
fundamental skills specifically addition, subtraction, material that can make them actively and creatively
multiplication, and division before the intervention. participate in learning to find concepts through
However, an increase in the level in their numeracy solving daily life problems and used by students to
skills was noted after they were exposed to the conduct learning activities.
utilization of enhanced mathematics learning kit with
parental involvement at homes. The learner’s posttest In addition, aside from the utilization of an enhanced
score was very high (M = 33.00, SD = 3.83). mathematics learning kit, the numeracy skills of the
learners were greatly improved because of parents’
Table 1. Numeracy Skills of Learners Before and Afterthe involvement. This was supported by the study of
Intervention Anthony & Walshaw (2007) that students performed
better academically and had more positive school
attitudes if they had parents who were aware,
knowledgeable, and involved. Muir (2009) added that
parents regularly engaged in numeracy related
activities with their child and thought that activities
were a good way to learn mathematics.

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Thus, the combined effect of the utilization of an kit as an intervention tool to increase the level of
enhanced Mathematics Learning kit with parental numeracy skills of learners invited parents to be hands-
involvement at homes have greatly increased the on and secure the numeracy skills of their children
numeracy skills of the learners. when learning at home. This leads the school to
strengthen its relationship and collaborate with
According to Valchez (2017), numeracy skills are parents.
basic mathematical skills that include a range of
abilities to understand and analyze numerical “Nahaposan ako magtudlo sa akon bata kung paano
information and to make the right conclusions and mag multiply kag mag divide kay gin paagi sa
decisions. Being numerate means learners are hampang nga man-an ko parehas ka dominoe kag
encouraged to learn mathematics within the context of hampang ka baraha parehas karang lucky nine kag
practical application and they are better able to build
tong its.” -Nanay Lita
on the interconnectedness of the different types of
knowledge they encounter in their daily lives (Kus,
It is easy to teach my child how to multiply and divide
numbers because games are used like card games such
as dominoes and lucky nine and tong-its are familiar to
Enhanced Mathematics Learning Kit improved the
learners’ level of numeracy skills as shown in the me.
RUNT posttest. It was also observed that there is a
According to Kus (2012), mathematics is a well-
leap in scores in summative tests and performance
established discipline whereas numeracy is necessarily
tasks as learners enjoyed the inclusion of game-based
interdisciplinary. Thus, mathematics learning kits as an
activities in the mathematics learning kit. The
intervention provide activities wherein learners could
mathematics teacher has observed and recorded an
collaborate and communicate through inquiring their
increase in score in my learner’s summative tests in
parents and friends in solving mathematical equations.
In addition, learners were able to relate and connect
“Sang una, ang score ni Mike sa summative tests na their real-life experiences at home or during play while
solving the numerical equations (Belleza, 2018).
tag 4 out of 25 lang, sbung nagtaas don. Kis a maka
Lastly, learners were able to use manipulative tools
score na siya sang 19 out 25 okun kisa maka score
including technology-based manipulatives such as
siya sa iya performance task sang 41 out of 50. calculators, laptops, and cellphones to accomplish the
Mahapos abi sundon ang mga activities nga ginhatag task written in the mathematics learning kit.
kag ang instructions may translation pa.” -Sir Manny
“Ginapa-isip ako kung pira kabilog ang amon nga
Before, Mike’s score in the summative test was 4 out pinggan kag kutsara sa balay. Nasadyahan gid ako sa
of 25, now there is a notable increase. Sometimes he hampang nga gabutay. Ginapagabot ko si nanay ka
can get a score of 19 out of 25 and there is a time that numero sa baraha halin sa alas asta king dayun gin
he can get a score of 41 out of 50 on his performance
multiply ko ang gingabot na sa nagabot ko nga
task. It is easier to follow the activities given since
baraha. Sadya magtuon pay!”-Angel
instructions are translated in Mother Tongue.
The activity required me to count the number of plates
The increase was brought by the scaffolding activities
and spoons we have at home. I enjoyed the card game
in the mathematics learning kit which are
the most, wherein, I asked a family member to pick a
contextualized and based on the level of the learner's
card from Ace to King and multiply the number picked
intellectual mathematical abilities. It was also recorded
to the card I picked prior to it. I am happy to learn!
that some learners were not able to get a 75% passing
score in summative tests but there is a rise in their
“Tungod ka mathematics learning kit, ginpahulam ako
scores compared to before without any intervention.
ni nanay ka ana nga cellphone kag ginpa search sa
Involvement of parents is important to develop a internet kung paano mag multiply kag mag divide.
learner's mathematical skills. As supported by Van Naga chat man ako kay sir kung daw nabudlayan ako
Voorhis F. L., Maier, M. F., Epstein, J.L., & Lloyd, mag-intindi ka ana instructions.”-Josh
C.M., (2013), parents from diverse backgrounds, when
given direction, can become more engaged with their The Mathematics Learning Kit allowed me to borrow
children. And when parents are more engaged, my mother’s cell phone and search on the internet the
children tend to do better. The mathematics learning correct way of multiplying and dividing numbers. I

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

also chatted with our teacher if I cannot understand the Conclusions

instructions written on the activity sheets.

Action Plan Schools and teachers during these pandemic times are
determined on creating active working collaborations
The main objective of this study is to improve the with parents, to empower parents to contribute to their
numeracy skills of learners through the enhanced child’s numeracy development in the absence of face-
mathematics learning kit with parental involvement at to-face classes. In this study, this was done by creating
homes during the pandemic times. More so, the low the opportunity for parents to engage in numeracy-
numeracy skills among identified non-numerates will related activities through enhanced mathematics
worsen if not given attention. Hence, the enhanced learning kits with their children in the home
mathematics learning kit with the help of parents at environment.
homes is foreseen by the researcher to be one of the
The objective of the study is to improve the numeracy
solutions to address the problem. Without qualms, the
skills of the identified non-numerate learners through
positive result of this study will be disseminated for
the enhanced mathematics learning kit with parental
replication and utilization. Dissemination and
involvement at homes that serve as the medium of
utilization of the research results include the addressing the absence of teachers during learning in
following: (a) research conferences/forums, (b) the pandemic times.
Learning Action Cells (LAC) Sessions, (c) In-Service
Training, and (d) Enhanced School Improvement Plan Based on the findings of the study, the following
(e-SIP) of the school. conclusions were drawn: (1) The enhanced
mathematics learning kit containing a well-designed
Research Conferences/Forums. It will be a good exercise, arranged from simple to complex, easy to
avenue for researchers in the Schools Division of Iloilo comprehend and very interactive to the learners has
to share research findings, gather new inputs and be significantly improved the numeracy skills of the non-
able to create policies in the areas but not limited to numerate learners. (2) The content, skills, and
the teaching-learning in Mathematics. Furthermore, principles in each activity embedded in the enhanced
after the conference, they can widely disseminate mathematics learning kit are adequate and complete
information through publishing journals. that makes it effective in improving the learners’
numeracy skills. (3) Guided parental involvement in
Learning Action Cells (LAC) Sessions. The result of facilitating the enhanced mathematics learning kit has
the study can be shared to the school heads, master aggregate effects in creating a significant improvement
teachers, and teachers which serves as their basis for in non-numerate learners’ numeracy skills to continue
their future teaching-learning strategies. This will learning numeracy at homes.
guide teachers to create instructional materials to
enhance numeracy skills suited to the context of their Furthermore, learning numeracy is a great challenge to
learners. learners, parents, and teachers, but if we look at the
brighter side of it, numeracy can be something that we
In-Service Training. The discussion on the result of the want to embrace for it is a part of our daily lives.
study and how it can be utilized as one of the topics
Based on the analysis and positive results of the
will be presented. This is one of the ways to empower
findings of this study, the following recommendations
other teachers to make their own innovation in the
are advanced that identify for further investigations to
enhancement of teaching and learning processes be undertaken for teaching and learning: (1) Teachers
specifically in teaching numeracy among children. as facilitators of learning will benefit from gaining self-
satisfaction if they are motivated to develop and to
Enhanced School Improvement Plan (eSIP). Research utilize teaching exercises which eventually make their
results can be included and incorporated in the eSIP. lesson delivery easier and effective. As second
School planning activities may set forth possible parents, teachers must continue giving quality
venues or repertoire for research topics. In the same mathematics education since the subject can be very
way, the researcher will promote the production and beneficial for the learners in many ways. Teachers
utilization of instructional materials to enhance the must be innovative as they should be through their
competence of learners and to address the common initiatives. Continuing education in Mathematics,
dilemma of the lack of contextualized learning specifically for teachers teaching numeracy, could be a
resource materials amid pandemic times. great help since as time goes by, new approaches and

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

techniques in teaching the subject are formulated, and schools. (6) Curriculum designers might also consider
it requires a modern and innovative teacher to do such revisiting the mathematics programs in our schools to
and to cater the needs of his or her learners. provide a more amicable avenue and varied
Furthermore, teachers and schools should provide instructional designs for learning math and fill in the
additional insights to parents so that they can have a gaps and issues that may arise along the way. (7)
grasp on their child’s numeracy development and to These recommendations might also inspire research
have an updated information needed about existing practitioners to be lifelong collaborators and find out
mathematical practices and its rationale. (2) School or formulate new solutions to the perennial problems
heads, as stewards of the institution, may direct in Mathematics Education. They may come up with
teachers to develop instructional materials to be developing instructional materials using other
utilized in their teaching even in times of pandemic to strategies or methods and trying these materials
ensure an enabling and effective learning to happen. In whether it is effective in improving the learner's
this manner, they are encouraged to work hand in hand numeracy and parental involvement during learning at
with the teachers and other stakeholders to produce homes. Other researchers may opt to conduct a study
quality and practical instructional materials to address integrating the use of technology and other
the problem in numeracy. (3) Parents, on the other manipulatives to cater the needs of the lost, last, and
hand, should be the support systems. Both success and least learners in Mathematics.
failure in learning Mathematics are of the same value.
Success means keeping up the excellent work and
sharing, whereas failure means more exciting References
discoveries and learnings. During these times, parents
should be there to support their children and expose Anthony, G. & Walshaw, M. (2007). Effective pedagogy in
mathematics. Pangarau. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Education.
them to Mathematics’ realms slowly in an enjoyable
way since learning the subjects requires effort and Arafah, K., Sutiawati, M. D., Sudirman, R., Arafah, B., & Arafah,
creativity. With the enhanced mathematics learning A. N. (2020). The development of guided inquiry-based learning
kit, parents were given a great chance to partake a little worksheet assisted by livewire simulations in alternating current.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.
time to be with their children while learning numeracy
at home. They became active facilitators of learning Belleza, M.J. (2018). Developing mathematical skills through
and accountable for learning numeracy during these technology enhanced learning with manipulatives. Unpublished
difficult times. It helped them to teach fundamental Action Research, College of Education- Graduate School, West
values in learning mathematics. During the Visayas State University, Iloilo City
intervention, parents were able to discover essential Department of Education (2016). K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum
potentials of their child. With these experiences, Guide.
parents are excited and motivated to send their
Department of Education. (2020). K to 12 Curriculum Guide
children to school with their support to acquire quality
learning which is vital in life.
DepEd Order No.12 s. 2020. Adoption of the Basic Education
Moreover, (4) learners as the ultimate recipients of the Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in the Light of
study may find the utilization of the enhanced the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
mathematics learning kit meaningful in learning
Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N.E., and Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to
numeracy. They should learn to love learning design and evaluate research in education, 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill
mathematics at an early age since it can help them in Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
countless ways. They may embrace learning for the 10020
rewards will truly amaze them in the end. With the
Kus, M., (2018). Numeracy. Brock Education Journal 27(2).
intervention, they became thirstier to learn DOI:10.26522/brocked.v27i2.579
Mathematics. To learn certain subjects like
Mathematics, specifically numeracy is a laborious Muir, T. (2009). At home with numeracy: empowering parents to be
progression that will gradually boost their self- active participants in their child’s numeracy development.

confidence and assertiveness in the learning process. Riawan A., Suyatna A., Herlina, K. (2019). Practicality and
(5) On the other hand, the Department of Education effectiveness of student workshets using inquiry-based learning
must look down to the roots of the problems existing assisted by basic mathematics skills to develop critical thinking.
in schools and organize and develop projects and International Journal of Innovative Science and Research
Technology- ISSN No:-2456-2165. Volume 4, Issue 8.
programs to know their learners better and strengthen
the connection with its stakeholders to provide Saavedra, J. (2020). Educational challenges and opportunities of the
necessary quality Mathematics Education among coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic.

Mark John A. Belleza

Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6922388, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine students' performance in mathematics in lucena city national high
Refugees in the Near East-Department of Education (2013). School school – mayao parada extension: basis for remediation program.
Based Teacher Development Programme (SBTD)- Transforming
Classroom Practices
Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Valchez, M. (2013). Numeracy skills: List, definition, and
Mark John A. Belleza
Van Voorhis F. L., Maier, M. F., Epstein, J.L., & Lloyd, C.M., West Visayas State University
(2013). The impact of family involvement on the education of Pototan Campus, Visayas, Philippines
children ages 3 to 8, a focus on literacy and math achievement
outcomes and social-emotional skills.

Villanueva, A. S. (2015). Numeracy level test results as predictor of

Mark John A. Belleza


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