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Movie Analysis
To the Bone

I. Title of the Movie

II. Introduction:
Include the following:
Name of the movie, prominent stars, basic setting (time and place), type of film
(comedy, adventure, drama, etc). Provide a rating (How do you rate the movie?
To the Bone is a 2017 American drama film, written and directed by Marti Noxon. The film follows a
young woman, portrayed by Lily Collins, as she battles anorexia. Drama and I will rate it 10/10.

III. Body (Movie Summary)

A. Write the short summary of the movie.

To the Bone follows Ellen (Lily Collins), a young girl who has struggled with anorexia for quite
some time. She’s tried multiple things to try and get past it but can’t seem to find a way to fix her
disease. Her step mother Susan (Carrie Preston) sets up a session with Dr. William Beckham
(Keanu Reeves) because the word of mouth is that he’s the best person to put her on the right
track. Dr. Beckham has her stay at a home with several others who are struggling with the same
disease. As Ellen continues to struggle with her disease, Dr. Beckham challenges her and tries to
get her to embrace life rather than continue to struggle.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the triggering factors in the development of the eating disorder?
-Factors that may contribute to eating disorder:
 Family history of eating disorders
 Chemical imbalances that relate to hunger, appetite, and satisfaction
 Temperament traits
 Social media & marketing
 Negative body talk
 The “normalcy” of diet culture
 Societal pressure to obtain a certain body type
 Societal beauty standards
 Lack of healthy coping strategies
 Difficulty expressing emotion and feelings
 History of abuse and trauma
 Temperament traits such as: obsessive thinking, perfectionism, sensitivity to reward and

 Depression and anxiety

 Low self-esteem

2. Do you think the childhood experiences of the main character affected her
current life? Why?
Yes, Ellen lost intention, love, and affection when her parents divorced. Moreover, this divorce results in
poor communication. Between Ellen's parents and Ellen. So, the two internal forces cause Ellen to feel
alone and also when Ellen's self-esteem declined, she eventually developed anorexia.
3. How does the anorexia nervosa affect the lives of people in the story?

To the Bone shows different behaviors to represent how someone with an eating disorder may act and it
uses several characters to portray a variety of eating disorder behaviors. Throughout the movie, Ellen
wraps her hands around her bicep to see if she can get her fingers to touch. This is known as “body
checking.” Other eating disorder symptoms accurately shown in the movie include: self-induced
vomiting, over-exercising, bingeing, chewing and spitting, loss of menses, calorie counting, fear of
gaining weight and food restriction.

The movie also captures a family’s desperation when a loved one develops an eating disorder and them

struggles throughout recovery. Ellen’s disorder affects the whole family and no matter how much they

try to help, their efforts fail. They seek the cause and a solution and will do anything, including

bottle-feeding their child. This treatment is not recommended as there is no evidence that it’s effective.

The family is an ally, and should be used as a very important part of recovery. To the Bone misses an

opportunity to empower families to be actively involved in treatment.

4. Do you think her getting into the eating facility treatment help her recover?
How and Why?
Yes, the first goal of treatment is getting back to a healthy weight. You can't recover from anorexia
without returning to a healthy weight and learning proper nutrition. Those involved in this process may
include: Your primary care doctor, who can provide medical care and supervise your calorie needs and
weight gain.
In the movie, Beckham is seen working with Ellen one-on-one in therapy to help her get better. His
participants included Ellen's mother, half-sister, stepmother, and her mother's boyfriend in family
sessions. Despite the fact that the doctor does both solo and family sessions, the overall treatment strategy
does not correspond to a widely accepted, well-established therapeutic plan.
5. What do you think is the most important factor that led to the client’s
An important factor in the recovery process is the presence and involvement of people who believe in the
person's ability to recover; who offer hope, support, and encouragement; and who also suggest strategies
and resources for change.
6. In today’s society, how could we prevent eating disorders among the
Be honest with your child when discussing self-image, and reassure them that different body types exist.
When your child is present, refrain from critiquing your own physique. Children can develop a strong
sense of self-worth and resilience by hearing messages of acceptance and respect, which will help them
get through the challenging times of adolescence.
C. Questions to stimulate your thoughts
1. What is the message of this movie? Do you agree or disagree with it?
I agree to this movie and it captures the psychological toll anorexia may have on an individual as well as
their support system. It provides an empathetic look at what someone may be thinking, feeling, and
experiencing if they were diagnosed with anorexia and going through treatment.
2. Was there something you didn’t understand about the film? What was that?
No, the film is full with lessons.

3. What did you like best about the movie? Why?

It has gorgeous shots, excellent performances, and endearing potential. It's humorous. It features
frightful appearances by mediocre actors who are as thin as paper in order to play their characters. The
acting of Lily Collins had me quite impressed. The message that the film is attempting to convey
impresses me.

4. What did you like least about the film? Why?

Group therapy is common in treatment in higher levels of care. To the Bone portrays a group of patients
who form supportive relationships fairly quickly - something that is typically hard for someone with an
active eating disorder. Ellen and a male patient develop an intimate relationship, which could be very
difficult for someone with an eating concern. Near the end of the movie, we see Ellen find hope for what
appears to be the first time. Many things preceded this, including a dream about her male peer.
However, it is not common for patients to fully recover solely for someone else.
To the Bone raises awareness of eating disorders and demonstrates the resistance to treatment one
might experience. Eating disorders result in serious consequences if left untreated. If your child or
someone you know is struggling with one, please reach out for help or encourage them to do so.

5. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?

The Pearl character appeals to me. She has an eating disorder and is still having trouble consuming a lot
of calories at the age of 21. She fights hard to be the best version of herself while being perceived as the
sickest participant and facing threats of expulsion from the program.

The second one is doctor William Beckham, a unique medical professional. At a Children's Hospital on
Grace Avenue, he assists outpatients with eating problems. The patients go to therapy and, depending
on their development, may spend a few weeks or months as inpatients.

6. Who was your least favorite character in the film? Why?

None; I enjoy each character since they all worked hard to make a fantastic movie.

IV. (Conclusion) Give your overall reaction to the movie as your opinion on the quality of movie

and how you want the movie to end and also include your recommendation for potential


This movie has a lot of things to teach, so I recommend it to students. Eating disorders have the
potential to be fatal, damaging to relationships, and debilitating. That's the main takeaway I got from
watching To the Bone, warts and all. We can't control the future, but we can change how we act
towards it. Even if there isn't always much, we can do to stop bad things from happening, I think we can
change the way we approach our challenges.

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