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Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

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Late Pleistocene and Holocene large magnitude earthquakes along Himalayan Frontal
Thrust in the Central Seismic Gap in NW Himalaya, Kala Amb, India
G. Philip ⁎, S.S. Bhakuni, N. Suresh
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33 General Mahadeo Singh Road, Dehra Dun-248 001, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) forms the southernmost active tectonic mountain front of the Himalaya. To
Received 16 April 2012 understand the ongoing tectonics further, paleoseismological study has been carried out in the vicinity of the HFT
Received in revised form 11 September 2012 system along the Himalayan Front near Kala Amb, India. The trench excavation survey conducted across an ex-
Accepted 13 September 2012
plicit surface exposure of the HFT exhibits two distinct faults considered to be associated with the reactivation of
Available online 23 September 2012
the HFT where the Middle Siwalik rocks (Late Miocene) have repeatedly thrust over the Late Pleistocene and
Holocene sediments. Presence of large-sized coseismically induced sand-injection feature and its disposition rec-
Active faults ognized in the trench also suggest occurrence of large magnitude earthquakes in this region. An uplifted and
Paleoseismology upwarped strath terrace, 3 to 5 m thick alluvium, resting over the 15 m high Middle Siwaliks, abruptly truncated
Trench excavation by the HFT indicates its latest activity. Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating techniques were employed to
Himalayan Frontal Thrust constrain the chronology of events. The long term slip rate of the abandoned terraces due to the activity of the
Seismic hazard HFT is estimated to be 3.4 mm/yr or greater since Late Holocene. The paleoseismological investigations have pro-
NW Himalaya vided unambiguous evidences of at least two large magnitude earthquakes occurred in this region where an
earthquake with 12 m or larger surface displacement and magnitude 7.5 or greater hit this region in the period
between 29.3 ka and 17 ka in the Late Pleistocene and another great earthquake recurred with 20–22 m or more
surface displacement and magnitude of 7.7 or greater between 5.8 ka and 2 ka in the Holocene. The present
study is the first time report of multiple large magnitude paleoearthquakes in the northwestern part of the
Frontal Himalaya during Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The repeated reactivation of HFT substantiates high seis-
mic potential of the Frontal Himalaya and calls for more extensive study of paleoearthquakes of this vastly pop-
ulous mountainous region.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of the Himalaya. All the above NW–SE striking south verging thrusts be-
lieved to be merging into a common decollement, the Main Himalayan
The collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates around 50 Ma Thrust (MHT) (Brown et al., 1996; Nelson and Project INDEPTH Team,
along the Indus–Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) has subsequently resulted 1998; Seeber and Armbuster, 1984). As a result of ongoing convergence
to the uplift of the Himalaya, the highest mountain belt of the world. along the Himalayan Front and its influence in the Outer Himalaya,
The plate motion models and GPS based measurements indicate that many imbricate structures have also been developed subsequently
the convergence between the Indian and Eurasian plates is about (Fig. 1). The convergence and shortening have been accommodated
40–50 mm/year (Banerjee and Bürgmann, 2002). Of these, ~10 to along various thrust planes and have eventually resulted in generation
20 mm/yr of convergence is accommodated along the entire Himalayan of numerous seismogenic active faults along the deforming Himalayan
arc and the remaining is accommodated beyond the Himalaya towards Front.
the north. The continued convergence of the Indian plate has produced The historic records of past seismic events in the Himalaya are poor-
linear zones of deformation, resulting in crustal shortening, especially ly documented and only a very few site-specific paleoseismological
along the prominent boundary faults of the Himalayan orogenic belt studies have been carried out to recognize causative active faults and
(Gansser, 1964; Lyon-Caen and Molnar, 1983; Seeber and Armbuster, the paleoearthquakes. For example, in the Outer Himalaya or the Foot
1984; Valdiya, 2003). These crustal scale major tectonic features identi- Hills (Fig. 1), lying between the MBT and HFT, so far few active faults
fied as the Main Central Thrust (MCT), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) have been reported (Kumar et al., 2001, 2006; Malik and Mathew,
and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), have contributed to the present 2005; Malik and Nakata, 2003; Malik et al., 2003, 2008, 2010; Nakata,
day structural and topographic architecture of the fold and thrust belt 1972, 1989, Philip and Virdi, 2006; Philip et al., 2011 and references
therein), which have generated major earthquakes. A trench excavation
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 135 2525407; fax: +91 135 2525200. survey across the HFT near Kala Amb reports evidence of two large
E-mail address: (G. Philip). magnitude earthquakes during the past 650 years subsequent to

0040-1951/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 163

Fig. 1. Regional geological set up and seismicity of the Himalaya. a. Map showing the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and the significant earthquakes (Ambraseys and Douglas,
2004; Khattri, 1987; Quittmeyer and Jacob, 1979; Rajendran and Rajendran, 2005). b. Major thrust faults (MHT, MCT, MBT and HFT) and meizoseismal zones (shaded and labeled
with year) of major historical earthquakes along the Himalayan arc and location of the study area. c. Generalized NE–SW geologic section (N–S in Fig. b) across the central portion of
the Himalayan arc (Seeber and Armbruster, 1981).

1294 A.D. and 1423 A.D., and another possible rupture around 260 A.D. During the last 600 years, along the whole Himalayan arc, four sig-
(Kumar et al., 2001). Evidence of two parallel to sub-parallel nificant earthquakes occurred which are either instrumentally or his-
active-fault traces along the Himalayan Front around Chandigarh has torically documented (Quittmeyer and Jacob, 1979). They are the June
provided additional information on the imbricated faulting pattern that 12, 1897 Shillong (Mw~ 8.1); April 4, 1905 Kangra (Mw7.8); January
branches out from the HFT system (Malik et al., 2003, 2008). The HFT 15, 1934 Bihar–Nepal (M~ 8.3), and August 15, 1950 Assam (M~ 8.7).
near Chandigarh (Fig. 2) has repeatedly ruptured in the past as is evident The existing historical records also supplement a few more major earth-
from fault scarps with heights varying from 15 to 38 m. The Optically quakes in the Himalaya which are estimated to be M> 7.5. These are
Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dates suggest the occurrence of a the September 1, 1803 Garhwal (M 7.7); August 26, 1833 Kathmandu
major earthquake around 1300–1400 A.D. Malik et al. (2010) have car- (M 7.7); August 28, 1916 western Nepal (M 7.3); July 29, 1947 Assam
ried out trench excavation survey along the northwestern end of the earthquakes (Ambraseys and Jackson, 2003).
Janauri anticline (Fig. 2) in the foothill zone and have reported occur- Evidence of recurring paleoearthquakes in the northwestern Frontal
rence of a large magnitude earthquake around 400 years ago. Data of Himalaya is therefore significantly important for recognizing the
micro-seismicity from temporary/permanent stations has also shown earthquake hazard of these zones. Based on paleoseismological investi-
high percentage of clustering of microearthquakes in some areas of gations, we present here evidences of large magnitude multiple
northwestern Himalaya (Kayal, 2001). However, with limited instru- paleoearthquakes that have produced surface rupture along the HFT,
mental data and poorly documented historic records of large and moder- in the northwestern Himalayan front, near Kala Amb, Himachal
ate earthquakes, it is difficult to reasonably evaluate seismic potential of Pradesh, India (Figs. 2 and 3). The earthquakes to occur within a future
any region along the ~2500 km east–west stretch of the Himalayan arc. time span of concern to society will be therefore very important in the
As per the available information on seismicity and GPS based highly populous region of the Frontal and Foot Hills of the northwestern
monitoring of crustal movements, the thickly populated areas of the Himalaya.
Ganga plain, Outer and Lesser Himalayan realms are prone to major
earthquakes. The area between 1905 Kangra and 1934 Bihar–Nepal 1.1. Data sources and methodology
earthquakes has been categorized as the Central Seismic Gap
(Khattri and Tyagi, 1983) and has a high probability for one or more CORONA satellite photographs taken October 1965, multi-spectral
M > 8 Himalayan earthquakes in this century (Bilham et al., 2001). satellite data of IRS-ID-LISS-III and PAN acquired 04 October 2002,
The losses in terms of life and property would be much higher than CARTOSAT-1 acquired 08 June, 2007 and black and white aerial pho-
for the great earthquakes experienced in the past hundred years be- tographs taken 1988 of the Frontal area constituted the main data
cause of the explosive growth of population and industrial establish- source for the present study. The DEM for part of the study area
ments in the Frontal-Outer Himalayan realm in the last half a century. taken from the SRTM data has been useful to map some of the
164 G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

Fig. 2. Regional location map (SRTM image) showing major duns in the Outer Himalaya and the study area near Kala Amb. Inset: regional geological set up of part of the Outer
Himalaya between the rivers Ganga and Satluj.

major structures. Additionally, the satellite images provided by was carried out across the HFT at Singhauli village, near Kala Amb. To-
Google™ have also been found reasonably useful as they could pro- pographic profiles across the fault have been prepared, using Total
vide the 3D expressions of the terrain. A trench excavation survey Station, to understand the variation in the ground surface levels due

Fig. 3. Geological map: a. Geological map of the area showing major lithological and structural features of the Frontal Himalaya around Kala Amb. The Kala Amb Fault has dextrally displaced
the Siwaliks (Srivastava et al., 1981). b. Schematic cross section across the HFT in the study area, Kala Amb showing the Siwaliks thrusting over Indo–Ganga Alluvium (IGA). c. Corona sat-
ellite photograph showing the Kala Amb Fault and the trench location near Singhauli in the Frontal Himalaya. Location of the strath terrace of the Markanda River is also shown in the figure.
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 165

to the multiple fault activities. Selected samples of the sedimentary terraces (T1, T2 and T3) observed along the Singhauli Nala, which are
units collected from the trench as well as from the fluvial terraces situated at 2 m, 5 m and 20 m above the present day stream bed
were dated by OSL technique at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan (Fig. 4). The oldest strath terrace (T3) deposit, consists of 2–3 m thick
Geology, Dehradun, India. rounded pebble–cobble–gravel bed with overlying 1–2 m thick layer
of loamy sand (Fig. 5) resting over the Siwalik rocks (15 m). However,
1.1.1. Geological setting the younger terraces (T2 and T1) do not have any capping layer of
The study area is situated in the northwestern Frontal Himalaya at loamy sand or if existed must have eroded away in due course of
Singhauli village, ~10 km southeast of the Kala Amb township (Fig. 2). time. Explicit expression of the Middle Siwalik sandstone riding over,
The HFT in the Kala Amb area is a 20–30°N or NNE dipping thrust. It uplifting and deforming the terrace material is observed at the exit of
brings the Tertiary rocks (here the Middle Siwalik sandstones) over Singhauli Nala, near Singhauli village. Here the uplifted strath terrace,
the Quaternary alluvium (here the Indo–Ganga Alluvium) in the pied- resting over the Middle Siwaliks is abruptly truncated by the HFT
mont zone (Fig. 3). Active deformation along the HFT is recognized by (Fig. 6a). This terrace (T3) surface, which is ~20 m above the present
the presence of fault scarps (although presently scarps are degraded day river bed forming the hanging wall of the HFT, has also been
and modified to some extent), and uplifted and back tilted Late Pleisto- upwarped (Fig. 6b). At the same elevation of ~20 m, uplifted strath
cene and Holocene deposits. Ongoing land modification in the region terrace (~T3) are also observed at Pamuwala (Fig. 3a), 2.5 km west of
has suppressed the tectonic landform features and presently very subtle the trench site. The terrace is comprised of 2–3 m thick rounded
and discontinuous expression of the fault is identifiable on the surface. pebble–cobble–gravels and overlying 1–2 m thick layer of loamy sand
The HFT, in general, trends NW–SE and has also been displaced by (Fig. 5) as in the case of the T3 terraces at Singhauli Nala. Fluvial strath
several transverse faults. The Kala Amb transverse fault near Kala terraces are widely observed along the northwestern Frontal Himalaya.
Amb, has apparently displaced the surface trace of the HFT by over In the Mohand region (Fig. 2), which is ~70 km east of the present study
5 km (Fig. 3). Geologically and topographically the area can be divided area, similar fluvial strath terrace deposits exposed 20 to 30 m above
into two broad segments separated by the HFT viz. the Siwalik foreland the present day stream level are observed (Wesnousky et al., 1999).
terrain to the north and the piedmont zone to the south (Fig. 3). Comparable fluvial strath terraces of the Markanda River, which is
The Siwalik sediments of the Neogene foreland basin in the study ~8 km west of the present study area (Fig. 3c), placed 23 m above the
area are represented by the gray and brown sandstones and mud- active stream are also observed (Kumar et al., 2001). These fluvial strath
stones with bedding-parallel layers of cemented concretionary layers terraces are interpreted to have been uplifted by the activity of the HFT.
that are characteristic of the Middle Siwaliks. The rocks are folded into
NW–SE trending open folds which developed on the limbs of the re- 3. Trench excavation and paleoseismic investigation
gional Dhanaura anticline (Fig. 3a) with its hinge line passing about
2 km north of Singhauli village. About 3 km east from the present A trench excavation survey for paleoseismic investigation was car-
study area, the Dhanaura anticline has been described as an open cy- ried out ~ 11 km east of Kala Amb township, along the left bank of
lindrical fold with limbs dipping 20–25° towards NNE and SSW direc- Singhauli Nala, across the faulted and displaced fluvial terrace in the
tions (Raiverman et al., 1983; Srivastava et al., 1981). However, in the topographic front of the HFT at Singhauli village (Fig. 7). The exposure
study area, this fold has become south verging overturned asymmetric has been further excavated (32 m long and 7 m deep) for detailed
fold due to displacement along the HFT (Fig. 3b). The Siwaliks, ex- paleoseismic investigation. The hand-log prepared of the trench
posed in many deep cut streams, display complex deformation wall (Fig. 8) helped reconstruction of the litho-stratigraphic succes-
under brittle conditions. The deformation has produced joints, frac- sion of the deposits, which consist mainly of clastic deposits of fluvial
tures and folds (Raiverman et al., 1993; Srivastava and John, 1999). origin (Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments) overlying the Mid-
The Piedmont Zone, south of the HFT, is constituted by coalescing dle Siwaliks (the Tertiary rocks). Although the lithologic units in the
alluvial fans deposited by the streams with low gradient emerg- trench wall show stratification, they are further deformed and the
ing from the Siwalik mountain range. The region receives about sedimentary units at places have distinct erosional contacts with the
1600 mm/yr rainfall of which about 80–85% falls during the months overlying units.
of July to September. These streams originate in the Outer Himalayan
Foot Hills and drain to the Ganga plain. The stream beds are com- 3.1. Litho-units in the trench
posed of rounded pebble and cobble gravels in the sand matrix and
locally, within the gravel bars beds of well sorted fine grained sand. Based on variations of color, matrix, size and the distribution of
The streams have often cut two or three sets of terraces. The fan ter- the clasts, it was possible to distinguish individual sedimentary
races consist of unconsolidated gravels, sand and mud through which units within the excavated section. Besides the oldest Middle Siwalik
streams have often cut deep gorges. The fans slope 5°–7° to south and sandstone (Unit A), the Quaternary units are divided into eight sepa-
also support local drainage. Due to rapid changes in the terrain and rate principal sedimentary sub lithological units, from Unit B (oldest)
the fast progressing reclamation of land for agricultural activity and to Unit I (youngest) (Fig. 8). They are comprised of sub angular to an-
construction of numerous water storage structures along the moun- gular, pebble to boulder clasts and are matrix or clasts-supported. The
tain front, the original depositional features are often severely modi- boulders vary in size from few centimeters to at places > 1.5 m.
fied. The terraces observed along some of the streams consist of Compositionally the clasts consist of gray and pink sandstone indicat-
gravel and sandy layers with local clay horizons. South of the HFT, a ing their derivation from the Tertiary mountain ranges. The thickness
number of possible blind faults and lineaments have also caused of the individual sedimentary sub litho-units ranges between 20 cm
local uplift and subsidence of the ground (Yeats and Thakur, 2008). to more than 2 m.
The uplifted terrain has undergone rapid erosion due to intense Unit B, the oldest unit in the trench is composed silty sand as injec-
rainfall resulting into gullying and progressive development of tion feature (Fig. 8). Unit C, consisting of silty clay with infrequent oc-
badlands. currence of pebbles and gravel, has a maximum thickness of 2 m. This
unit is dramatically deformed (folded and faulted) in a non-brittle man-
2. Fluvial terraces ner and at places its thickness also has changed severely. Unit D is com-
posed of broken sub angular boulders and pebbles with sandy clay
Singhauli Nala is one among the many seasonal streams emerges matrix besides occasional occurrence of few large sized boulders
from the Siwalik range and traverses through the study area, which whose ratio to matrix is less than 20%. This unit at some stage has also
has high discharge during the monsoon in the HFT zone. Three main undergone severe deformation and got dismembered, therefore its
166 G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

Fig. 4. Fluvial terrace deposits: a. Panoramic view of the three levels of fluvial terraces in the area which are overlying the uplifted Middle Siwaliks. View is towards north. T3 is the
oldest and maximum uplifted terrace, whereas T2 and T1 are the younger terraces formed subsequently. b. Close up view of the area shown within the box in figure a. Left bank of
the Singhauli Nala shows the disposition of T3 and T2 terraces and the underlying Middle Siwalik sandstone.

thickness also varies. The trench wall shows that Units C and D are and E. However, the tip of Fault I has been later on cut and covered
emplaced and deformed by upward and lateral injection of fine- (Fig. 9a) by a channel fill deposit (Unit I).
grained materials (Unit B) during a tectonic strain-releasing event. Another prominent fault, Fault II, ~5 m north of Fault I, has been
Unit E mainly consists of clayey sand (dry) with occasional presence identified in the trench (Figs. 7a, c, and 8). The fault plane shows a dip
of pebbles within it. The thickness of this unit varies from few centime- of 30°N where the Middle Siwalik sandstones (Unit A) thrust over the
ters to about 2 m in the trench. This unit also shows deformation and its fluvial terrace deposits (Units G and H). Fault II has uplifted and
subsequent erosion. Unit F consists of mainly gravels and pebbles and upwarped the fluvial terrace (T3). The base of T3 terrace is ~10 m
appeared to have undergone deformation. Unit G is the most widely above the T2 terrace surface in the Singhauli Nala. Pebbles belonging
distributed unit in the trench and composed mainly of large sized to the terrace deposits have also got entrained within the highly
rounded boulders, pebbles and gravels. Unit H, overlies Unit G, is mainly sheared Middle Siwalik sandstone (Fig. 10a) in this fault zone. In
composed of loamy sand. Its exposure is limited and gets mixed up with mudstone the closely spaced slaty cleavages developed only at the
the colluvium. Unit I is essentially a channel fill deposit, developed due base of the hanging wall of Fault II (Fig. 10b). Displacement of rocks
to partial incision of Units D, E, F and G, has also composed of large sized along the HFT has stretched the incompetent rocks due to
unsorted boulders, pebbles and gravels. The clasts are predominant as layer-parallel simple shearing. Extensional fractures (through which
compared to the matrix along an erosional contact with underlying seepage of water takes place) have also developed transverse to the
Unit E. bedding-parallel cleavages. The exposed outcrops were left for further
degradation by ongoing surface fluvial processes. The external geome-
try of the lithounits, the Siwaliks and the fluvial terrace (T3) in the
3.2. Faults hanging wall show upwarping.

From south to north, the trench wall shows three thrust faults: Fault 3.3. Induced deformation features — paleoliquefaction
0, Fault I and Fault II, which are parallel to sub parallel to the thrust
plane of the HFT (Figs. 6–8). Towards southernmost part of the trench Well defined diagnostic soft-sediment deformation and
within the Late Pleistocene fluvial sediments, Fault 0 displaced and de- paleoliquefaction features are recognized in the trench wall. These fea-
formed Units B, C, D, E and F. Towards ~9 m north of Fault 0 another tures are irregular in their size and shape and are basically consist of
fault, Fault I is observed (Fig. 8). This fault (Figs. 7b and 8) has a dip silty sand as injection features (Fig. 11). The large-sized sand injection
23°N where the Middle Siwalik sandstone has thrust over Units B, C, D has not only vertically uplifted and upwarped the overlying lithounits
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 167

Fig. 5. Fluvial strath terraces: a. Uplifted (20 m from the present day river bed) Quaternary fluvial terrace (T3) in the hanging wall at the HFT along Singhauli Nala. The terrace de-
posit has 1–2 m thick loamy sand at the top and 2–3 m thick gravel–pebble–boulder pebble–cobble–gravel below. The above assemblage overlies the Middle Siwalik sandstone at
Singhauli Nala. b. Another terrace with 3–5 m thick deposits observed at Pamuwala, 2.5 km west of Singhauli showing base of the terrace at 15 m above from the present day
Pamuwala Nala.

(Fig. 8) but has also dismembered some of the units (Units C and D). The the fluvial and strath terraces (Fig. 13). The Leica Total Station offers the
bowl shaped liquefied sand in the trench shows a vertical height of accuracy of angular measurement 1σ = 0.15 mgon (0.5″) and is equiv-
~5 m and has a lateral spread up to ~9 m (Figs. 8 and 11a). Part of the alent to a transverse deviation of 12 μm at a range of 5 m. Although the
dismembered units is also found trapped within the large injection fea- fault scarp has been degraded to a greater extent today, the topograph-
ture (Fig. 12). The sand injection feature is truncated by Fault I and has ical cross sections (Fig. 13c–f) show discreet surface elevation variations
neither dismembered nor deformed the overlying lithounits. Apart in the fault zone thereby substantiating manifestation of the surface de-
from this, other irregular features due to the liquefaction and vibrations formation due to repeated faulting in the area. The topographic profiles
originating from earthquakes or the water-escape from sediments are have also defined the elevations of important geomorphic marker sur-
also observed in the trench. Another relatively small and parallel exca- faces with reference to the present day river bed elevation (~345 m)
vation was carried out at a distance of ~10 m close to the right bank of of the Singhauli Nala. The top surface of the T3 terrace has been marked
Singhauli Nala away from the present liquefaction feature in the trench, at 365 m and the T2 terrace surface at 350 m elevation although the
has also verified the lateral extension of the large dimensional induced thicknesses of the terraces are marginally varying.
liquefaction feature (Fig. 11b).

5. Luminescence chronology
4. Topographic profiling
Selected samples, representing most of the lithologic units in the
In the mountain front region of the HFT at Kala Amb, the trench hanging wall and foot wall of the faults, were dated using the OSL
shows multiple faulting events. To comprehend the surface manifesta- technique to constrain the chronology of events (Table 1). The quartz
tion and related ground surface elevation changes in the close vicinity grains from the samples were extracted after removing carbonate and
of the faults, few topographical cross profiles were prepared, using organic matter by chemical treatment (10% HCl and 30% H2O2), siev-
Total Station (Leica TPS 5000) along and across the fault zone including ing, density separation and HF etching (80 min) by following the
168 G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

Fig. 6. Himalayan Frontal Thrust: a. Panoramic view of the mountain front and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) near Kala Amb where the Middle Siwalik rocks (MSw) are thrusting
over the Quaternary alluvium. View is towards the east. The trench location is shown within the box (outlined in red). b. The strath terrace (T3), 3 to 5 m thick Holocene sediments
resting on the exposed 15 m thick Middle Siwaliks, rides over Late Pleistocene sediments (LPs) along HFT. The T3 terrace is abruptly truncated by the HFT at the trench site. The
arrows (in green) show reactivation of the HFT along two discrete faults.

standard methods (Aitken, 1985). The purity of the etched quartz Initially, eleven selected samples from the trench as well as from the
(i.e. for any feldspar contaminations) is checked by infra-red stimulated adjoining fluvial terraces were dated by the OSL technique (Table 1).
luminescence technique. The etched quartz grains were later fixed into The two samples (SNT-8 and SNT-12) dated from Unit B, the in-
stainless steel disks (small aliquots of 3 mm size) using silicon oil for duced sand injection structure (Fig. 8) show ages of 79.25± 9.61 and
determining the radiation energy received by the sample after its burial 63.35 ±7.46 ka, respectively. The bottom most exposed portion of
(i.e. paleodose or equivalent dose). The OSL measurements were carried Unit C (Fig. 8) in the trench (SNT-3) gives an age of 34.12± 4.49 ka.
out on an automated Riso TL-DA 20 reader equipped with blue light Similarly the OSL samples from Unit C, in the hanging wall (SNT-17)
emitting diodes following Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) protocol and foot wall (SNT-18) of Fault 0 also show comparable ages of
(Murray and Wintle, 2000, 2003). The equivalent dose values were 34.51 ±3.63 ka and 36.37± 2.42 ka, respectively. Unit E in the footwall
calculated using the initial integral of the OSL (0.8 s) using Duller's (SNT-13) of Fault I shows an age of 29.26± 1.92 ka. The sample
Annalyse software. For the annual dose rate estimation, concentrations (SNT-24) from the top portion of the Late Pleistocene sediments (Unit
of uranium, thorium and potassium in the sediments were measured by H) in the footwall of Fault II (Fig. 8) shows an age of 17.02±1.96 ka.
XRF. The present water content was determined for all the samples by The top most strath terrace i.e. T3 terrace (Fig. 13b) gives an age
heating them at 100 °C. (SNQ-41) of 5.78± 0.33 ka. The channel fill deposit (SNQ-25) observed
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 169

Fig. 7. Earthquake faults: a. Panoramic view of the trench wall (with 1 m grid) showing two distinct faults (F–F shown in arrows), where the Middle Siwalik sandstone (MSw)
thrust over the Late Pleistocene sediments (LPs) at the HFT, Kala Amb. b. and c. Close up views of part of the two paleoearthquake faults (Fault I, the older and Fault II, the younger)
observed in the trench. Depositional contact of the Quaternary alluvium with the Middle Siwaliks is shown by shaded lines.

in the trench (Fig. 8) has an age of 4.27 ±0.61 ka. The T2 terrace to- liquefaction effects become relatively common during an earthquake
wards south (Fig. 13b), adjoining the trench, shows a younger age of of magnitude >5.5 (Ambraseys, 1988). Depths of liquefied source
2.06± 0.18 ka (SNQ-3) to the topmost litho-unit and the T1 terrace beds most commonly reported are less than a few tens of meters
(SNQ-4) shows the youngest age as 1.2± 0.02 ka (Fig. 13b). (Seed, 1979). The minimum value of peak accelerations required for
formation of liquefaction features decreases with increasing magnitude,
6. Discussion with reported values as low as 0.025 g for M 8.25 and 0.12 g for M 5.5
(Carter and Seed, 1988). Clastic intrusions (dykes and sills) in sedi-
The HFT is manifested in the form of discontinuous range front scarps ments are the major effects of seismic liquefaction, which are generally
that truncate the Quaternary fluvial terraces and alluvial fans (Nakata, observed at shallow depth, up to about 10 m deep, and typically involve
1972, 1989; Yeats et al., 1992). The major historical earthquakes in the very significantly elevated pore water pressures. The paleoliquefaction
Himalaya have originated underneath the Higher Himalaya, north of feature (Figs. 8 and 11) in the trench suggests the secondary effects of
the surface trace of the MCT, and have ruptured the complete basal a large magnitude paleoearthquake that must have occurred in the
decollement southward to the HFT (Seeber and Armbuster, 1984). The area. The induced structures are formed where strong hydraulic forces
two faults (Fault I and Fault II) observed in the trench wall at Singhauli of short duration are suddenly applied such as sudden release of tecton-
(Figs. 7 and 8), where the Middle Siwaliks have thrust over the Quaterna- ic strain during an earthquake resulting to liquefaction (Obermeier,
ry alluvium, are very significant as far as the repeated reactivations of the 1996). During strong seismic shaking, water and sediment (generally
HFT in the Frontal Himalaya are concerned. These two faults have not sand) flow from depth into fissures along the base of an overlying
only uplifted the younger fluvial terraces but also generated induced sec- fine-grained cap. Associated with liquefaction features, water escape
ondary features and soft-sediment deformation structures, mainly the structures are also contemporaneously developed during the seismic
sand injection and water escape structures. event. Since they are very commonly related to seismic activity, there-
fore are classified as secondary/induced features of large earthquakes
6.1. Paleoliquefaction and generation of Fault 0 and Fault I (McCalpin, 1996; Yeats et al., 1997). The mechanism of folding,
deformation and development of liquefaction and water escape struc-
Paleoliquefaction studies are very significant while investigating the tures hence have definite genetic link with the occurrence of a large-
areas that were liquefied during large-magnitude paleoearthquakes magnitude earthquake.
(Sims and Garvin, 1995; Tuttle and Seeber, 1991) and are more relevant The OSL ages of the samples (Table 1: SNT-8 and SNT-12) collected
to the assessment of seismic hazards. After examining the worldwide from two different spots within the induced sand injection structure
data on historical earthquakes it has now been established that (Unit B) show ages of 79.3 and 63.4 ka. The sand injection structure
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177
Fig. 8. Trench log: a. Field photograph showing the trench excavation site at Singhauli. The rectangle shows the area of trench log prepared. Fault 0, Fault I and Fault II are also marked in the photo. b. Close up photograph of Fault 0 in the
trench wall (marked in red box in the trench log). c. The trench log of the left bank of Singhauli Nala near Kala Amb showing repeated reactivation of the HFT in the mountain front. The different litho-units (A–I) are individually identified
based on the clast and matrix type and distribution. Two distinct faults recognizable in the trench log indicate their activities in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene times. The large-sized induced liquefaction feature (Unit B) and the deformed
and dismembered units are also observable in the trench log. The OSL sample locations (except for two, which are outside the trench) are shown with their ages.
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 171

Fig. 9. Abandoned channel: a. Part of the trench wall showing an abandoned channel at the scarp front of the HFT. This channel has eroded Siwaliks, Fault I and underlying Late
Pleistocene deposits. b. Close up view of the abandoned channel showing the flow direction (shown in arrow), which has eventually eroded away the southern extension of
Fault 0 is also visible in the photograph.

has cut across Unit C suggesting the injection phenomenon occurred SNT-17) from the hanging wall of Fault 0 show ages of 34.1 and
after the deposition of Unit C (SNT-3, 34.1 ka). The sand injection has 34.5 ka, respectively and its counterpart in the foot wall (SNT-18)
also uplifted and pierced into the younger litho-units (D and E) in the shows a comparative age of 36.4 ka. This confirms the faulting event
trench. Unit E (SNT-13) shows a younger age of 29.3 ka which implies and indicates that Fault 0 was generated after the deposition of Unit C.
that the actual sand injection has happened only after the deposition Unit E (SNT-13) on the other hand shows a younger age of 29.3 ka.
of Unit E. The dismembered units suggest that during heavy shaking, Based on the OSL ages and disposition of Units C, D and E it is suggested
the water escape structures have also altered the thickness of the sedi- that Fault 0 must have generated after 29.3 ka i.e. after the deposition of
mentary units by upward and lateral injection of fine grained materials Unit E. With the help of the deformation pattern of the boundaries
(Fig. 8). The size of the injection feature and the caught up chunks (Unit between C, D, E, F, we estimate 2.5–3 m displacement along Fault 0.
D) of the Late Pleistocene gravels (Fig. 12) corroborate its co-seismic oc- Injection of the liquefied sand (Unit B) has also accommodated by the
currence with a large magnitude earthquake. folded and displaced Late Pleistocene units along Fault 0. The folding
Fault I demonstrates the activity of the HFT by thrusting of Siwalik pattern and disposition of the units show that this fault cuts (at least
rocks over the Late Pleistocene alluvium. After the rupture, the Middle strongly deforms) Units C, D, E and F but has unaffected Unit I. Hence
Siwaliks in the hanging wall remained under sub-aerial weathering and we believe that the timing of generation of Fault 0 is also time-
erosion. The scarp associated with Fault I must have reached the surface, equivalent as that of Fault I.
however, was later on eroded away by fluvial activity. Subsequently Units It is observed that the units in the foot wall of Fault I do not have
G and H were deposited by the then active Singhauli Nala. The tip of this their counterpart units in the hanging wall (Fig. 8). This suggests that
fault was cut and covered by Unit I, a channel fill deposit (Figs. 8 and 9a). Units C, D, E and F had been at a higher level and were eroded away
A parallel fault, Fault 0, is observed in the footwall of Fault I which before the deposition of Unit G. Hence there must have been at
has affected Units C, D, E and F (Fig. 8). The samples (SNT-3 and least two faulting events along Fault I: one was after the deposition
172 G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

deposited later on. Since no counterparts of the respective Quaternary

units of the footwall are observed on the hanging wall of Fault I, the
cumulative displacement along the fault plane is estimated to be
12 m or more.
It is also noticed that the paleoliquefaction features neither have
cut across Fault I nor dismembered the younger Units G, H and I.
The base of Unit G on the up thrown side, gently goes down to the
south, without upward deformation. If Fault I was activated after
the deposition of Unit G, the unit must have also been suffered defor-
mation. Therefore, we believe that Fault I activity and the associated
liquefaction must have occurred before the deposition of Unit G. An
OSL sample (SNT-24) from the upper part of Unit H, in the hanging
wall of Fault I shows an age of 17 ka. Hence by considering these
two ages of Units E (29.3 ka) and H (17 ka), we believe that the
reactivation of the HFT has generated a large magnitude earthquake
resulting to the development of Fault I, which occurred after 29.3 ka
but before 17 ka.

6.2. Generation of Fault II

The hanging wall of Fault I, comprising Middle Siwaliks and Units

G and H, is again thrust over by the Middle Siwaliks (Unit A) along an-
other parallel fault, Fault II. The fault plane dips 30°N, which is also
parallel to average dip of the HFT in this region, suggesting it to be
yet another reactivation of the HFT (Figs. 7 and 8). Fault II has uplifted
the Holocene terrace (T3) in the hanging wall and truncated across
the HFT (Figs. 5 and 7). The closely spaced shear zones (Fig. 10b) sug-
gests intense deformation in the Siwalik rocks during the generation
Fig. 10. a. Pebbles (P) derived from Unit G entrained within the Middle Siwalik sand- of Fault II by an earthquake. The scarp face of Fault II is presently
stone observed at the fault (for location refer Fig. 8c) zone b. The highly sheared Mid-
being degraded and covered by the colluvium derived from Siwaliks
dle Siwalik sandstone in the HFT zone. At the base of the hanging wall of Fault II, the
Siwaliks show bedding parallel closely spaced slaty cleavages, which are transversed and the upthrown T3 terrace. Owing to the precariously placed and
by extensional fractures (EF). For location refer to Fig. 8a and c. highly fragile litho-units, besides the site falling in the ‘Protected
Forest’ area, we could not carry out any kind of further cleaning or
sampling of the fault scarp to clearly identify the counterpart of the
of Units C–F and another faulting event must have occurred at a T3 terrace in the footwall of Fault II. In this situation a convincing pos-
later stage with the time equivalent of Fault 0. Subsequently, the sibility is that T3 terrace might be distributed just on Unit H being
units (C–F) in the hanging wall must have eroded away and Unit G covered by reworked materials. Subsequently this must have incised

Fig. 11. Liquefaction features: a. Part of the trench wall showing sand injection (Si) features. The arrows show the direction of the movement of sand from subsurface that has
spread laterally also. The dashed white line shows some of the curved stratification preserved within the injection feature. Caught up chunks of Unit D along with the injection
features are shown in thin dashed yellow lines. The sand injection has not only cut across the Late Pleistocene sediments (LPs) but also uplifted and dismembered other top
lying lithounits as well. The dashed line (in dark blue) shows thrusting of Middle Siwalik sandstone Unit A over the LPs. b. Sand injection feature observed in the parallel excavation
carried out at a distance of 10 m away from the trench showing lateral extend of the feature (for location refer Fig. 13b).
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 173

Fig. 12. a. Close up view of part of the trench wall showing dismembered and caught-up chunk of Unit D within the sand injection Unit B. b. Close up showing a part of the sand
injection (Unit B) into Unit C and few caught up boulders (Bd) within the injection feature observed in the trench. The trench grid is also visible in the photograph. Outline of the
ball point pen is for scale.

by the channel (Unit I) and covered by the T2 terrace. Also, the youn- the OSL age of Unit H and consider units G and H (= the present Older
ger T2 terrace in this region does not show any offsetting. Therefore, terrace) as T3 terrace or its equivalent, in such supposition the vertical
the upper half of the Older terrace shown in profile D–D′ (Fig. 13f) is a offset of T3 terrace becomes about 11 m (360 m − 349 m = 11 m).
possible horizon or niche of the counterpart T3. The OSL sample Hence the cumulative maximum vertical offset along Fault II due to
(SNQ-41) collected 1 m below the T3 terrace surface (Fig. 13b) in multiple events should be about ~ 11 m and the displacement will be
the hanging wall of Fault II shows an age of 5.8 ka. The above age is ~ 22 m.
broadly comparable to the radiometric dates (4.9 and 5.2 ka) on We propose two probable constraints on the timing of the last
two fragments of charcoal collected from fluvial strath terrace sur- movement along Fault II. A tighter one is before the deposition Unit I
faces, at 23 m elevation, of the Markanda River (Kumar et al., 2001) and a looser one is before the formation of T2 terrace. The first possibil-
and the age of strath terrace (3.8 ka) at 30 m elevation in the Mohand ity is based on the closeness of the OSL ages of T3 (SNQ-41) 5.8 ka and
region (Wesnousky et al., 1999). Unit I (SNQ-25) 4.3 ka. Since the age of deposition is almost the same
Unit H in the footwall of Fault II shows an age of 17 ka. It is observed for the above two units (T3 and Unit I), we reason here that the faulting
that Unit H (=Older terrace) on the footwall of Fault II does not have its event must have occurred between 5.8 ka and 4.3 ka. On the other hand
counterpart on the hanging wall in the trench. This suggests that the the T2 terrace, both in the hanging wall and foot walls observed to be
Older terrace had been at the same level as or higher than T3 terrace unaffected by the faulting. Another likely possibility suggests that all
and was eroded away before the deposition of T3 terrace materials. the surface deformation of older terraces including the last event on
Consequently, the vertical offset of the Older terrace is larger than that Fault II predates the deposition of T2 terrace. Hence in general it may
of T3. Hence there must have been at least two faulting events on be stated that last phase of faulting along Fault II must have occurred
Fault II: one is after the Older terrace deposition/before T3 terrace depo- in this area between 5.8 ka and 2 ka.
sition, and another faulting event occurred after the deposition T3 ter- Based on the above observation, we report here for the first time
race. Thus the total displacement along Fault II is cumulative. In this explicit evidences for multiple paleoearthquakes during Late Pleisto-
case we propose two possibilities/options to calculate the amount of cene and Holocene in the Kala Amb area of the northwestern part of
vertical displacement for Fault II. the Frontal Himalaya. The topographical profiles in the present site
The altitude of the base of T3 terrace deposit on the hanging wall is suggest that the distribution of T2 terrace (2.1 ka) along the river is
about 360 m, while the altitude of Unit H in the trench (=Older terrace not affected by the movement or offset by the HFT. This suggests
in Fig. 13f) on the footwall is ~350 m. On the footwall, T3 terrace de- that after 2 ka no tectonic activity is observed or identified in this
posits must have been distributed above the Older terrace, therefore locality.
the possible lowest altitude of the base of T3 terrace deposits is inferred
to be ~350 m. Consequently the vertical displacement of T3 terrace 6.3. Uplift, slip and convergence rate along HFT at Kala Amb
should be about 10 m and the displacement along the fault will be
~20 m. Considering the two successive faulting events along Fault II, it The recent geodetic, GPS and seismic studies in the Himalaya have
is possible to consider 10 m as the minimum cumulative vertical offset provided significant data on the ongoing crustal deformation in the
for all the estimation towards slip rate and magnitude. Holocene time on a regional scale (Banerjee and Bürgmann, 2002;
On the other hand, Unit G and the lower portion of T3 terrace are Chander, 1988). The GPS based measurements show that the India–
compositionally comparable since both the units mainly consist of Eurasia ongoing convergence rate is ~ 37–50 mm/yr (Banerjee and
large sized rounded boulders, pebbles and gravels. Similarly Unit H Bürgmann, 2002; Bilham, 2004; Bilham and Wallace, 2005; De Mets
is also comparable with the upper portion of the T3 terrace because et al., 1994; Paul et al., 2001) and only ~ 10–20 mm/yr is accommo-
both the units are composed of loamy sand. However, the OSL age of dated along the HFT (Bilham et al., 1997; Lave and Avouac, 2000;
Unit H (17 ka) is older than the upper portion of the present T3 terrace Wesnousky et al., 1999). Although the MCT and MBT are considered
(5.8 ka). On the footwall, the possible lowest altitude of the base of to be the major tectonic features of the Cenozoic shortening along
comparable Unit H deposits is at ~ 349 m. Therefore occurrence of at the entire extent of the Himalaya, the HFT, bordering the Himalayan
least two faulting events along Fault II must have resulted to the pres- mountain front as well as delineating the northern limit of the ex-
ent day elevations of Unit H and the T3 terrace. In this case if we ignore posed Indian plate, is believed to be the most active thrust during
174 G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

the Quaternary period (Kumar et al., 2006; Philip and Virdi, 2006; site and radiocarbon dating shows it to have occurred after A.D.
Yeats and Lillie, 1991; Yeats et al., 1992). 1100 (after about A.D. 1270).
Based on paleoseismological studies, the long term uplift and slip The faults observed at Singhauli suggest that there must have
rates have also been reported from the northwestern part of the been large magnitude multiple paleoearthquakes along the HFT
Himalaya (Kumar et al., 2006; Malik et al., 2010; Wesnousky et al., during Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Empirical formulae are
1999). Longer term uplift along the HFT is reflected in fluvial strath being employed to calculate the parameters of paleoearthquakes.
terraces in the Frontal Himalaya. The vertical uplift rate, calculated Comparing source parameters of the historical earthquakes occurred
using one radio carbon age (3.8 ka) from a 20–30 m thick fluvial strath worldwide, Wells and Coppersmith (1994) suggested an empirical
terrace in the HFT region in the Mohand area was estimated as >6.9± relationship, related to earthquake magnitude (M), maximum
1.8 mm/yr besides the long term slip rate of the HFT to be ≥13.8 ± displacement (MD) and surface rupture length (SRL) as M =
3.6 mm/yr (Wesnousky et al., 1999). The uplifted Markanda River 6.69 + 0.74 ∗ log(MD) and M = 5.08 + 1.16 ∗ log(SRL). In the present
terrace, which is about 23 m height, was dated using two charcoal sam- study for Fault I, no counterparts of the respective litho-units on
ples. The radiometric dates on two fragments of charcoal provide a the downthrown side are observed on the upthrown side. However,
maximum age of the terrace surface: 4.9 ka and 5.2 ka, respectively. the measured slip of Siwalik rocks along the fault plane in the trench
Based on this, the uplift due to slip on the HFT gives 4.8 ± 0.9 mm/yr is ~ 12 m. This fault must have caused a minimum vertical displace-
(Kumar et al., 2001). Mugnier et al. (2004) estimated kinematics and ment of 4.7 m along the 23° dipping fault plane. On the other hand,
rates of displacement along single fault of the Himalayan Frontal Belt based on boundaries of the corresponding litho-units, we measured
in western Nepal on the basis of balanced cross sections, fluviatile ~ 4 m slip along the 23° dipping Fault 0 resulting to 1.6 m vertical
terrace-deposit, and geodesy. The convergence rate between the Indian displacement. We therefore believe that a large earthquake with
and Tibetan plates has been estimated to be consistent (19–20 mm/yr) ~ 12 to 16 m of slip with a magnitude 7.5 or greater hit this region
for the past 10 million years. in the period between 29 ka and 17 ka.
In the present study, the uplifted T3 strath terrace (OSL age 5.8 ka) is With regard to Fault II, considering the OSL ages of the T3 terrace
placed almost at a height of 15 m from the present day river bed. The and Unit H besides comparative elevation of the base of Unit H and
distribution of the fluvial terraces in these areas and their near similar upper part of the T3 terrace, two possibilities of vertical displace-
age of deposition suggest the longer term uplift along the HFT. The ele- ment have been taken into account for estimating the magnitude.
vation of the fluvial strath terraces is used to calculate the slip and the Hence for the minimum vertical offset of 10 m, the magnitude will
uplift rate of the HFT at Singhauli. The T3 Terrace, 3–5 m thick and rest- be 7.6 whereas for 11 m off set the magnitude estimated to be
ing over the 15 m high Siwalik rocks, shows a long term uplift to be ~ 7.7. We therefore believe that a large earthquake of magnitude
3.4 mm/yr and has generated a slip of 6.8 mm/yr along the 30° dipping ~ 7.7 or greater must have occurred in this region with a maximum
Fault II. The large slip of 20–22 m along Fault II might also due to mul- SRL of about 150 km. However, the observable SRL might vary
tiple reactivations along the fault. depending on lithology and rates of erosion. In the present study
the observed length of the subdued fault scarp is limited owing to
fast modification of the landform for agricultural and industrial
6.4. Magnitude development.
On the other hand for Japanese inland earthquakes the magnitude
The earlier paleoseismological studies in the Frontal Himalaya (M) is calculated using the formula logD = 0.6 M − 4.0, where D is the
(Kumar et al., 2001, 2006; Malik et al., 2003, 2010; Philip et al., 2011; displacement during the earthquake (Matsuda, 1975). Based on the
Wesnousky et al., 1999) suggest that there have been 8.2 b Mb 8.7 above relationship, the fault displacement observed at the Singhauli
earthquakes, larger than either the 1905 Kangra or the Bihar–Nepal trench indicates that an earthquake of magnitude of ~ 7.8 must have
1934 ruptures (Bilham and Wallace, 2005). The paleoseismological occurred in the region during the generation of Fault I where as an
studies along the HFT in the southeastern Nepal where 4 m displace- earthquake of magnitude 8.3 or 8.4 must have occurred during the
ment observed in the trench is estimated to have occurred ~1.2 ka generation of Fault II. Considering the above two empirical equations
(Upreiti et al., 2000). Meter-scale episodic displacements along the suggested, we are of the opinion that the reactivation along the HFT
HFT in western Nepal has also been studied (Mugnier et al., 2005) has generated large paleoearthquakes of >7.5 M to 8.4 M during
based on structural and morphological evidences. In the hanging wall Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene.
of the HFT, encased fluvial strath terraces observed are interpreted to Few trenches excavated across the HFT for paleoseismological
be due to sudden uplift events. The abandonment of these terraces are studies (Kumar et al., 2001, 2006; Malik et al., 2003, 2008, 2010)
believed to be linked to 2 m slip events along the HFT, a value close to have also substantiated that the HFT along the mountain front be-
the lower bound inferred for co-seismic slip along the basal detachment tween Chandigarh and Kala Amb, Adh Badri even at Hajipur ruptured
during Mw 8 earthquakes. From the offset of fluvial terrace level, a dis- during the last 2000 years and generated two or three major earth-
placement of ~8 m is inferred between 1.2–1.3 ka and 1.8–1.9 ka quakes (M ≅ 7or 8). The 1.5 m slip observed in the reactivated
(Mugnier et al., 2005). Nalagarh Thrust suggests major Late Pleistocene earthquakes in the
In the northeastern Himalaya, along the HFT within the Indian Outer Himalaya (Philip et al., 2011). The > 1.5 m slip along the PGF
states of West Bengal and Assam, Kumar et al. (2010) have (Malik et al., 2003) and the two earthquakes reported in the HFT re-
conducted paleoseismic studies between the meizoseismal areas gion (Kumar et al., 2001) suggest that active faults in the Frontal
of the 1934 Bihar–Nepal and 1950 Assam earthquakes. Of these, Himalaya are capable of generating large magnitude earthquakes.
two sites show that offsets during the last surface rupture event However, the available historical data do not indicate occurrence
were at minimum of about 14 m and 12 m. However, the scatter of any great earthquakes in the Garhwal–Kumaun Province, prior to
in radiocarbon ages on detrital charcoal has not resulted in a firm the 1803 earthquake, at least for a minimum period of 1000 years
bracket on the timing of events observed in the trenches. On the (Rajendran and Rajendran, 2005). In this context given the
other hand the offset is relatively much smaller (b2.5 m) in third large uncertainties in the location and magnitude, few researchers

Fig. 13. Topographical profiles: a. Topographic map of the area around Singhauli near Kala Amb. b. Close up of the box in Fig. 13a showing the landform map of the area around the
trench site at Singhauli. Different levels of terraces (T1–T3), abandoned course of Singhauli Nala (shown in dotted arrows), Active landslide (As), Denudo-structural hills (DsH) of
the Middle Siwaliks and the Piedmont alluvium (PdA). c–f. Topographic cross profiles showing variation in ground surface due to faulting disposition of the fluvial terraces and
degraded fault scarp (Fig. 13f) in the trench location. The sections except the profiles are approximate and not to the scale.
G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177 175
176 G. Philip et al. / Tectonophysics 580 (2012) 162–177

Table 1
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of samples from the Trench and the Quaternary deposit at Singhauli. Elemental concentration of Uranium (U), Thorium (Th), and
Potassium (K), and moisture content used for dose rate calculation and equivalent dose are also given.

Lab no. Sample No. Unit in the Trench Depth from top (m) U (ppm) Th (ppm) Potassium K (%) Moisture Equivalent Dose rate Age (ka)
content (%) Dose (De) Gy (Gy/ka)

LD1152 SNQ-4 T1 Terrace 1 1.42 ± 0.01 5.4 ± 0.05 0.94 ± .01 1.00 2.20 ± 0.35 1.8 ± 0.02 1.2 ± 0.02
LD0753 SNQ-3 T2 Terrace 1 3.54 ± 0.04 13.5 ± 0.14 0.94 ± 0.01 0.63 5.79 ± 0.50 2.81 ± 0.04 2.06 ± 0.18
LD0528 SNQ-41 T3 Terrace 1 4.1 ± 0.04 10.4 ± 0.10 1.54 ± 0.02 4.46 18.39 ± 1.01 3.17 ± 0.04 5.78 ± 0.33
LD0754 SNQ-25 I 1.5 3.07 ± 0.03 10.2 ± 0.10 1.08 ± 0.01 0.51 11.12 ± 1.58 2.61 ± 0.03 4.27 ± 0.61
LD0752 SNT-24 H 3 3.28 ± 0.03 15 ± 0.15 1.47 ± 0.01 0.80 56.37 ± 6.46 3.31 ± 0.04 17.02 ± 1.96
LD1085 SNT-13 E 2 4.15 ± 0.4 10.7 ± 0.11 1.67 ± 0.02 0.46 100.90 ± 6.50 3.45 ± 0.04 29.26 ± 1.92
LD1086 SNT-17 C 3 3.28 ± 0.03 14.3 ± 0.14 2.16 ± 0.02 5.68 128.39 ± 13.41 3.72 ± 0.05 34.51 ± 3.63
LD0749 SNT-3 C 1 2.8 ± 0.03 17 ± 0.17 1.46 ± 0.01 8.32 106.06 ± 13.88 3.11 ± 0.05 34.12 ± 4.49
LD1093 SNT-18 C 4 0.93 ± 0.01 16.2 ± 0.16 2.26 ± 0.02 4.74 125.15 ± 8.18 3.44 ± 0.04 36.37 ± 2.42
LD0751 SNT-12 B 3 1.47 ± 0.01 9 ± 0.09 1.00 ± 0.01 1.75 128.09 ± 15.02 2.02 ± 0.02 63.35 ± 7.46
LD0750 SNT-8 B 3 1.42 ± 0.01 4.6 ± 0.05 0.95 ± 0.01 1.09 133.38 ± 16.11 1.68 ± 0.02 79.25 ± 9.61

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