Recollection Module

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Grade 10


Objectives: That the participants will be able to
1. Evaluate their relationship with Jesus, with their Self, with Others and with their Life-Condition
2. Understand the Concept of Paralysis and its steps towards inner healing
3. Experience the Healing Power of Jesus through offering of “paralysis” in prayer with the help of their
Group Mates
Materials Needed: Worksheet with the Scriptural Passage and copy of Songs, PowerPoint Presentation if
available, laptop, LCD, speaker/ sound system, Crucifix, pot for burning, stick candles, vigil candles
Procedure Recommended Activity

1. Opening Prayer (optional) Sharing of Intentions of the Students, Family and Community
8:30am - 8:45 am with the chanting of “Sa Paghigugma, Naroon Ang Diyos”
after every intention

2. Welcoming Song Teaching of the song “Kamusta Ka Na” with actions

8:45am - 9:00 am
3. Personal Reflection with Sharing in Reflecting on the 4 Main Relationships
Small Groups
9:00am - 9:30 am (with snacks)
4. Guided Scriptural Reflection The Healing of the Paralytic

Talk 1: Deepening of the Paralysis Identifying the Main Characters of the story and discuss how
9:30am - 11:00 am each character represent the four main relationships of the self

Talk 2: The Steps Towards Healing Identifying the steps taken by the friends that led towards the
11:00am - 12:30 pm healing of the paralytic

5. Offering of the Paralysis Burning of their written “paralysis” along with the power of
1:30pm - 2:30 pm healing through community prayer

6. Reconciliation Activity Sharing of the Magic Words: “I’m Sorry” and “Thank You” in
2:30pm - 3:30 pm the group as concrete words of healing among one another.

Synthesis Wrap up important points

7. Closing Song DYD2020 Themesong- TalYo: Barog, Lakaw ug Sangyaw,
3:30pm - 4:00 pm Rise Up, Fight Song or any suitable song
1. Opening Prayer (optional)

2. Welcoming Song: “Kumusta Ka Na?” (with actions)

3. Silent Reflection, Small Group, Assembly Sharing with the question, “Kumusta Ka Na?” (Kumusta
ka na Self? With your relationship to God, with others, with your present condition now?)


Mood Setting:
Guided Scriptural Reflection
Reading of the Text (Mark 2:1-5,11; Luke 5:17-24). Use the prayer of Samuel before reading the text:
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening! “
Marking of Striking Words
Reflective Silence, Sharing in the assembly of the striking words

Explanation and Guided Reflection

Identifying the Characters of the Story and Evaluation of the Four Main Realities of the Self

Describing the Paralytic

With the help of the Bible passage, let us evaluate ourselves in regards to the four main relationships.
Use your imagination and recreate the scene of the Paralytic. How would you describe their physical
appearances? Their inner feelings?
Paralytic Crowd Friends Jesus
Nawad-ag Paglaum
Nagblame sa

I am like the paralytic bec…

Do these descriptions apply to people you know? Even to those who are not physically paralyzed? Do
you know of anyone who feels the same way in your community? In School? At home? In this group?
Do these descriptions / feelings apply to you? I am like the paralytic because… (5-7 qualities) Deepening of the Paralysis

Paralysis is defined as the inability to do something due to medical, accidental, incidental and other
factors that hinder once capacity to move the parts of the body.

Paralysis is not only limited in our physical body. People can also be paralyzed emotionally,
psychologically, socially and worst, spiritually.

1. Emotional Paralysis – is a paralysis where one is unable to mend negative emotions harbored towards
himself/herself or someone. Ex. Grudges, Jealousy, Lust, Hate, Anger
Oftentimes may also tend to cause habitual clinging or attachments towards food, drinking, addiction,
gadgets, persons /relationships that may somehow enslave a person.

2. Psychological Paralysis – is a paralysis where a fearful/traumatic experience led you to automatic

response mentally and emotionally, often negatively. It leads to stereotyping and generalizing or
magnifying things. A transference of experience from the past may attribute to negative qualities to a
certain person/group or situation in the present.
Ex. A girl assaulted by a sex maniac would be afraid when she is near any stranger guy.
When you were embarrassed by your English teacher, it made you hate English subjects or English

3. Social Paralysis – is a paralysis where one has the tendency to avoid the company of others or has
already the difficulty of relating others. If one is suffering from emotional and psychological problems
they may have the tendency to isolate from the others and tend to be alone and hide themselves from
the crowd.
Ex. Prefer to stay at the corner in silence, shy and timid, hiding in their room alone doing their own
stuff or the tendency to prolong stay on bed

4. Spiritual Paralysis – is the worst paralysis wherein the victim is unable to know and follow Jesus. It
may cause lack of faith, doubting the existence of God and deep-rooted anger towards God and
Ex. People with no sense of sin, no respect of life and goodness, vices, doing gravious offenses
Have you ever felt hopeless, cannot move forward, useless, worthless? Then you too are in some
way Paralytic. In what way you are like the Paralytic? What is you own “Paralysis?” How do you
feel as you think of your “Paralysis ?” (Write your own experience of Paralysis. What, when,
where, who were there?)

Mood Setting: Song- Blessing, any suitable song
 All of us have our own paralysis. Recall your worst paralysis and write it down reflectively on a
sheet of paper provided.
When was that paralysis happened? Who were / was there involved? Where was the location? What
was/were the feelings during the situations? How would you feel now as you recall it?
 Write your personal prayer, asking the healing power of God to touch and heal you especially from
the paralysis you experience. Describing the Crowd, Friends and Jesus

 How would you describe the Crowd? The Friends of the Paralytic? Jesus?
Paralytic Crowd Friends Jesus
Nawad-ag Paglaum Tsismosa Matinabangun Mapasayluon
Nadiscourage Saba Nagsakripisyo Matinabangon
Nagmahay Nag-ali Dako og pagtuo Maluluoy-on
Nagblame sa Walay Pakialam Kasaligan HEALER
Kaugalingon Selfish Nidamay
I am a Paralytic because…. Crowd because… Friends because….. Jesus too because…

Can you use these same words to describe the different people you have met in life? Are there people in
your life who in some way are a “crowd” to you? In your neighborhood? In your parish/school? At
home? In this group? How do I feel as I think of them? I am crowd too because (5-7 qualities)

Who are the people in your life who are Friends/“Jesus” to you? Do you remember their faces? How
are they Friends/“Jesus” to you? How do you feel as I think of them? Who are the people to whom you
yourselves Friend /“Jesus to them?” How do you feel as you think of them? Which qualities of a friend/
Jesus do you already possess? Which do you still need to develop? I am friend too because (5-7
qualities)…. I am like Jesus too because (5-7 qualities) Sign of Peace

Let the participants tap the shoulder of their friends and say, “May I be Jesus to you,” or may roam


The paralytic were not able to do anything because of his condition. Thus, other people were initiating
ways to mediate and help him in order to bring closer to Jesus so that he may receive the healing that
he needed.
 Who are those people who helped the paralytic?
 In what way was the paralytic healed?

We need community especially in times of difficulties. We need others- our family, our friends, God.
In the Bible story, the friends possessed goodwill like of Jesus. Moved by compassion and persevering
faith, the friends were finding ways to alleviate the hopeless condition of the paralytic, holding their
trust and faith to Christ who can alone give healing and freedom from any paralysis. Their initial
actions helped lift the drooping spirit of their friend which somehow moved the paralytic to also
persevere in hope and faith.

So, what are the steps made by the friends before they reached to Jesus?
(Let the participants underline the following action words.)

1. Friends Came Carrying “Nagdala.” The friends brought the paralytic into the place where Jesus
was preaching while the crowd were just passing by without minding him.
Questions: Are your friends leading you towards Jesus or away from Jesus? Are you also bringing
them towards righteousness or wickedness? Are you also leading them towards Jesus or driving
them away from Him?

2. Friends Carried the Paralytic “Giyayungan.” Because the paralytic was not able to lift his own
body, his friends had to carry him towards the place of Jesus while the crowd left him afar.
Questions: Do you offer your help to your friends in need? Are you willing to extend your time and
presence to him/her with your comforting words and actions that lighten up his/her condition?

3. Friends Carried the Paralytic Up “Nisaka.” The crowd blocked the entrance of the door.
Because of this, the friends created a way and decided to climb up the roof.
Questions: Are you willing to carry him/her up in his burden until he/she feels/ his/her condition
alright? Remain his/her as guide post until he/she can stand alone? Are you lifting up in prayers
those are in need of especially the hopeless, the despair, the broken? Are our words and actions
can inspire others or inflict pain and put him/her?

4. Friends Made an Opening on the Roof “Giukab.” Because the entrance was blocked, the friends
had to open a hole in the roof and serve as an alternative entrance.
Questions: Do you initiate ways and opportunities for the growth of others? joining Taize prayers,
attending mass, study well, remind other not to cheating. Do you open up possibilities to let other
discover their purpose and giftedness? Do you encourage others to dream big and hope more?

5. Friends Let the Paralytic Down Directly Towards Jesus “Gitunton.” Since their location is
directly above where Jesus is preaching, they had to slowly put the paralytic down in front of
Questions: Do you bring your friends directly towards God: in Social Media, in public places like
doing sign of the Cross, attending mass? What specific activities in your place, parish, home that
you are recognizing and praising God?

 What did Jesus see and appreciate from the friends of paralytic that was made Jesus to move
with compassion to heal the paralytic ?
Answer: Faith of the Friends

 What is then, FAITH?

Faith means giving up everything to Christ and trusting Him completely that He can made things
well for you especially if everything turns into a mess. Faith is to remain in Christ even in the worst
situation of our lives. Faith is putting our trust in God rather than in creatures.
Questions: How strong your faith in God? What are the things you value most? Which of them would
be the hardest to give up if God would ask you to do so? Is Christ already the center of your life?
Among the things that you value most which are the ones preventing you from making Christ the
center of your life?


Faith is not a purely private or individual initiative. It must be a communitarian. It becomes strong
when it is shared and lived together. If we are able to journey together in the community, as the
member of the Church, our bigger community in faith, holding on to one another and supporting one
another, then we shall always turn to be hopeful and moving on towards our goal in life. When the
paralytic realized that he was alone, he began to feel weak, hopeless and tend to stop from moving
on. We are not alone, we are journeying together in Christian life. We know that we have friends to
hold on too. We have Christ- the source of our healing! We have our Blessed Virgin Mary to comfort
us in our sorrows! We need others! We need Faith! We need Christ to heal us!


Mood Setting: Song: BLESSING- video or music, O Hesus, Hilumin Mo
This time, with the help of our Faith and the Church through the presence of our group mates/
friends, let us offer our biggest paralysis to God by burning them symbolically accompanied with our
silent prayer for healing. Through the smoke moving upward, we hope that God will hear our humble
plea for total healing while the others will accompany us in their silent prayer / healing touch by
praying them over in silence.

 To completely receive healing, we also need to mend our relationship with one another starting from
this group which we journeyed since from the beginning. By using the magic words of healing
according to Pope Francis: “I’m sorry” and “Thank You”.
 And above all, we need to reconcile with the people closest to our heart at home by expressing your
apology, gratitude and love through writing a love notes and a gesture of hug, embrace, kiss to them
when you come back home.

 If we want to be free and happy, let us strengthen our relationship with our Self, with Others, with
our Life Condition free from any paralysis, and most specially to strengthen our relationship with
Jesus, the source of our healing.
 We have to follow the steps of healing of the Four Friends in order to build a community, where
people who belong in it are healed. To know exactly what is in a community, feel free to attend
Youth Encounter.
 After burning our Paralysis, we are encouraged to let go, let God and be healed. Rise up and move
forward. Start anew: a newly formed individual who is hopeful, dreaming big with little but sure-
constant steps towards life!

7. CLOSING SONG- Rise up, Fight Song, DYD Theme Song: Barog, Lakaw ug Sangyaw or any
Suitable Song

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