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RMSS PRELIMS REVIEWER possibility of breaching of data of a hotel

whose website is likely to be hack due to poor

system control.
- Risk Management is a process of
identifying, assessing, managing
threats to an organization. Threats
includes food safety issues, poor
sanitation, accidents, natural and man-
made disasters, breach of security that
may lead to legal liabilities.

Reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring,
reduce the consequence of the risk. Control
risk relevant to hospitality and tourism
❖ Contracts that penalizes the failure
delivery of service
RISK IDENTIFICATION ❖ ensuring equipment is fully
• Identification of potential risk that may functional
endanger human live and property. ❖ extensive training given i.e. food
Workplace hygiene procedure for food safety, waste management, cleaning and
safety, enterprise standards and legislated sanitizing
requirements that applies to ❖ equipment appropriates for the task
the protection of lives and property. Human ❖ workplace lay-out facilities safe work
life does not mean only the safety of the ❖ providing PPE necessary to avoid
customers but also the management, contact to biological and chemical hazards
business, assets, personnel, stakeholders, ❖ proper information dissemination to
visitors or even public. Any injuries or illness, high risk areas
❖ training in handling work related
or loss of property may pose a threat and
❖ training for disaster preparedness
RISK ASSESSMENT. ❖ additional security staff or install
Determine possible impacts that is likely to equipment/devices to detect theft and other
improper practices committed by staff or
bring injury, sickness, loss of property, or
even guest
death. It is a broader spectrum inherent to
❖ Regular workplace inspections to
prevent, reduce, or eliminate risk related
identify situations likely to cause/facilitate
consequence. Examine the identified risk loss of property
and use the information as the basis for or stocks.
calculating the risk level. RISK MONITORING
The matrix is commonly used to assist in • To best get results after thorough
determination in which the severity of planning, monitoring the progress and
success of the plan then improve current
consequences is indicated in one axis and
and future management of results,
the likelihood of occurrence are listed on outcomes and impact. Continuous
another side. For instance, strong waves are assessment of programs. Continuous
likely to or expected to occur on resorts monitoring and control keeps the tract of
located in the shoreline of Siargao Island or
the identified risk, residual risk action of reducing the severity and
and new risks. seriousness of a threat.
Reducing the loss and lessening the impact,
in the case of food establishment, the food
TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES borne illnesses and poisoning. Risk sharing
FOR RISK MONITORING and transfer involves third party or other
AND CONTROL organization like insurance company,
partner tour provider, security agencies
handling safety and security in a concert or
• Risk reviews of the threats and
convention. Risk acceptance is the last
weaknesses, capitalized on the strengths
option when there is nothing you can do to
and positive outcomes
prevent or mitigate a risk, only if the
• Prioritization of identified risk to reduce
potential loss is less than the cost of
the impact to the organization
insuring against the risk.
• Examine and document the effectiveness
of the risk response planning in controlling WEEK 2
risk and effectiveness of the risk owner HIGH RISK FOOD
• Update risk identification and analysis FOOD”?
must be performed. It is where technical ❖ WHAT IS TEMPERATURE
performance is measured, analysis strong DANGER ZONE?
and weak areas that needs great concern. ❖ GIVE EXAMPLES OF HIGH RISK
• Using possible reserves/options and ❖ DISCUSS “FATTOM” WHAT IS 2/4
compared reserves with amount of RULE?
risk remaining at the time and determines
the sufficiency of the reserves. AIRLINE MEALS
Analyze how Airline Meal prep considers
• Risk management can be properly address
after careful considerations on the feeding
and holding regular meetings to address the
weak points and threats identified.

• Examination concerning the relevance,
effectiveness, efficiency and impact of plan
of activities. Determine the significance of
risk and then decide to accept a specific risk
or take action to prevent or reduce the
impact. Risk evaluation is comparing with
the pre- defined objectives. It requires a
thorough investigation, discovering the
flaws in the implementation allows the
analyze the whole plan systematically.

• Risk avoidance skipping a high risk

activity or decisions, not getting involve in
business venture that potentially will cost
expense. Risk mitigation is making less an
• Food-to-food
• Adding contaminated foods to
non-contaminated foods results in
food-to-food cross contamination.
This allows harmful bacteria to
spread and populate.
• Raw, undercooked, or improperly
washed food can harbor large
amounts of bacteria, such as
Salmonella, Clostridium
perfringens, Campylobacter,
Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli,
and Listeria monocytogenes — all
of which can harm your health if
How to keep the food out of consumed
Danger zone • Foods that pose the highest risk
of bacterial contamination include
leafy greens, bean sprouts, leftover
rice, unpasteurized milk, soft
cheeses, and deli meats, as well
as raw eggs, poultry, meat, and
• For example, adding unwashed,
contaminated lettuce to a fresh
salad can contaminate the other
• Cross-contamination occurs when • By far, the most effective way to
pathogens – microorganisms like reduce the risk of cross
bacteria that can cause disease – are contamination is to properly wash
transferred from one food product or
your hands with soap and water for
surface to another, potentially resulting in
foodborne at least 20 seconds.
illness. • Equipment-to-food
• Pathogens can transfer easily, spread
from food or unwashed hands to prep • Equipment-to-food is one of the
areas, equipment, utensils or other food. most common yet unrecognized
This can occur throughout any point of types of cross contamination.
the flow of food – the path that food
takes through your operation, from • Bacteria can survive for long
receiving to storing, prepping, cooking, periods on surfaces like
holding, serving, etc.
countertops, utensils, cutting
boards, storage containers, and TYPES OF
food manufacturing equipment CONTAMINATION
• When equipment is not washed • Biological Contamination
properly or unknowingly
contaminated with bacteria, it • Biological contamination occurs
can transfer large volumes of when harmful microorganisms,
harmful bacteria to food. This can pathogens, are consumed. There
happen at any point during food are four types of pathogens that
production — both at home and in can contaminate food and cause
food manufacturing. foodborne illness: bacteria,
viruses, parasites, and fungi (mold
• A common example of this and yeast).
occurring at home is using the
same cutting board and knife to cut The FDA reports more than 40
raw meat and vegetables, which kinds that can occur in food and
can be harmful if the vegetables cause illness. The Big Six –
are then consumed raw. Improper dubbed because they are highly
food preservation techniques can contagious and can cause severe
lead to cross contamination. illness – include:

• People-to-food • Shigella – often transferred from

• Humans can easily transfer
bacteria from their bodies or • Salmonella Typhi – lives only in
clothes to food during many steps humans, transferred from person
of food preparation to person

• For example, a person may • Nontyphoidal Salmonella –

cough into their hand or touch raw lives in animals, transferred from
poultry and continue to prepare a poultry, eggs, meat, dairy products,
meal without washing their hands and produce
in between • Shiga toxin-producing
• Other common examples include Escherichia coli (E. Coli) – found
using a cellphone that’s loaded in ground beef and contaminated
with bacteria while cooking or produce
wiping your hands with a dirty • Hepatitis A
apron or towel. These practices
may contaminate your hands and • Norovirus
spread bacteria to food or • If a food handler has been
equipment. diagnosed with any one of these
six, they must be excluded from
the operation until symptoms
disappear and a doctor says they
can come back. In order to prevent
these, it is essential to know how
each of the four pathogen types
occur. • Parasites
TYPES OF FOOD - Parasites are commonly
CONTAMINATION associated with seafood, wild
• Bacteria game, and food processed
with contaminated water, like
- Bacteria requires six produce. They require a host
conditions to grow: food, to thrive.
acidity, temperature, time,
To prevent, always ensure
oxygen and moisture
(FATTOM). your food products are
purchased from an approved,
To prevent bacteria growth, reputable supplier and that
the best course of action is to cooked food meet the required
control time and temperature, minimum internal
always doing your best to temperatures.
ensure that food mandating
time and temperature control •Chemical Contamination
is kept out of the temperature -If not correctly utilized,
danger zone (between 41°F everyday chemicals like
and 135°F). cleaners, sanitizers, and
• Viruses polishers can contaminate
food and cause illness. Ensure
- Viruses need a living that chemicals are approved
host to survive, thus why they for use in a foodservice
are carried and transmitted by operation and purchased from
humans and animals. People approved suppliers. Store
can contract a virus from food, away from prep areas, food
water or contaminated storage areas and service
surfaces. areas, and separate from food
Unlike bacteria and parasite, and food-contact surfaces with
viruses cannot be destroyed proper spacing and partitions.
by cooking food to minimum Never store chemicals above
internal temperatures. The food or food-contact surfaces,
best way to prevent a virus is and always use only for their
by practicing good personal intended use, following the
hygiene and mandating staff manufacturer’s directions.
stay home when they’re ill.
Also, be sure to handle food ▪ Use blue cutting
only with equipment and boards and supplies
utensils approved for for cooked foods.
foodservice. All chemicals • White cutting boards
should be clearly labeled. and supplies are ideal for
• Physical Contamination dairy products.
• Brown cutting boards
• Physical contamination and supplies are used
occurs when physical objects when dealing with seafood.
find their way into foods. • Red cutting boards and
These could include dirt, hair, supplies have been used to
bandages, metal shavings, indicate use for raw meat.
glass, jewelry, etc. • Many have taken to using
Natural objects, such as fish purple color-coded
bones, are also considered supplies to prep allergen
physical contaminants. These special orders
could cause mild to fatal
injuries such as cuts, dental THE 2/4 RULE
damage, and choking. • The 2 Hour/ 4 Hour Rule
To help prevent, carefully tells you how long freshly
inspect all food you receive, potentially hazardous
and take steps to make sure foods*, foods like cooked
food handlers are aware of meat and foods containing
their surroundings. Jewelry meat, dairy products,
should be removed and hair prepared fruits and
nets donned before handling vegetables, cooked rice
food. and pasta, and cooked or
processed foods containing
TO AVOID CROSS eggs, can be safely held at
CONTAMINATION temperatures in the danger
zone; that is between 5° C
▪ A green cutting and 60° C.
board is traditionally used
for prepping fresh produce. It takes time for food
▪ Use a yellow cutting poisoning bacteria to grow
board and utensils for to unsafe levels. Apply the
handling raw poultry. following time limits to
ensure these risky type
foods remain safe to eat.
The total time includes all
the time the food has been
at room temperature, for
example during delivery,
preparation and




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