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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

6983913, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Smoking Cessation in Catholic Schools: A Phenomenological Study

Meraly S. Degillo*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

This qualitative – phenomenological research explored and analyzed the lived experience of smoking
cessation among Catholic schools’ stakeholders. Using the Transtheoretical model of change and
phenomenology, the experience of smoking cessation by the participants were found to have the
following textural themes: kin and peer influence as an entry point for smoking; perceived negative
effects as possible for health consequences of smoking; possible positive effects and experiences of
smoking cessation; replacement strategies as ways done for smoking cessation; commitment to self as
a drive for smoking cessation actions; maintaining regularly trained smoking cessation behaviors and
intentions; self-efficacy as key to the termination of smoking behavior; and becoming better than
before as the meaning of smoking cessation. The essence of smoking cessation can be metaphorically
likened to the experience of leaving the smoke behind. The findings of the study imply that Catholic
schools can serve as an agent of change and a facilitator of transformation for smokers who intends
smoking cessation, and the awareness and protection of stakeholders from the dangers of smoking.
Hence, this study recommends the use of Living the Smoke Behind Program as proposed intervention
to be facilitated by the respective guidance offices of Catholic schools.

Keywords: Phenomenology, Smoking Cessation, Transtheoretical Model Of Change, Catholic Schools

Introduction World Health Organization (2017) because tobacco

dependence is not only attributed to one factor—it is a
Tobacco, even when accurately used as intended by cluster of behavioral, cognitive and physiological
manufacturers, is the only legal drug that kills many of phenomena instead. Successfully quitting from this
its users (World Health Organization, 2015). About six habit in their first attempt became a glory of very few
million deaths of people across the world each year are people—but of course, evidence shows that it is has a
attributed to the World Health Organization (WHO, strong possibility of being done (WHO, 2017). A
2015) to tobacco use, with many of these deaths conglomeration of interventions from quitlines (e.g.,
occurring prematurely. Using tobacco kills more than telephone hotlines) to prescription medicines to
7 million people a year; households and governments counseling; the World Health Organization (2017)
spend over US$ 1.4 trillion for lost productivity and found these numerous ways to quit smoking
healthcare expenditures (Gardwood and Lindmeier, effectively. Researchers have shown that effective
2017). As of 2012, the Western Pacific earned 48.5 behavior change, especially in smoking cessation,
million prevalence of smoking any tobacco product relied on both in self-initiated and treatment facilitated
among persons 15 years old and older (WHO, 2018). factors and interventions (Prochaska, Norcross, and
Europe came in second with 39.0 million, and 32.1
DiClemente, 2013).
million for South-East Asia (WHO, 2018). Philippines
belongs to the WHO Regional Office for the Western
The researcher intends to participate in the endeavor of
making smoking cessation efficiently possible for
people in Catholic schools. The researcher means to
In the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2015) conducted
contribute to the pursuit of smoking cessation due to
in the Philippines, 16.6 million adults use tobacco,
41.9% of which are men and 5.8% are women. 18.7% the following reasons: 1) personally, to explore and
(e.g., 13.1 million adults) smoke tobacco daily; understand the process of smoking and smoking
meanwhile, 76.7% of the smokers in this survey cessation of persons belonging to the family. 2)
planned to or were thinking about quitting. 56.5% of Professionally, to assist students in pursuing and
these smokers who visited a healthcare provider in the promoting mental and physical health and wellness. 3)
past 12 months were advised to quit smoking. Presently, to approach smoking and smoking cessation
from the vantage point of guidance and counseling as
Quitting tobacco smoking is not easy according to the one of the contributing agents of intervention for
prevention and wellness.

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

written narrative stories and documentation, or text

information (Zohrabi, 2013). The study design
provides a venue for collecting, analyzing, and
Thus, this study explored smoking cessation—to know reporting the descriptive understanding of the
how individuals in Catholic schools practiced smoking
participant's experience and the meaning of their
cessation and what did their smoking cessation meant.
smoking cessation practices (Creswell, 2012).
The meaning that were derived from this study may
serve as an assistance to the formative and restorative This study involved smokers from the six Catholic
program pursued by the Catholic schools regarding schools who are in the continuum of smoking
smoking cessation as advocacy and a proposed cessation experience (e.g., have tried quitting, in the
guidance program. process of quitting, or have quit smoking). Participants
selected through purposive sampling. This sampling
technique selects samples or participants according to
the purpose of the study (Paler-Calmorin & Calmorin,
2008). Choosing people who can best help describe
This study used the qualitative phenomenological and understand the phenomenon of concern; this is
approach. Collected data were explicated through the purposeful sampling (Creswell, 2012). In the
scheme of Hortillas & Gayoles (2018) and perspective of phenomenological research, the
phenomenological concepts of Husserl (1964). The participants got selected once they affirm the question:
qualitative approach attempts to understand a small do you belong to the population studied? (Englander,
number of participants' frames of reference, instead of 2012). The problem will further qualify it: do you have
testing a preconceived hypothesis on a large sample the experience that this study is looking? (Englander,
(Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018). This process involves 2012). Once the participants were determined, the
finding out the meaning of the data from what the study began in pursuit of the phenomenological
respective participants reveal (Walliman, 2011). psychology of the experience which provided the
Qualitative studies, in the past decades, have garnered description, phenomenological reduction and the
increased attention due to the richer portrayal of the uncovering of a phenomenon's essence (Dowling &
data garnered (Field, 2013). The basic goal of the Cooney, 2012). Eleven participants were determined
phenomenological study is, to explicate the meaning, based on the following inclusion criteria: (A) have
structure, and essence of a person's lived experiences responded affirmatively to the questions posed by
or a group of people around a specific phenomenon; it Englander (found in the previous paragraph), meaning
begins with the kind or type of person the researcher they are in the continuum of smoking cessation
w a n t s to s t u d y ( L i c h t m a n , 2 0 1 4 ) . Th e experience (e.g., have tried quitting, in the process of
phenomenologist (researcher) attempts to understand quitting, or have quit smoking). (B) They are
human behavior through the eyes of the participants in stakeholders of Catholic schools, meaning they are
the study by providing a richly textured description of either students, faculty and staff, parents, or
lived experience (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018). Once administrators. (C) They have accomplished the
the account of the participants expresses the rich Participant's Informed Consent Form (Appendix B),
textured description of the lived experience meaning meaning they have voluntarily agreed to the
the participants have reached the point of confidentiality and ethical considerations rendered by
"phenomenon" (Husserl, 1927). Husserl (1927) this study.
continues that the meaning reached due to the
intentionality brought about by the participants' vividly The Individual Written Narrative Story Form was
accurate recall. The consciousness of the meaning of utilized in this study.
smoking cessation practices of the participants in the
Among the many ways of collecting the participants'
phenomenon that this paper yearns to study. The
detailed descriptions of their experience in qualitative
sample size in qualitative research studies depends on
research; the written and oral self-reports were used
the scope of the study , the nature of the topic, the
and evaluated as data containing the authentic
quality of the data, the design of the study, and the use
experience from them (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018).
of shadowed data, where participants speak of other
Through the use of written narrative stories and
peoples' experience as well as their own (Hortillas &
documentation (see Appendix A), the goal of
Gayoles, 2018). Through the use of the data from the
understanding the essence of smoking cessation
practices of the participants were met. This narrative
data in the form of text, written, were clarified and

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

verified by the participants through an unstructured essential features and relationships by way of
interview that followed right after accomplishing the transforming the data through interpretation (Hortillas
research instrument (Kumar, 2011). & Gayoles, 2018; Degillo, 2017). The explication
process involves the following. (a) Bracketing and
The following procedures were observed during the phenomenological reduction; (b) delineating units of
data gathering. The researcher personally gave the meaning; (c) clustering of units of meanings to form
letter of intent to the participants. The researcher themes. (d) Summarizing each of the written narrative
informed the participant about the study and the desire stories, validate and modify; (e) forming general and
of the researcher to learn from the unique experience unique themes for all the written narrative stories and
and meaning of the participant's smoking cessation composite summary; (f) and eventually defining the
practices. essence of the experience (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018).

The participants were given ample time to use and Bracketing and Phenomenological Reduction
write on the Individual Written Narrative Story Form
(Appendix A). After doing so, the researcher Phenomenological reduction is a deliberate and
conducted an unstructured interview for clarification purposeful opening to the essence of the phenomenon
of smoking cessation (Moustakas, 1994). Bracketing is
The validity and reliability of this study were the nonjudgmental act in studying an experience (the
established by the participants during the data phenomenon) that will not impede the heart (central
collection and data analysis through member checking point) of the study (Husserl, 1964). The researcher
(Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018; Zohrabi, 2013). Member bracketed points in the narrative. Bracketing happens
ch eck ing h app en ed when the r esults and in such a way that no position was taken either for or
interpretations were taken back to the participants to against the researcher's presumptions and not allowing
be confirmed and validated (Zorahib, 2013). Hence, meanings and interpretations to enter the world of the
the results and interpretations of the data got approved participant (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018).
by the participants as plausibility and truthful
information that can be recognized and supported Delineating Units of Meaning
(Zohrabi, 2013). Moreover, specific procedures were
taken to address auditability, credibility, and Statements that were seen to illuminate the researched
fittingness. Auditability is evaluating the consistency phenomenon got retained; incidentals (insights that are
of qualitative findings (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018). not related to the topic) got identified and removed to
The description and documentation of the steps taken focus on the essence (Moustakas, 1994). The list of
from the start of the research to the development and units of relevant meaning lifted from each written
reporting of the findings considered as the audit trail. narrative story; were carefully analyzed and redundant
The credibility of the interpretations of the data units got eliminated (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018).
verified by the participants (Hortillas & Gayoles, Through conceptualization, the data were organized to
2018). The verification of the participants justified the make sense; clarifications with the participants were
applicability, consistency, and neutrality of the data made to establish the credibility of the data (Neuman,
gathered from the participants and the findings 2014).
reported in this study (Prieto, Naval, & Carey, 2017).
Fittingness or transferability of the study refers to the Clustering of Units of Meanings to form Themes
probability that the research findings have meaning to
others in similar situations (Hortillas & Gayoles, The researcher rigorously examined the list of units of
2018). The findings were verified once more by two meaning. Grouping units of meaning together to form
participants to check if they fit in the experience and clusters of themes and identifying significant topics,
meaning of smoking cessation practices (Hortillas & also known as units of significance (Hortillas &
Gayoles, 2018). Gayoles, 2018). Through the use of hermeneutics, that
is to interpret the textural meaning of the words;
After collecting data, data analysis commenced. themes were made (Manen, 2015). By examining the
meaning of the various clusters, central themes got
Explication of the data implies investigation of the determined, which in turn would express the essence
components of a phenomenon while keeping the whole of these clusters. Here, the "whats" or the so-called
context (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018). Explication textural qualities and the "hows" or the structural
reached through the analysis of the narratives. The accounts got established to create the themes
analysis is the systematic procedures for identifying (Moustakas, 1990). Knowledge about the experience

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

arises through these themes. Intentionality assists the perceived negative effects, possible positive effects
arising of consciousness about the meaning of the and experiences of smoking cessation, replacement
participant's experience (Husserl, 1964). strategy, and commitment to self, retaining trained
behavior, 100% self-efficacy, and becoming better.
Summarizing Each of the Written Narrative
Stories, Validate, and Modify Influences and reasons for smoking

A comprehensive context got created by a summary Kin and peer influence is the major textural theme
that incorporates all the themes that prompted from the found in the individual written narrative stories of the
narratives of the participants (Hortillas & Gayoles, participants in response to the question "Who
2018). It is to reconstruct the inner world of experience influenced you to smoke? What was your reason for
and meaning of smoking cessation. The researcher doing so?" (Sin-o ang nag impluwensya sa imo sa
conducted a validity check at this point. Through pagpanigarilyo? Ano ang rason ukon kabangdanan
member checking, two participants validated the ngaa nagsugod ka panigarilyo?)
summary; the researcher solicited the views of the
participants about the credibility of the themes and Kin and peer influence. Geographical and relational
interpretations (Creswell, 2014). Based on the proximity with kin and peers who are smoking opens
validation by the two participants, modifications made. and entices one to the environmental factor of
initiating and continuing to smoke. Kaila mentioned
Forming General and Unique Themes for all the that at a very young age she got influenced by male
Written Narrative Stories and Composite peers. She wrote, "Ang nag-impluwensya sa akon sa
Summary pagpanigarilyo ang akon barkada nga mga lalaki nga
nagapanigarilyo." (The persons who influenced me in
Themes common to most or all of the written narrative smoking are my guy friends who do smoking.) Lino
stories as well as the individual variations got
discloses the same experience by writing, "Sa akon
identified. The meaning found in units and themes of
barkada." (It was my friends who influenced me in
all participants were examined to represent the
smoking.) Pia affirms both accounts by saying, "Ang
experiences of the group of persons pursuing smoking
akon barkada." (My friends influenced me to smoke.)
cessation (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018). The researcher
Kaila, Lino, and Pia are teenagers who have
ended the explication by writing a composite
experienced being exposed to an environment where
summary. A rich, thick description that presents the
purpose of the information's transferability is observed their peers are smokers. These people are the same
(Creswell, 2012). smokers who influenced them to smoke as well.

Effects of smoking on health and well-being

Defining the Essence
Perceived negative effects is the major textural theme
The essence was consisting of the fundamental
qualities that made the experience of smoking found in the individual written narrative stories of the
cessation what it is. Describing smoking cessation participants in response to the question "Based on your
involved the use of language that could convey observation or personal point of view, what are the
meaning. This phenomenological study used language negative effects of smoking to your health and well-
as data and report the essence through the use of a being? What were your reactions to knowing the
metaphor (Hortillas & Gayoles, 2018). Hence, effects?" (Suno sa imo nabatian ukon personal nga
defining the essence of the experience—reaching the pag intiende, ano ang mga malain nga epekto sang
core of the phenomenological process (Lichtman, pagpanigarilyo sa imo ikaayong lawas? Ano ang imo
2011). nangin reaksyon angot sini?)

Perceived negative effects. The participants have

Result observed and noted possible negative effects based on
their personal opinion and those that they have heard
There are eight major textural themes found in the from others. Que narrated that, "Many probable
individual written narrative stories of the participants. negative effects of smoking in our health especially
The major textural themes that emerged from the getting cancers in lungs, throat, and others. I was
phenomenon of smoking cessation in Catholic schools alarm after knowing the health hazards that I might
categorized by question are kin and peer influence, acquire in smoking." (There are many probable

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

harmful effects of smoking on our health. These are Replacement strategy is the major textural theme
getting cancers in lungs, throat, and others. I was alarm found in the individual written narrative stories of the
after knowing the health hazards that I might acquire participants in response to the question "How many
in smoking.) These perceived negative effects made months or years have you been smoking? Who told
him reckon the threat and the possibility of harming you to quit smoking or what made you decide to quit
himself. smoking? What are the ways have you done to quit
smoking?" (Pila ka bulan ukon tuig ka nga
Positive and negative effects of smoking cessation
nagpanigarilyo? Sin-o ukon ano ang nagtulod so imo
sa pag untat sa pagpanigarilyo? Ano nga mga tikang
Possible positive effects and experiences of smoking
ukon pamaagi ang imo na nga nahimo sang nag
cessation is the major textural theme found in the
liligad agud mauntat na ang panigarilyo?)
individual written narrative stories of the participants
in response to the question "Based on your observation Replacement strategy. The participants presented
or personal point of view, what are the positive and alternative actions and behaviors that they used during
negative effects when you quit smoking?" (Suno sa the first weeks of their venture for smoking cessation.
imo nabatian ukon personal nga pag intyende, ano Eating sweet and candies, for example, became the
ang maayo kag malain nga epekto kung mag untat ka replacement strategy for Ursula. She wrote, "After
panigarilyo?) Likewise, experienced negative effects eating, I make sure that I have something sweet to eat
of smoking arose as another theme. like candy. It was a habit for me before to smoke after
I eat." (After eating, I make sure that I have something
Possible positive effects and experiences of smoking
sweet to eat like candy. It was a habit for me before to
cessation. Smoking cessation has some possible
smoke after I eat.)
positive results according to the participants. Some of
these positive effects are ideal, and some are Intention and steps to quit smoking
experiential. Que, for example, narrated something
about the prolongation of life and the warding off of Commitment to self is the major textural theme found
diseases such as cancer. Que reported, "The positive in the individual written narrative stories of the
effects of quitting smoking are so many, example, you participants in response to the question "With your
may prolong your life because quitting smoking makes intention to quit smoking, what are the steps or ways
my life longer and keeping me away from getting that you are doing to quit smoking?" (Sa imo tinutuyo
cancer." (The positive effects of quitting smoking are nga mag-untat panigarilyo, ano nga mga tikang ukon
many, example; you may prolong your life because pamaagi ang imo ginhimo agud mauntat ang imo
quitting smoking makes my life longer and keeping me pagpanigarilyo?)
away from getting cancer.)
Commitment to self. Modifying problem behaviors
Experienced negative effects of smoking. Smoking can be a multi-factorial endeavor. Some participants
cessation for some participants is a reaction to an attributed this endeavor to the determination of the
unfavorable impact of tobacco smoking. Difficulty in person towards self-driven values. Ursula, for
breathing, experienced in shortness of breaths became example, associated it to self-control. She wrote, "Self-
Kaila's problem. Kaila recounted, "Ang malain nga control, as well, is key especially in not allowing
epekto sang pagpanigarilyo sa lawas, ginaguba ya myself to buy cigarettes." (Self-control, as well, is vital
imo baga kag ginahapo ko kung dugay ko nga suyop especially in not allowing myself to buy cigarettes.)
sigarilyo… kung kis-a indi muna mapunggan self mo Que agrees with this point too. He wrote, "Controlling
kay ginapangita gid sang ginhawa mo; kag iban myself not to smoke again." (I controlled myself of not
ginahapo kay naanad na sila." (The adverse effects of to smoke again…)
smoking in the body are it destroys your lungs. In my
experience, I am hyperventilating when smoking To return to smoking or not
continuously… sometimes I cannot control myself to
smoke again because my body desires for it, and some Retaining trained behavior is the major textural theme
of the smokers have difficulty in breathing in found in the individual written narrative stories of the
continuing smoking.) participants in response to the question "How many
months or years have you quit smoking? What are the
Ways done in smoking cessation pursuit ways that you have done so that you will not smoke

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

again? " (Pila na ka bulan ukon tuig ka na nag-untat good person. I may not be able to contribute
panigarilyo? Ano nga mga tikang ukon pamaagi ang something significant to my generation and the next,
imo ginhimo agud nga indi ka na magbalik but going and staying clean for the last ten years says
panigarilyo?) it all." (There is nothing more meaningful than
conquering one of my daemons. It is not about proving
Retaining trained behavior. The participants have something to others, but more of a single step towards
attested to the possibility of regularly retaining trained becoming a better person. I may not be able to
behaviors towards change and away from smoking. Pia contribute something significant to my generation and
testified it, saying, "8 months na nga successful akon the next, but going and staying clean for the last ten
pag-untat. Indi na ko mag-upod sa grupo ko sang una years says it all.)
para indi nako kabalik liwat sa mga bisyo." (I have
been successfully stopping smoking for eight months.
So that I will not smoke again, I avoided my friends Discussion
who influenced me to smoke.)
"Kin and peer influence: Initiating young people in the
Self-efficacy and smoking cessation success
habit of smoking." The participants disclosed the
initiation and continuation of their smoking habit.
100% self-efficacy is the major textural theme found
Most of them were in high school during their
in the individual written narrative stories of the
introduction to smoking. Smoking initiation led them
participants in response to the question "How many
to habitual smoking which became a problematic
months or years have you quit smoking? What are the
pattern that developed in their lives (APA, 2013). The
ways that you have done so that you will not smoke
smoking approval that they received from their kin and
again? (Pila na ka bulan ukon tuig ka na nag-untat
peers fed their curiosity and an affirmation of their
panigarilyo? Ano nga mga tikang ukon pamaagi ang
belongingness to the group, e.g., barkada. The
imo ginhimo agud nga indi ka na magbalik
supportive environment played an essential role in the
panigarilyo?) 100% self-efficacy. Terminating initiation and continuative of their smoking behavior
smoking behavior showcased the participants' self- (Thrul et. al., 2014).
efficacy. Titus' self-efficacy dominated over his
previous smoking behavior that his sheer will control "Perceived negative effects: From information to pre-
continuation and termination of smoking in his life. contemplation." Participants are either informed, well
Titus recounted, "Kung tuyu-on pwede man ko informed, under-informed or uninformed about the
kapanigarilyo pa liwat pero indi naman ko galing." (If negative consequences of smoking (Ramezanzade &
I smoke intentionally again, then I can, but I decided Arabnarmi, 2017). While some are informed about the
not to smoke.) dangerous effects of smoking (Kanazawa et. al., 2014).
Some of them are exhibiting resistance to change
Smoking cessation: the process of betterment
either by not recognizing smoking as a problem
behavior (e.g., participants that highlight the
Becoming better is the major textural theme found in
seemingly positive effects of tobacco smoking) or by
all the individual written narrative stories of the
rationalizing (Prochaska et. al., 2013). Some others
participants in response to the question "What does still, would just remain to smoke even if they are
this effort of smoking cessation mean to you?" (Ano somehow informed. Meanwhile, some others where
ang kahulugan sining imo pagpanikasog sa pag-untat pre-contemplating smoking cessation.
"Possible positive effects and experiences of smoking
Becoming better. Progress from who they were before cessation: Pros and cons for smoking cessation,
smoking cessation becomes evident in the lives of contemplation mode." Smoking cessation is a
participants as they discern the meaning of their considered and contemplated event in the lives of the
smoking cessation. Neon illustrated the meaning of his participants. The possible positive effects and
smoking cessation as an experience of conquering his experienced adverse effects that they have narrated
demons and above all an experience of continually shines hope to the vital fact that smoking can be
becoming a right person. Neon wrote, "There is ceased and prevented (Iversen et al. 2013). Health
nothing more meaningful than conquering one of my reasons stand out as possible positive effects —
personal demons. It is not about proving something to smokers become motivated to address health and
others, but more of a single step towards becoming a wellness issues themselves and, in their families

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

(Thomas, Kisely, & Urrego, 2017). Participants who their intention and behavior for smoking cessation
experienced the adverse effects of smoking have had a became their expression of self-efficacy (Alqurashi,
taste of this epidemic (Yang et al., 2015). Some of the2016). Developing practices that enables them to
participants even considered the signs and symptoms positively resist and avoid smoking behavior (Mee,
of tobacco withdrawal (e.g., nausea) as an adverse 2014). At this point, zero temptation and 100% self-
effect that made them contemplate to quit smoking efficacy are ideal and essential determinants of
(APA, 2013). Participants showed their capacity of terminating the problem behavior of smoking (Velicer
assessing the pros and cons of opting to change et al., 1998). The effectiveness of the self is the
(Velicer et al., 1998) . They star ted it by
triumph to overcome the problem behavior and not
acknowledging and becoming aware that smoking is
being captivated by it anymore in any instance
indeed a problem behavior (Prochaska et. al., 2013).
(Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). Smokers decreasing
"Replacement strategy and commitment to self: temptation and reaching total self-efficacy are
Newbies' intentions and behaviors, a month of new life expressed by participants in various levels—providing
trail." Newbies taking baby steps, so to say. a spectrum of progress in smoking termination (Gao et
Participants engage in a month of a new routine that al., 2013).
has the absence of smoking (Campbell, et al., 2013;
Velicer et al., 1998). Action alternatives with "From willing to being: smoking cessation meaning."
considered motivations for change take shape in their Participants have narrated their smoking cessation
lives (Prochaska et al., 2013). Some behavioral steps experiences and have disclosed their intentions for
in the direction of change (Ramezanzade & betterment and health. Intentional change, in the
Arabnarmi, 2017) taken by the participants are as smoking cessation continuum, assisted them from
follows: considered motivations for the sake of self willing to being. Willingness to change from smoking
and significant others; alternative actions such as to being the change in smoking cessation. Hence, the
replacement strategies, evasion, mitigation, and phenomenon of smoking cessation became a
sublimation activities (Prochaska et. al., 2013). meaningful experience for the participants—seeing it
as the process of becoming better than before and the
"Retaining trained behavior: Intention fueled behavior,
valuing health and wellness (Chacko, 2015). Their
act it on." Commitment to self and to loved ones
accounts paved the way to understanding the meaning
became the fuel that drove the behavior of participants
through the action phase of smoking cessation. They of the smoking cessation phenomenon (Baraceros,
have busied themselves in activities such as evasion, 2016; Husserl, 1927).
mitigation, and sublimation to attain the intended
change (Ramezanzade & Arabnarmi, 2017). These The essence of smoking cessation can be
evident behaviors of participants earned their efforts metaphorically likened to the experience of leaving the
and energy in quitting smoking (Prochaska et. al., smoke behind. For this specific context, the myth used
2013). The act is on. The modification process takes is the myth of Sisyphus—a person condemned by the
an external, tangible and visible form (behavior) Greek gods to roll up a rock to the top of a mountain
motivated by an internal, ideal and invisible form wherein the stone rolls back down of its weight.
(intention) (Prochaska et. al., 2013). Smoking as an experience captured in such an
experience of recurrence—the cycle of the repeat.
"100% self-efficacy: Rise and fall, continued or When a person starts and continues smoking, he is
canceled change." Participants have presented the confronted by the vicious cycle happening in the
struggle of maintaining the behavior of change. Most mountain of Sisyphus and takes the rock of Sisyphus
of the participants succeeded in securing the behavior to himself. Aware of the danger in pushing the rock
of not smoking; bringing with them their respective
(e.g., risks of smoking), still he continues to push the
intentions for pursuing reform. Preventing and
rock towards the top of the mountain. Even if he is
experiencing relapse was observed among the
aware that when it reaches the top, it falls again; he
participants in their active effort for upholding their
repeats the process over and over. Smoking cessation
purposes and maintaining their behavior (Prochaska et.
al., 2013). is taking steps in leaving the smoke behind Sisyphus'
mountain. The actions taken by the participants depicts
"Becoming better: Execute smoking cessation by the stages of the Transtheoretical model of change
termination, self-efficacy as the key." The ability and impeccably. The essence of smoking cessation is
experience of participants in organizing and executing symbolized by figure 1.

Meraly S. Degillo
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6983913, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article


Albeit the lived experiences of participants differ, they

share some commonalities. Common themes for the
lived experiences of participants are kin and peer
influence as an entry point for smoking; perceived
negative effects as possible for health consequences of
smoking; possible positive effects and experiences of
smoking cessation; replacement strategies as ways
done for smoking cessation; commitment to self as a
drive for smoking cessation actions; maintaining
regularly trained smoking cessation behaviors and
intentions; self-efficacy as key to the termination of
smoking behavior; and becoming better than before as
the meaning of smoking cessation.

Pushing for a smoke-free tobacco Philippines, Catholic

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discovering the depth and meaning of the smoking
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cessation experiences of participants through
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Meraly S. Degillo
World Health Organization (2018). Tobacco Use Data WHO West Visayas State University
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World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health

Meraly S. Degillo

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