A Beautiful Thing

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Sade opened her eyes which had been shot firmed for some minutes ago, she was relaxed, happiness
filled her lungs, the atmosphere and countenance of people around confirms her prayers had been
answered; she smiled satisfactorily. The priest ordered the congregation to have their seat. Sade sat
amidst her choir team; indeed her prayers had been answered. She remembered what the good Lord
said in the Holy Book that ‘when ye pray, believe it is answered’ she smiled again. Ronke saw the
happiness that was written all over her friends, off course, she was seated beside her looking big in their
choristers’ gown. She teased Sade, using her shoulder to hit her; that was when Sade’s gaze came back
from its long viewing of Bola, the handsome guy who just joined the church some weeks back, in his
early 30’s, he was alarmed and gait. Sade felt some genuine love for him on her first sight of him some
weeks back, 3 weeks to be precise. Sade almost fell from her heels that faithful day when Bola was
called out by the priest as among the first timers. He was charming. Her smiling and prayers this day had
been for Bola just to like her because she was schooling her mind to approach the young man; of course
she’s old enough to be married she’s 27 and also a working class lady all she prays for today was just for
Bola to accept her and not see her as ‘cheap’.

“Sade this one you’re smiling this morning any good news?” Ronke had asked. Sade, again this time
looking at the big picture of our Lord Jesus hanged on the wall of the gigantic church, she smiled again,
she said “Ronke, just help me pray to him’ pointing her fingers to the picture of the good Lord ‘that my
prayers should be answered, if it be so, there’s a reason to celebrate Ore mi”. Ronke found her words
funny; she giggled not wanting to laugh loud. They were forced to stand at It was the turn of the choir
for the next activity.

The service had barely ended after the grace had been said, Sade, quickly rushed inside the dressing-
room to pull off her garment, she puts on her head tie ‘gele’, a little bit of make-up and rushed outside
the church gate where her good friend Mummy Assam was selling snacks and drinks to exhausted
passersby and members. Her gaze was fixed on the church’s main gate monitoring every human
movement in and out of the entrance. Her heartbeat raced more as Bola’s steps were approaching her,
he was clad in slim ironed white shirt and a black tuxedo trouser, and he looks perfect. Sade said the
Lord’s Prayer before moving to his direction. She re-adjusted her blows and straightens her blue lace
skirt lowering above her knees. Bola about to open his car’s door heard a sweet melodious voice gently
called his name from behind “Mr. Bola” she called smoothly with a sheepish smile written over her face.
‘God he’s d--n handsome’ she concluded inwardly and pray he worth being a husband material “Hi,
Hello” bola replied with a smile ‘yes! Thank God he smiled’ she said inwardly. “Hi, I’m Sade” she said
stretching her hands. Bola took it to his for couple of seconds before releasing her hand. “You’re
welcome Sade, am Bola” his voice not as jaw-breaking as she had expected, but his handsomeness has
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covered that up. “Nice meeting you, sorry, where are you headed I don’t mind a drop” she said with all
boldness and seriousness. “The third avenue, your route?” he asked. The third avenue wasn’t her route
but she needed that more moment with him “yes, my route please” they hoped in and drove off.

“Ah….. Mmm… Mr.… Bola” she said stammering. “Bola is nice, please, skip the Mr.” Bola said
sarcastically. Sade smiled, she glanced at Bola whose gaze were fixed on the steering, he was sit tight on
the wheels, his face beaming with smile. Sade, to him appears to be lively and fun to be with. She said
some Lord’s Prayer before finally breaking out her everlasting words “Ahm… since the first day…” she
breaks. ‘That’s not what I should talk about now’ she cautioned inwardly. “Ehn.. You want to say
something?” Bola asked with all seriousness. Sade looked away ignoring his gaze, she wondered why
she’s curious to say those words; this is what she had been praying for for weeks. “Yes, sorry, if I may
ask, where do you stay?” she asked expectantly. “A Street on the third avenue”. “Hmmm” “and what
about you?’ “Am keeping it” Bola laughed out loud, he’d never come across a lady like Sade before, she
just full of fun. Bola turned the wheels to the right hand side of the road and almost ran to a car parked
at the side of the drive way. “Gently” Sade tenderly warned. “Thanks mam” “hmm, skip the mam” they
both smiled. ‘God what else should I say’ she asked rhetorically inwardly. “Sorry, can I” they both said at
once, looking tenderly at each other for seconds before Sade swiftly move her gaze away. “Ham… You
want to say something?” Bola asked sheepishly. “No, you also want to say something?” “No No”. silent
filled the car for some seconds before Sade breaks the boredom. “I’ll soon be dropping now please can I
have your card” Sade asked, forgetful that a lady don’t ask a guy for such. Bola opened his car drawers
and brought out a piece out of the hundreds of wads of cards and handed it over to her. “Hmm” she
intones after fixing her gaze tenderly on the card. “Anything the issue?” Bola asked sarcastically “No No,
I… just felt people like you shouldn’t be a doctor, what fits you is the job of a comedian” laughter filled
the atmosphere. “Really? And I never thought that way even though most people tells me so” “sorry, I
will be dropping at the next junction, I have some stuff to buy” “hmm, alright” Sade Sang some hymns
inwardly; Lord Jesus had answered her prayers. The long awaited lucky guy seems to have finally arrived,
she was grateful. Bola halt the car at the junction he was told. Sade dropped and waved goodbye to him,
Bola smiled back to her and wave some goodbyes hand to her before droving off..


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A month had barely passed after their conjunction. It took Bola less than 96hours to found a new wife-
to-be after many attempts on some losers. His life had found new meaning in Sade; he had found love,
joy, happiness, peace and victory. Job had not been a problem for him; he’s well employed as a resident
doctor at St’ Barnabas international hospital in the Lekki area of Lagos. Life had been moving well for
him, his mother had told him millions of time to bring home a wife; he’s 32 and time is no more on his
side. Finally his Mum could smile, Sade, he knew is the right person, the right mind and the right attitude.
Sade is also a working class and God fearing Lady In her late 20’s, he had concluded in his heart that they
are perfect-match for each other.

This Saturday, Bola had informed his mother that he has something special as a surprise for her. Sade
had dressed smartly bringing about a well trained lady from home, she’d come very early this day
because Bola had propose to drive them to his mother’s house. They’ve both gotten intoxicated with
happiness; Sade had prayed all night long, she knew the good lord she serves will not let her down.
“Shall we?” Bola asked with a broad smile waving his hands to the direction of the door. “Yes we can”
Sade replied with that sigh of relief.

They had drove into the gigantic building, the gateman, whose smiles increased on seeing bola gave
hundreds of greetings on their arrival, Bola had wriggled some naira notes in his hands and the later had
said “Eh shey oh Oga, anty welcome oh” Sade had waved at him, naturally loving his genuinely. The
maid had informed them that Bola’s mother will join them soon; Sade took the opportunity to say the
Lord’s Prayer. The maid had asked Sade why she’s not taking her drink, when Bola had already gulped
half of his flute. “Thanks, anty, I’m fine” Sade had said. The young maid smiled letting her know playfully
that she is not ‘anty’. The later descending from the stairs looks African-natural-woman, in her early 60s;
her first gaze on Sade ignited some inbuilt smile. Sade quickly rushed on her kneels greeting the old lady;
she had raised her up in a warm embrace. Bola, greeted his mum, she had raised some praises on him,
the ones that makes ones head swell like a yeast added to a dough, “welcome my dear, pele, Bola bawo
ni?” “Am fine mum” he had said smiling changing his seat by seating at his mum’s side. The mother, who
wouldn’t hide her happiness had hit the nails on the head, looking at Bola frantically; she had playfully
teased him “Abi….” She had said dragging the word and stylishly looking at Bola’s eyes for the right
answer. “Yes mum” Bola had replied, Sade out of shyness bends her heads smiling. “Come come come
my dear, ah, come and sit beside me. Pele omo gidi” she praised Sade; Sade had this smile of a villager
who had just been given a visa to travel to the U.S. “what’s the name oko mi?” “Anuoluwapo Afolasade
ma” shyly she had replied “oh that’s a good name, which state are you from my dear?” she asked this
time anxiously waiting for her response. “Ogun state ma, an indigene of odogbolu ma” “aah, tige tige”
laughter and smile had lit up the atmosphere, Bola was just smiling all through, now his worries are over,
the days of the losers are over. “What’s your profession my dear?” “Am a college teacher ma, currently

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teaching English language” “oh that’s lovely my dear, Pele, mummy ati daddy nko?” “They are fine ma,
they are both doing well” “that’s good, Wo, oko mi, no need to long to see them, our meeting day will
come soon like a groom waiting anxiously to pluck the virginity of his newly wedded virgin wife” they all
smiled heartily. Sade had used the medium to prepare a sumptuous meal for her mother-in-law-to-be
deliberately showing off her skill of a well trained lady...

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Three weeks ago, the Anuoluwapos and the akanbis had met together in what is called “mo mi’n mo e”
in Yoruba language; simply “introduction In English. The day had been eventful, the akanbis had come in
packed house, except Mr. Akanbi senior, Bola’s dad whom death had summoned to his maker some
donkey years ago. Bola’s families were all happy for him. The event was meant to be family to family
event; friends, colleagues and foes of the duo had attended to grace the little event. Bola and family
were accepted by the Anuoluwapos. Sade’s father had proudly told her daughter after the event had
ended in their living room with much joy in his heart “Sade, you have brought joy to this family, we are
so proud of you.” She had smiled and thanked her father; the mother also took her time to rain showers
of blessings on her. The day had been a remarkable one in both Sade and Bola’s life.

Sade had been the trending topic at church, work place and every surrounding she found herself. Their
wedding day is getting closer; she had been nervous all through these days. Her school’s proprietress, a
woman, in her late 60s had encouraged her about the new-life-journey she’s about to embark on.
“Waiting days will soon be over for you, shade” she had immensely told her “I pray the cap will fit you
perfectly well” “Blissful days are reproaching, Sade, soon, you will pick this new cap. You will wear the
cap. And by the grace of God, the cap will fit you well, Sade” Sade had been so grateful to the old lady
thanking her profusely for words of courage and advice. Colleagues of Sade at work and friends were all
waiting for this day to come. It’s been a blessing for her; getting married at 28 she was grateful to God,
her prayers had been answered.


Tomorrow is the day, the day Sade had been waiting for, and she had called Bola thousands of times
today. She had been given a month break at work. Gentle breeze had rested on her beautiful baby-face
bringing that sheepish smile like that of an Ega bird. The brides’ maids had come so early to Sade’s
house to mend and tend her beauty for tomorrow. Text messages of all such had beeped on her phone
giving her smile whenever she read them.

Bola had been boastful to his friends in their get-together last night. Laughter, songs, and merriments
had flown between the folks. Bola was appreciative to his group of friends; the married ones among
them had called him ‘Man’ and had in advance welcomed him to their league.

At church, the previous day, the about to wed couples had received a warm party from the youths of the
church. Items of all such had been given to them in a humorous act dancing round them from
toothpaste, to soaps, to turning stick and all wares of items had been joyfully given to them. In the choir,
Sade had been shown love; prayers for a successful married life had been prayed for her. Ronke had
teased her, she had told her that now her prayers had been answered and this is the time to celebrate.

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Interior decoration of the church had brought the atmosphere to the topmost. The big portrait of the
sweet lord that hung on the bare wall of the church had brought the church to the imaginative of how
beautiful heaven is. The congregation had been packed full of peoples in different native attires, the
ushers had dressed gorgeously for this day. Laughter, giggles and murmuring had fill the auditorium. At
the front of the podium were two huge-beautiful sofa chairs the one which were mostly decorated for
kings but these were decorated for Bola and Sade.

The atmosphere had picked to its utmost when Bola and Sade had danced to the front seat. Sprinkles of
strawberry hibiscus leafs had been sprinkled on them, songs and applaud and dances had been used to
welcome them. When it was time for the couples to say ‘I Do’ the whole congregation had stood at
attention listening carefully like one who’s expecting a call for a credit alert. “I DO” had been shared by
the couples; Bola had gently slotted the golden ring into his wife’s finger like a hunter waiting patiently
to target a glaring antelope. Showers of blessing had been rained on the couples. Gift items had been
dropped; it was a perfect experience for the couples. Sade had dragged her husband to the dance floor;
the sound dispensing from the speaker had brought rhythmic melody to the heart of the couples. Sade
had been intoxicated with dance swinging her youthful waist all over her husbands’.

The couples had been escorted to the car that is to take them home, everyone had waved at them from
friends, families, colleagues and the invitees; the local drummers with their gan-gan had drummed to
their strength. Tears of joy dropped from Sade’s warm face as she waved goodbye at last to her parents
and siblings. Now it is time for her to start her own blissful life, she had picked this cap and there are
signs that this is a perfect one; Bola had tenderly told her this night holding her warm-tender skin lightly
into her ears.

“This is a beautiful thing”.

The End...

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Sade was in the kitchen, pealing tubers of yam for the family’s dinner when Bola, playfully ran into the
kitchen with their 3years old daughter. They urged Sade to be snappy that the warms in their bellies are
rising, and requesting for food at all cost. Bola wiped the single sweat on Sade’s face with his hands and
rubbed her swollen tummy ready to deliver its content with his left hand. Their marriage had resulted in
a fruitful one and they live, happily ever....

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